Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 26, 1934, Image 1

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    Xjrry -
Liquor Ordinance
Fails of Passage
In Long Session
Differences Arise as to Num­
ber of Parlors to Be
Allowed in City
A liquor ordinance introduced
ait an adjourned meeting of the
city council Wednesday night
failed of passage, there being
one adverse vote preventing its
adoption as an emergency meas­
ure. The session was long, much
time being taken by the two read­
ings of the lengthy text of the
The difference of opinion arose
from the question as to the num­
ber of beer parlors to be allowed
to be licensed. Councilman Adams
exvpressed himself as in favor
of permitting one for every 600
population based on the 1930
census, providing for a maximum
of three, while the majority favor­
ed one for every £00, allowing
only two. On roll call Mr. Adams
voted no.
The ordinance provided a li­
cense fee of $1<>JO a year ifor
beer "parlors selling liquor crp to
five per cent, and $156 for
restaurants selfing liquor tip to
14 per cent. Other provisions as
to floor space, 'windows, etc., were
the same as in the existing liquor
•Ordinance. Several of the sections
embodied provisions of the Knox
Librarian la Approved
The mayor and council approv­
ed of the selection of Merle Mills
by the library board a.- librarian,
sand J. W. Brown was reappointed
city treasurer, the action being
necessary because of the failure
of the treasurer’s bond1 to ar­
rive within the limit allowed
by law.
Weed and Storla Visit Here
Washington School
Begins Earlier for
Activity Period
The grade school is now begin­
ning 15 minutes earlier in the
morning and 15 minutes earlier
at noon, in order to provide a
period for remedial work for pu­
pils who need extra help and op­
portunity for gymnasium and
other activities for those who do
not need special help. The teach­
ers are putting in the additional
time voluntarily.
The new arrangement makes
it possible for pupils who live on
the bus routes to participate in
activities from which they were
precluded on account of the bus­
ses leaving immediately at the
close of school.
Reduction In
Hours Slows up
CWA Projects
Shift Thought Possible as Soon
As Road Projects End
Reduction of hours in CWA
labor from 36 to 15 a week has
slowed up the high school gymna­
sium and the Lincoln school pro­
jects. Work on the Baker and
Cleveland roads is nearly com­
pleted, and T. B. Mills, local
member of th® county CWA com­
mittee, believes it will soon be
possible to put the men now
employed on these projects on
the two school jobs, providing
continuous labor of two shifts
each three days a week. Foremen
and timekeepers are still allowed
30 hours a week, Mr. Mills said.
At present under orders from
Caley Stanwood of St. Helens
work on local CWA projects is
confined1 to Fridays, Saturdays
and Mondays, five hours each
Sheriff Oscar G. Weed and
District Attorney John L. Storla Boxing Match and
were in Vernonia last Friday.
Basketball Game Are
Scheduled for Feb. 1
Feathers . . .
and., .Talons
The city council so exhausted
after two 'full readings of the
proposed liquor ordinance that
there was -only one feeble '“aye”
to a motion to adjourn . . . Bert
Tisdale promising to put in the
paper sowthing about the editor
hurrying lo see a women’s bas­
ketball game (He forgot to hand
it in) ... Tim looking like a
millionaire as he drove a Pack­
ard coupe down the street for
George Ford . . . George Ford
telling Les Sheeley what's the
matter with the NRA, the PWA,
the CWA and the rest of the
democratic alphabet . . . And Les
upholding the benefits of the new
deal . . . Lloyd Baker and John
Erickson remodelling the former
Reithnei store . . . Names of ’Ver­
nonia business houses inscribed
on the suits of the Blue Jay bas­
ketball team . . . The St. Helens
high school basketball team. in
warmups that make them ilnrdt
Tike Eskimos in black.
A boxing match with Lee Davis
rot Vernonia vs. Ted Anliker Of
St. Helens as the main event
will be held Thursday, Feb. 1, in
the Legion hall. There will be
five or six preliminary pouts,
Muttart of Wilark CCC vs. Young
Sitts of Vernonia, Wright of Mist
CCC vs. Sam Smith of Gales
Creek, and others.
As a preliminary there will be
a basketball game m the Wash­
ington grade school gym between
the Mist and Wilark CCC teams.
Locals to Meet
Clatskanie Here
Mist CCC’s Defeat
Teachers’ Team iu
Game Mon. Night
The Mist CCC team defeated
to be Played in Grade the Vernonia teachers team 26
to 19 Monday night in the grade
Gymnasium Tonight
school gym. The game was a
trifle rough in the first half,
owing to the referee not calling
any fouls. In the second half
Holy Holcomb refereed,
there was better adherence to the
Smith and1 Taggart were for­
wards for the >CCC team; Wilson
guards; Elwood, Hoffman, Beech
and Mochelle, subs. Taggart was
high point man, with 12.
Vernonia was represented by
Gordon and Mills, forwards; Mc­
Crae, center; McEntire and Burn­
ham, guards; McCollom, sub. Gor­
don was high point man with 11.
Field Appears to Meet All
Requirements of
U. S. Bureau
The Vernonia high school bas­
ketball team will meet the Clats­
kanie high team tonight in the
Washington grade school gymna­
Further discussion of the air­
sium at 7:30.
port project occupied' the greater
Vernonia will have its full
part of the time of the chamber
strength for the first time this
of commerce special meeting call­
season. Bill Lumm, who has been
ed for Tuesday noon at the Ma­
out of the lineup since the West­
sonic temple.
port game has received a physi­
The field selected by the air­
cian’s permission to play. Earl
committee, reported K. A.
King, who was out of the Scap­
McNeill, chairman, appears to
poose game, will also be able to
meet the requirements of the U.
play tonight, along with Meeker
S. bureau of aeronautics, as ex­
and Kilburg, who were out of the
plained to him by Lieut. Basil B.
St. Helens game.
Smith, state airport supervisor, in
Vernonia was defeated 26 to
Portland Friday. The standards
28 by Scappoose, whom Clatskanie
set by the bureau require 3,000
had difficulty in defeating at
feet for a runway, and a width
of field of at least 500 feet, Mr.
The line-up for Vernonia will
McNeill said. There is plenty of
be King and Kilburg, guards;
room for these at the proposed
Howard or Lumm, center; Hol­
site, the committee decided upon
comb, Condit or Meeker, for­
investigation Sunday. A prelimin­
ary application will be ready with­
Clatskanie will have practically
the same team as last year with Report I. Given of Meeting in in a short time, Mr. McNeill stat­
Rainier January 15
the addition of Graven, who last
Probabilities of approval of the
year played for Vernonia.
project were analyzed by Lester
A resolution pledging support Sheeley, another member of the
Corn and Hog Meeting
of the American Legion at Wash­ committee. The whole future of
ington, D. C., in its effort to CWA work is in doubt, he de­
To Be Held Here on
Wednesday, Feb 7th put through congress its four- clared, pending the action of Con­
point program was passed by Ver­ gress upon President Roosevelt’s
A corn and hog meeting will nonia post 119 Tuesday night.
recommendation for an appropri­
'Comrade Atkins gave a report ation sufficient to carry on the
be held in Vernonia Wednesday
evening, Feb. 7, according to an­ on the meeting held in Rainier work until May. According to tne
nouncement made at the meeting Jan. 15, in which Earl Mosier, practice in airport construction
in Rainier Tuesday morning by state adjutant, and Bob Dillard, the bureau of aeronautics pays
County Agent Geo. A. Nelson. state service officer, explained for half of the labor and the
The place of meeting will be an­ the four points.
CWA the other half. The pro­
nounced later. A local committee
The local post expects to have posed project will take about 60
will be appointed at the meeting a “Whing Ding” of Bome kind men. There will be no trouble
to assist the farmers in securing the latter part of February, pro- as far as material is concerned,
the bounty.
Mr. Sheeley thought, as the pro­
ably the 23d and 24th.
Attending the Rainier meeting
More activity is being shown portion is small in comparison
from Vernonia were H. E. Mc­ in the post so far this year *han with the labor involved, but there
Graw, Chas. Holt and Weaver for a year or more past. At the [ might be a question as to the
meeting Tuesday quite a few allotment of 30 men from the re­
members attended, and much in­ gular CWA quota. If the bureau
of aeronautics is sufficiently in­
President’s Ball Is
terest was shown.
terested it might go ahead with
To Be Held Here
the project regardless of the
Tuesday, Jan. 30th Side Camp Placed
CWA, he added.
Dr. If. M. Bigelow, a third
On Pebble Creek
A President's Ball, to be spon­
Road Near Bridge member of the airport committee,
sored by local democrats, will
stated his conviction that this
be held in Vernonia Tuesday
A side camp for CCC men who field is the only one suitable
evening, January 30, at the I.
O. O. F. hall. Proceeds will go are building the Treharne-Keasey here, so it is a question of this
to the benefit of the endowment road has been established on the or nothing else. One advantage,
fund for the Georgia Warm Pebble 'Creek road about two he saio, is that it is directly on
Springs Foundation, established in miles above the bridge. Twenty the air path between Portland
1926 by Franklin D. Roosevelt men are stationed there now, and and Astoria.
Exactness Advised
for the purpose of combating the it is expected that the number
The necessity of finding out
will be increased to 30 within a
effects of infantile paralysis.
Loca ^musicians will contribute few weeks when other CCC work the exact specifications required
by the bureau and of securing
their services free for the dance. is begun in this vicinity.
the assistance of an engineer in
Local Post of
Legion Supports
4 Point Program
Mrs. R. A. Simmons Champion
Mrs. R. A. Simmons was cham­
pion fisherman this week, catching
eight steelheads hi four days.
The report for the week is as
Jan. 17: Mrs. Simmons, 2; a
Filipino, 3; C. Bruce, Fred Cum­
mins, 1 each in the over.
Jan. 18: Ted Anderson, Sam
Anderson and Andy Brimmer, 3
each: Ross Duncan, Harry Kerns,
Larry Marshall, Jack Marshall, 1
each, at Keasey, M ts . Simmons, 2
in the river.
Jan. 19: Ted A-tfaerson, 1 at
Airport Project
Again Discussed
In C. C. Meeting
Jan. 24: Harry King,
Jan. 20: Larry Marshall, 3; I Hanson and Smoky Parker, 3
Ross Duncan, 2; Adolph Nelson, each; Larry Marshall, Ross Dun­
Harold McEntire, and F. M. can, .Henry Fogel, Bill Heath, H.
Stokes of Portland, 1 each at . Froembling, C. S. Hoffman and
Keasey; Bobby King, 1 in the O. D. McCabe, 1 each.
Rod and Gun Club to Meet
The Nehalem Rod and Gun
Jan. 21: Mike Willard, 1 at
club will hold a meeting in the
Jan. 22: a Filipino, 2 m the Masonic temple Wednesday even-
'mg, Jan. 31, at 8. All who are
Jan. 23: Ross Duncan and Sam interested in the propagation of
Anderson, 3 each; Smoky Parker. fish and game are requested to
Newt Parker and C. F. Pruitt, 2 be present. Refreshments will be
each at "Keasey,
served after the meeting.
(Continued on page 8)
Mrs. E. H. Washbum has been
appointed by County Clerk J. W.
Hunt as registrar for the Verno­
nia precincts, according to an­
nouncement made Tuesday. Re­
gistrations will be made in the
office of the Oregon Gas and
Electric Co.
According to the law, the books
will he open for registration until
30 days before election. The first
election will be the primariea
May 18,