Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 29, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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    Caught in
The Rounds
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fraze, and
son Jimmie were Portland Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lumm, who
moved to Portland last week
were in town Sunday. Accom­
panying them were Mrs. Lumm’s
mother, and their two sons Bobby
and Teddy.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Davis re­
turned Monday from Seattle
where they had been visiting.
Accompanying them were Mr.
and Mrs. Con Galvagno who re­
mained as house guests of the
Davises. Mr. and Mrs. Galvagno
are on their honeymoon trip,
having been married in Seattle
Saturday. Mrs. Galvagno is a
cousin of Mrs. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomas
and daughter of Forest Grove
visited relatives and friends here
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wall of
relatives and
friends here over the week end.
Accompanying them were Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Measure, also of Toledo,
who were house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lowell Hieber.
A party of friends from Port­
land who visited the Lowell Hie-
bers over the week end included ,
Mrs. Betty Roberts, William Cul­
ver, Jr. and Jerry Saswell.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Walker of
Banks, parents of Mrs. Frank
Hartwick and Mrs. H. E. McGraw,
visited here Tuesday.
The ice cream social to have
been given on the Ruhl lawn this
evening by the Nehalem club has
been indefinitely portponed be­
cause of cool weather.
Coming from Houston, Texas
by stage Mrs. Fred Rainey and
son James and Mrs. W. P. Eng­
lish arrived in Vernonia last
week. Mrs. Rainey and son have
returned to their home here,
while Mr. Rainey remained in
Houston where he has employ­
ment. Mrs. English is visiting at
the home of her parents Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Wall. She visited
here six years ago.
Mrs. Roy Dunlap, who was a
house guest of Mrs. Ben Brickel
for two weeks, left for her home
in Longview last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burnside
returned Friday after spending
the winter in Tujunga, Cal. They
drove up the coast in their car,
their original plan of returning
by boat having been frustrated by
the seamen’s strike.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armitage
motored to Longview Sunday, and
Mrs. Armitage remained over for
a week’s visit at the home of her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Armitage. Mr. and
Mrs. Loel Roberts went with
them to call on Mr. and Mrs.
John Grady, who live in the same
duplex house as the Armitages.
W. C. Fields in YOU’RE TELL­
ING ME, Saturday and Sunday,
June 30 and July 1. Admission 10
and 25 cents.
E. S. Thompson and John El­
lis went to Waldport Friday, re­
turning Saturday. While there
they saw Cy Clay and the Lee
Hall family. Waldport is busy be­
cause of the bridge work under
way, Mr. Thompson says, the
false work for the pilings being
nearly all in place. Newport also
showed considerable activity be­
cause of street work in prepara­
tion for the bridge there.
Rev. and Mrs. D. R. Kauffman
and children Mary, Katherine, Jo­
sephine and Frederick came to
Vernonia Sunday morning so that
Mr. Kauffman might conduct the
services at the Evangelical church.
They remained* 1 with friends ov­
ernight in order to attend the
Henderson services on Monday.
FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1934.
The regular meeting of Ver­
nonia temple, Pythian Sisters, on I
Wednesday evening was the last I
until fall.
Mollie Schawbaurer of Salem
was a guest of Mrs. H. E. Mc­
Mrs. Frank Steer was sur­
Graw over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Marston prised at the home of her mother,
left Tuesday on a trip through Mrs. L. Carmichael, last Thurs­
day by friends, who gave her a
Washington state.
shower. Mrs. Steer received many
The Legion Auxiliary meeting
useful gifts.
scheduled for next Tuesday, July
Bud Baldridge was very ill last
3, has been postponed for one
and was taken to Portland
week to avoid the holiday.
for treatment by Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. J. W. Parry and daughter
G. Lord.
and Mrs. Fred Veith and sons ac-1
Ira Peterson is building an ad­
companied Mrs. E. A. Shipman
and Mrs. E. M. Murphy to Van­ dition on his barn to make room
couver, Wash., Tuesday after­ for his hay crop.
Miss Edith Hare and Miss Hal-
noon. Mrs. Murphy remained ov­
er to visit for a few days, the rest liman from Portland spent a week
of the party returning home that I here visiting their relatives, Mr.
and Mrs. Noble Dunlap.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Wulf | Mrs. Earl Dowler accompanied
were given a charivari at their' her husband in the Nehalem val­
new home in Treharne Wednes­ ley this week. Mr. Dowler drives
the Columbia County Farmers
day night.
gas truck.
County Agent Geo. A. Nelson
Frank Steer is the new mana­
was in town Wednesday to ar­
ger of the Big Eddy service sta­
range for stock judging by the!
tion, which has been under new
Beaver Creek Calf club.
management since the first of
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford HoranI June.
of Portland, former proprietors, J. C. Moran is finishing his
of the Terminal cafe here, were I
new dairy barn this week, all
in town yesterday. They are par­ ready to fill with hay.
ents of a boy born May 15 in
A number of local folks at­
tended the funeral services of
Carl Henderson at Vernonia on
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Osborn, Ira
Peterson, Noble Dunlap, Jake
Neurer, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lind­
say and Clyde Johnson were in
Vernonia Saturday.
The State Highway department
had a truck and1 several men
Morning services: 9:45, Sunday I cleaning and picking up rubbish
school; 11:00, morning worship. along the highway, and the road
Sermon by Rev. D. R. Kauffman. grader was also working this
Evening service: 7:00, Chris-1 week.
tian Endeavor. No preaching ser- ■ Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas
were Vernonia visitors on Wed-
Miss Millie McMullen spent
Rev. Davis, the Nazarine minis-' several days in Portland with
ter will speak at 2:30 Sunday and her sister, Mrs. Paul Hartsook.
Evangelist Petty at 7:45 Sunday
Nearly every farmer in the
night. The evening sermon will valley has hay cut which was
be based on the topic “Baptism
"¡"ehyed 1 on account of
of the Holy Ghost and Fire.
Meetings every night at 7:45 | Floyd Deadg drQve u
to Portland
and divine healing services every Tuesday ukjng
hvm Misg
Thursday night.
Edith Hare and Miss Halliman.
Interest of meetings is inereas-| Logging operations were com­
ing every evening and the hall is pletely closed down here due to
full to capacity almost every shortage of fuel.
Therefore Ye Have Opportunity.”
These are the last services be­
fore Brother J. Earl Ladd is with
F. Claude Stephens, Minister us. May we thoroughly prepare
First services for July: morn­ for great days.
ing—9:45, Bible school. Lesson,
Christian Bible School Notes
I Kings 11:29-39. At 10:45 Di­
The attendance last Sundav
vine morning worship. Theme, was 197, with 99 who had read
“The Ideal Church,” concluded. the Bible every day during the
These studies have proven very week.
satisfactory in many ways. This
The Bereans won the atten­
last study is especially helpful dance banner with 21 present.
All members of the Bible
to those in Christ.
The presence of the members school are urged to attend regu­
of the Church of Christ is urged larly. It takes the entire enroll­
ment to make the school com­
—important days ahead.
Evening—7:00, Christian En­ plete, so all please be present
deavor. At 8:00, a challenging whenever possible. New members
evening service. Theme, “As always welcome.
p Ten
Ago * « * *
Vernonia Eagle, June 27, 1924
The present depression in the
lumber market is not justified by
fundamental conditions in the in­
dustry and will be of short dura­
tion, in the opinion of Chas. S.
Keith, president of the Central
Coal and Coke Co., who is in
Portland for the opening of the
new O.-A. mill here.
* * »
The Inland Highway associa­
tion has filed articles of incorpor­
ation declaring the duration of
the association to be “until a
paved highway is constructed be­
tween Portland and Astoria via
Nehalem valley from Vernonia to
Jewell.” Incorporators are Paul i
Robinson, E. E. Hayes, Lester |
Sheeley, W. A. Galloway and J.
P. McDonald.
* * *
The local Klan is arranging to
build a modern two story fire­
proof hall, with two stores on the
ground floor and large hall for
all lodges on the second floor.
♦ * *
Mrs. Sarah Spencer and Mr.
and Mrs. Judson Weed, Mrs. H.
Greener, Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. C.
Mills are attending the G. A. R.
convention in Hillsboro.
that all General fund warrants of |
Columbia county, Oregon, endors-!
ed "not paid for want of tunds”
on or before Sept. 30, 1933, were
Special - - -
$25.50 &
$18.50 UP
Apple Turnovers
TOO . . . At your Grocer’s.
called for payment on tne date
of this notice.
Road District No. 1 warrants
endorsed “not paid for want of
funds” on or before June 8, 1934,
were called for payment on the
date of this notice. Interest on
such warrants not heretofore
called will cease on this date.
Dated, St. Helens, Oregon, June
29, 1934.
County Treasurer.
Complete Batterie»,
Tubes & Supplies
Volunteer wheat, some of it
five feet tall with four rows, 13
kernels in a row, is reported by
Albert Wood as growing on his
place. This would be at the rate
of 50 bushels to the acre, he
estimated. The Nehalem valley
is highly productive if one takes
the pains to cultivate it, he ue-
Samples of the wheat are on
exhibition in the window of T.
B. Mills’ real estate office.
Tlu- Xeir FOItl» V« Truck
The Young Democratic club of |
Columbia county is planning a1
Mrs. George Comstock’s par­
picnic Sunday, July 1, at Caples
Point across from Columbia City. ents from Washington visited her
All eligible, prospective members last Sunday.
of the club are invited to attend, j The Pacific coast manager of
Transportation and eats will be I Western coast groceries visited
furnished. All those interested Lewis White last Sunday and en­
will meet at the court house at joyed a fishing trip up Rock
10 o’clock Sunday morning, at creek.
St. Helens.
Ray Webster and Orris De
The age limit for the club is Vaney visited at the latter’s home
18 to 40 years, and the Young over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. DeWitt’s
Democrats of Columbia county
tender a cordial invitation to all daughter and son visited them
prospective members to attend Tuesday.
their picnic regardless of their
Buddy Pettijohn returned to
present party affiliations. The Portland Thursday. He has been
club would appreciate having a visiting the DeVaney boys the
large delegation from the Ver­ past three weeks.
nonia district.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Williams
Boating, swimming, baseball | spent Sunday at the L. O. Gill­
and all sports will be the high­ ham home.
lights of the day.
We have everything for the
home—at reasonable prices.
Furniture Store
Phone 801
929 Bridge St.