Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 17, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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Everett Rundell
Buxton spent the week end
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenfcld
have purchased the house former­
ly belonging to Elvin Mills, and
moved in Tuesday. Mr. Green-
feld owns ‘Dad’s Sandwich Shop’
in Vernonia.
Mrs. Chas. Ratkie and chil­
dren left Saturday evening for
Everett, Washington, where they
will make their home. Mr. Ratkie
has been in Everett for several
months working in the saw mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowers were
in Heisson, Wash, over the week
end visiting relatives.
Mrs. Gus Oleson of Vernonia
spent the week end with her mo­
ther, Mrs. Dan May. Hughie May
and Mr. Nylan of Portland also
spent the wek end at the May
Mrs. Oliver Andrew and chil­
dren had Sunday dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hankle.
Kenneth Fowler, accompanied
by his mother, Mrs. D. R. Fowler
of St. Helens is visiting in
Brownsville, Oregon.
Evelyn Varley has been ill for
the past week with appendicitis.
Mrs. H. C. Eastman, Edward
Lawson and I. C. Eastman
of Buxton spent Wednesday and
Thursday with Mrs. A. F. Kostur
and children.
F. B. Cleveland of Cornelius
come over last Wednesday for a
visit with his son Floyd Cleve­
Francis Piercy and Goldie May
were in Richfield, Wash, over
the week end visiting Mr.
Piercy’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mason of
Tidewater visited with Mrs. Ma­
son’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I.
Robbins, over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hudson
of Longview, Wash, have moved
in to the house owned by Chas.
Ratkie. Mr. Hudson is working
for Clark and Wilson.
Dona Mae Barrett is staying
with Mrs. E. Varley while her
mother is in the hospital.
Mrs. Omah Pierce and daugh­
ters have moved into the house
formerly occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Le Bowers.
Mr. and Mrs. J Burtraw of
Souls Hill had dinner Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Robbins.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Sutherlin of
Vernonia spent Wednesday even­
ing with Mrs. Frank Hankle.
Sallie Gadotti of Wilark was
a Friday afternoon visitor at the
Dan May home.
De Loss Powell was in Portland
over the week end visiting
A. Dowling
Mrs. Ben Brickel was hostess
to the Queen of Hearts bridge
club Tuesday, November 7. Mrs.
Jack Nance received the prize for
high score.
In attendance were Mrs. Frank
Hartwick, Mrs. Harold Decker,
Mrs. William Heath, Mrs. Henry
Fogel, Mrs. Lowell Hieber, and
Mrs. Wilbur Davis.
Mrs. II. S. Strong returned
home from Portland Sunday, af­
ter spending two weeks at the
bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Lee
Johnson, who underwent a ser­
ious operation at St. Vincents
hospital November 1.
Mrs. C. Hedman wao reported,
earlier in the week, to be making
satisfactory recovery after an op­
eration undergone in Emanuel
hospital Saturday morning. Mrs.
D. R. Kauffman went into Port­
land to care for her for a few
Mrs. Shirley Hall has returned
eo her home after visiting a
month with her daughter and
son-iu-law, Mr. atid Mrs. Jack
Williams of Porlund.
Bing Crosby in TOO MUCH
HARMONY, with Jack Cokes,
Skeets Gallagher and Judith Al­
len, Saturday and Sunday, Nov.
17 and 18. Admission 10 and 25
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rose went
to Albany Tuesday, where Mrs.
Rose consulted a physician.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and
son Jackie were week end visi­
tors at the home of Mrs. H. Veal.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Herrin,
who arrived recently from Miss­
issippi, have moved into the
Ollie Roberts house on First Ave­
The members of the Christian
church surprised their pastor af­
ter prayer meeting Wednesday
night with a miscellaneous show­
The Willing Workers are to
have a food and apron bazaar the
first week in December.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlegel of
Ann Arbor, Mich., left Vernonia
Monday after a week’s visit with
relatives including Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hartwick, Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. McGraw and Mr. and Mrs.
John Luther at Keasey.
For the pleasure of Miss Enid
Bolton, newly affiliated member
The Birkenfeld Logging Co. is
closing down on account of the
Nehalem bridge going down.
They are unable to take their
logs across the river.
Quite a number from the vil­
lage attended the carnival at Ver-
nonia Friday night.
Oscar Jones butchered a cow
for the Wickstrom family the
(Continued from Page 1)
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling now, when my own heir is gray,
spent Monday visiting his bro­ that I understand how you felt.
ther Jake at Mayger.
I must have been a bitter trial to
The Misses Margie and Bertine you. I was such an ass. I believed
Mathews have been visiting rela­ my own petty wisdom, and I
tives for the past 10 days in know now how ridiculous it was,
White Salmon.
compared to that calm, ripe,
Miss Olga Holmstrom is teach­ wholesome wisdom of yours.
ing Gertrude Ek to tend central [ Most of all, I want to confess
office as relief help, when neces- my worst sin against you. It was
sary for Miss Holmstrom to be the feeling I had that you “did
not understand.” When I look
Irving Knowles has been in St. back over it now, I know that you
Helens for several days, being did understand. You understood
me better than I did myself.
called for jury duty.
Bernard Dowling is able to go Your wisdom flowed around mine
back to Jewell to his work. He like the ocean around an island,
has been confined to his home And how patient you were with
for the past ten days with ton­ me! How full of long suffering,
silitis, which made it necessary and kindness! And how pathetic,
for Dr. Ball to come over from it now comes home to me, were
Clatskanie to render medical ser- your efforts to get close to me,
to win my cnfidence, to be my
pal! I wouldn’t let you. I couldn’t.
Chas. Hanson butchered a What was it held me aloof? I
beef for Mrs. Olga Ek Monday.
don’t know. But it is tragic—that
Fred Busch was a Mist business wall that rises between a boy
visitor on Friday.
and his father, and their frantic
Grover Devine returned to his attempts to see through it and
home at Deep creek Saturday. climb over it.
He has been staying with the
I wish you were here now,
Austin Dowling family and fell­ across the table from me, just for
ing timber for Birkenfeld.
an hour, so that I could tell you
Mrs. Hill is visiting her cous­ how there’s no wall any more; I
ins, the S. P. Mathews family, on understand you now, Dad, and,—
the burn.
God, how I love you, and wish I
Oscar Jones is reshingling his could go back and be your boy
residence this week.
again! I know now how I could
Mrs. Molly Wright was taken | make you happy every day. I
from Portland to her home here know how you felt. Well, it won’t
recently. She is very ill and heri be long, Dad, till I am over, and
daughters are caring for her.
I believe you’ll be the first one
Mrs. Ella Caywood was a vil­ to take me by the hand and help
lage visitor Thursday.
me up the further slope. And I’ll
D. R. Kauffman. Pastor
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds j put in the first thousand years
services: Sunday
were up from Jewell for a few i or so making you realize that
school, at 9:45, Peraching at 11
days last week.
not one pang or yearning you o’clock. The evangelist, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Collie Parine of spent on me was wasted.
Wishart, will bring the message,
Yamhill were recent guests here
It took a good many years for Everyone is cordially invited to
at their cousin’s home.
G. W. Rassmussen was the this prodigal son—and all sons be present.
Evening services: Christian En­
house guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. are in a measure prodigal—to
R. Johnson Saturday night. Mr. come to himself, but I’ve come, I deavor at 630, Katherine Malm-
Rassmussen visited his children, see it all now. I know that the sten leader. Preaching at 7:30.
Eugene and Leora, before leav- richest, most priceless thing on Evangelistic services,
ing Sunday morning for his earth, and the thing least under­ song service. Gospel
home in California. Eugene re­ stood, is that mighty love and Happy fellowship. Come and join
ceived a lovely wrist watch and tenderness and craving to help with us in this work of evan-
suit of clothes for his birthday. which a father feels toward his gelization.
James Spike is digging his boy. For J have a boy of my own.
And it is he that makes me want
crop of potatoes.
Jesse George had the misfor­ to go back to you, and get down
F. Claude Stephens, Minister
The C. H. Wheeler Logging Co. tune to have his car badly smash­ on my knees to you.
FOR SALE at Mayo was again delayed in ed up Friday night on his way Up there somewhere in The Services for Nov. 19
Silence, hear me, Dad, and be­ aboard for the big family day!
Young grain fed TURKEYS for their shipment of logs due to a home from the carnival. Some
9:45 a. m. Bible school, topic
sale. Mrs. Henry John, near defect in the construction of their other car ran into the George car. lieve me!
Paul in Athens (Acts 17).
Rymal Johnson is working for
golf course. Phone 7F152. (4G*1 incline. The S. P. Co. in anticipa­
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindsay
10:45 Divine morning worship,
tion of the shipment of 20 double Frank Wilson up on the moun-
and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Saelens All families of this congregation,
GRAIN FED TURKEYS—7 to 16 loads of logs last Friday, put ex­ tain.
lbs. live or dressed, delivered. tra crews to work to handle the
Mr. Sheppard of Portland work- spent Sunday visiting old friends all together in one place! State
secretary, C. F. Swander, of
See or write your order to F. B. cars, when word was received ed a few days for the Wickstrom at Vernonia and Treharne.
Geo. Johnson, whose eye was Portland is with us for the day
Warfield, near Vernonia Golf that the incline was, as yet, un­ family but returned Sunday
injured Thursday of last week and will bring the messages. As
45c3 suitable for the work required of morning.
when a tire rim he was repair­ a member of this congregation
WEANER PIGS for sale. W. 0.
Donald Phillips, son of Mr. and prietor, returned home Monday ing sprung so as to smash his you have a part in services of
Mrs. J. W. Phillips, of Sunset after having spent several days I glasses, has recovered. Fortunate- this day.
6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor.
ONE ACRE OF LAND can be camp, was returned home last looking over business prospects ! ly the broken glass did not pene­
7:30, great evening rally.
purchased for a substantial week end from the Jones hospital at Bonneville. He reports that trate his eyeball.
down payment and $25 per month in Hillsboro where he has been property is so high that it is
will be expected in case of a confined tor the past week.
almost impossible for anyone to
sale. J. B. Wilkerson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Stan­ get a start.
ton are visiting several days with
Mrs. John Pearson and Miss
their son and daughter-in-law. Jean Doyle of Portland visited
FOR RENT — Good 4-room plas­ Mr. and Mrs. George Stanton of with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Pearson.
Miss Doyle is the fiancee of Mrs.
tered house on Bridge street Toledo, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilson and J. Pearson's son, Henry, who is
across from school house. Inquire
at Vernonia hotel or Twin Fir children, Evedyn and James, mov- doing research work for Yale (
Forest Grove, Oregon
4671c 1 ed to their new home in Portland university in Mesopotamia, Syria. '
last Sunday. Mr. Wilson is em- They will be married in the '
The Nehalem has nice two and ■ ployed as mill foreman in the spring when Mr. Pearson returns. ‘
“The Roll of Honor Bank”
three-room furnished apart­ Multnomah Box factory.
Mrs. Ben Hart returned home !
ments and a five room apart­
Mr. and Mrs. John Greenbo Sunday after a several days visit j
ment unfurnished.
46*17 of Redmond, Ore., visited with with her sister. Mrs. Emmet Mur­
Mrs. Greenbo’s sister and brother- phy, in Portlan.d
At call of the Comptroller of
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gil­
Currency, October 25, 1933.
NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING more. over the week end. Satur­ BAZAAR TO BE GIVEN
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN day they were joined by Mr. and
to the Legal Voters of School Dis. Mrs. Boyd Wright and daughter
Loans ................
trict No. 47 of Columbia County, Betty Gene, and Mr. and Mrs.
An elaborate Christmas bazaar I
Banking House .
State of Oregon, that a special Art Gilmore of Seattle, son of Mr. and cooked food sale, covering.
Real Estate .....
meeting will be held in the said and Mrs. W. E. Gilmore, and a wide range of gifts and foods. I
U. S„ Municipal
district at the Washington school drove to Portland to attend the will be given in Mac’s Pharmacy |
Other Bonds .... $161,037.12
on the 27th day of November. O.S.C.-U.of O. football game.
Saturday. November 18, begin- j
Cash and due
1933, at 8:00 o’clock in the even­
from Banks
Mr. and Mrs. John Richmond ning at 10 o'clock in the morn-|
ing to vote on the question of and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Riche ing. The affair is sponsored by
changing the point beyond which were business visitors in Portland the Nehalem club, social organi­
transportation shall be furnished Tuesday.
zation of the local Eastern Star
to pupils of said district to that
John Marchel and daughter Ce­ chapter.
junction of the Nehalem River celia drove to Portland Monday
Capital ................. $25,000.00
Highway and the Nehalem River to attend the funeral of their MRS. MORAN IS HOSTESS
Surplus ................ 50.000.00
4,198.65 $ 79.198.65
which is approximately three friend, James Lacey.
Undivided Profits
Circulation ..........
fourths of a mile distant east
Edward Peterson, superinten­
Mrs. J. C. Moran was hostess
Deposits ...............
of the Washington grade school dent of Sunset Logging Co., spent
Monday in Portland on business. for the Energetic club which met
in Vernonia, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Preston at the grange hall for its regular
Dated this 16th day of No­
of San Jose, California, are visit­ business session. Arrangements
vember, 1933.
J. A. Thornburgh, Présidant
ing at the home of their daughter were made for a grange dance to
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. be held tomorrow night, and for
R. G. Thornbnrgh, Cashier
a dance Thanksgiving night, No­
W. Phillips of Sunset camp.
Ben Hart, local restaurant pro- vember 30.
District Clerk.
R. Fowler, form er
Riverview resident, passed away
Tuesday, November 7, at his
home in St. Helens, where he has
been living for the past six
months. The funeral was held
last Friday at St. Helens, and in­
terment was in the Warren ceme­
tery. Mr. Fowler was 79 years
old and is survived by his widow
and ten children.
Mrs. Paul Dricoll and children
of Stony Point and Mrs. Johnnie
Newman and baby of Vernonia
visited all day Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. B. B. Hawkins.
Mr. and Mrs. George Newman
of Illinois, who have been staying
in Riverview for the last three
weeks, left Monday for Los
Mr. and Mrs. Newell Woods
visited Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. White.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith
and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Smith
and families of Treharne spent
Thursday at the Dan May home.
Mrs. Mandie Lindbergh was
taken to a Portland hospital last
Saturday. She wos in a critical
condition with double pneumonia.
Clarence Fowler and E. D.
Johnson of St. Helens were in
Riverview Sunday and moved
Mr. Fowler’s household goods to
Mr. and Mrs. George Chris-
tainsen spent the week end in
Portland visiting with their small
son who is in the Doernbecher
Mrs. Frank Hankle received
a telegram Monday stating that
her daughter, Mrs. Alta Gunnoe,
was ill in a hospital in Seattle.
Mrs. Gunnoe is a former Verno­
nia resident.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dial were
in Portland Monday on business
Monday afternoon guests at
the home of Mrs. M. Dunlap were
Mrs. Burris of Natal, Mrs. Tom
Crawford and Mrs. J. W. Brown
of Vernonia.
Miss Adie Piercy of Rich­
field, Wash, is spending a week
with Goldie May.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Robbins and
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Robbins and
family were dinner guests of Mrs.
Elsie Parker of Corey hill Sun­
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Powell
and son Melvin spent the week
end in Portland visiting relatives.
They attended the Armistice day
parade Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Babe Watson of
Classified Ad»
of Nehalem chapter, Order of
Eastern Star, members of the
chapter arranged a social hour
following the regular work of
the order Wednesday night. Re­
freshments were served by the
social committee.
Dixie Moore of Astoria, pres­
ident of the chamber of commer­
ce of that city, was a Vernonia
business visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Eda Lindstrom, Mrs. Eva
West and their brother Otto
Malmsten arrived Thursday of
last week from Seaside to visit
relatives here until after Thanks­
Joseph Wangler, manager of
the Safeway store, made a busi­
ness trip to Portland Thursday
The Mountain Heart Rebekah
club met for pot-luck lunch and
quilting at Mrs. A. H. Webb’s
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ilolzmeyer,
Henry Holzmeyer, Dr. and Mrs.
Robert Nixon, Robert and Rober­
ta Nixon of Forest Grove were
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan N. McCollom. Mrs. McCoI-
lom accompanied them on the
return trip for a week’s visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A pink elephant, cute pups, oth­
er clever stuffed toys. Mac’s Phar­
macy Nov. 18.
A women’s basketball team is
being organized, and will prac­
tice next Tuesday in the Wash­
ington grade school gymnasium
at 7 p.m. All women interested
in basketball are urged to come.
Among those who attended the
U. of O.-O. S. C. game in Port-
Flash Lights
cell metal plated case
with batteries
Large lens
Focusing type
Weekend Specials
For Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17 and 18
Airway, our fastest selling brand—3-LBS.
A pure Gelatine dessert
Van Camp’s, No. 300 cans
The Forest Grove
National Bank
land Saturday were Mr. and
Mrs. Lowell Heiber, Mr. and
Mr3. Frank Hartwick and Della
Verla Messing of Hood River
visited her father and sister here
Mary Treharne, who has been
ill with the flu, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Freeman
of Jewell were the house guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E .S. Bollinger
over Sunday night.
Richard Froembling, 4, broke
both bones between the knee
and the ankle Sunday when he
fell down some steps.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Saelens
of Portland spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Knapp. Mrs. Saelens was former­
ly Eunice Collins of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lindley and
son Bobby visited the F. D. Mac­
phersons and other friends for a
few hours Sunday. Mr. Lindley,
who was cashier of the Bank of
Vernonia several years ago, is
now liquidating a bank in Al­
bany and his family has recently
moved to that city from Stayton.
Pure Cane, finest
100-lb. sack $4.99
Safeway Flour is
the best flour mon­
ey can buy. Money-
Back guarantee.
49sfcK '1.79
BARREL .... $6.99
CRACKERS 2-lb. caddy ............. 29c
CALUMET, 1-lb. can .................... 25c
SOAP, Harmony it floats 10 Bars 29c
MAYONNAISE, Best Foods, Pt.... 24c
MILK, MacMarr lge. cans, 8 for.... 49c
Last Chance.
Fancy Broken —
Pure Golds, me­
dium size 288’s.
Binn Brothers
Well Bleached
2 Bunches 15c 2 lbs. 29c 2 Doz. 29c
Choice Meats
Market Features
Nice and Lean
fl fe
3 lbs.