Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, November 18, 1932, Image 1

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$2.00 per Year; 5c a copy
Christian Church to
Be Scene of Father
And Son Banquet
A special meeting of the cham­
A Father and Son banquet will
ber of commerce will be held in
held tonight at 6:30 in the
the Masonic temple this noon to
rooms of the Christian
consider road developments aris­
ing from the suit of Senator Joe church. On attractive
E. Dunne to restrain the high­ has been provided and a happy
way commission from construct­ evening is looked for.
Every father coming is asked
ing the Wolf creek road.
I to bring his own son. If this is
not possible a son will be provid-
Large Number of Products Librarian Reports
ed him.
Lively Interest in
Shown by Grange
A special service for fathers
Circulating Books and sons will be held at the morn­
And Club
ing service next Sunday. Fathers
Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, librarian of| and sons are asked to sit to­
the city library, reported a total gether at this service, states the
H. M. F.
A splendid exhibit was the circulation of 11,430 from Jan­ ! minister, F. Claude Stephens.
verdict of the many who attended uary through October of this
the quilt and agricultural show year at a meeting of the board in
sponsored by the Vernonia Study | the library Monday afternoon, Red Cross Drive
club and Vernonia grange in the | This places the average monthly
Harris building on Bridge street circulation at 1,143.
In Progress Now
| These figures, she stated, m-
The big front window was so I eluded the circulation of several
filled to overflowing with a wide 1 loans from the state library.
variety of locally raised agricul­ | They indicate a very lively in­ Work of Organization for Com-
tural products that we gave up terest in this department of the
munity li Recounted
in despair the thought of record-j city’s activities, especially con­
conjunction with the Red
ing who exhibited what, and shall |
Cross drive which is in progress
only mention what impressed us books oiwned by the library.
Although 291 new books have this week, an exhibit of clothing
About the biggest vegetable on been added to the library re-[ made for the community chest
hand was a huge green squash in cently, either through the book I from materials furnished to this
a display made by A. D. Hall. An­ drive or purchase, Mrs. Thomas locality by the Red Cross is on
other fairly sizable yellow squash reported that a total of 196 had ' display in one of the windows of
raised by John B. Hair was re­ been discarded this year. 21 were | the’ Miller Mercantile company’s
markable because it was said' to lost or destroyed through quaran-1 store.
have developed just since Septem­ tine, fire or carelessness of bor-j The display Jg jugt one example
rowers, and 175 were discarded .f what the Red Cross ¡g doing
We noticed flax grown by E. because they were worn out from' for this community with funds
E. Malmsten, oat hay raised long and frequent usage.
secured from the annual member­
somewhere on the O.-A. property,
ships. According to a poster in
A. L. Parker's alfalfa, a monster County Court Not
; the window a total of 96 gar-
sunflower grown by L. S. Dowd,
'ments has been made by the local
To Purchase Right
and Il. M. Condit’s very fancy
Of Way for Highway c'ulj Women from the Red Cross
I material.
J. L. Timmons displayed some
The state highway commission! Approximately 1,130 yards of
corn stalks which prove conclu- has requested the Columbia coun-, materials including muslin, out-
sively that Iowa has nothing on ty court to purchase right of wayi*n& flannel, dress prints, and
the Nehalem valley men it comes for the Wolf creek road for about 'chambray have been given to the
to growing “tall corn.” The stalks three quarters of mile where the 1 local sewing committee, headed by
raised in his garden on Rose av­ proposed route clips a corner of Mrs. L. H. Dewey, who oversees
enue measure)! 11 feet, 7 inches. the county. As the section in- the cutting and making of gar-
He admitted however that it was I i cludes green timber it is estimat­ ments to fit the needs of local
raised from Iowa seed.
ed that the cost would be between depression victims. The total re­
We have a feeling we didn’t $6,000 and $7,000.
tail cost of these materials in­
see everything, but we do recall
While no formal action was cluding some additional trim­
vetly fine displays of apples, corn, taken by the court the members mings, thread, etc., also supplied
nuts of various kinds, butter, did not look favorably on the by the Red Cross would approxi­
cheese, honey, watermelons, car- idea of buying the right of way. mate $181.00 according to the
rots, beets, parsnips, turnips, cab-
computations of a local merchant.
bage, tomatoes, quinces, a cu- JUDGE SKIPWORTH
The Red Cross has also given
cumber in a narrow necked jar,
this community large quantities
fish freshly caught in Rock creek
WOLF CREEK CASE of flour, 22,175 pounds of which
and “what have you.”
have already been distributed.
As for the quilts—well the
Many local children have had
Hearing on the demurrer in the
walls were lined with them and injunction suit to prevent the tonsils removed, glasses fitted and
the display included also other I highway commission from doing other medical attention and care
needle work, old and modern. A any more
work on the Wolf through Red Cross funds.
woman may like and admire vege­ I creek road will be held before
The Red Cross organization has
tables and alfalfa, but she “loves” Judge i Skipworth of Eugene at the reputation of operating with­
quilts, so many were the feminine Salem i today. He is the fourth out waste and has cooperated
“ohs” and “ahs” heard around judge assigned to the case, affi- closely with the community chest
the needle craft section.
davits i of prejudice having been here working through local boarH
One unpieced solid color cover filed against the other three.
members and workers who donate
was adorned with a beautifully
The suit is being brought by all of their time.
executed design in quilting, and Senator Joe E. Dunne.
The Red Cross does all of its
several lovely pieced examples
county work through the county
done in two colors were on dis­
nurse, Miss Nettie Alley, thus ef­
play. There was a sunbonnet ba­
fecting a large saving in operat­
by quilt, a butterfly quilt, a
ing expenses.
flower basket quilt, a strikingly
Individual memberships are one
attractive daffodil quilt, and any
dollar a year, 50 cents of which
number of flower and geometric
stands ready to help any com­
patterns, pieced or appliqued, all
munity in time of emergency or
beautifully quilted.
Mrs. A. E. Jennings is in re­ disaster, and 50 cents remains in
One of the most interesting ceipt of a letter from Governor the county fund for county wel­
quilts and among the most at­ , Franklin D. Roosevelt written be- fare work exclusively.
tractive was one containing 2,-
A number of local clubs and
| fore the election in reply to one
857 tiny blocks arranged ac­ I that she had written him before organizations are planning to give
cording to color. This was exhibit­ his nomination. In her letter Mrs. ' their Red Cross donations in the
ed by Mrs. Virgil Powell. Anoth­ Jennings expressed her confidence i form of large lump sums, as or­
er, exhibited by Mrs. E. S. Thomp­ ; that he would be nominated and ganization donations remain i..
son, contained an enormous num­ elected.
the county in their entirety after
ber of blocks but we didn’t stop; The letter from Mr. Roosevelt 50. cents only from the whole do-
to count them.
«111 reads as follows:
ation is deducted for the national
Several old quilts were shown,
"In a clean-up of my desk on organization, according to club
one being indicated as over 50 my return from my western trip, i officials. Because of this provi­
years old, and several were made I came across your letter writ­ sion, people who cannot afford
by women over 80 years old. One ten before the Convention. I had ' individual memberships this year,
with very fine quilting was made
laid this aside when I received it ' may at least contribute some-
by an aunt of F. D. Macpherson j j to give it a more careful reply ' thing through some organization
when she was 84, and another was'
gt as soon as time permitted and in ' and retain the whole amount for
made by Mrs. C. Van Blaricom
j .some way it has escaped my at- local use.
the age of 89.
The present drive which con-
tention until now.
Among the antiques was a
has tinues tin Thanksgiving is direct-
“Of course, much
1__— water
—— —
hand woven silk afghan, and a run over the dam and there is, ! ¡ed by a committee composed of
cover beautifully designed in
alMrs. Adolph Nelson. Mrs. F. M.
blue and white made of home-j • therefore, no need for me to Ruhl and Mrs. Mike Miller work­
spun and home-woven flax and
ing through the Parent-Teachers’
wanted you to know that your
wool in New York in 1800, now letter
pleased me very much and *«’°ciation.
belonging to Mrs. L. H. Dewey,
that I appreciate being the bene­
Mrs. Dewey also displayed a
ficiary of your first Democratic MEN'S INDOOR BASEBALL
paisley shawl brought across the
plains to California in 1850.
“I hope that my speeches dur­
Another heirloom was a white
counterpane shown by Mrs. Ira
A men’s indoor baseball team
your approval and I deeply re-
Mann. woven in its design were
an-'is being organized at the Evan­
the words “U. S. Army—Medical gret that your letter was not
gelical church with H. V. Hol­
department—1883.” Mrs. John B. swered long before this."
comb in charge. The group meets
Hair also displayed an old hand-
C. E. Lasher, manager of the Monday evenings at eight, follow­
woven counterpane.
Oregon Gas and Electric Co., was ing the Boy Scouts’ meeting
at 6:30.
in town Tuesday.
(Continued on Page Four)
Exhibit Put
On Saturday
Roosevelt Sends
Letter In Reply
To Good Wishes
______________ NUMBER 47.
On acount of Thanksgiv-
ing holiday next week it
will be necessary to print
the Eagle on Wednesday,
All correspondence, adver­
tising and other copy must
therefore be in one day
earlier than usual, Lat“
copy will have to be held
over until the following
Firemen’s Banquet
Given Nov. 10 at
Culbertson Home
Budget For
A lively contest is expected at
The annual banquet for mem­ the city budget meeting in the
bers of Vernonia’s fire depart­ city hall tonight over various
ment was given at the home of items in the proposed budget, to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson judge by talk heard on the streets
Thursday evening, November 10. It is likely that friends and op­
Places were arranged for J. ponents of the budget will be out
W. Brown, guest of honor, Earl in full force.
Smith, fire chief, W. B. Hol­
Margin la Close, Final
comb, Frank Ellis, Floyd Smith,
Harvest Festival
Bill Ellis, Harry Culbertson, L.
Vote Resulting
Scheduled Tonight
R. Thomas, Emil Messing and
Bleile Automobile
Laverne Adams.
62 to 58
Damaged by Crash
Assisting Mrs. Culbertson on
Into Fallen Tree the arrangements and serving Tonight is the night for the
The grade school budget calling
were Mrs. Earl Smith, Amy Rea much anticipated Harvest Festi­
val which is being given in the for a tax of $38,372.90 less a
The • automobile of Mr. and Purney, and Verla Messing.
I. O. O. F. hall at 7.30 for the reduction of $50 in the allowance
Mrs. 1 E. M. Bleile was damaged
benefit of the community chest for telephone expense was adop­
Sunday morning when it crashed
ted 62 to 58 at the annual meet­
into a fallen tree a short distance! Harvest Home Will
Loads of fun for grown ups ing in the Washington school au­
beyond Sunset camp.
as well as children has been ar­ ditorium Monday night. Vote was
They and their children were
Be Celebrated Here ranged and there will be dancing taken by ballot.
on their way to their home in
and cards for those who like that
Westfir after a weekend visit in
The meeting began with a dis­
form of amusement.
Vernonia. A number of cars
cussion of the six per cent limita­
were parked while one of the Annual Occasion to be in Evan-
tion requirement, Chairman A. C.
clever gypsy fortune teller, has
drivers had gone to get a saw.
Knauss explaining that election
gelical Church Sunday
been secured for the evening, and
Because of defective brakes Mr.
was necessary because of a cleri­
Bleile was unable to stop his
The Harvest Home service will
cal error several years ago which
car in time to avoid hitting the be held at the Evangelical church
reduced the base. A motion to ex­
A country grocery and roulette
rear car, and in swerving aside Sunday at 11 a. m., with pot-luck
ceed the limitation was passed by
hit the tree. His car mounted the dinner at 12:30. This is an an­ wheel will be managed by N. S. a standing vote, 59 to 31.
log, landing upon it in such a nual Nehalem valley occasion, not Soden and Ray Mills, and Dr. M.
Chairman Knauss stated that
way as to demolish the battery I resfcricted to members or others D. Cole will preside over a shoot­
the proposed budget provided for
ing gallery.
and possibly throw the shaft out associated with the church.
These are a few of the interest­ a reduction in operating expense
j A special feature is the exhibit
N. S. Soden, who was driving of fruits and' vegetables. This ing concessions. There will be of about $7,000, and that since
one of the cars waiting to get year jke names of all exhibitors “eats,” of course for everybody. $15,000 due on debt service this
The proceeds from the festival year had ‘been refunded the levy
by the obstruction, towed the wd] j,e marked on the products.
Bleile car to Timber for repairs. (The committee in charge, Rev. G. which is being arranged by com­ for that item could be omitted at
mittees from the Pythian Sisters this time, though it in that case
W. Plumer states, would be pleas­
and Knights of Pythias lodges, have to be made in 1935, when
ed to have anything out of the
DeMolay Boys Confer
will be given to the community the payment would become due.
in the line of fruits and
Honor on Two From ordinary
He further explained an increase
vegetables entered, and all, ir­
made necessary this year because
Rainbow Assembly respective of church affiliations,
of the fact that last year the
are urged to put in exhibits. Kindergarten of
budget committee had made a re­
The Oregon chapter of De­ Members of the committee are
Eight Children Is
duction from about 17 mills to 6
Molay from Portland put on de­ A. C. Knauss, A. Lk Parker and
Conducted in Home mills to take care of debt ser­
gree work at the local Masonic F. E. Malmsten. Ladies from the
vice only, as more than enough
lodge Saturday night.
W. M. S. will serve the dinner.
Mrs. Howard Reeher has es­ was due in delinquent taxes to
Charles L. Adams, father ad­
At the pot-luck dinner it is tablished at her home a kinder­
visor, is a former Vernonia resi­ expected that county Agent Geo. garten for children of pre-school take care of operating expenses.
dent and has brought a team A. Nelson and Sheriff Oscar G. age. Eight are enrolled: Shirley However, when a levy of over 17
here annualy because of his in­ Weed will attend and give short Cole, Mary Lee McGraw, Colleen mills had been made the year
before, 61 per cent had been col­
terest in this community.
speeches. There will also be music. Fogel, Beverly June Bateman,
Following the degree work, wit­
Thanksgiving will be celebrated Yvonne Wridge, Fay Conrad, lected, while of last year’s 6 mill
nessed by members of the Masonic also in the Sunday school. A short Donald Cole and Bobby Meichen. levy only 15 per cent was col­
lected, hence it would be impas­
fraternity, a dance was given play, “Let Us Give Thanks,” will
They meet every school day
with the local chapter of Rain­ be presented by the high school morning from 9 to 11:30. At sible to operate the school on a
bow girls as guests. As a special class of which Mrs. Leroy Malm­ present they have been building levy for debt service only next
honor Mrs. A. J. Hughes, mother sten is teacher. The leading char­ a wigwam and a log cabin, and year.
advisor, and Edna Owens, wor­ acters are Florence Wall, “Spirit have studied about the Indians
Judd Greenman pointed out
thy advisor, of Nehalem assem­ of History;” Zonweiss Douglass, and Pilgrims preparatory to that 60 per cent of the proposed
bly, Order of Rainbow, were “Modern Humanity;” Mary Ann Thanksgiving.
budget is for debt, and whether
summoned into the lodge hall and Childs, “America;” Louis Graven,
it passed or not a levy for this
presented with bouquets of au- “Spirit of ’76;” Sara McGee,
would have to be made. In the
W. B. Armitage Buys
tumn flowers.
controllable items there had been
“Thanksgiving;” Ruth Page Sim­
Only Drug Store in
a reduction of 21.7 per cent.
mons, “Harvest;” Holly Holcomb,
“New England Colonist;” Leon
La Center, Wash. Taxpayers were lucky, he de­
clared, in getting off with a six
Brock, herald. The entire class
H.M. Condii Named
will participate.
Wm. B. Armitage has bought mill levy last year.
the La Center Pharmacy at Da
Upon Chairman Knauss’B invi­
Master Of Grange
Center, Washington, a town in tation for discussion of any speci­
Eleventh Annual
Rebekah Convention Clark county on the Pacific fic items in the budget Mr. Green­
north of Vancouver. It man moved that the allowance
Held in Clatskanie highway
Vernonia Organization Elects for
is the only drug store in the for telephone be cut from $100
community. He took possession to $50, and the motion was car­
Coming Year
The eleventh annual convention
ried. Mrs. Sidney Malmsten sug­
H. M. Condit was elected mas­
Mr. and Mrs. Armitfage will gested that instruction in music
ter of Vernonia grange Saturday
continue to live for the preBent and art be eliminated, saving the
Maude Rogers, president of the
evening. Other officers chosen
in Vancouver, where he has been district about $1100, but a ma­
are H. E. McGraw, overseer; Rebekah assembly of Oregon, waB pharmacist in the Reeder Drug jority sentiment in the meeting
Theodore Keasey, steward; Phil­
store. As his store will be open favored retention of these sub­
lip Millis, 'assistant steward; Mrs. serious illness of her husband. for two hours only on Sundays jects. Bert Woods declared that
Viola Treharne, assistant steward; Grace Christensen, warden of the he and Mrs. Armitage expect to the salaries of teachers is too
Mrs. Floy Hammack, secretary; Rebekah assembly, took her place. make frequent Sunday trips here high in proportion to what the
The initiatory and floor work to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. D. Hall, treasurer; Mrs. H. M.
taxpayers are receiving, but no
Condit, chaplain; Geo. Douthit, was exemplified by Fern lodge W. J. Armitage.
motion was made for any re­
gatekeeper; Mrs. Gladys Moran, of Rainier, balloting by LaFrance
duction in that item.
lecturer; Mrs. Kathleen Kostur,
Mr. Greenman moved that cre­
Pomona; Mrs. Hilda Keasey,
dit be taken for the $15,000 that
Ceres; and Miss Ethel Kelley, the flag ceremony by Mountain
Heart lodge of Vernonia.
does not have to be applied on
There was an attendance of
de'bt service this year, but the
about 70, including the following
motion was opposed by Dr. M. D.
Legion Celebrates
Vernonia sisters who attended
Cole and others on the ground
Armistice Day with
both afternoon and evening ses­
that valuation in the district is
Dinner in Evening sions: Erma Miller, Helen Fogel, Jack Parry has been handing constantly being reduced by the
Irene and Elna Spencer, Selma out cigars.
cutting of timber, and the levy
t t t
Armistice day was observed Webb and Margaret Lines.
if made in 1935 would likely be
Mrs. J. L. Timmons says there more burdensome than now. The
A bountiful dinner was served
here by members of the American
Legion and their families who at 6:30 at the church, also light is nothing to the pot of gold motion was voted down.
met in the Legion hall at six refreshments after the evening myth about rainbow ends. She
Chairman Knauss and Mr.
was right in the tip of one on
o’clock for a pot-luck dinner which session.
Greenman declared that if the
featured generous helpings of
budget should be rejected it
good old "mulligan” made by evening entertainment was sing- is sure, and didn’t find a nickel, woul<t be the duty of the county
ladies of the Legion Auxiliary ing by a male quartet of Clats-
court to make a levy sufficient
assisted by members of the Re­ kanie.
for carrying on the school. Mr.
lief corps.
Greenman stated his preference
The evening was spent inform­ chairman for the next convention,
that this be left within the con­
Les Sheeley hustling around on
ally with impromptu talks and to be held in Vernonia next fall.
trol of the local school board.
Other Vernonia sisters receiv­ business for the Wolf creek case
stories furnishing the entertain­
ing offices were Erma Miller, sec- .. . Earl Smith warning a Hoover
ment. About 50 were present.
The committee in charge of the retai'y-treasurer. Helen Fogel, out­ button wearer that folks get put
Word was received late yester­
dinner included Mrs. William R. side guardian; Margaret Lines, in jail for that . . . and declaring
he is going to lead some other day of the death of Thomas O.
Hammack, Mrs. A. W. Sauer, marshal.
The official visit of the state people there four years from Crowder while on a visit at his
Mrs. Harry Kerns, Mrs. J. L.
Timmons, Mrs. J. C. Henderson, president, Mrs. Rogers, to Moun­ now ... A bunch of school girls son’s home in Seattle Wednesday.
tain Heart lodge has been post­ ceasing to giggle lest their names He was here election day and
and Mrs. H. E. McGraw.
poned because of the illness of be put in the paper . . . Tom Car­ then went north with his son.
Graveside services will be held
man bidding good bye to his
Mrs. P. Hill sustained a dislo- Mr. Rogers.
friends . . . DeMolay boys taking today in North cemetery at three
cated shoulder when she slipped'
.................... .............. —■
and fell on a wet sidewalk Satur-
Mrs. Wayne Lappe has been ill in Vernonia sights Saturday even­ o’clock, F. Claude Stephens offi­
day evening.
this week.
District 47
Is Adopted
Feathers . . .
and.. .Talons