30, 1934. If you fail so to ap­ pear and answer, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the above entitled Court for a judg­ ment against the defendant for the sum of $118.49 together with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the first day of December, 1929. Date of first publication, No­ vember 2, 1934. Date of last publication, No­ vember 30, 1934. Lester, Sheeley, Attorney for Plaintiff, Vernonia, Oregon. Natal PAGE SEVEN VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1934. Mrs. Ben Lowden received in­ juries to her neck and shoulders when their Ford sedan went into a ditch and turned over when the lights went out. Mrs. Lowden and three of her children, who live on Clatskanie mounain, were on their way to a dance at Natal last Saturday evening when the accident occurred on the Nehalem highway near the Pete Knowles place. Apparenty none of the chil­ dren were injured. The family was taken home and a doctor was called. Little Johnny Carmichael was sick for a few days but is much better now. DEER ISLAND GRANGE Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doggett UPHOLDS POWER BILL and their little daughter Betty Editor, Vernonia Eagle: spent Thursday evening with Mr. The Grange Power bill was and Mrs. Jake Neurer. Miss Grace Condit, the Natal passed by the 1933 legislature school teacher, moved into one of and carried out the vote of the J. W. Neurer’s small houses close people in the 1932 election when they passed a constitutional to school. The grader was busy working amendment, by 38,000 majority, on the Nehalem state highway providing for public ownership by the state of power plants and last week. Charles Gill and Orin Riggs transmission lines. The referen­ went to work logging, one for dum was applied to this act by Holding and the other for Bob the public utility corporations in Oregon. This act provides for the Seal. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lord spent election of three power commis­ the week end in Portland visiting sioners to administer public pow­ er development in Oregon. It sets relatives and friends. Earl Smith brought down a up authority for the state to load of lumber to the Haycox ' deal with the government or with other states in buying or selling place last week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boland power or in building and buying moved to Portland this week power plants and transmission where Mr. Boland has a contract lines. This commission could deal with the government for the pow­ to haul slab wood this winter. Mrs. Reed Holding is spending er generated at Bonneville. With­ a few days in Clatskanie with out this act there is no authority for the state to buy this power. relatives. J. M. McCormick from Camp If the people of Oregon are to Reehers was a week end caller reap the real benefits of Bonne­ ville they should vote for the on Natal friends. Mrs. Bernice Lofgren was named by the SERA board as adult teacher in Vernonia. Mrs. Lofgren and her daughter Irene are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moran. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and two sons Norman and Vernon were Clatskanie visitors Saturday. The Open Forum - - Grange Power bill. 300 X Yes. You do not vote $60,000,000 in bonds when you vote for the Grange power bill. This bill ex­ pressly states, and the description on the ballot by the attorney general definitely sets out the fact that not one dollar of bonds are voted for in this bill. No bonds can be issued except at a later date and upon a vote of the people. In this respect the power commission can only re­ fer a bond issue to the people. The constitutional amendment passed in 1932 restricts bond is­ sues for power development to six per cent of the assessed valua­ tion. The maximum amount would be about $60,000,000, and it is on this point that the power trust try to. fool the people with the propaganda that this bill would provide for issuing $60,000,000 in bonds. Not one dollar of bonds can be issued without a vote of the people and it is very unlikely that any such maximum amount would be proposed for the p'eople to vote upon. Do not be fooled by this trick of the power trust. Two important steps are neces­ sary for cheap power in Oregon. First, cheap production of power in publicly owned plants such as we have at Bonneville. Second, cheap transmission of power over publicly owned lines. If the pow­ er at Bonneville is sold by the government to the private power trust and transmitted to the peo­ ple over their lines we cannot ex­ pect cheap power, for they are guaranteed a certain per cent on their investment. They will base their rates on inflated values through watered stock and pyra­ mided holding companies and up­ on huge debts and interest bur­ dens. Cheap power will be avail­ cheap manufacture and cheap transmission over publicly owned lines. Vote for the Grange power bill 300 X Yes and be ready for Bonneville and other major power developments by the state or government. Our chance to develop Oregon is now before you in the Grange power bill. Vote 300 X Yes. There is a big population shift to the Pacific coast. Oregon is in compe­ tition with other coast states. Our matchless climate, soil and scenic attractions will invite them. But we need cheap power. This is one of the great deciding factors. Washington and California are far ahead of us in this respect. Both have large public power programs in operation and un­ der way in Washington plans are being considered for buying out the main private power com­ petitors. Shall Oregon be further delayed? Shall we listen to the in­ sidious propaganda of the power trust fed to us through newspa­ pers and politicians friendly to them? Let us stand together and promote Oregon development. Vote for the Grange power bill. 300 X Yes. The grange in Oregon has al­ ways sponsored and worked for legislation in the interest of all the people. Deer Island Grange, G. M. Mills, Master Ma id J. Mills, Secretary Maytag Washers We repair all make* of Washers VERNONIA RADIO SHOP Gene Shipman DEFEAT THE HEALING AR IS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT! SUMMONS In Justice’s Court for District 4 of Columbia County, State of Oregon. A. E. ADAMS, Plaintiff, vs. A. M. PLACE, Defendant. To A. M. PLACE, THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publi­ cation of this SUMMONS, which date of expiration is fixed by order of P. Hill, justice of the peace for District 4 of Columbia County, Oregon, as of November ' ** V0TE305XN0! Every person in Oregon is vitally concerned in the proposed “Healing Arts Constitutional Amendment” which will he on the ballot at the general election November 6. Under the fictitious claim of preventing “MEDICAL MONOPOLY,” this vicious Healing Arts Constitutional Amendment is proposed by healing “cultists” and others having selfish in­ terests, in order to destroy the effects of the Basic Science Law passed by the last Oregon legislature. It also is designed to destroy the high standards maintained by our Oregon hos­ pitals. and to rob the State Industrial Accident Commission of its power to properly adminis­ ter the ever efficient Workmen’s Compensa­ tion Act. This Amendment is a direct attack against Oregon’s enviable health standards and low rate of mortality. It challenges the self res­ pect and common sense of every person who has the welfare of this state at heart. Every voter in Oregon should make it his or her business to appear at the polls on election day and vote “NO” against the Heal­ ing Arts Constitutional Amendment. u—w—as— RE-ELECT FRED W. HERMAN Republican Candidate for JOINT REPP.ESENTATIVE Columbia-Clatsop County OREGON VOTER, Oct. 13, 1934, says: Vote 305 X No! “Fred W. Herman, repub­ lican nominee in the Clat­ sop-Columbia district, is an attorney at Rainier. In the i 1933 legislature he won uni­ versal respect by the quali­ ty of his thinking, the ac­ curacy of his information and the firmness of his in­ tegrity. Herman’s defeat would be a genuine loss to the state.” ONE GOOD TERM . . . DESERVES ANOTHER Professional & Business Directory Against the Vicious Healing Arts Constitutional Amendment Paid adv. by Joint Committee for the Preservation of | Oregon’s Hospital Standards and Workmen’s Compensa­ tion Law--- Rev. Axel M. Green, Secretary, 512 North Graham St., Portland, Ore. Willard Batteries GENERAL MOBILGAS Oils . , Expert Greasing VERNONIA SERVICE STATION Roland L. Treharne Expert Automobile Repairing WELDING TWIN FIR SERVICE STATION Portland-V ernonia Truck Line W. A. DAVIS. Proprietor Daily Service John A. Hughes, M. D. Office with Crawford Motor Co. Telephones ... 611, 1041 Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Vernonia Oregon CASON’S TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DIS- TANCE HAULING H. M. BIGELOW DENTIST Joy Theatre Building ’ Vernonia ... Oregon NEIIALEM TAVEItl* 3 MILES NORTH EAST OF VERNONIA SEE US For your old-growth 16-INCH FIR WOOD AND CEDAR SHINGLES VERNONIA BRAZING AND MACHINE WORKS Authorized CHEVROLET Sales and Service PHONE 342 I '