Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, January 06, 1933, Image 1

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$2.00 per year; 5c a copy.
Seating of
Draws Fire
Contest Arises Over H. G.
Sandon’* Right
To Serve
3 ,to
Protest against the seating of
II. G. Sandon as councilman
caused a deadlock in the city
council proceedings Tuesday night.
Mayor Ben S. Owens ruling that
if Mr. Sandon is ineligible there
was no quorum, only George
Johnson, re-elected and A. E.
Adams, new member, being pres­
ent. The only action taken was
a motion to adjourn until Thurs­
day evening.
After the oath of office had
been administered to Mayor Ow­
ens, Councilmen Adams and San­
don, and Treasurer Childs Virgil
Whitsell protested the inclusion
of Mr. Sandon on the ground
that his name does not appear on
the tax rolls, and that the mayor
should see to it that a man not
legally qualified should not sit
on the council. Mayor Owens re-
plied that he had no authority to
rule upon a question of that
V kind, and Attorney W. A. Harris,
TVTwho had administered the oaths
' - was asked for an opnion. He re-
j plied that the city charter does
not specify that members of the
council shall be taxpayers, but
does state that they shall be resi­
dents of the city for at least
six months, qualified voters, and
must own real property within
the city limits.
Mr. Sandon, in response to
questions, stated that he is a
taxpayer and had a permanent
residence here which he is buy­
ing upon contract, the title re­
maining in the hands of the firm
of whom he is making the pur­
chase. Judge Harris expressed the
opinion that unless he has the
title to the property, he is not
the owner, merely possessing an
The declaration of Mayor Ow­
ens that there was no quorum
and that no business could be
transacted caused some argument,
the mayor contending for delay
and Councilman Johnson main­
taining that the matter should be
settled at once. Judge Harris ex­
plained that the council is the
judge of the qualifications of its
members, but the mayor believed
that since there was no quorum, no
action could then be taken. Af­
ter some discussion as to the
power of the two councilmen to
act, it was agreed by both sides
that F. E. Malmsten, the out­
going councilman chosen a year
ago to take the place of Council­
man Ray Charlesworth, resigned,
should serve until his successor
is qualified. Mr. Malmsten re­
sumed his seat, and moved ad­
journment until Thursday.
In the November election Mr.
Sandon received 48 votes to 47
cast for Herman Veal, both
names being written in.
Prior to the discussion of the
qualification of Mr. Sandon the
outgoing council, Mr. Malmsten,
Franklin Rogers and Mr. Johnson
passed upon bills, B. J. Cline be­
ing absent on account of illness.
Track Crew at Work
An S. P. and S. crew is clear­
ing ditches on Top hill with the
aid of a steam shovel. Slides
had filled some of the ditches
The locomotive and caboose
spent Wednesday and Thursday
nights in Vernonia.
Those attending the basketball
game at Forest Grove Friday
were Joy Bush, Art Nanson, Paul­
ine Milne, Paul Jepson, Marjorie
Meeker, Buddy Baker, Louise Ro­
berson, Lyle Baker, M’. Baker
and Mr. Bush.
The rabbit club of the Ver­
nonia grade school met yesterday
morning in Lee Roy Damron’s
The club has bought 12 reg­
istered does to be distributed
among the boys and girls who
will take care of them. Each boy
and girl in the club will make an
exhibit at the county fair.
An active membership of 75
in the club is the expectation of
the leader, Mr. Damron.
Steelhead Catches
Reported Good in
Creek This Season
Steelhead are running early
this year, it is reported, and fish­
ermen are enjoying good catches.
Nearly everyone who goes out
succeeds in getting one, and sev­
eral have secured the limit of
The fish are of good size, var­
ying from four to 14 pounds.
Mike Willard has the distinction
of getting the biggest, in Rock
ereek Wednesday of last week.
The majority of the boys are
using long poles such as fly poles
Dairymen Advised
and bait poles. The short casting
poles are not successful here,
To Adopt Feeding
owing to the lines getting entang­
Of Grain Ration led on the rocks. Line from 24
to 50 pound test are being used,
Geo. A. Nelson, County Agent
and leaders from 20 to 40 pounds.
With the changing prices of Hooks range from 8’s to 00’s with
dairy products and grain it has light weights.
been difficult for the dairymen
to adopt a uniform ration for
feeding their herds. Dairy pro­ Court Refuses
ducts for a time dropped in
prices faster than feed prices, so
Injunction Plea
that it was necessary for dairy­
men to depend principally on
home grown feed for his dairy
cows, such as good hay, root Marion County Jurist Acts in
crops, kale and silage. The freez­
Wolf Creek Case
ing of the succulent feeds makes
it necessary to feed grain rations.
Injunction proceedings to re­
The price of dairy products strain the state highway commis­
has advanced and grain prices sion from expending state money
have been lowered so that it is on the construction of the Wolf
justifiable to feed a grain ra­ Creek highway were denied Thurs­
tion. Fresh cows producing 30 day of last week by Judge L. G.
to 40 pounds per day need a Lewelling of the Marion county
gtain ration to maintain this circuit court. Judge Lewelling
production. At the present prices held that the complaint of Dun­
of grain a satisfactory ration can can Bruce McDonald did not state
be made from 1200 pounds of sufficient facts to constitute
millrun, 600 pounds ground corn cause for action.
or barley, and 200 pounds of soy
The first complaint in the ef­
bean meal or oil meal. To this fort to block construction was
should be added 20 pounds of filed by State Senator Joe E.
bone meal flour, especially pre­ Dunne, and at that time four dif­
pared for livestock feeding.
ferent judges were assigned to
At the present prices of grain the case, certificates of prejudice
a ration of this kind can be ob­ having been filed against all but
tained from about $17.50 to the last. The case was never
$19.00 per ton, depending on brought to trial, Senator Dunne
the locality.
withdrawing his complaint and
substituting that of Mr. McDon­
ald because of the latter’s being
Evangelical W. M. S.
a taxpayer in Columbia county.
Since the decision of the highway
Conducts January
commission not to let any furth­
Business Meeting er contracts on the road no spe­
cial effort was made, it is be­
The January business meeting lieved, to press the suit.
of the Evangelical W. M. S. was
held at the church Wednesday af­
ternoon, January 4.
Many members were absent due
to illness.
A very interesting lesson on
the theme “Self-Denial and Day
of Prayer,” was conducted by
Mrs. Alice Malmsten. Mrs. Hair,
Mrs. Wall, Mrs. Cason, Mrs.
RIVERVIEW — (Special.) —
Thompson and Mrs. Bessie Malm­
The depression has extended ev­
sten assisted with the lesson.
The committees for the year en to the wild life of Soul’s Hill,
according to J. Burtraw, who was
were announced as follows:
Program— Garner, Thompson, a visitor here Monday. In former
times, he said, his bees were vis­
Fisher, A. Malmsten.
Social—Douglass, Hair, Kent, ited once in a while by a strag­
gler skunk. Now, he asserts, the
Finance— Dewey, Wall, Hol­ skunks come in droves, and if
they ate unable to gain entrance
comb, Marshall, M. Malmsten.
Visiting — _ Cason, Matthews, to a hive they demolish it.
School Give« Program
Prayer League— B. Malmsten.
The Rock Creek school, with
Thank Offering—Burnside.
Mrs. Mabel Graves as teacher, en­
Refreshments were served by joyed a Christmas party Dec. 23.
Mrs. A. Malmsten, Mrs. Holcomb, | A pleasing program was given.
Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Knauss.
Fred Oswald, 70,
Die* in Veterans
Hospital Monday
The Vernonia grade school bas­
ketball team has the following
games scheduled in the county
Jan. 13, at John Gumm school,
St. Helens.
Jan. 20, with McBride school,
Jan. 27, at Rainier,
Jan. 1 31, with Clatskanie, here,
Feb. 3, at McBride school, St.
Feb.10, with John Gumm, here.
Feb. 24, at Clatskanie.
Miss Allie Simmons, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Simmons,
was married to Herman G. Dick-
sc.'i at the home of her parents
Sunday afternoon, Rev. G. W.
Plumer officiating. Mrs. George
was bridesmaid and Lawrence
Dickson best man.
The bride’s dress was of white
tulle and she carried a bouquet
of pink carnations.
The couple left immediately
after the ceremony for a short
honeymoon in Portland. They will
make their home in Corvallis,
where Mr. Dickson plans to do
post-graduate work in the state
Members of the immediate fa­
milies and a few close friends
were present.
At the P.-T. A. meeting Wed­
nesday evening Lee Roy Dam­
ron’s class of sixth and seventh
grade boys gave an exhibition
Mr. and Mrs. Carlson visited
of physical training and first aid. in Dallas recenty.
H. Veal both
Fred Oswald, 70, died Monday
evening in the Veterans’ hospital
of Portland, where he had been
sent from Vernonia that morning.
He had been in poor health for
some time. Services will be held
today at 2 p. m. in Brown's Mor­
$20,000 Is Reduced from tuary, Rev. G. W. Plumer offic­
Cline Resign* Thursday
iating. Interment will be in North
Budget for Poor
At Adjourned
many August, 1862, and came to
America at the age of 23. Sever­
Application for a loan of $20,- al years later he enlisted in the
Seating of H. G. Sandon as
000 from the R. F. C. and re­ regular army, as a member of
councilman, resignation of B. J.
duction of that amount from the Troop K, first regiment cavalry.
Cline and appointment of Her-
county budget item for care of He served in the Spanish-Ameri­
man Veal to fill the vacancy.
Wood to Paper Mill
the poor, was the highlight of can War and the Boxer rebellion
and reappointment of Recorder
the action of the county court in in China. He was honorably dis­
Returned This Week C. F. Hieber and Marshal Earl
making the levy following the charged in 1899.
Smith featured the adourned
budget meeting in St. Helens Sat­
In 1907 Mr. Oswald was mar­
Shipments of pulp wood, sus­ meeting of the city council yes-
urday afternoon. The amount ried to Jennie Lines. Besides his pended about the middle of Dec­ terday evening.
budgeted for the purpose
Mr. Sandon qualified by pre-
widow he leaves three step child­ ember, have been resumed, the
now $8,000.
first car going out Monday with senting a warranty deed to pro-
Other changes in the budget
the Vernonia Trading Company perty in Vernonia. The resigna­
are a $900 increase in the emer­
as shipper. The company is now tion of Mr. Cline was presented
gency fund, and removal of .7 0. E. S. Installs
loading another car, and F. D. and accepted, and Councilman
mill from the general road tax.
Macpherson also is loading one Johnson moved the appointment
of Herman Veal, seconded by
The levy will be 16.2 mills, which
Officers for 1933 The
includes the 3 mill state tax.
wood is being sent to the Councilman Adams. Mr. Veal
The county tax of 13.2 mills is
Hawley mill at Oregon City, now took his seat immediately, being
lower than last year’s, 13.8 mills,
owned by the Western Cooperage sworn in by Judge W. A. Harris.
Before proceeding to appoint-
Mrs. Hughes Becomes Worthy Co. They are using only about
when no state tax was levied.
« a week
„„„ at present, and ments an application of Claude
Budget Meeting Futile
Matron of Order
negotiations are being made for E. Hillsberry as water *uper-
The budget meeting accomp­
lintendent, offering to serve at a
Nehalem chapter 153, O. E. S., an additional outlet.
lished nothing, ending abruptly
1redu«id salary, was rejected,
with a major part of the items
Licen«. Question Bobs Up
ing at the Masonic temple, with timbers for Bonners Ferry, Idaho,
the retiring worthy matron, Mrs. early this week.
Owens announced his
At the beginning Judge J. H.
J. W. Brown, as installing officer
appointment for recorder C. F.
Wellington, chairman, announced
....Has Narrow Escape
and Catherine McNeill installing
Hieber. Councilman Johnson stat­
that no votes would be taken.
A. L. Lachine had a narraw ed that he would approve of tha
It was decided to take up the marshal.
Following are the officers in­ escape Monday in the woods while appointment provided the re­
items separately for discussion.
stalled: Mrs. A. J. Hughes, wor­ at work for Clark and Wilson corder's work of the past year
Amounts totalling $101,000 were
thy matron; J. E. Tapp, worthy when a falling tree hit him, bruis­ was satisfactory. He asked for a
passed over without comment
patron; Mrs. Fred Wall, asso­ ing him about the head and skin­ report on the collection of occu­
from the floor, but when the ap­
ciate worthy matron; F. D. Mac­ ning his arm and shoulder. He pation licenses, which Mr. Hieber
propriation of $1500 for county
associate worthy patron; noticed the tree coming in time stated he had not completed.
agent was reached the arguments pherson,
Mrs. H. E. McGraw, secretary ; to drop between two logs which
Some discussion followed on
pro and con extended until the
Mrs. T. M. Crawford, treasurer; protected him from possibli fatal the license question, ended for
noon hour, and were resumed in
Mrs. E. .A. Green, conductess; injury.
the time being when Councilman
the afternoon. Sentiment was ap­
Mrs. M. D. Cole, associate con-
Sandon moved to confirm the ap­
parently about evenly divided.
ductress; Mrs. C. L. Brock, chap­
pointment. The motion carried.
In the discussion S. C. Morton
lain; Miss Amy Hughes, or­
When the mayor announced
asserted that the county agent
ganist; Mrs. J. L. Timmons, mar­
appointment of Earl Smith as
had had no cut in salary and
shal; Mrs. F. D. Macpherson,
Councilman Sandon
moved a reduction in the appro­
Adah; Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Ruth;
again moved to confirm the ap­
priation from $1500 to $1000.
Mrs. L. H. Roberson, Esther; Miss
pointment, and the motion also
Thereupon F. L. Teutsch, of the
Mills, Martha; Mrs. Henry
was carried.
extension service of O. S. C., ex­
Fogel, Electa; Mrs. K. A. Mc-
After appointment of Marshal
plained that the $1500 is for
Neill, warder; Emil F. Messing,
“We were celebrating the ar­ Smith the recorder read an appli­
expenses only, Mr. Nelson’s salary
rival of the new deal,” explains cation of V. M. Whitsell for tha
not being paid by the county,
At the close of the ceremony
Judd Greenman regarding the position of marshal at a salary
and that his salary had in fact
Mrs. Timmons installed Mrs. Mc- blowing of the mill whistles, as of $75.00. Mayor Owens ex-
been reduced 20 per cent.
Neill as the warder.
plained that the matter of aal-
of old, Saturday night.
When demand was made for a
Mrs. McGraw presented the re­
aries was to be covered by ordi-
t t t
vote upon the county agent’s ap­
tiring matron, Mrs. Brown, with
Hy-Van hangs his hat where he nance, and discussion was de-
propriation Judge Wellington re­
a past matron’s jewel. Mrs. Brown can keep an eye on it all the ferred.
minded the audience that no vote
Mayor Owens expressed himself
would be taken. When he made responded, after which Mrs. Mac­ time now when he attends coun-
pherson sang “Love Creed.”
cil meetings. Earl Smith ran off as favoring readjustment of oc­
an effort to proceed to other
chapter refreshments with it the time before.
cupation licenses, and suggested
items some one moved an ad­
a special meeting to consider a
t t t
journment and the
meeting were served in the dining room,
where Mr. Tapp acted as toast­
new schedule item by item, in
Mac McNeill’s share in the preparation for drawing up a
new deal already arrived is a new ordinance, Readjusted on
Former Vernonia
load of republican wood that he a fair basis, the ordinance should
From bathing in the ocean •t won from Mac McGraw. It ap­ be enforced, he maintained.
Man Passe* Away
Venice, in southern California, to pears that the night of the re­ Councilman Johnson questioned
In Seattle, Wash. encountering deep snow in the publican rally, the one night in if it would be enforced and stat­
Siskiyous was the range of ex­ 1932 when Jack Bush opened his ed that his objections to the li­
A. E. Moulton, a former resi­ perience of Lee Roy Damron of doors wide open and invited folks cense situation were not based on
dent of Vernonia, passed away in the grade school faculty during to come in free of charge, the two the fact that some were not pay­
the holidays. Mr. Damron visited Macs got to betting who’d win, a ing, who were unable to do so,
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 28.
He is survived by his widow, a brother in Los Angeles, and cord of wood against three dol­ but that some never had paid a
lars worth of drugs, or something single penny Bince being ia busi­
Mrs. Ella Moulton and seven toured into old Mexico.
like that. The republican Mac ness in Vernonia, and were al­
children, H. A. Moulton and Mrs.
J. W. Brimmer of Vernonia, EASTERN STAR ENTERTAINS lost, but he never paid up and lowed to get by.
The Order of the Eastern Star ,1m
the democratic m.v
Mac n«u
had given up
Mrs. H. R. Hamon, a former
C. E. Watch Social Hold
resident of Vernonia now of entertained the Masons and their hopes of collecting. Comes word,
The Christian Endeavor society
Corning, California, Mrs. J. C. wives and families at a watch however, that the wood is to be
Morrow of Kennydale, Wash., E. party New Year’s eve. Miss Nelle delivered. The boys immediately of the Christian church held a
C. Moulton and E. A. Moulton Green tap danced. The other num­ framed up to take a picture of watch-night social at the Christ­
W. C. T. U. To Meet .
bers on the program were can­ McGraw delivering a cord of wood ian parsonage New Years eve.
of Seattle.
The W. C. T. U. will meet
The evening was spent in lively
celled uuo
due to illness. , Games were
uci, out
Mr i. J. W. Brimmer was in Lcucu
on a bet,
but me
the canny acuvvn-
Tuesday at two o’clock at the
enjoyed during the evening and | man was too much for them. He games and a real social time.
Seattle for the funeral.
home of Mrs. E. J. Douglass. A
Those attending said—“one of
were sent Shorty Lee to haul it.
special business will be transac­
Mac McNeill is not so keen the best ever”.
ted. A full attendance is urged.
about the wood now that he has
it. “This old republican wood is COMING EVENTS
Company Name* Five
Woodcraft Boy« Work on Project
The Alumna club met at the too short and full of knots,” he'
The seventhe and eighth grade
New Director* Here home of Mrs. Ray Mills Tuesday, remarks to hi* democratic and
Friday, Jan. 8
boys who comprise the class in
January 3. Those preaent were republican friends alike.
Nehalem Valley
woodcraft in the Washington
Five new directors, Harry Wil­ Mrs. Loel Roberts, Miss Merle
high school vs. Vernonia high
t t t
school are going out tomorrow to son, Carl Jensen, F. E. Malmsten, Mills, Miss Marjory King, Mrs.
school, grade school gym, 7:30
work on their project, a cabin Peter Bergerson and S. V. Malm­ Ed Buchner, Mrs. Charles Wall,
Claude Thomas up a step lad­ p. m.
which they are building.
sten, were elected Wednesday af­ Miss Mildred Tousley and Mrs. der fitting a stove pipe outside
Monday Jan. *
ternoon at the annual meeting of Archie Adams. Mrs. Wall won the of the bank building, Guy Mills
Joint installation, Knights of
o f the Nehalem Valley Telephone prize for high score at bridge.
steadying the ladder for him, and Pythias and Pythian Sisters, Odd
the high school faculty, who has company. The election of officers
W. M. Adair up on the roof to' Fellows hall.
been ill with the flu, returned was postponed until a later date
The Pythian Sisters are spon­ steady the pipe at the top . . .
Rainbow Girls election of of­
to school Tuesday.
because so many members are soring a card party to be given C. W. Linebaugh, postal inspector, ficers, Masonic temple.
ill with the flu and unable to at­ next Wednesday at 8 p. m. in the checking records in the post of­
Tuesday, Jan. 10
Paul Gordon arrived to take tend. There were, however, enough Odd Fellow’s hall.
fice . . . George Laird riding
W. C. T. U. at Mrs. E. J.
the place of Edwin H. Condit as present to make a quorum for
with Wilbur Davis in the big red Douglass’s, 2 p. m.
teacher in the grade school. Mr. electing directors.
Among local teachers who at­ truck . . . Ben Cline leaving the
Wadnaaday, Jan. 11
Gordon will also coach basketball.
The meeting was held at two tended the session of the Oregon city hall while council meeting
Pythian Sister* card party, Odd
o’clock in the Hotel Vernonia.
State Teachers' association in was still going on, and looking as Fellow* hall, 8 p. m.
The Rainbow Girl* will hold
Portland last week are J. B. Wil­ if he was pleased . . . Mayor
Friday, Jan. IS
an election of officers next Mon­
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Finnerty kerson, G. E. Finnerty, E. H. Con­ Owens reading committee appoint-! Basketball, St Helen* high vs.
day night. All Rainbow Girls are spent the holidays in Cottage dit, Mis* Elma White and Miss ments too fast for the longhand. Vernonia high school, grade school
urged to attend.
Grove and Portland.
reporter* to get them down.
I gym 7:80 p. m.
Mary Erickson.
By County
Feathers .
and .. .Talons
Depression Hits
Wild Life Says
Souls's Hill Man
Allie Simmon* and
Herman Dickson Marry
H. G. Sandon
On Council