Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 18, 1935, Page 4, Image 4

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Loggers Win
From Forest Grove
On Local Floor
Plans are now being made by
the Girls’ league to raise money
during the second semester. Tues­
day, in the Girls’ league meeting
in Mr. Mills’ room, election of of­
ficers will be held for the second
semester term.
Other beneficial work is being
done by the girls, including clean­
up work in the girls’ rest room
and the furnishing of the teach­
ers’ rest room.
The hard fighting Vernonia
“Loggers” avenged a previous de­
feat by winning a 22-16 victory
over the Forest Grove hoopsters
in a return game Saturday, Jan.
12, on the local floor.
Very few field goals resulted
by the tight checking of both
teams throughout the game.
The close guarding of both
quintets in the first period en­
abled them to sink only one bas­ SENIORS DECIDE
ket each. By caging an extra free
throw in the second quarter, Ver­
nonia led at the half 10-9.
By means of some excellent
At a class meeting held last
hall handling and an airtight de­
fense, the Loggers tallied five Thursday, it was decided that the
more points in the third period seniors would sponsor a candy
while holding the opponents to sale at the basketball game held
Saturday night.
one free throw.
The committee that was ap-
Both teams broke into a scor­
ing spree during the last quar­ pointed to have charge of the
ter, but when the whistle ended sale was Zelda Miller, Dorris
the game, the Loggers still found Anderson, Earl King.
It was decided that the differ-
themselves on the long end of a
ent classes would take turns hav­
22-16 score.
Bailey of Forest Grove turned ing charge of the candy sales
in a fine performance and led' that are to be held at each local
the scoring with eight points. game. The class in charge will
Condit and Holcomb, Loggers, receive half of the money taken
were tied for runner up positions in.
The money taken in will be
by bagging seven counters each.
Forest Grove spent to help pay the class as
Holcomb, 7 .... F ........ Sager, 6 well as the student body bills.
Condit, 7 ........ F
Waltz, 2
Adams, 3 .......... C .... Simmons, 0 CARDS RECEIVED TUESDAY
Report cards were handed out
Meeker, 2 ........ G
Bailey, 8
King, 3
Wilson, 0 Tuesday at 3:30 for the finish of
S ........ Armes, 0 the first semester term.
Most of the students seem very
satisfied with their grades be­
Columbians Are
cause they know what they can
Winners in Game
do and what they are doing, al­
With Vernonia though everyone should teel it
their duty to raise their grades
The fast-breaking Rainier “Co­ just a little bit more and not
lumbians” defeated the plucky be so satisfied.
Vernonia “Loggers” in the second
conference game of the year on
Mildred Walters and Mrs. Flor­
their floor Friday, Jan. 11.
ence White were visitors at V. H.
Not a field goal was scored by S. one afternoon last weex.
either team during the first ten
minutes of the game! Vernonia
opened the scoring in the start­
ing period by sinking a lone free
shot. Rainier then followed by
tallying three counters on free
throws in the same period, to
take the lead 3-1.
The Columbians smothered the
basket with shots in the second
quarter to gain the lead at the
half 12-6.
In the first few minutes of the
last quarter, the Loggers knotted
the score 21-21. But the Rainier
hoopsters bombarded the hoop
with shots which went straight
and true, while holding the Log­
gers to a lone field goal, and thus
ending victorious 28-23.
Roy Bauserman, fast Colum­
bian forward, led the scoring with
12 points. Condit of the Loggers
was runner-up by caging eight
The Rainier second team won
a 13-9 victory over the Vernonia
second team in a hard fought
preliminary affair.
Holcomb 6 ...... F Bauserman 12
Condit 8 ........ F
Hirtzel 5
Adams 4 ........ C
Jessee 0
Meeker 3 ......... G .... McDonald 6
King 2 ............. G
Brand 5
S Bauserman, E.
S .................. Roll
Loggers Are to
Meet St. Helens
Here January 18
The Vernonia Loggers will en-
gage the St. Helens Lions in the
first conference game to be play­
ed on the local floor today.
The Lions were defeated by
Clatskanie 12 to 8 the previous
week, and were unable to score
a field goal the first half. Verno­
nia lost to Forest Grove and Rai­
nier but defes<ted Forest. Grove
in a return game Saturday.
The St. Helens team has
trounced Grant and Roosevelt of
Portland; therefore the Loggers
will have a busy evening against
such a strong foe. The Vernonia
hoopsters are ready to avenge
last year’s defeat, and will give
plenty of action for the benefit
of the fans.
It seems from the size of the
crowd at the basketball game last
Saturday night that something is
radically wrong with the school
When the boys are winning
they get lots of praise and hand-
shakes, but let them lose ahd
then see the encouragement they
get from the student body.
The boys won the game Sat-
urday night, not by school spirit
but by their own initiative.
If the boys do all they can to
win it looks like the student body
could do all they can to help
Come on gang, let’s get up that
old spirit!
Dave Howard, who is now at­
tending Oregon State college, has
been pledged to Phi Delta Theta
fraternity. Dave reports he likes
it fine and is turning out for
track now.
Bert Eastman was a high
school visitor one day last week.
Bert Mills, editor of the Here
and There column has stopped
school and is now working at the
Vernonia bakery. Bert was taking
a P.G. course, having graduated
last year. Wills Crowder will take
his place as editor of the column.
Junior Play Is
To Be Presented
On January 25
Different pupils will be ap- >
pointed as librarians to take the
The junior class of V. H. S.
place of the group that did the
work last semester. This is done will present “Here Comes Patri-
in order to give the various stud^cia,” a comedy farce in three
ents a chance to learn something acts, January 25 at 8 o’clock
in the Washington grade school
about the work.
The numbering of the books auditorium.
The cast is as follows:
has almost been completed by
Miss Crary.
Patricia Grayson, daughter of
Recataloguing the books will the governor, Jeanne Hughes;
begin immediately.
Mrs. Carol, a pleasant, motherly
old widow, Lolamde Smith; Elsie
Crowder, a pretty young neigh­
bor, Dorothy Webb; Mrs. Smythe-
town aristocracy,
Thelma Lincoln; Angelina Knoop,
another young neighbor, not so
A catchy new piece, “I’m Go-
pretty, Alice Hoffman; Minnie
ing a Vagabonding” has been Knoop, Angelina’s cousin, Betty
secured by Miss Hughes for the Lee; Jimmy Clark, a newcomer
Glee club.
to Vernonia, Hamp Roberson;
Sara McGee, one of our most Elbert Hastings, a much abused
reliable sopranos, has returned member of the governor’s staff,
to take her place with us.
Harold Cason; Adam Wade, Jim­
A report will be given this my’s peppery boss, Robert De-
week by Lyla Morris on Edward pue; Tim Hopper, the town’s bad
example, Toivo Eloranta; Bud
Flannigan, a young man evident­
ly Irish, Stanley Parker.
Short numbers will be present­
ed between acts. The admission
The new subjects being taught will be 10, 15 and 25 cents. The
this semester under the following coach, Miss Crary, assures every­
instructors are botany, Mr. Sku- one of an enjoyable evening and
zie; commercial geography, Mrs. a splendid performance.
McCrae; public speaking, Mr.
Mills, and economics, Mr. Mills. The boys stated that strings are
In place of the home economics too complicated to use, and be­
class which has been taking up sides some one is always pulling
cooking for the past semester, them. Therefore, they are forced
sewing will be taught under the to sew on their own buttons in
order to keep the button from
same instructor, Miss Drake.
being exterminated.
Carl Jensen says he is going
Six boys have entered Mis« to specialize in knitting but La­
Drake’s sewing class for the pur­ mar Sandy, Paul Adams and
pose of earning Bachelors’ deg­ Ralph Condit think they will
stick to the buttons and button­
rees, or some such thing.
These fellows say that some­ holes.
one must sew on buttons and
Sara McGee, senior, has just
the girls don’t seem to be able to
do that any more since they returned from a months visit
started using pins and strings. in Mississippi. Sara traveled all
through Mississippi and some in
Oklahoma and Texas. Sara re­
ports she liked the country fine
and had a very enjoyable visit.
By The Sweat Of His Brow
Here and There
Several freshmen were over­
heard debating the injustice of
things after being informed that
if the commercial geography class
was too big, they would be elimi­
Ye scribe was considerably em­
barrassed when upon taking a
whole bunch of papers out of the
waste paper basket in the hope
of finding some nice, juicy grades
they all turned out to belong to
Margaret McNutt, and were all
“ones” at that.
We students have decided to or-
ganize an S. P. C. T. (Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to
Teachers). Our first step toward
a national teachers’ Utopia will
be the abolition of tests. Mr. Mc­
Crae always looks so sad and
depressed and apologizes for half
the period when he is forced to
give us a test. And Miss Hughes
suffers untold agonies with her
arm from writing tests on the
board. Students, shall this terrible
condition continue to exist? Shall
this blot remain on the fair name
of Vernonia high school? No! A
thousand times no! On then to
our goal—the abolition of tests
(for our dear teachers’ sake).
Miss Drake is continually find­
ing some gift from her students
in her desk. (It couldn’t be that
the students are working for
■grades could it?)