Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 18, 1935, Image 1

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$2.00 per year; 5c a copy.
Storm Closes
Down Schools
And All Camps
Chung-Wah Team
Fails to Appear
For Girls’ Game
The storm kept the Chung-
team of Portland from ap­
pearing on the local floor Wed­
CLARK-WILSON SUSPEND nesday evening for a game with
the Blue Jays. The Wilark CCC
team also failed to put in an ap­
pearance, and the Reehers team
reorganized town
School Bus Transportation Is team, defeating them after a
fairly close contest.
Regarded as too
The Blue Jays started a prac­
tice game between two of their
All the camps are down and own squads, but it was called
school is closed today because off owing to dimness of the
of the heavy snow storm of the lights.
past few days. While the main
roads in the county have been
kept open by the snow plow,
travel has been difficult, and
many instances of stalled cars
are reported.
Decision to close the schools
was made early this afternoon
because of the hazard to bus
difficul­ St. Helen* Ha* Record of Wins
ty yesterday was
This Season
by Tom Crawford on the Camp
8 route. He made it out to
The St. Helens Lions are to
camp nicely in the morning, and play the Vernonia Loggers in
was returning with his load when the Washington
he became stalled on turning gym tonight.
out in the soft snow to let a
St. Helens has a strong team,
car pass. Harry Emmons, who
whose members have been play­
had little trouble on his Rock
ing together since they were
creek route, went' out to bring
They have defeated
the Camp 8 children in. Bruce
Grant and Roosevelt high schools
McDonald, from Keasey, was de­
of Portland, also Wheeler, West­
layed, but managed to get in
port and Rainier, and lost a
without great difficulty. H. M.
close game to Clatskanie. Verno­
Condit, on the Stony Point route,
nia, defeated by this same team
went into the ditch a couple of
last year, is showing much great­
times but got out. Little difficul­
er strength this year, and a
ty was encountered by W. R.
tough battle is expected.
Johnson, from Mist.
As far as reported yesterday IRRIGATION PROJECT
afternoon, all children reacheo
Lions to Play
Loggers Here
In School Gym
(Continued on page 6)
County W.C.T.U.
Holds Institute
In Vernonia
Survey for an irrigation pro­
ject on the L. R. Treharne place
was made Friday by County
Agent Geo. A. Nelson. It is hop­
ed that the project will be com­
pleted in time for a second crop
of hay or potatoes in July.
Mr. Treharne’s place is well
adapted for irrigation purposes,
Mr. Nelson says, as a gravity sys­
tem can be put in from a little
"How alcohol- injures the hu­
man system” was the theme of
the black board talks of Mrs.
Ada Jolley of Portland, state
president of the W. C. T. U., at
the all-day W. C. T. U. institute
held in the Evangelical church
Wednesday. Because of heavy
snow and bad roads a number
of speakers, county officials and
visitors who were expected to
come from St. Helens, Clatskanie
and Rainier were unable to be
During the morning session
Mrs. Jolley began her discussion i
Some snow, some rain and lots
of alcohol’s harmful effects. Mrs. of cold weather and Rock creek
E. J. Douglass, vice-president of looks like it was still summer
the local unit, presided and led time, it being so low. If we don’t
a devotional service. C. R. Prit­ get a little high water soon we
chard, minister of the Christian will take down the new bridge
church, spoke on How to Win ; and move to a better fishing
Those Not Yet Informed of the stream. A few steelhead are be­
Harmful Effects of Alcohol. A ing caught at Keasey but very
luncheon was served at noon.
Mrs. Pritchard led the after­
However, Larry Marshall and
noon devotional service, and Mrs. Ted Anderson both caught their
Jolley was the main speaker. A limit last week.
good attendance was present.
McEntire landed two and I
Mrs. Jolley remained to speak lost track of how many he lost.
at an evening service, which was
Skuzie doesn’t seem to be do­
well attended, also. She continu­ ing so well. Don’t give up the
ed her theme for the day, using ship in mid-stream.
the blackboard to illustrate her
Wally Bergerson lost five one
points. Rev. A. N. Glanville had day and the next day landed the
charge of the evening devotional limit.
Charlie Melis brought home a
Hall Wins from
T. Christensen
Saturday Night
Match I* Reported as One of the
Best Seen Here
In what is regarded as one of
the best wrestling matches put on
in Vernonia Bert Hall defeated
Tobey Christensen of La Grande
two falls out of three. Christen­
sen substituted for Tom Ray,
who could not come because of
a broken arm. He proved him­
self to be a real wrestler, and
the fans are hoping for a re­
turn match.
Another good contest was stag­
ed by Bob Raymer of Vernonia
and Jimmy Strater of Portland,
substituted for McGooty.
For a while it looked as if -Ray­
mer was going to be badly beat­
en, but in the last part he had the
best of it. Strater has beaten
some of the best wrestlers of his
weight in Portland.
A return match is planned be­
tween Ted Thye and Bert Hall
Saturday, Jan. 26. Another bout
the same evening will bb between
Bob Raymer and Dutch Rambeau
of Portland. Rambeau is former
High School Is
To Stage Play
January 25
Presented by Junior*
The high school junior play,
“Here Comes Patricia,” is to be
staged Friday, January 25, in
the grade school auditorium.
Hughes, Lolamae Smith, Dorothy
Webb, Thelma Lincoln, Alice
Hoffman, Betty Lee, Hamp Rob­
erson, Harold Cason, Robert De-
pue, Toivo Eloranta and Stanley
Parker. Miss Nan Crary is coach.
There will be stunts between
Fishy Reporter Thinks
Creek Is Like Summer
nice one.
It was reported to m* that
! Smoky Parker hooked a big one
down the river and Pappy Bruce
tried to gaff him and got pulled
in. Smoky didn’t know whether
to save the fish or Pappy bi«,
finally landed both. The fish
weighed 17 pounds but Pappy
didn’t weigh his words.
Some things I would like to
see—Albert Childs using that
new pole he won at the Rod and
Gun club meeting ... A high
water so we could get a big run
of fish . . . The fishermen from
Portland getting a few fish. Sev­
eral were here over the week end
but I was unable to learn tneir
Another wild cat in Armitage’s
(Continued on page 6)
J. C. Hudson, 86,
County Pioneer
Dies in Vernonia
James C. Hudson, 86, a resi­
dent of Columbia county for 661
years, died January 13 at the
home of his son Thad in Ver­
nonia. He had been living here
for about four months.
Services were held Monday at
Hudson, the old family home,
and interment was in the Hudson
cemetery, Rainier.
Mr. Hudson is survived by
three sons, Herbert and John of
Portland and Thad of Vernonia.
Blue Jays Win
Portland Game
By Large Score
Defeat Centenary-Wilbur 59 to 1;
Future Game* Announced
The Blue Jays walked off with
the score at Portland Saturday
when they defeated Centenary-
Wilbur 59 to 1. A free throw on
a foul by Hall gave Centenary
their only point.
The Vernonia team played- ex­
cellent ball and the second team
had plenty of opportunity to show
their ability. Especially commend­
able was the fine team work ami
passing of Hall and Shipman as
Substitutions after the first
quarter were alternated, Thomp­
son and Bergerson, forwards;
Hall, Shipman, Veith and Thomp­
son, centers; Guertzen, guard.
Points scored were Brady, 21
field goals; Lane, 5 field goals
and 3 free throw goals; Thomp­
son and Bergerson, one field
goal each.
After the game refreshments
were served the Vernonia team
by members of the opposing
Highway Work
Is Expected to
Begin Soon
Beaver Creek and Nehalem
Highways to Be
Oiling of the Nehalem high­
way from Al Parker’s to Pitts­
burg, and realignment and re­
grading of the Beaver
highway from the Hess bridge to
Buxton is expected to begin as
soon as weather conditions per­
mit. Announcement was made at
the time of letting the contracts
that work would start about Jan.
15, and the establishment of an
engineer’s office in Vernonia
this week leads to the inference
that preparations are being made
to begin the work as soon as
On the engineering staff, em­
ployed by the state highway de­
partment, are C. C. Gall, in
charge, L. A. Johnston, A. C.
Vester and L. M. Stratton. Their
office is on Third street next to
the old post office.
James Vernon of Clatskanie
was elected Monday as reading
clerk of the house of represen­
tatives for the present session of
the legislature, succeeding to the
position held for many years by
newspaperman. The nomination
was made by Grace Kent Ma­
gruder and seconded by O. Hen­
ry Oleen.
This is the first time in the
history of the Oregon legislative
sessions that a resident of Co­
Other Games Scheduled
Tomorrow night the Blue Jays lumbia county has been chosen
again play Turn Verein at Port­ as one of the seven
land, and if each player plays clerks of the house.
as good ball as she is equal to,
the score will be entirely differ­
ent from that of the first game
the girls believe.
On Jan. 30 Jewell will be
ready to play here on the local
court and in February Longview,
Pacific, and the Green Aces, an
all-star college team, will be lo­
cal visiting teams. A Schedule
Roy Nelson trying in vain to
with Sherwood is also pending.
keep the gutters clear in front
Turn Verstín is expected to re­ of the bakery . . . Bill Briot
turn here for another game on and Mike Hanon giving Judd
Jan. 23.
Greenman’s coupe a shove out of
a snow drift . . . Bill Briot stall­
ed in his own driveway, and Frank
Treasurer Makes
Hartwick to the rescue . . .
Library Report
Wilbur Davis’s truck, unable to
At Board Meeting turn around at the laundry, back­
ing down the hill to
The report of the treasurer of
street, Tom Carmen directing Bill
the Vernonia public library board
Ellis, driver, how to steer . . .
for the year 1934 was made by
High school boys lined up on
Mrs. C. F. Hieber at the monthly
either side of the approach to
board meeting
the front door, ready to pelt in­
night at the Vernonia hotel.
coming students . . . Claude
Mrs. Hieber has charge only of
Thomas shoveling snow off from
the funds which are earned by the
his roof . . . Joe Gruber knock­
library or donated to it. These are
ing a logger’s hat off with a
dispersed for part of the librar­
snowball . . . Boys and girls on
ian’s salary and for books, sup­
Cass Bergerson’s bus singing»
plies and postage f|gr which cash
"Hail, hail the gang’s all here,”
must be paid. The major part of
as they ride through town in
the snow.
(Continued on page 6)
Feathers . . .
and.. .Talons