Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 21, 1934, Page 7, Image 7

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(Continued from page six.)
Mrs. J. R. Laramore had as
her dinner guests Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. O. D. McCabe, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Laramore and baby and
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard and
daughter Joy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Childs of
Spokane came Monday for an in­
definite visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry King.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lynch were
Portland visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. Geo. Parlier and daughter,
Mrs. Beulah Gill, were guests of
Mrs. Walt Parker on Rock creek
Mrs. B. B. Hawkins spent the
week end at Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Driscoll’s at Stony Point.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Caniparoli of
Houlton came for a few days visit
at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Mrs. John Elder and Mrs. J. E.
Burke spent Friday at the home
of Mrs. Ben Dollar in Vernonia.
Elzie Varley left Wednesday
for a week’s visit at the home
of his sister, Mrs. Levi White, in
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kostur re­
turned Sunday from tne Pendle­
ton Round-up where they spent
a week of enjoyment.
Mrs. Thomas Graves left Sun­
day for Seaside, where sne will
spend a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Ray Taylor.
Mrs. T. S. Crowder spent Satur­
day among relatives in Berken-
Mrs. C. N. Rundell and Mrs.
Alice Buckner were guests of Mrs.
H. M. Condit Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gribner
and sister Lizzie and mother of
Banks were guests of Mrs. Chas.
Christiansen Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hawkins
spent the week end at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Serafin.
Mrs. Don Depue returned Fri­
day from Warrenton, where she
spent a week with her sister.
Jimmy Burke left for Kalama,
Wash., where he will visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Burke for an indefinite time.
Mrs. J. Elder entertained Mrs.
Don Depue and Mrs. J. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Simmons
and mother, Mrs. Jim Aubrey
and Miss Minnie Middlebrook
were Portland visitors Monday.
Caught in
The Rounds
Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Whitsell
went to Garibaldi Friday, re­
turning Monday. While there
they visited with their daughter,
Mrs. J. E. Frank.
Mrs. A. F. Baker and Mrs.
Clyde Peck of Portland visited at
Wilark during the week end. Mrs.
Baker and daughter Jane Claire
returned Sept. 4 from an excur­
sion trip to China and Japan.
Will Kronin and sister Nora,
nephew and niece of Mike Han-
on, came Saturday evening for
a visit at his home. Mr. Hanon
has not seen them for 34 years.
A. L. Parker was home from
Saturday until Wednesday. He
was on fire patrol duty along
Wolf creek, and was laid off
when the hazard seemed about
Complete set of 12 Washington
Bicentennial stamps FREE to ap­
plicants for our choice approvals.
Send 3c postage.
Box 215
Vernonia, Oregon
Top riders of famous McCarty*
Elliott outfit and a string of tha
wildest bucking bronts will ap­
pear along with show horses at
combined Horse show anti Ilodeo
of Pacific International Livestock
Exposition, Portland, Oregon, Oc­
tober fl to 13.
A race for popularity will again
be in vogue this year when high
stepping thoroughbred horses of
the show ring compete for favor
with wild bucking outlaws of the
range at the 24th Annual Pacific
International Livestock Exposition
la Portland, October 6 to 13.
Because of vastly improved
farm and business conditions Ex­
position officials predict that ail
records for entries and attendance
will be broken this year. Accord­
ing to B. C. McHenry, in charge
of Industrial exhibits, the various
displays this year will be the fin­
est shown. Included are dairy
products, land products, wild life,
fish and game, wool and mohair,
flowers and the exhibits from such
concerns as the Standard Oil com­
pany, Knight Packing company,
Frostklst Ice Cream and Columbia
In addition there will be nine­
teen complete shows staged under
ths mammoth eleven-acre Exposl-
over. Owing to the dry spell he
was called back, this time to the
old East Side area.
Machine made buttonholes, 2c |
and 3c each—Hemstitching Shop,1
Miller’s balcony.
Mrs. H. S. Strong returned ’
home Sunday after being con­
fined in St. Vincents hospital forj
the past ten weeks. She is now
under Dr. Hughes’ care.
Dr. Roland D. (Eby is on a
hunting trip in eastern Oregon.
W. J. Armitage motored to
Portland yesterday taking with
him his sisters, Mrs. Geo. Stevens
and Miss Ellen Armitage, who
had been visiting here.
Mrs. Harvard Malmsten and
Margaret Nelson went to Portland
Tuesday, returning Wednesday. 1
C. A. Mills is driving a school
bus for Harry Emmons for a
tlon building roof. These will in­
clude dairy cattle, beef, swine, fat
stock, draft horses, sheep, goats,
dogs, poultry and pet stock, 4-H
boys' and girls’ work and Smith-
Hughes vocational exhibits.
For the combined Horse show
and Rodeo a varied program of
spectacular and thrilling events
have been scheduled with liberal
cash awards for winners. The
Rodeo will be the final of all wes­
tern shows this year at which the
grand champion cowboy will bo
chosen. Only the best of Ameri­
ca’s cowpunchers and buckarooa
will be seen in action. Events
will Include bronc ridlug, bull dog­
ging, calf roping and steer riding,
with cash awards totaling 25000
for the winners.
Veteran arena directors will
have charge of events, assuring a
fast-moving program at both mat­
inee and evening performances.
Plenty of action with accompany­
ing thrills and spills is promised.
Maytag Washers
repair all makee at
C—e SMpasaa
Telephone 691
Mazda Lamps
Electrical Appliances
I wish to thank all my many
friends who were kind to me
during my recent illness. Words
can hardly express all my grati­
Mrs. H. S. Strong
11, Article XI, State Constitution.
Notice is hereby given that an
election will be held in School
District Union high No. 1 of Co­
lumbia County, State of Oregon,
Saturday, October 6, 1934 at 2
to 7 o’clock in the afternoon,
at the High School Building in
said school district for the pur­
pose of submitting to the legal
voters of said district the ques­
tion of increasing the tax levy
for the year 1934-35 over the
amount limited by section 11, ar­
ticle XI, of the Constitution of
The reasons for increasing such
levy are: The base upon which
the tax has been levied in former
years was too low. Tax delin­
quency is another cause.
The amount of special tax pro­
posed to be levied for said year is
Dated this 10th day of Septem­
ber, 1934.
Attest: E. R. MILLS,
District Clerk.
Chairman, Board of Directors.
SEALED BIDS will be received
by the undersigned up to and in.
eluding the hour of 8 o’clock p.
m., on September 22, 1934, at the
Washington Grade School in Ver­
nonia, Oregon, and thereafter
publicly opened for $12,000 of
refunding bonds of school district
number forty-seven, Columbia
county, Oregon, said bonds to be
dated July 1, 1934, to mature
July 1, 1937, and to bear inter­
est payable semi-annually at the
office of the county treasurer of
said county at a rate not to ex­
ceed 6% per annum.
Bids must be unconditional and
be accompanied by a certified
check in an amount not less
than $300.
The bonds will be sold to the
highest bidder, but the board re­
serves the right to reject any
and all bids.
First published Aug. 31, 1934.
Last publication Sept. 21, 1934.
Professional & Business Directory
Electric Company
na Stephens to Roy Heath in Mc­
Sunday. Miss
Stephens wsa a member of the
Ladd evangelistic team during the
recent campaign in the local
Christian church.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Folger of
Portland and Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Alexander of Salem visited with
friends in Vernonia Monday even­
ing. Mr. Folger formerly operat­
ed a drug store here and Mr.
Alexander hauled logs for the
few days while Mr. Emmols is
completing a job on the rail­ Notice of School Election Upon
road at Top hill.
Question of Increasing Tax Levy
About 20 or 25 local men are Over amount Limited by Section
estimated to be employed now at
Glenwood, where a logging rail­
road is being constructed into
the Tillamook burn.
Your telephone directory goes
to press October 20. Order your
telephone now and get your
name in the directory and free
Invitations have been received
here to the marriage of Miss Glen-
Oregon Gas and
C22 Bridge St.
nine ’clock, Leo Ludwig gets up
at 9:30. Hazel Lloyd and Doris
Lindgren have been teaching him
bad habits.
Thomas Osborn comes back to
visit good old V.H.S.
Bjll Byers’ and Benny Brown’s
synchronization is not perfect yet.
The tremendous success of the
yell practice was due to the stu­
dents’ laughing at the slight dis­
The seniors are entertained dur­
ing noon hour by the typing pho­
nograph. They play grand opera
(Il Trovadore) and Mr. McCrae
bounces into the senior room and
give sthe students a real treat
by singing to the accompaniment
of the music. He has a marvelous
baritone (bear tone).
Some one keeps setting off the
alarm clock in the midst of the
senior English class. I don’t know
why Miss Crary seems to object
as it is a very musical clock.
9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
9 a. m. to 3 p. m.