Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, April 19, 1935, Image 1

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    VOLUME XIII $2.00 per year; 5c a copy.
Baseball Team
Opens Season
Sunday, 21st
Is Retarded
Gravel Trains
Cease Operating
To Vernonia
Shipments of gravel to Ver­
nonia for use on the improve­ said to be that about 50 non­
ment of the Beaver Creek high­ union men had been brought in
way have been completed, the to take the places of the fallers
last trainload arriving Saturday. and buckers that had been laid
off. The men say they will re­
The gravel after being dredged
from the Willamette was hauled main out until the wage contro­
the general
by train to the siding at Braun’s,
strike to begin May 6 is settled.
whence it was trucked along the
General superintendent M. C.
Labertew and Roadmaster L. K.
Needham of the S.P. and S. were
here Tuesday on an inspection
trip. They travelled by speeder.
Clark and Wilson this week
Office hours at the local sta­ laid off several fallers and buck-
tion will be 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. be­ ers, presumably so as not to have
ginning next Monday.
too many logs ahead when there
will be a general walkout May 6
of loggers and lumbermen unless
the differences between the oper­
ators and the union are settled
by agreement.
Mrs. Hughes Is
Elected Head
of Study Club
CCC Camp Changes
Are Anticipated
Within Six Weeks
voted unanimously last night to
strike immediately. The reason is
The Tualatin Valley Baseball
league has its opening day Sun­
day April 21. Vernonia travels to
Carlton to engage the strong
Carlton team.
The weather has been unfavor­
able to 'baseball practice, but
the boys have been working hard
just the same.
A few changes have been made
in the line-up and Manager Haw­
kins promises a team that will
give a good account of itself a-
gainst all opposition.
It is expected that a number
of local fans will make the trip
to Carlton with the team.
The Vernonia line-up will be
selected from the following: H. Mri. Sandon Is Vice-President
Mrs. Dumas Treasurer
Holcomb, P. Gordon, G. Hawkins,
L. A. Billings, H. Greenman, F.
E. Dodson, R. Cline, C. Dustin,
Mrs. A. J. Hughes was elected
F. Lane, R. Nelson, F. Brawand, to the presidency of the Vernon­
J. A. Davis, D. Howard, Larry ia Study club et the annual elect­ Directors Decide 2 to 1 for
Marshall and B. Tichenor.
ion of officers held at the home
of Mrs. Ivan N. McCollom April
11. Mrs. Hughes will appoint
By a two to one record vote
standing committees this spring
but will not actively assume her I. N. McCollom, principal of the
office until September following Vernonia grade school, was re-
elected at a meeting of the dir-
the summer vacation.
Other officers eleted were Mrs. ectors Saturday night Voting : for
H. G. Sandon, vice-president, and Mr. McCollom were directors
Mrs. Enoch Dumas, secretary­ Moran and Fisher, and against
him Director Bays. Mr. Bays’ op­
Vike Beat* Crist
American operas furnished the position was based on the belief
Chester Pettit won the decision subject matter for the program that a change in the principalship
in a snappy six round bout at the in which Mrs. Judd Greenman would be in the interest of har­
Legion hall April 11 with Johnny and Mrs. Enoch Dumas partici­ mony in the district, while the
other two felt that since all spec­
Rogers. Pettit had the 'best of the pated.
contest throughout, though he
Members attending were Mrs. ific complaints voiced at a pro­
backed up in the ring a couple of Fred Wall, Mrs. Dave Marshall, test meeting last year and em­
times and fell through the ropes. Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. L. H. bodied in a petition presented
In the other bouts of the even­ Roberson, Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, at the annual meeting, had been
ing Ken Parker and Jim Zack Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. L. fully met, and the best of spirit
fought a six round draw, Jim H.Dewey, Mrs. H. M. Bigelow, Mrs. had prevailed within the school
Vike got the decision over Al. | E. J. Douglass, Mrs. Paul Gordon, throughout the current year, the
Crist. Jim Davis knocked out Mrs. Enoch Dumas, Mrs. H. G. principal should be retained.
Election of teachers was also
Fred Henderson, and Johnnie May Sandon, Mrs. E. M. Bollinger,
and Red Byers fought a draw. Mrs. F. D. McPherson, Mrs. E. discussed, but in view of the
Bert Tisdale was referee.
S. Thompson and Mrs. McCollom. I lateness of the hour the matter
| was not finished and the list will
The fans were well pleased
j be completed at a future session.
with the exhibition, the first to Anti-' Townsend
be put on under Doc K. H. Cliff
Side Is Victor
as matchmaker. Mr. Cliff plans
a match every two weeks.
In School Debate
I. N. McCollom
Is Reelected
As Principal
Pettit Victor
In Bout with
Johnny Rogers
City Asks for
Sewer Bist. 1
By unanimous vote of the
judges Toshi Kuge and Neva
Pierce, who upheld the negative­
of the question, Resolved: That
the Townsend Old Age Pension Attorney Ordered To Begin
plan should be adopted by the
Congress of the U. S., won the
Group Favor* Site Adjoining Old
debate in the grade school audi­
A motion to collect assessments
torium Wednesday night sponsor­ for sewer district 1 was passed
ed by the Vernonia Townsend at the city council Monday even­
The Women’s Relief corps yes- club. Upholding the affirmative ing, and D. O. Bennett, city at­
terday afternoon voted to start were Margaret Byers and Lamar torney, was instructed to begin
the cemetery fund with a gift of Sandy. The judges were Mrs. preceedings against delinquent
$25, and to do something to in­ Judd Greenman, Mrs, Wm. Hani- property owners. The list is being
crease the amount each month. mack. The judges were instructed prepared for official publication.
The corps decided to recommend to base their decision on the pre-
Bonds in this district were due
the purchase of the land adjoining mentation of the subject rather last December, and are in de­
the old cemetery.
than on the merits of the ques- fault. About $3,000 remains to
A meeting of the genera] ceme­ tion.
be collected out of an original
tery committee is to be held at
The high schodl quartet dir- bond issue of $40,000.
the T.O.O.F. hall Wednesday, ected by Miss Amy Hughes sang
District 1 comprised the central
April 24, at 7 -.30 p.m.
a couple of numbers, and H. S. section of Vernonia west of Rock
E. S. Thompson, who represen­ Strong, who presided at the meet­
ted the Legion, has resigned from ing, made a few remarks, I. N.
Buster Baker cut balf his
the committee, and his place is , McCollom, principal of the grade thumb off while splitting wood
taken by Lee Hall.
school presided during the debate. at his home Tuesday.
Relief Corps
Starts Fund
With S25 Gift
Easter Is to Be
Celebrated iu
Local Churches
K is expected by local CCC
officials that Camp Wilark will
be abandoned for the summer. THREE
Two new camps will be establish­
ed in this district, both in Tilla-
mook county. One will be at the Pageant to Be Presented
During Evening
forks of the Trask river and the
other in the vicinity of Batterson
station, on the lower Nehalem. En-
Special Easter services ' are
rolleet from both camps will work
in the big burn. About six weeks planned in the three Vernonia
will be needed for establishing churches. At 7:15 the young
these camps, it is believed.
There will be a side camp out and Christian churches will coop­
of Westimber at Meadow Lake, I erate in a sunrise Easter devot­
ional service at the Evangelical
on this end of the burn.
church, followed by breakfast at
8:15. There will be vocal and
instrumental numbers, and a ser-
¡ monette bp the pastor. Older as
well as younger people are invit­
ed. states Rev. A. N. Glanville,
At the Christian church Bible
school at 9:45 there will be a
[ special Easter program in which
’’Mother Goose Island” Is to Be ¡the primary, junior and senior
classes will participate. The sub­
Presented in Grade School
ject of the pastor at 11 a. m. will
be “If Christ be not raised.’’ The
An operetta, ‘‘Mother Goose
Island”, is to be given in the evening subject will be, “The
Washington grade school auditor­ Bodily Resurrection of Jesus.”
At the Evangelical church Mr.
ium by the 4th A and 5th A
’s theme will be “The
grades next Tuesday evening.
Participating will be Margaret i Joy and Consolation of the Res-
Haiman, Patricia Moran, Mancel I urrection.” In the evening a sa-
Lee Rose, Frank Rose, Erma I cred drama, “The Challenge of
Koberstein, Leonard Kostur, Clif­ the Cross,” will be given at 7:30.
ford Beehler, Margaret Ridenour, Mary Ann Childs will take the
Bobby Wall, Kathleen Tomlin, I part of the Evangel who challen-
Robert Kent, Ervel Olmstead. ¡’ ' I ges her hearers to become fol-
Clarence Whitlock, Billy Kostur, . lowers of Christ. The six disciples
Elsie Killian, Eugene Goodman, i who
who respond
resPona to
to her
ner call
can are
are rep-
Fvplvn Robbins,
Rohhins. Mary
Marv Ann
Ann Tom
Tom- ­ resented by Elma Kent, Doris
lin, Lillian Laird, Martha Tapp, Rae Estey, Dorothy Ovesen, Mil­
Helen Chandler.Rosalie Driscoll, dred Walters, Bernice Rose and
Joy Willard, Kathleen Lolley, be­ Zonweiss Douglass. The music for
sides a chorus of school chil­ the pageant is furnished by a
1 choir consisting of Mrs. L. H.
dren and flowers.
j Dewey, Mrs. E. E. Garner, Mrs.
Last Tuesday there was an Dan Cason,
Mrs. Sidney Mainl­
operetta, “Molly be Jolly”, by
(sten I and E. J. Douglass. Crosses
the 4th B and 5th B grades.
[ used in the play were made by
Those who took part were Alma I Lois Glanville
and Clarence Lind-
Jean Norman, Middleton Craw- ,
, quist. Mrs. Enoch Dumas will
ford, Arlene Baker, Fred Lusby, j have charge of the presentation.
Thomas Tucker, Jack Heenan, I
Catholic Ma«« to Be Held
George Christiansen, Maxine Bra­ I In the Catholic church there
dy, Alvin Lachine and a chorus of will be confessions at 6:30 a.m.
overall boys and sunbonnet girls. | and an Easter service at 7:30
I a.m.
Operetta Is
To Be Given
Here Tuesday
Two Men Arrested
On i vnarge
Charge ot
of Theft
1 hett
' r-
, i
Of Beer from Truck iGáTílGrS
Harry Coleman and Tom Hen­
derson were arrested Friday on
a charge of stealing 30 cases of
beer from a truck parked on ,
Bridge street the previous even­
Ben Owens painting his garage
ing and were taken by Deputy
. . . Claude Thomas, on a
Sheriff Calhoun to St. Helens.
Coleman pled guilty in justice. step ladder in front of his store,
court in St. Helens and was sen-1 applying a blow torch to the old
fenced to a year in jail, and J paint . . . Wilbur Davis’s truck
Henderson was bound over to the unloading government mattresee*
at the relief depot, and Lowell
grand jury.
Heiber making strong republican
remarks concerning the same . . •
Ed Bafford, Claude Miller and
Red Sesseman each with a hand in
KENNETH WHITE repainting the front of Dad’*
Sandwich shop . . . And Ed very
Kenneth White is installing this proud of the painting that plum­
week in the old MacMarr store bers can do when they try . , .
a novelty store, It will occupy Nat’s place and Mac’s Pharmacy
one ha'f the snare which is shared also getting a coat of paint with
with the White and Sundland H. D. Eggleston wielding the
Motor Car Co., Plymouth agents, j brush . . . Purple and yellow
Mr. White is also manager of chicks in Adams’ window, and
the Paterson Furniture store disappearing before Easter, leav­
which occupies the adjoining ing only a couple of eggs behind