Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 05, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mayfield
and family moved Sunday to Tta-
coma, where Mr. Mayfield has
Mr*. Jah* Naurw
Lode McDonald is ill with
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Gortzen of rheumatism and a bad cold.
Westimber visited at the B. J.
St. Helens high school vs. Ver­
Nathan King from Portland
Cline home Saturday evening.
nonia high school tonight, grade spent the holidays here with his
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McCabe, school gym. Admision 10, 15 and parents and his uncle, Clyde
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson and 25 cents.
Adv. Johnson.
family and H. J. Thompson spent
K. A. McNeill is able to be
Bud Baldridge was taken to a
part of the holidays in Portland down town again, though he has Portland hospital the first of
visiting relatives. H. J. Thompson not fully regained his strength I last week in a very critical con- there for a while.
after his attack of flu.
1 dition.
Joy and Neal Bush returned
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire
Mrs. Mary Peterson with her
spent the holidays in Forest Sunday to Eugene to resume their I grandson, Floyd Deeds, left New
studies in the state university.
l Year’s day for Eugene, where
Glen Hieber spent the latter i Floyd is attending U. of O. They
N. L. Sandon has moved from
the old R. A. Olson house on part of the holidays in Klamath t spent the Christmas holidays here
State street to the house on Falls visiting Geo. W. Ford be­ at their home.
Bridge street next to the Twin fore returning to the University
New Year’s day guests at the
of Oregon.
Fir Service sation.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neur-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanson and er were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Wor­
Jack Kerr, formerly Ford agent
in Vernonia and since the middle family have moved back to Verno­ den, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fessler
of 1932 in the automobile busi­ nia from Elma, Wash., and are and Robert Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
ness in Portland, moved yesterday occupying their former home on Joe Fessler and Mr. and Mrs.
te Waila Walla, where he has the Rose avenue. They lost all their George Neurer, all from Portland.
belongings that they had with
exclusive Ford agency.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap,
Geo. A. Nelson, county agricul­ them in the fire Thanksgiving their son Floyd and Richard Pet­
tural agent, was in town yester­ week in Elma.
erson were among those attending
Ivan N. McColIom, principal the dance at Birkenfeld last
day in the interest of the corn
and hog code. He is continuing
his office temporarily, pending returned Tuesday after spending i Jake Neurer drove to St. Hel­
the outcome of the effort to raise the holidays in Forest Grove and i ens on business last Saturday.
money for its support through at the state teachers’ association Commissioner Wm. Pringle was
meeting in Portland. Mrs. McCol- also in St. Helens that day.
private subscriptions.
First league game of the sea­ lom is remaining in Forest Grove
Jack and Sam Ray from Med­
son, grade school gym tonight. Ad. for a visit at the home of her ford spent a week here with their
Attending the services for Chas.
sister, Mrs. Mollie Wright, before
Mrs. James Nanson, former her death last Friday. Her sister,
Wilson in Portland Thursday of
last week were Mrs. H. E. Mc­ Vernonia resident, is reported as Mrs. Cleo Sheldon, and her four
Graw, Mrs. F. M. Ruhl, Mrs. A. ill in a hospital in Astoria.
daughters were here, Mrs. Anna
Wm. Reed, S. P. and S. sec­ Lord, Mrs. Carry Sweney, Mrs.
J. Hughes, Mrs. L. Roberson, Mrs.
O. D. McCabe, Mr. and Mrs. J. tion foreman, is putting on two Ella Caywood, and Mrs. Abby
W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ira more men this week to clear the Sutphin. Mrs. Wright was well
Mann, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Mac­ tracks after the storm. The job known in the Nehalem valley.
pherson and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. will last about ten days.
Miss Grace Carmichael spent a
Miss Thelma Stephens has re­ few days visiting friends at Bir-
Elizabeth Veith, George and turned to Woodburn and Miss
six had not missed a Sunday for
Louis Veith, accompanied by Ed­ Verna Ray to Monmouth.
Ernie Herman moved Tuesday two years; these were given gold
ith Wilson were guests at the
home of their brother and family, to the Geo. Bastlington place in pins. Vivian Laird was presented
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Veith, Sun­ Treharne in order to care for it with a lovely Bible, having been
during the absence of Mr. and on the honor roll for five years.
day and Monday.
Mrs. Lottie E. Dewey is the Mrs. Baslington in Eugene. Mr. Lets have at least 30 with perfect
house guest of her daughter, Mrs. and Mrs. R. L. Spencer, for attendance in 1934.
Mrs. F. Claude Stephens gave
whom he has been working during
E. M. Murphy, this week.
Miss Nan Crary returned Mon­ their absence, returned Monday a watch party for the Berean
class at her home Sunday night.
day from Echo, where she spent from eastern Oregon.
The evening was spent playing
the holidays with her parents.
Miss Della Cline spent the
games. At eleven o’clock refresh­
Miss Margaret MacDonald is week end in Portland.
Miss Merle Mills has returned ments of Jello, cocoa and fruit
now working for two attorneys
in Portland. She was graduated to her desk in the public library, cake were served by the hostess.
from the Northwestern School of after assisting with the inventory The remainder of the time was
at the Miller Mercantile Co. store. spent singing hymns, “Joybells
Commerce December 11.
Audrey Austin, who is taking During her absence Miss Edna Ringing in Your Heart,” was be­
a course in beauty shop training Owens, assistant librarian, had ing sung when the New Year ar­
rived. Eighteen Bereans were
in Portland, returned there Mon­ charge.
day after spending the holidays
Mrs. Ray D. Fisher and daugh­ present.
Our New Year’s resolution: A
ter Margaret are recovering from
There’ll be a lively game to­ their illness of Christmas week. bigger and better Bible school
night, St. Helens high school Both are still confined to the in 1934.
The ladies of the Loyal Glean-
vs. Vernonia high school, grade house.
ers class will meet Wednesday,
school gym. Admission 10, 15
RAFTER ROMANCE, with Gin­ Jan. 10, at one o’clock at the
and 25 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armitage ger Rogers, Norman Foster and home of Mrs. Phillip Millis. This
motored Sunday to Camas, Wash., Geo. Sidney, Saturday and Sun- | is a very important meeting as
the election of officers will be
weher they visited with Mr. and day, Jan. 6 and 7. Admission 10' held and there is other business
Mrs. J. Seeger. They continued and 25 cents.
that should be brought before all
up the Evergreen highway to
of the members. Meeting is to be
North Bonneville, which they re­
called to order at 1:30 instead
port to be growing rapidly.
Sunday, Jan. 7, 1934: Morning of 2:30.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carmen and
Gloria spent Tuesday in Portland. services — 9:45 Sunday school;
A. H. Holaday of Scappoose 11:00, preaching, “The Incarnate
brought his daughter, Miss Ruth Word.”
Evening services—6:30, Chris­
Holaday, to Vernonia Monday to
resume her school at Keasey. For tian Enedavor; 7:30, preaching
several days during the vacation service, “Words of Comfort.”
Miss Holaday visited with her
sister, Mrs. M. D. Cole, in Long-.
F. Claude Stephens, Minister
While it Last:
Annual meeting day. 9:45 a.
Word has been received from
Mrs. M. D. Cole at Longview that
one night during the flood they “Birth and Infancy of Jesus.”
were awakened by the blowing of (Matt. 1:1-2; 23.) 10:45 a. m.,
the siren, understood to be a sig­ Divine morning worship, theme,
nal that the dikes had broken, and “The Message of 1934.”
were greatly alarmed. The re-1 At 2:30 promptly the annual
port, however, proved to be false.1 meeting is called, with a desire
Dr. and Mrs. C d" kept their fur­ that the membership may be pres­
niture .-ady to move into the at­ ent. Interesting reports of fruit­
ful progress and with challenging
tic in case of flood.
Miss Enid Bolton returned plans for the future.
This meeting belongs to the
Monday from The Dalles, where
entire congregation. Come, see
she visited during the holidays.
Kathryn Malmsten and Marshall what’s doing!
No evening services.
Malmsten were here for New
If everyone spends
Christian Bible School Notes
Year’s. Kathrvn is taking a course
.. everyone works
There were 18 in Bible school
in beauty shop work, and Mar­
shall is working for a landscape
•“ dance for the past year, of which
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Bud Lindburg left Monday for
Olney to visit for a week with
his sister.
Clarance Fowler has moved
into his house here after spending
several months in Trenholm.
Ora Knifong of Portland had
dinner Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Buckner.
Harvey Heath was in Bank3
Friday on business.
Nello Monti is spending sev­
eral days in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Powell and
family had New Year’s dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith.
Charlie Hunes of White Sal­
mon spent several days visting
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christiansen
last week.
Ebben Kinley, who has been
visiting at the Cleveland home
for the past two weeks returned
to his home in Cliffs, Washington
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Robbins
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Everett Rundell
Mason of Tidewater and J. I.
Robbins had New Year’s dinner
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd re­ with Mrs. Elsie Parker.
turned to their home here Sunday
Saturday evening guests at the ,
after spending several months home of Mrs. Hattie Brown were
in Gunnisan, Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hambley,
Mrs. H. Smith of Portland is Bulah Harris, Hazel and Violet
spending a week with her Hudson, Edith and Zelma Ham­
daughter, Mrs. Virgil Powell.
bley, Warren Gillham, Tommie
Winnie Rock returned to her Hall, Billie Bassett and Robert
home in Cornelius Saturday, after Turner.
visiting for several days with Mr.
Mrs. Frank Donaway has been
and Mrs. Floyd Cleveland.
ill for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith
Mrs. T. C. Miller is spending
and son Gerald and Mrs. C. E. this week in Forest Grove visit-
Smith of Forest Grove spent the ing friends.
week end with Mrs. E. Varley.
New Year’s dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Acord and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard were
two children had New Year’s Mr. and Mrs. C. O. McCabe, Mr.
dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. and Mrs. Harvey Heath. Mr. and
Lolley and family.
Mrs. Lewis Laramore and John
Mrs. Cornelius Pruitt, who has Laramore.
been visiting Mrs. Olney Pierce
Evelyn Varley spent Sunday
for the last few weeks, left Sat­ night in Trehom.
urday for Astoria where she | Norma Anderson of Mist spent
expects to visit relatives for a the week end with her parents.
few days, Then she expects to
Violet Lindburg, who has been
return to her former home in visiting her sister Mrs. Jack Chris-
tainsen for the past two weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Costi are returned to her home in St.
spending a few days in Port- Helens Monday.
land with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowers were
Levi White and Elza Varley in Heisson, Washington, last week
of Baycona spent the week end on business.
with relative sin Riverview.
Monday dinner guests of Mr.
Johnnie Washinko left for and Mrs. Bud Rose were Mr. and
Harlshorn, Oklahoma Saturday. Mrs. E. L. Lloyd.
Miss Virginia Cummings re­
Ronald Fetsch of Forest Grove
turned home Sunday from St. spent the week end with Mr. and
Helens where she has been Mrs. A. D. Lolley.
Evelyn and Richard Parker are
Ronald Roland of Heisson, spending a few days with their
Washington spent the New Year’s aunt, Mrs. J. Burtraw.
kenfeld last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay
served New Year’s dinner to their
family on Sunday evening to Mrs.
Mary Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. N.
Dunlap and their son Floyd, and
their own son Clarence Lindsay.
Miss Beatrice Perry and her
grandmother, Mrs. Mary Burris,
were in Vernonia shopping Fri-
School was resumed here on
Tuesday, Jan. 2, after the Christ-
mas vacation.
Several folks are picking ferns
now. The ferns are especially
good in this vicinity this winter.
The logging bridge at the L.
A. Peterson place, built about a
year ago and since then used for
general logging, was washed
out by the recent high water.
The bridge is lodged down near
Bone Dry
Trading Co
/s getting better.
We carry a full line at
15c to 35c Doz.
New Steelhead Poles
Something you can hold them with
$3.00 to $12.00 each
The Genuine Shakespeare poles and reels — nothing
better. Hard service proves it. Prices are reasonable.
Hoffman Hdwe.