Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, June 01, 1934, Image 1

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»2.00 per year; 5c a copy.
i Services Are Held
Childrens Day
At Forest Grove for
Pageant to Be
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis Feathers . . .
Given Sunday Funeral services were held at
Christian Church Bible School
To Present Cantata
In Evening
An elaborate Children’s day
pageant is to be given Sunday
evening at 7:30 in the Christian
church by the Bible school.
A cantata, “The Pathway of
Service,” will be presented. La
Verne Bassett takes the lead
throughout the cantata, and the
various groups appear in appro­
priate costumes in the following
We Come with Singing—choir.
I nvocati on—pastor.
Gloria Patri and response —
Soliloquy—La Verne Bassett.
Dainty Flowers—Tiny Tots.
Buttercups and Daisies—Hel­
pers class.
Pantomime—Wee Elf.
The Summer Flowers—Lassies
Solo, In the Heart of a Rose—
Ada Mills.
Duet, Ever Upward — Mrs.
Wells and Mrs. Mills.
Duet, Garments of Green —
Glenda Rose and Helen Barnes.
Sunbeams — second year pri­
Pitter Patter—First year pri­
Bees, Birds and Butterflies—
first year junior.
Solo, The Brook—Frank Rose,
Forest Grove, Ore., Sunday, for
Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, 67, who
died at her home on Rose ave­
nue, May 25, 1934.
She was born at Mexico, Mis­
souri, March 8, 1867, came to
Washington in 1888 and was
married to Charles B. Davis in
1889. They moved to Oregon in
1904, and came to Vernonia in
1925, where she resided until
her death.
She leaves to mourn her pass­
ing two sons, James Arthur and
Carl Armstead of Vernonia; one
sister, Mrs. Frank Davis, also of
Vernonia; two brothers, Nick Wil­
liams and Jasper Williams of
Hillsboro, four grandchildren and
a host of friends.
and.. .Talons
Les Sheeley tried this on Ken
McNeill the other day.
“What is the definition of
‘rigid economy’?”
Ken did not know.
“A dead Scotchman.”
Doc Eby was presented with a
wild goat a couple of days ago,
said goat being intended as the
main portion of a feast. Being
a wise little goat, even if a trifle
wild, it wasted no time bemaon-
ing its luckless fate, nor did it
snarl and bite in futile protest.
It made friends immediately with
Doc, and in less than ten minutes
showed him a life-time devotion.
It licked his hand, nudged him for
caresses, followed him about like
a dog. Doc relented about the
The goat had a human-like
fondness for beer, and Doc had
to cross over to Lloyd Baker’s
Accident Occur. Sunday Near and fetch his pet back in his
Arcadia Park
Less human and' more goat-like
was his habit of chewing electric
Mrs. E. B. Miner was severely light cords, curtains— anything
hurt Sunday morning when a that Doc had that made a good
car driven by her daughter, Mrs. mouthful. Doc began to think of
J. J. Slattery, skidded in loose ( the feast again.
gravel near Arcadia park and
The climax came the following
landed in the ditch. Mrs. Miner morning, when the goat woke
was thrown through the wind­ Doc up at 4 a. m. by blahing
shield, cutting her face, breaking and more blahing. Doc then and
her nose and bruising her about there resolved to commit murder,
the eyes and on the arm. Mrs. and at 7 a. m. there was no more
Slattery was slightly bruised.
blahing or curtain chewing. The
On account of her injury Mrs. goat fulfilled its intended pur-
Miner has closed her home bak­ i pose.
ery temporarily, to reopen June
It was a wise little wild goat
—but not quite wise enough.
Mrs. Miner Hurt
As Automobile
Slides in Gravel
Solo, The Song of the Sea—
J. F. Rose.
Duet and chorus, Starlight.
Trio, Silvery Moonlight —Dor­
is Lindgren, Hazel Tomlin, Ada
The dam at the Keasey power
Pantomime J— Doris Lindgren,
plant has been built up four feet
Hazel Tomlin.
in order to hold more water in
Closing chorus.
flood time. The work was com­
pleted Wednesday by J. L. Tim­
Flag Tournament and
Blind Bogie Are Held
The dam is S6 feet across.
Bill Armitage telling Brownie
to deliver some ice cream to one
of the local churches, and both
having to ask spectators where
the church is . . . Pat Murphy on
a stepladder painting the outside
of the Nehalem market . . .
Rev. D. R. Kauffman saying
good bye.
They claim that Lowell Hieber
Sunday on Golf Course
Geo. W. Johnson and his bro­ was seen painting the outside of
Mrs. Harry King, Mrs. Ben ther Harry M. Johnson motored the Nehalem market at midnight
in the rain.
Brickel and Mrs. W. G. Heath to Amity yesterday.
won the women’s flag tourna­
ment at the Vernonia golf course
Sunday and Harry King, F. M.
Ruhl and F. D. Macpherson the
men’s. The blind bogie was a
tie between W. G. Heath, Lester
Finch, E. F. Messing and Jack
of the cheap shack type, the poor­
Not many local people have est sort renting for around »15.
Childs, and each received a golf
ball as a prize.
Streets are being laid out, but as
A team match with the St. about their trips than the E. S. yet no improvements have been
Helens club is scheduled for next Thompson family, whose latest made. Ruts two feet deep give
Sunday. Local players are re­ adventure was a visit to North evidence of the truth of state­
quested to be on hand at nine Bonneville last Sunday and the ments that the residents, even
return trip down the Evergreen women, had to wear hip boots to
highway on the Washington side get about through the mud during
of the Columbia.
the wet season.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and
The town boasts of many of the
FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY children La Verne and Elvere,
refinements of life, including
The Washington Gas and Elec­ Jr., spent Saturday night with beauty parlors, stores of all sorts,
tric Co., parent company of the the Albert Holmes family at a newspaper, and a large new
Oregon Gas and Electric Co., Ridgefield, Wash., and then went dance hall. Plans are going for­
celebrated its fiftieth anniversary to North Bonneville the next ward to build a school to fit the
in Tacoma in May. The company morning remaining to visit the needs of the children, who last
began its operations in that city town and enjoy a picnic lunch in their characterization of the town
in 1834, and bought the Verno­ the park.
which is being rapidly built with
“A typical frontier town in its the cheapest sort of construction
nia plant in January, 1930.
boom days with everyone wildly
With the exception of one old
Wm. Pringle, Sr., county com­ enthusiastic about the future and
missioner, was in town yesterday. talking of making big money,” was
(Continued on page 8.)
Thompson Family Visit
Bonneville Power Site
Rev. D. R. Kauffman
And Family Leave
Tuesday for Portland
Rev. D. R. Kauffman, pastor of
the Evangelical church, and his
children Mary, Kathryn, Josephine
and Frederick left' early Tuesday
morning for Portland, where they
will make their home in the Sell­
wood district near the Portland
General hospital where Mrs.
Kauffman is superintendent.
Mr. Kauffman will return to
Vernonia each Sunday to conduct
the church services until a new
pastor is appointed at the an­
nual conference the middle of this
He will enter business immedi­
ately in the employ of a real
estate and insurance agent in
Mr. Kauffman came to Ver­
nonia a year ago as pastor.
Possibility of
Closing Looms
In C. W.^Camp
Fallers and Buckers, Also
Construction Crews
Now Idle
Probability of a complete shut­
down of the Clark and Wilson
logging operations looms as a re­
sult of the longshoremen’s strike.
Fallers and buckers were laid
off last week end, and construc­
tion work has been discontinued.
Length of time that the rest of
the crews will remain at work
depends upon the supply of boom
sticks, said Supt. A. E. Baker
Since the end of the river boat­
men’s strike there has been no
difficulty in moving rafts, but
as the mills are not using the
logs the supply of boom sticks is
getting short.
There has been no shipment of
Reforestation Expert Believe« U.
lumber from either the Linntoit
S. Will Emerge
or Prescott plants for some time,
The United States is going
through a period which Europe
has already experienced and has Midway Grocery 1*
passed, believes Dr. Smejkal, re­
Sold by Gough to
forestation expert from Germany,
Yankton Merchant
who with Sinclair Wilson of Port­
land called on A. F. Baker at
The Midway grocery has been
Wilark Tuesday. The period of sold to W. E. Bush of Yankton,
strikes will be passed here, also, according to announcement this
Dr. Smejkal is convinced.
week by F. W. Gough, owner for
Communism is losing out in the past six years. The deal in­
Europe, he told Mr. Baker. Even cludes sale of the stock and fix­
in Russia it has lost ground, tures, and lease of the store and
even though the U. S. recogni­ the dwelling in the rear.
tion of Russia seemed to bolster
Mr. Bush, who operated a gen­
it up for awhile.
eral store in Yankton, closed it
Dr. Smejkal is making a study
recently and moved the groceries
of reforestation as carried out in
and notions to Vernonia, where
the United States.
they have been stored in the old
church building opposite the grade
Pioneer Association
school. He is taking possession of
the Midway property today.
To Meet Sun., June
10, at Birkenfeld “I have made money here in
the past six years and want to
The Nehalem Valley Pioneers give another man a chance,” is
association is to meet all day Sun­ Mr. Gough’s explanation of the
day, June 10, at Birkenfeld. O. sale. He and his family have no
M. Plummer, manager of the Pa­ immediate plans for the future
cific International Livestock ex­ except a vacation tour. Their
position will speak at 11:30 a. first trip will be taken to the
m. and Ex-governor A. W. Nor- California Redwoods.
blad will speak in the afternoon.
T. M. Crawford made a trip
There will also be singing, music
and recitations. An exhibit of pi­ to Portland yesteday to bring out
oneer goods includ ng mill stones, a new Ford.
whip saws, guns, arrow heads,
ox shoes, etc., will be shown.
The meeting will commence at
10:30 a. m.
Strike Period Is
Like Europe’s
Declares Visitor
The second silver medal orator­
ical contest for members of the
Missionary society of the Evan­
gelical church will be held Sun­
day evening during the regular
church hour.
Contestants will be Mrs. E. E.
Garner, Mrs. L. H. Dewey and
Mrs. C. A. Malmsten.
Mrs. F. D. Macpherson was the
winner of a previous contest.
The winner of a future eliminat­
ing contest will represent the lo­
cal church in a state oontest at
Jennings Lodge.
A pair of glasses was
found last week and the
owner was notified in an
Eagle classified to call at
the Twin-Fir Service sta­
Nine persons called for
lost glasses, says Lee Roy
Damron, manager, among
them, the owner of the pair
that had been lost.
Mr. Damron also adver­
tised for fruit jars and re­
ceived five or six replies—
and more jars than he can
People read
Eagle classifieds.