TIMBERLINE PAGE FOUR___________________________________ * CANDIDATES FOR BASKETBALL TEAM MEET WITH McCRAE About 30 boys who intend to make the Vernonia high Bchool basketball squad, met in Mr. Mc­ Crae’s room Friday evening. Coach McCrae explained to them the importance of building up a fine spirit. He also set be­ fore them a few good rules to follow. Practice began Monday even­ ing at the grade school. STUDENT BODY MEETING FAVORS NEWS äUITS FOR BASKETBALL Motions were made and passed that new basketball suits would be purchased for the basketball team and that letters would be purchased for the football letter- men at a student body meeting held Monday during activity period. The juniors and seniors are going to donate the money taken in from the dance for payment of the letters. If this does not cover the expense the rest will be paid by the student body. Jeannette Lines was a visitor at V.H.S. the first of the week. Here and There HERE AND THERE The rooks one day spent an enjoyable noon hour throwing the home Ec. class’s three little kittens around the room, at each other on the piano keys, etc., that is, until the teacher return­ ed. Speaking of animals, it re­ minds us about Miss Hughes los­ ing her doglike book ends. Mr. Skuzie suggests that a louse be turned loose in the school and watch where it goes. This is a very bum week for news that’s fit to go in this columni but the space must be taken up. The typists of this school are very nervous. So nervous, in fact, that when taking a test, they be­ come very startled when the timekeeper yells "time.’’ Stop drinking coffee and switch to In­ stant Postum for 30 days. That police dog that has been hanging around here lately is very smart. It will stand on its hind legs (if you hold its front legs up). Here’s some advice to the freshmen: Next year take up the study of hieroglyphics so when you become a junior you can read the typing assignments. You should have heard the moaning and groaning in the senior English class the other day when the teacher announced that a five thousand word theme was to be written some time be­ fore the semester is up. That’s to take the place of book reports. These modern high school girls certainly have queer ideas. They buy Fingernail polish and polish remover, buy brilliantine and shampoo, wear backless dresses and have part of them dragging on the floor, use an immense quantity of rouge, powder, and all the stuff that goes with it, and wash it off. Let's have something personal for a change. Iral Aldridge remarked after examining a book in the library, “They left an awful bunch of pages in this book.” It all goes to show that the school library books are even being censored. Holly Holcomb has two or VERNONIA HIGH SCHOOL SECTION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1934. are beginning to, or should be ATTENDANCE AT JUNIOR AND SENIOR " beginning to realize that they can’t get by without doing their DANCE IS LARGE ................... Editor Charleen George ............................ . part to get their grades, They Elmo Aldridge ... .................................. ..... Feature Editor can get good grades if they want A large crowd, consisting of to, but most of them don’t try Toshi Kuge ......... .................................. ....... Sports Editor members of the high school stud­ very hard and they have no one .......... Joke Editor Elmo Smith ......... ent body, a number from Clats­ but themselves to blame. kanie, Banks, St. Helens and oth­ Bert Mills ............. ...................... Here and There Column er surrounding schools as well as I SLIM AND JIM REPORTERS a large number of alumni attend­ Lolamae Smith June Michener Thelma Lincoln Slim—"Miss Crary was caught ed the Junior and Senior dance while playing a jingle to the sen­ held last Friday evening. The Nightingale orchestra from VACATION IS SPENT ior class the other day.” AT VARIOUS PLACES Jim—“What! She’s not getting Forest Grove furnished the mu­ sic. A good time was reported by musically isclined is she?” Slim-“0h no! Iit’s not that all who attended. The teachers spent their j Thirty-two dollars and twenty- GIRLS’ LEAGUE bad. She was just playing a cow­ Thanksgiving vacations at differ­ five cents was taken in. The football season is over bell.” ent places. This was the second dance giv­ I now and the basketball season Since the hilarity of the car ­ Mr. McEntire left Wednesday en by the school this year. after school for Forest Grove has just begun to get under way, nival, the only thing that has where he spent Thursday. Friday so the “one” school activity distrubed the peace and quiet of CLASS SUCCEEDS he went to Portland and expects which everyone is focusing his V..H. was one small black and IN OPERATION OF to return to Vernonia Saturday attention to is the Girls’ league white cat. AMMONIA FOUNTAIN bazaar, to be held Saturday, De ­ He was a well mannered cat to attend the school board meet­ cember 8. with a quiet nature, but never ­ ing. The physics class succeeded in If anyone wants to purchase theless he disturbed the peace of operating an ammonia fountain Miss Hughes spent her vaca­ at least two classes. He peered some very attractive as well as tion at home. the other day. Mr. Skuzie went to St. Helens some serviceable Christmas gifts in at windows with a look of The fountain shows the power but the yearning in his eyes just go down to the bazaar. They for Thanksgiving. Then he plans of water to absorb ammonia gas. students students only laughed as to spend most of his time fishing. I will also have a large variety of When a bottle of ammonia is con­ will when they get the chance. Miss Crary will spend her va- cooked foods. nected with a bottle of water the So he made his way slowly to ­ cation in Portland. The bazaar will be very at­ water immediately absorbs the Mr. McCrae has gone to his tractive to the mothers, daugh­ wards town with lagging foot­ ammonia and then rushes into steps as though he wished that his home in Monmouth to spend ters, and even the fathers and the partial vacuum, left by the vacation. sons so be sure and don’t forget he might enjoy the life of a absorbed ammonia. In this way a student for one short day. Mr. Mills will spend his vaca- the date. fountain results if the connection tion at home. The money taken in from the between the two bottles is a — JOKES — Miss Drake left for her home bazaar will be used to help out small tube. in Portland to spend her vaca- the different organizations in the Prof: “Why don’t you answer tion. school, so for that reason every PERSONALS me?” Garland Monger has enrolled one should help support it. “ I did, I shook my Rook: three sworn witnesses for every | In addition to the school de­ in the senior class. He attended typing lesson he hands in so he riving a benefit from the Girls’ head.” Creswell high school before com­ Prof: “But you don’t expect won’t have to do his work twice. league, the girls themselves bene­ ing here. me to hear it rattle way up here, Mr. McCrae is now back to fit in that they learn how to co­ Mr. and Mrs. McEntire have do you?” school after a week’s illness. moved to the Cherry Tree apart­ operate, to do needlework and a Lolamae Smith tells of her number of things that will be Dave H.: “I’m embarrassed. ments. turtle running around, That’s very beneficial to them. Mr. and Mrs. Skuzie and fami­ There’s a patch in my pants.” against nature. ly have moved into the house So, come on students and keep Bob Kilby: "I ’ m more embar ­ There’s a magician in this vacated by Mr. McEntire. Mr. i school. We couldn’t find out who up the old schools’ spirit and help rassed. There isn’t any in mine.” McCrae who roomed with . Mr. he was but he presented one of support the Girls’ league bazaar “Gee, you’re dumb. Why don’t and Mrs. McEntire is now room­ our boys with a round piece of as you did the football games ing with Mr. and Mrs. Skuzie. you get an encyclopedia?” chalk that was flat on one side. this year. Herbert Piert, a member of ride “ I don ’ t know how to That goes against the geometry. the junior class last year, visited THANKSGIVING one. ” Hugh McDonald is the 47,- school this week. Herbert is now 386th victim of the drinking | Thanksgiving is not only a living at Monmouth. I time when everyone should think “ Smoking, hey? ” fountain. For the benefit of a i of the good things they have to “No. Old Golds.” few who don’t savvy we print the following explanation: Every so eat and a time when the high I Earl was asked to a definition often when one drinks at the school students have two days of of gender. Here is what he wrote: vacation, but it is a time when fountains in this school, the water "Gender shows whether a man shoots high into the air and of­ one should stop and consider how is masculine, feminine, or neut­ ten gets into the eyes and nose many things they have to be i A. F. of L. LOGGERS thankful for. er.” of the victim. Local No. 18742 meets second During this time of depression, Hamp Roberson and Theodore and fourth Thursdays in the Mr. Mills (in economics class): many people think they have very DeWitt are now writing a book, little to be thankful for. But the "As I gaze about me I see a month at Grange hall, 8 p. m. “The Whys and Wherefores of great number of bright and shin­ Visiting members cordially invit­ Boxing.” Good luck to you boys. high school student should be ed to attend. , thankful that they have a chance ing faces.” First hand information? Fred Lumm, president. Just then 21 powder puffs to go to school and better their Dorothy Webb delights in tell­ i education and that they are able came out. ing about her staying up until A. F. & A. M. two o’clock in the morning read­ although times are maybe not Mother: “Do you know what Vernonia Lodge No. 184 ing a book report book. She’s so good to continue their edu­ cation. One should stop finding becomes of all the little boys who A. F. & A. M. meets setting an all time endurance rec­ fault and talking about the use bad language when they are at Masonic Temple, ord for that kind of reading. Stated Communication things he hasn’t got and consider playing marbles?” Erma Thompson is talking First Thursday of each Fred Ervin: “Yes, they grow the things and opportunities he inventing a about somebody month. Special called up and play golf.” | has and be thankful. This school string-less piano, meetmgs on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors needs one badly. REPORT CARDS RECEIVED Mary: "Look at the team all most cordially welcome. Ruthless Makinster and Bonita The students received their re­ smeared with mud. How will they J. B. Wilkerson, W. M. Buffmire have been seen grace­ port cards last Tuesday. This is ever get clean?” F. D. Macpherson, Secretary fully (?) running up and down the end of the second six-weeks Reva: “Huh! What do you sup- stairs. Shame on you. Only rooks period and most of the students pose the scrub teams are for?” run. Order of Eastern Star Dick Lewis is said to have the Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. 3. greatest imagination of any one Regular commu­ in this school. He’s been thinking nication first Laundry Work That Is Reliable and third Wed­ about a method of starting fires nesdays of each in a petrified forest. Our work is guaranteed as reliable and absolutely safe month, at Ma­ Here's something in behalf of for your clothes. They'll come back snowy and clean sonic Temple. All visiting sis­ the librarians: Students of V.H.S., —and nicely finished. Our prices are low—in perfect ters and broth­ please don’t ask the librarians if accordance with these times. ers welcome. there is a good book in the li­ Mrs. M. F. Wall, W. M. WE TAKE SCHOOL WARRANTS — Will brary. You know without asking Leona McGraw, Sec. that there isn't any. make change up to 50 per cent in cash. The activity period is well Pythian Sisters named. There certainly is a lot Vernonia temple 61 meets of action going on then. every fourth Wednesday in W. Miss Drake had the whole O. W. hall. school looking high and low for Phon« 711 Rose Fletcher, M.E.C. (Continued on Pag« 5) Clara Kerns, M. of R. & C. TIMBERLINE STAFF Editorial LODGES VERNONIA LAUNDRY And Dry Cleaning