Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 15, 1934, Image 1

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$2.00 per year; 5c a copy.
W. A. Davis to
Be Candidate
For Director
Rodeo Planned
For Fourth at
Arcadia Park
i George W. Ford
Work Is to Be
Rod, Gun Club
To Address
Speeded up
Advocates Game
C. of C. Meeting
On Airport
Law Changes George W. Ford, former mana­
A rodeo featuring Fay Olson,
northwest champion rider at
ger of the Oregon Gas and Elec­
Pendleton last year is being
tric company in this city and
MILLS ALSO ANNOUNCES planned for the Fourth of July Killing of One Deer a Year of president of the local chamber DONKEY ENGINE LOANED
Either Sex ia Favored
at Arcadia park by Mr. and Mrs.
of commerce, is expected in Ver­
Earl Snyder. There will be other
nonia Tuesday to address the
Change of the game laws to noon meeting of the chamber in
skilful riders, too, Mrs. Snyder
says, and in addition a carnival permit the killing of one deer a the Masonic temple.
Men Being Added
Annual Meeting to Be Held and dancing. The carnival will in­ year of either sex was recom­ Mr. Ford now lives in Klamath No More
lo Project This
Monday Night
clude a merry-go-around and ath­ mended at-a meeting of the Ne­ Falls, but ever since his remov'd
In School
letic show, besides various conces­ halem Rod and Gun club in the some three years ago has retain­
Vernonia Brazing and Machine ed a lively interest in Vernonia.
Speeding up of the work on
works office Monday night. The
Announcement was made yes-
airport is assured by use of
terday that Wilbur A. Davis,
a donkey engine belonging io the
present law a hunter may mis­
proprietor of the Portland-Ver-
county. The engine, which has
take a female for a male deer
nonia Truck line, will be a can­
been on St. Helens mountain
didate for director of School
two miles beyond Pittsburg is
and the animal of course does
District 47 for a term of three
being brought down by men who
not count on his bag limit, In
years. The election will be held
are donating their time, there be­
next Monday night in the Wash­
ing no funds available lor the
lieved, many female deer are
ington grade school from 8:00
purpose. It is expected that the
Associated Chambers of Commerce needlessly slaughtered.
to 9:00.
Is Return Match in Home and
donkey will be in use next week.
The contest holds unusual in-
To Confer
Home Series
No Men Added
one day around June 1 was also
terest because of circulation of
No men were added this week
recommended. The meat is then
petitions requesting the resigna­
Lester Sheeley of Vernonia is fat and sleek, it was pointe<| out,
The Vernonia Golf club again upon orders from C. A. Stanwood,
tion of the present board of
directors, R. M. Aldrich, A. C. scheduled as one of the speakers while in October there is fire took a lacing from the St. Helens the allotment for this month not
Knauss and Ray D. Fisher, and , at the meeting of the Lower Co­ hazard, and the meat is too golf team on the return match of permitting any increased expen­
also the resignation of the prin-1 lumbia Associated Chambers of strong. They recommended the the home and home series last diture.
Those working on the airport
cipal, Ivan N. McCollom. Mr. | Commerce at the Monticello ho­ killing one bull elk only a year. Sunday. The match was played at
They decided that bears should St. Helens and the local boys had must still be on the community
Davis declares himself to be an tel in Longview tonight. The
independent candidte. Mr. Aid- principal speaker will be Dr. Rex not be classed as game animals, considerabel difficulty in solving chest, states Loel Roberts, time­
rich, chairman of the board dur­ E. Willard, regional director of and advocated an open season the difficulties which the county keeper. The impression got out
seat course presented. A 20 man that hiring of workers is now to
ing the past year and retiring the land policy section of the the year around.
team of the locals made the trip be on the old CWA basis, which
member is not a candidate for
former agricultural economist at ed for by the state game com­ “over the mountain” but several is not the truth, Mr. Roberta
Washington State college, Pull­ mission, which will hold a hear- of the boys were asked to change says.
Mills Is Candidate
Official Is Pleased
ing on open and closed seasons their allegiance and loyalty to
T. B. Mills this week author­ man, Wash.
A Mr. Martin of the Portland
the Nehalem country and played
The program is as follows: and bag limits July 9.
ized the announcement that he
Yesterday evening a number with the St. Helens team because office of k ERA, exact name and
would run for director. He is Banquet, Monticello hotel, 6:30
local sportsmen attended a of a lack of sufficient golfers in title not ascertained here yester­
understood to be the candidate
of the group who are sponsoring i Clatskanie, toastmaster; Invoca­ meeting of the Western Associa­ that town to match all of the day, inspected the airport Wed­
nesday. He expressed' himself as
the petitions. Mr. Mills is for­ tion, Rev. A. M. Knudson; com­ tion of Fish and Game clubs in Vernonia boys.
The ladies team of Vernonia well pleased with the progress
munity singing, led by John Hill, Portland.
mer county commissioner.
likewise suffered defeat at the shown, and declared that the air­
Just what provision the spon­ Longview, accompanied at the
hands of the fair devoties of port when completed would be
sors are making in event of the piano by A. M. Tracy", Longview;
“Heinie’s Course” to the tune of used as an emergency landing
resignation of the two hold-over 1 Specialty number, John Hill,
6 to 12. Mrs. Harry King was field on the airway between Port-
directors is not known. It is ■Longview; solo, Frank Hunt,
high point winner for Vernonia land and Astoria. Lack of any
anticipated that the whole matter I Longview, , accompanied at the
by winning all 3 points of her place to alight in this vicinity
will be threshed out on the floor j piano by A. M. Tracy, Longview;
now forces the planes to follow
at the meeting Monday night. I Address of Welcome, L. I. Good­
the river, he said.
The men’s score follows:
rich, president Longview Cham­
Clerk to Be Elected
St. Helens 34
He also declared the airport to
Vernonia 19 H
Another school officer to be ber of Commerce; Response, Les-
elected will be the district clerk. | ^er Sheeley, Vernonia; Introduc- W. O. Porterfield Ii Low Bidder Thompson 2 .......... Macpherson 1 be valuable in fire protection.
At School
Linnville 3 ................ Bateman 0
communites. K.
As far as known the incumbent, 1 tion of guests and communites,
Bailey 2 ...................... H. King 1 TWO TRAVELING
Loel Roberts, will not have any C. Batchelder, secretary, Lower
The contract for supplying 140 Hudson 0 ........................ Childs 3
Columbia Associated Chambers of
cords of fir wood to the Wash­ W. McDonald 3 .......... E. King 0
Budget to Be Discussed
The annual meeting is schedul­
Committee reports, resolution ington grade school was let to Frizzelle 1 ........................ Ruhl 2
In her monthly report to the
Hartwick %
ed by law to be held at this time committee, time and place com- W. O. Porterfield at $2.95 a Howe 2’4 ....
...... Eby % library board which met at Hotel
Introduction Principal cord at a meeting of the direc­ Watts 2’4 ...
(Continued on Page 8)
.... Brickel 0 Vernonia Tuesday evening, Edna
Speaker, Irving J. Courtice, ag­ tors Tuesday night. Other bids Heumann 3 .
McDonald 3 .
... Messing 0 Owens, libiarian, announced the
ricultural development
agent, were $3.25 and $3.43.
Eight months contracts for Briott 0 ......
..... Heath 3 arrival of two traveling libraries,
Northern Pacific Railway Co.,
.. Wangler 3 and three new volumes for the
Seattle; “New Deal—People and teachers and bus drivers were Nissen 0 ......
.. McGraw 0 pay shelf. She also stated that
the Land”, Dr. Rex E. Willard, tentatively agreed upon, subject Caniporilla 3
..... Plumb 1 considerably over 100 mended
regional director land' policy sec­ to change as governed by condi­ L. Mason 2 ..
Tisdale 2% books had been returned to the
tion agricultural adjustment ad­ tions as they may develop. With I Carey %
... Inouye 0 shelves.
ministration, Washington, D. C., the exception of the principal, Kelley 3
and former agricultural econo­ who was reelected in March, the L. Mason 2 .................. Hieber 1
mist, State College of Washing­ teachers and bus drivers will not Silva 2 ............................ Baker 1
Game Is Exciting from Start to
be hired until after the annual
A club handicap for both ladies
ton, Pullman, Wash.
Finish; Final Score 10-8
and men will be played on the
club course this coming Sunday,
Vernonia broke into the win Old Timers Ball
June 17. Medal play will govern
column Sunday with a 10 to 8
for the 18 holes and all handicaps
victory over Goble, The game
HELD IN CORVALLIS of players will be based upon the
Organized Here
was exciting from start to finish,
cards turned in this year and re­
featured by many good plays and
Earl Smith returned Sunday cently compiled by the handicap
An old-timers baseball team is from attending the session of committee. Low medalist will re­
many bad ones. The lead changed
Chas Dübendorf putting on a
several times and kept every one being organized in Vernonia with the firemen’s school in Corvallis ceive a prize offered by the tour­ new porch . . . Mrs. Ethel Ray
Ed Sesseman as pitcher and Ver­ Thursday and Friday and a trip nament committee.
starting oiut berry picking . . .
Another large turn-out was on non Davis as catcher. Others who up the coast Saturday and Sun­
The Forest Hills team of 20 Lee Roy Damron’s pet bear neith­
hand. No admission was charged will probably be in the line-<up day.
men will play the Vernonia team er seen nor heard . . . Lode Mc­
at the gate but the fans respond­ are Wilbur Davis, H. E. McGraw,
The session was even more in­ here Sunday, June 24, in the first Donald persuading Joe Wangler
ed nicely when the hat was pass­ Loel Roberts, O. T. Bateman, Dr. structive than ever, and was of a home and home series.
to join his Old Timers baseball
M. D. Bigelow, George Welch, crammed with work, there being
ed around.
¿earn . . . Les Sheeley, left strand­
The line-up for Vernonia was
no time for entertainment.
ed at the airport, thumbing for a
as follows: Henderson, cf; Green­ Harry Kerns, Ross Duncan, Jos­
Mr. Smith spent Saturday night
K. H. Cliff has traded in his ride into Vernonia ... He and
man, ss; Dustin, c; Hawkins, lb; eph Wangler and Lode McDon­ in Newport.
Sunday morning old Lincoln for a newer Cadillac Ken McNeill looking in every
Holcomb, If; Cline, 3b; Lane, 2b; ald.
when the heat wos so great else­ to be used beginning about Aug. nook and cranny for a donkey
Holtham, rf; Larson, p.
A game with the Vernonia where it was cold on the beach. 15 on his stage routes. In the . . Enoch Dumas, in golf knick­
It is the plan to play a game town team is being arranged, and He sweltered as soon s he was meantime the car will be used foi • ers, loading up his car with bag­
with Jewell Sunday.
others will be planned later.
private purposes, he says.
Lester Sheeley
Longview Meet
Golf Team Is
Defeated again
By St. Helens
Porterfield Gets
Wood Contract
At $2.95 Cord
Baseball Team
Wins Sunday
From Goble
Feathers . . .
.. .Talons