Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 05, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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Program Held
Friday Morning
The annual Christmas program
sponsored by the senior class was
given Friday morning, Dec. 22,
instead of in the afternoon as
was formerly intended. Due to
the flood condition school was dis.
missed shortly afterward.
The program consisted of Mar­
ion McCoy’s singing “Trees” and
“Wasn’t the Depression Awful;”
Miss Amy Hughes and Miss Isa­
belle Curry singing “The Luxem­
bourg Garden,” and “The Old
Spinning Wheel;” cowboy songs
by Leo Ludwig and Joe McNutt
and Mary Ann Childs telling San­
ta Claus what several of the
V. H. S. students wanted for
After the program Santa Claus
with the help of several senior
girls distributed
among the rest of the student
It seems strange that such a
noted actress as Mae West would
visit such a small school as the
Vernonia high school but sure
enough last Friday morning she
came to the senior room.
Of course it was not the real
Mae West, but several senior
boys conception of the noted
actress. These boys decided that
the senior Christmas tree was
very sadly in want of decorations.
Being very tender hearted, they
decided that they would dress it
up so after much fussing and
fuming they were able to dress
it with a raincoat and a suede
leather jacket.
Yes curves are now style and
the Christmas tree was no excep­
tion to the rule. It looked so
much like Mae West that a big
notice was put on the senior black
board calling attention to the
No canoe was needed after all
to carry Santa Claus and his pack
to the children’s homes in Ver­
nonia this last Christmas.
For a while last Friday it look­
ed as if Santa Claus would be
compelled to use a canoe in dis­
tributing presents about the town
and vicinity. Indeed, it would be
quite good for old Santa to
paddle up to your front door,
leave what he thought you de­
served and paddle to the next
house. On the other hand, he is
not used to canoeing and he
would probably have spent Christ­
mas day having his wife rubbing
his sore muscles with liniment.
Jupiter Pluvius, a very close
friend of Santa Claus, finally
took pity and stopped the rain
so Santa could distribute his
wares as quickly and easily as
The recent high water was re­
sponsible for several of the Ver­
nonia high school students not
being able to attend school last
Thursdy and Friday.
The Mist bus was held up
Thursday but Friday morning the
river had gone down some so the
students could come. The river
was not down very long and it
finally became so high that the
students were excused
from 1
school before the program.
A bridge being washed out pre­
vented the bus from Wilark from
coming to school either Thursday
or Friday.
A group of new books included
on the reading lists for the Eng­
lish classes was received recently
at the Vernonia high school li­
brary. Another shipment of books
which were ordered are expected
Miss Crary, librarian, urges
the students to be careful in the
handling of the new books so as
to keep them in good condition.
Any one who marks or mars one
of the books will not be allowed
the privilege of taking them from
the library.
Bobby King telling all of his
friends that he is sad that there
will be 11 Christmas holidays. He
is so industrious that he won’t
know what to do with himself
after his big fed of turkey or
whatever it is he is going to
eat . . . The glamorous Mae
West visiting the senior room . . .
Dick Lewis turning up at school
Thursday and Friday. He is SO
ambitious that won’t let Vire, wa­
ter, broken bridges, or anything
else stop him from coming to
school — if there is any chance
of his not getting his Christmas
present . . . The present was a
toy cornet, and you should have
heard him play (?) it . . . Some
of the late Christmas shoppers
labeling their presents just be­
fore the program. A miss is as
good as a mile . . . Six boys
combing their hair in the study
hall at the same time. There must
be some'’ new, pretty girl coming
to school . . . Everyone looking
out of the windows at the raging
Rock creek as it rose higher and
higher. Some of the students won­
dering whether the school build­
ing would be washed away and
they were sadly disappointed . . .
Jeanne Hughes saying that she
had to go in and out the window
to get to and from her house,
and Lolamae Smith teling about
her back yard was floating. Did
it float away? If so, is there any
reward for its return? . . . Harold
Heenan looking in the chemistry
lab for some iron sawdust. He
couldn’t find any . . . Several
of the schools noted students
playing with toys. Patricia Baker
with her nigger baby, (she was
told that anyone would be able
to tell that it was her child), Ger­
aldine George with her baby doll,
pacifier and milk bottle, were
just a scream. No doubt they
will be very affectionate mothers i
. . . Bob Tomlin and Roy NewI
getting into a heated argument
over who was entitled to a win­
dow. While they were quarrelling
some other students relieved them
both of the responsibility of gaz­
ing at the river at the particular
window . . . The juniors and sen­
iors again on friendly terms after
the senior key was found on the
Christmas tree . . . Anthony Kil-
burg playing Santa Claus in the
thought he was Santa Claus . . .
Helen Brimmer revealing her
ability to draw pictures. Ah, Hel­
en, Nero, Cicero, nor Caesar
couldn’t have done better . . .
Maxine Bollinger and Jeanne
Hughes playing a duet on the pi­
ano before the assembly took
place. It* was a beautiful tonal
description of a charivari. The
rest of this anecdote is censored
. . . Miss Hughes telling Miss
Crary how much she slept this
vacation. You see, Miss Crary is
a new person around this part of
the country and does r.ot know
Miss Hughes very well . . . That
is about all of any importance
this week.
Ernest Calef, formerly a teach­
er in the Washington grade school,
gave short talks in Mr. McCrae’s
sociology and world history clas­
ses last Tuesday.
In the sociology class Mr. Calef
spoke on the development of so­
cial institutions, comparing the
present with that of the past
showing the changes. He also
mentioned some of the possibili­
ties of the future in this line.
In the world history class he
pointed out the China and Ja­
pan situation explaining the dan­
gers growing out of it.
These speeches were yery in­
teresting and much enjoyed by
the members of both classes.
Today or tomorrow? Which
shall it be? The old saying is,
“Never put off until tomorrow
what you can do today.”
How many of us do our part in
making our school life happy and
interesting? Not only for our­
selves but for others should we
try to do our part everyday in­
stead of tomorrow. We should
enter into the different social
activities and discussions and let
tomorrow take its own course,
that is, if we don’t become too
short sighted.
Show that you are fair and
broad shouldered by doing your
work each day and not let it pile
up for tomorrow. Is your school
work finished, or do you depend
By Kuge
upon your friend each day to do
Dorothy Overson is first in
your work for you? There are
these rhymes,
many of us who are “slackers,” For not discussing about these
in our work and put off every­
lynching crimes.
thing until tomorrow.
Let us show our friends, teach-> An obliging gentleman is young
ers and parents that we can do
James Fluke,
our work each day so that when If he keeps this up he’ll soon
tomorrow comes we can smile
be a duke.
instead of frown. It makes us
Maxine Taylor hopes no more
feel better.
slides will block the road
For if she gets no schooling,
she’ll be dumb as a toad.
A set of New Year’s resolu­
tions sensibly made and well
kept is a good thing to have. If
followed strictly they may bring
about some advantageous reform.
The average high school stud­
ent has plenty of room for im­
provement and now is the time
to begin. Look back on mis­
takes made in the last year and
try and not make the same ones
this year. Pick out the places
where you could have done some­
thing better and in the coming
year do that thing better. Re­
solve not to let any opportuni­
ties go by and show, your ambi­
tion in your work.
Hugh McDonald says the river
is this high
Because he hit an elephant and
made him cry.
Hazel Chapman was sad on
Christmas day,
Because she got the bells but not
the sleigh.
Leo Ludwig, the wranglin’
Has his nose buried deep in a
music book.
Bonnie Buffmire is anxious to
The midnight celebrations of the
coming New Year.
Richard Banzer, the freshman
Would like to see himself in the
The agriculture class received
funny paper.
a treat one day last week when
Whenever Elaine Louden finds
Ben Wilkerson found a Babcock
a problem that is hard,
butterfat tester in the laboratory
She says it’s only rusty so I’ll
and brought it to class.
oil it up with lard.
Mr. McCrae apparently not
knowing very much about such
Everett Meeker has almost
contraptions while laying it on
made up a notion
his desk dropped the top part on To keep at least one of his New
the floor. This made a big noise
Year’s resolutions.
but he calmly picked up the top
Claernce Brimmer says it sure
and put it back in place.
feels good
Mr. McCrae lectured to the
class on how the tester worked To eat a Christmas dinner of real
delicious food.
but when he started the crank,
the contraption would not mani­
I’d rather write with a quill
pulate. This was very embarras­
from some hen
sing to the teacher because he1 Instead of scribbling with this
did not know what was wrong
scratchy pen.
with it but finally one of the
boys of the class politely inform­
ed him that the top was on up­
Ah ho! I see Alice Hoffman go­
side down.
ing to get her future told. Well
I did not take long to get the this young lady looks very pro­
tester in order then and Mr. Mc-[ minent. I’m sure she’ll receive a
Crae’s eyes had a rare gleam in wonderful fortune judging by
them as he turned the crank her looks.
around and around. Success had | Alice entering excitedly: “Oh,
again triumphed over repeated I’ve come to have my future told
1 and I’m so thrilled. You know the
EDITOR ...................... ......... BERT MILLS
Assistant Editor ....... .. Zonweiss Douglass
Senior Reporter ........ .......... Florence Wall
Junior Reporter ...... ............ Violet Ennis
Sophomore Reporter .............. Toshi Kuge
Freshman Reporter .. Martha Middlebrook
Sports Editor ............ ............... Bill Lumm
Feature Reporter ..... ........ Marian McCoy
Vernonia to Play
Lions Tonight
The first conference basket­
ball game of the season will ba
played with St. Helens Friday,
Jan. 5, in the Vernonia grade
St. Helens in the last few years
has had a very good team and
has always handed Vernonia a
defeat. But this year the teams
are much more evenly matched.
The Lions lost most of their
best players through graduation
last year and Coach Lillie will
have his team made up mostly of
last year’s reserves. Although
lacking the height that Vernonia
has they have a very fast team,
and they will have to count on
this to even it up.
Vernonia has started a very
successful season this year with
four victories and no defeats and
will try to keep their slate clean
by defeating St. Helens Friday
The senior key is now resting
peacefully in the senior room as
a result of its being given by the
juniors to the seniors.
All the week before the Christ­
mas vacation the juniors and sen­
iors were fighting over the key.
Three times it was stolen. Two
pitched battles took place in the
halls. Delegates were sent from
both classes to see if some kind
of an armistice couldn’t be ar­
ranged. Some of the students
were even “put on. the spot.’r
In all it was a miniature war-
all but the guns.
The key was restored twice
to its home in the senior room
but when it was taken the third
time, the threatening seniors
could do nothing but run around
and gnash their teeth until the
key was found on the Christmas
tree with the other presents.
other day a lady friend of mine
said you told fortunes so mys­
teriously. Isn’t it grand? Well,
let’s go.
Kli Badi: “Just a minute lady,
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Well,
we shall see anyhow.”
Alice: “Yes - - yes.”
Kli Badi (gazing into the war-
thy kystal): “Oh, I’m very sorry
but your future looks bad.
Alice, getting hysterical: “Oh,
you just can’t."
Kli badi, looking puzzled but
continuing: “Well, I see a room
full of pupils and a young lady
(which is yourself) dropping a
perfectly good looking glass and
I’m sorry to say but the kystal
foretells of seven years of bad
luck. My! My! I never thought
that of such a fine young lady.
Well, that’s life I suppose.”
Alice getting up to leave with
great big tear drops running
down over her face: “Oh, I’ll
never forget this.”
Kli Badi: ‘You probably won’t.
I’m awfuly sorry about your mis­
Alice sobbing: “Well, good day
and thank you.”
A Timely Tip
JL ell
the people
•bout timely merchandise with
good printing and watch your sale*
volume grow. Other merchant«
have proved this plan by repeated
tests We’ll help with your copy.