timberline \t ÌIDAY. NOV KM BER i»3£ 2. VERNONIA HIGH HOPE . < PAGE 3—VERNONIA EAGLE emonia Beata Rainier Eleven On IxM-al Field In one of th* moat hard fought ■jj— cv«r played on the Ideal jeld. Vernonia defeated the hua- ty Rainier eleven 41 to 13 Sat- trdgy, to tie for the Columbia eenty thampionh.ip with either '(■ubarne or St. Helena. Vernonia received the kick-off a the first quarter but wa* topped in midfield by the oppo- wat’» rugged defense. Rainier k*n. led by th* «mashing full- »ca J*»»«, drove to a touchdown jbj wean« of a series of line bxage*. rcicrte* and off tackle hlayt. The try for extra point ■ww loccoMful. I The local boy« began to dick Its the second quarter. Early in jua period. Howard broke loose Ifrvai a mob of would be tackler« It. »print 30 yard« for a touch- Upwa A pa«« Holcmb to Adam» Inverted the extra point. Hen- Idsrwn and Howard tallied a Itoeehdoen each again in this Marter. Henderson plunged over |hr both rilrs point*. Vernnia came back «trong Lgkia in the third quarter to pu«h lewr two more touchdowns Hen- Isencn drove ui inc he« to gam Rkt fir*t one and Holcomb «mash- led fhe jard« for the second one. [Hevo-nb converted both extra I ■ ii la th* final quarter Raimer bathed the bail down to our one hard line where they met a alone |defea»e for three downs, Jesse I fusil) drove through to »core. |E* convert cd the extra point also. With only a few minute« to I MJ Holcomb plowed through a stf hole in the Im» and »printed yard» through a broken field to mor* another goal Henderson failed to convert the extra point- Jea»e »hone like an All-Ameri- far Raimer by hta wonderful [hne plunging and defense. Holcomb, Henderson and How- iard did some excellent ball car- Diag for Vernonia, aided by the •fficient Mocking of Meeker, ffht half and the driving line •hich opened up large holes in th* opponent'» line. Off^mi» Eilers, referee; G, rltimt, umpire; Gordon, head- ha*«man. fish feed held The member» of the high school *u,t* and their families en- J°Jed a fi»h freof ,‘n «•*n the program were Dean J. R ground wasn't »lippery. voted on them. The announce­ And last, but not least. Beryl Jewell, «chool of education, Eu- PERSONALS ments will be ordered through Lyon« i» quite a track star In gm*. Fred D. Wolf, principal Mia- Leia Beveridge, a gradu­ Mr. Fisher. her anxiety to reserve a type­ of the Salem high »chool. and ate of Vernon.» high school in writer. «he make« down the a;*A* Clarence Oliver of Westport. Mr. Skuzie: “Who can uefine Th* officers of the conference' ’33, wa« married October 8 to in n->thmg flak indigestion?" for the following year are; Pre*i-1 Ralph La Salle. They reside in Stanley Parker: “It is the fail­ dent. F. D. Wulf; vice-president. I Klamath Fall*. HERE AND THERE ure to adjust a square meal to Hawley Count* has enrolled Aha! Ladle« and Gentlemen. Clyde Beard. Roseburg, secretary a round stomach." »gain in V. H. S. He was a mem­ how did you like the marvelous and tr surer, W. Tavenner. Sal- hoof pill game last Saturday af-;*m. direct or-al-larga, T. Fowler, ber of the student body last year. Wilma Slolin has enrolled in ternoon? It wa« sure swell. How«; Tigard- the freshman class. ard made two or three of hl*-------------- Margaret Whitehead, a recent l famous 40 or 60 yard run». Hen­ read. enrollee m the sophomore class | Teacher "Have you derson plowed through the line ’Freckle».’ Jim Vike?" has quit school. like nobody’s business. Holcomb A. F. of L. LOGGERS Jim “No ma’am." he •tarn Beulah Reed, sophomore, was made a pretty run for a touch­ Local No. 18742 meet* second ' mered. blushingly, "mine are the I omitted last week from the list j down. and Meeker helped the oth- and fourth Thursdays in the I brown kind." of honor roll students. er three, And boy oh boy. ww month at Grange hall, 8 p. m- Visiting members cordially invit­ rolled up 41 point«. Ain’t ii Mr. Mills: “Give a definition grand* ed to attend. | of ‘home’.'* Fred Lumm, president. Nadine Aldrich miftf Meeker Ralph Condit: “Home is where all bandaged up suddenly found part of the family waits until Fifth Grade Elect» Officer» that she had a sprained her wrist. A. F. 4 A. M. the other» ar* through with th* At it« meeting Oct. 17 the 5A She tied it up with a handker­ Vernonia Lodge No. 184 •a elaas elected the following offi- chief and went moping around car. A. F. a A. M. meets cers for the second six weeks th* most of the afternoon. at Masonic Temple. Marvin M.: "I didn’t »ee you Ben Soejitna. president; Frank Thelma Lincoln i* so humble Stated Communicatiox vice • president; Georgia Rose. I First Thursday of each that she sits at the teacher’» feet, in church Sunday." Mills, secretary; Betty Froemb- not; month. Special called Martha M. "I presume it was this way: She and the meetmgs on all other Thurs ­ ling. sergeant at arms. I took up the collection. teacher were sitting on the »am* Marion Wall, who has had an day nights 7:30 pm. Visitors chair and the teacher pushed operation for appendicitis, has most cordially welcome. Thelma on the floor. It complete­ appreciation. Elmer Michener «aid J. B. Wilkerson. W. M. just returned to school. that he had some phonograph re­ ly ruined Thelma's dignity. F. D. Macpherson. Secretary Hsllowee Program to b* Given Mr. Skuaie thinks that Fritz cords but he couldn’t read the Miss Kiser's room has been Kreisler manufacture* motor car*. name*. Miss Hughes said. "That preparing a Halloween program Order of Eastern Star -ounds good, bring them along Butterflies make butter, too. to be given by a few of her pu­ Nehalum Chapter 163. 0. E S Here’s one the joke editor Lately Mr. McCrae ha* been Regular commu­ won't get: Dick L. "Did you pil*. haunting th* commercial room for nication firM Margaret Fisher and Patricia some candy. Let's all have some. ever *ee an Aurora Borealis? and third Wed­ Sherer were absent from school nesdays of each Stanley O: "Sure. I shot one. One afternoon lately only half month, at Ma­ the last few days- of th* biol >gy class showed up once." sonic Tempi«- First Grade Ha* Store The home economies class has for their te*t. A strike? Nay. only All visiting ma­ Mi«s Anderson’s room has been ters and broth­ recently learned that one should a junior meeting. making a good health store and ers welcome. Here's some free advice to feed a starving man crawfish. planning healthful breakfasts and Mrs. M. F. Wall, W. M. What thia school needs ia a Paige Simmons: Never take up lunches- Th* children are g’.ng Leona McGraw, Sec. pencil sharpener situated so that roller skating. If you can’t stand to make a Halloween scene on on a perfectly rood school floor you won’t scrape all the hide off the sand table. There will be Pythian Sisters in your oxford shoos, you have no your finger» every time you turn brownies, wiches. cornstalks and Vernonia temple «1 use trying to roller skate. the crank. pumpkins. ^ 9 ry fourth Wednesday tn W. Now that th* Rainbow play I* Foertk Grad* WANTED: Someone to fall for over, 79.637 Rainbow girl* won't Some of Miss Gray’s fourth 0. W. halL the gag of sitting on the chair Rose Fletcher. M.B.U be pestering you for a ticket grade pupils brought pumpkins Clara Kerns, M. of R- * & The glee club is going to de-’ with a tack in it in the book- to use for Halloween decorations. vote one day a week tor musical keeping room. I LODGES I Grade School