Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 15, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    38; six, 9; seven, 5; eight, 1;
nine, 2; and ten, 1.
Drivers licensed as chauffeurs,
which include truck and bus driv­
ers, taxicab operators, delivery­
men, and others driving for com­
pensation, are the most frequent
offenders, due in part to the
greater number of miles traveled
yearly. However, as an offset to
the general chauffeurs’ record is
the fact that many fleets of
trucks and buses through careful
supervision and regulation of
their drivers, go through long
periods of time without any acci­
dent records appearing against
their employes. One Oregon com­
pany in two million miles of
fleet operation has not had a
single chargeable accident, indi­
cating the results obtained from
concentrated safety work.
Joy and Neal Bush are back central Oregon, they report.
from the University of Oregon. They left in the evening for
Forest Grove where they are
J. J. Russell, inspector for the spending the summer.
CCC camps in this district, was
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. McCollom
in town Tuesday.
and baby daughter are leaving
Miss Elizabeth Piert, who has Forest Grove this morning for
been attending normal school, is Palo Alto, California, where Mr.
home on vacation.
McCollom will take work in the
Mrs. Wilbur Davis left Mon­ Stanford university summer ses-
day for Seattle, where she will sion.
visit for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Dumas
in Vernonia Tuesday to
Mrs. Jimmie Cline of Medford
is visiting at the home of her pack some of their belongings to
take to Monmouth, where Mr.
mother, Mrs. Enola Williams.
Dumas will attend summer school.
Miss Hazel Tomlin has been Mr. and Mrs. Schrieber, parents
confined to her bed with a severe of Mrs. Dumas, accompanied
attack of quinsy since Monday.
them on the trip here.
Mrs. E. B. Miner is improved
Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Bigelow,
since her auto accident and was Mrs. Albert Childs, and Mary
able to be down town Tuesday.
Ann Childs made up a party mo­
toring to Portland Tuesday. Re­
Esther Elon of Portland, Mar­ turning with them was Mrs.
garet MacDonald, Daisy and Nina Bigelow’s brother, Warren Le-
MacDonald went berry picking vecke of Clatskanie, who will
undergo a tonsil operation here
Leonard Malmsten of Long- today.
view has been visiting this week
Among members of Nehalem
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. chapter, O.E.S., who have been
Sidney Malmsten.
attending various sessions of the
Miss Verna Ray was graduated grand chapter convening in Port­
from Monmouth normal school land this week are Mrs. Fred
Tuesday of last week and return­ Wall, Mrs. F. D. Macpherson,
Mrs. J. L. Timmons and Mrs. T.
ed to Vernonia Friday.
M. Crawford. Mrs. Reed of the
Margaret MacDonald and her Harrisburg chapter has also been
friend Esther Elon came from attending from here.
Portland Sunday for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. D. MacDonald.
Irwin Steiner, former Vernonia
resident, called on friends here
Sunday. He was entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs Carl
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Douglass
were among local residents who
witnessed the floral parade of
the Rose Festival in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. L.
daughter Luella of
ited Sunday with
grandparents, Mr.
L. Biggs.
G. Jones and
Portland vis­
tile latter’s
and Mrs. a.
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Ryves,
daughter Jean and Charles John­
son, all of Bremerton, Wash.,
spent the week end
friends here.
Mrs. C. O. Marston has been a
guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Nicholson in Portland
for a few days this week. She was
in Vernonia Wednesday, return­
ing to Portland yesterday.
Dale Martin is the name of
the son who was born to Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Christiansen Satur­
day. The baby, who weighed sev­
en pounds, ten ounces, and the
mother are both doing well.
Miss Thelma Stephens left
Wednesday to attend summer
school at the University of Wash­
ington. She plans to return in the
fall to Woodbum, where she has
been teaching in the high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire
were in town Tuesday after
bringing Larry Marshall home
from a fishing trip to the Me
Kenzie river, East lake and Paul­
ina lake. It was very warm in
5-Piece Orchestra
Admission 25 and 35 cents
F. Claude Stephens, Minister
Great services for June 17—
9:45 a. m. Bible school. Lesson,
“The Risen Lord and the Great
Commission.” (Matt. 28:1-20.)
10:45 a. m. Divine morning
worship. Theme, “The Ideal
6:45 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
Topic, “What Do We Mean by
Having the Mind of Christ.”
(Phil. 2:5-7.)
7:45 p. m. inspiring evening
song service in Divine worship.
Theme, “Prayer—What Is It?”
Especially important announce­
ments which are for the good of
all. Be sure to hear them.
If you are a stranger in our
midst, come, become acquainted,
How many traffic accidents and enjoy an inspiring fellow­
have you had since September 1, ship. “God’s best gifts to us are
not things, but opportunities.”
That type of information is a
Christian Bible School Note*
matter of record in the operator’s
appears to be af­
examination bureau of the office
of the secretary of state, P. J. fected by the dread summer
Stadelman, and it has been found slump. This must not be allowed.
that 17.7 per cent of the per­ God does not go on a vacation so
sons involved in motor accidents we should not, let us every one
appear at Bible school next Sun­
are repeaters.
From September 1, 1932, when day promptly at 9:45.
If you are an old member
the bureau took charge of acci­
if a new member come and
dent reports, to February 1, 1934,
5,077 persons, out of 28,683 re­ make this your Bible school home.
porting, had had previous acci­ Everyone welcome.
dent experiences during the same
period of time. The bureau EXCEEDING THE SPEED LIMIT
More than 5,600 persons were
“spots” accident repeaters in its
files and serious offenders are killed last year in 125,930 acci­
called in for examinations. Effort dents which were due to the driv­
is made to determine if there ing error of excessive speed. By
are any weaknesses in driving cutting down speed, drivers can
practices or anything in the in­ prevent many accidents.
dividual’s attitude towards traf-
fic regulations to cause recurrent
In the 5,077 repeaters, the fol­
W* repair all make* of
lowing number of persons had
more than one accident in the
17-month period: Two accidents,
Gene Shipman
4,132; three, 731; four, 158; five,
Maytag Washers
22 qt. Canner
Holds 7 Quart Jars ...
Health Pressure Cooker
20-Qt. size. Cook in H time ............... <ipÄ
Jar Fillers
Mr*. J. W. Nearer
Col landers—•Sieves—Kettles-etc
valuable protein foods and
this could well be used
more extensively in the sum­
mer time, safely replacing
meat as a chief source of
protein. ♦ * * Milk is not
New Philco
Midgets and Cabinets
only a refreshing drink but
an invaluable food.”
—Weekly Bulletin, Oregon
State Board of Health.
We have everything for the
home—at reasonable price*.
Furniture Store
Hofîman Hdwe. Co.
“Milk is one of our most
Camp Wilark to Camp Boyington
Easton Johnson brought in sev­
eral head1 of thoroughbred Hol­
stein cattle last week for Joe
The Charles Hambley family
have moved back into the Nehal­
em valley and are again picking
ferns here.
Miss Millie McMullen brought
her father home last Sunday from
Portland, where he was in the
hospital for 10 days. Mr. Mc­
Mullen is still under doctor’s care
but is able to be up part of the
Roy Hughes called to see Com­
missioner Wilialm Pringle, Sr.,
this week.
The road grader is at work on
the Nehalem state highway this
The Colorado Wranglers will
play for our next dance at Na­
tal, June 30.
Bud Baldridge, Dave McMullen,
Jake Neurer and others cut some
of their grass hay this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Milton
Mr. and Mrs. V. Anderson, Mr.
and Mrs. O. Seal, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Daggett, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Seal and Robert and Jimmy Mc­
Mullen enjoyed a swimming party
and wiener roast on the Nehalem
river Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap
left the first of the week for
Roseburg, where they will be
guests of the Oregon State grange
convention this week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Baker of
Treharne were here on business
last week.
Mrs. Evelyn Benson from
Clatskanie was visiting her broth­
er, Harry McMullen, and her
aunt, Mrs. D. McMullen, and fa­
mily Friday.
Mrs. Rilla Snyder from Arca­
dia park was a business caller
here Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were
the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Beem­
er, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yost, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Neurer and
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Neurer in As-
toria last Thursday.
Mrs. Bernice Lofgren and her
daughter Irene are at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moran. Mrs.
Lofgren is assisting with the
house work.
Orin Riggs moved his house­
hold back to Houlton this week.
The Francis Larson family and
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Berg were week
end visitors at Mr. and Mrs.
A classified ad in the Vernonia
Louis Carmichael’s.
Eagle will reach the parties in­
Many families from this vicini­ terested in what you have to sell.
ty attended the Nehalem Valley
Pioneers’ association last Sunday
at Birkenfeld.
Mrs. J. C. Moran and her
daughter Patricia are spending a
few days in Portland with Mr.
Moran’s mother, who is ill.
G. Lord was transferred from
Canning Supplies
Jar Wrenches
FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1934.
Phone 801
929 Bridge St.
Valley Ice &