FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Dedication of Campbell Memorial t >ne trig Museum to Mart* Commencement at University of Oregon Irrnnttia Pacific Coast Representative Arthur W. Slypes, Inc. San Francisco Member of National Editorial Association and Oregon State Editorial Association. Issued Every Friday $2.00. Per Year in Advance Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; legal notices. 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher AN EXTRAVAGANT ECONOMY The proposed measure to move the University of Ore­ gon to Corvallis, the normal schools to Eugene, the law school to Salem, and establish junior colleges at Ashland and La Grande, is one of the most extravagant measures of economy that has ever been seriously advocated in Oregon. As the board of higher education has pointed out, an extensive building program would be immediately necessary at Corvallis to accommodate the 2700 additional students now attending the state university, the four and a half million dollar investment in lands and buildings at Eugene would be only partially utilized by the less than 1000 normal students transferred there, the $700,000 investment at Monmouth would be abandoned, quarters at Salem would have to be acquired or rented for the law school, and other similar expenses incurred, all for the purpose of economiz­ ing (supposedly) in operating costs. Such an ill-advised and unbalanced scheme to save the taxpayers’ money by spending big sums for construction and readjustment, and rendering valueless much of what has already been invested, does not even deserve a place on the ballot. The petition shovers (at ten cents per name, no doubt) should be turned down flatly and finally. er will be employed next year. Annual school meeting will be held the second week in June. Mrs. Andy Olson, Elinore and Nancy will establish their sum­ mer residence here as soon as Portland schools are out. Mrs. C. E. Westlin and daugh­ The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. ters returned from a week’s vi- H. C. Ridenour has been named sit in Portland. They were ac- Harold C. companied as far as Keasey by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peachey of Vernonia are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Estey this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle left Monday to pick strawberries in A pot luck luncheon was held the valley. They will join Mr. and at the home of Mrs. Virgil Pow­ Mrs. Hugh Dunlap. ell in Riverview on Thursday. Mrs. H. W. Jones and children Those attending from camp were returned Sunday after spending j Mrs. R. A. Wood, Mrs. George the week in Portland visiting I Baker, Mrs. Chas. Mackie, Mrs. j James Hanna and Mrs. Earl relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCormick I Pringle. The afternoon was spent left Susday for Lebanon to at­ playing 500. Tirs. Ira Rollins tend services for Mrs. McCorm­ winning first prize and Mrs. Chas. Mackie consolation. ick’s grandmother. Mrs. Ray Baker of Portland (Too late for insertion last has been a visitor at the home of week.) A school picnic for the children her son Lionel Baker for the and parents here was held on the past week. George Baker and family were school grounds Friday afternoon. Abundant lunch was provided and Vernonia visitors on Saturday evening. many games played. Mr. and Mrs. John Elder are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bergstrom of Portland spent the weekend moving to St. Helens. Their home with their daughter, Mrs. J. Doyle. I was bought by Red Anderson Vernonia on ’ Fri­ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boyer I Callers “ from ---- ....................... and L. Eaton of Portland were day at the J. C. Hanna home weekend guests of Mrs. C. E. in Camp were Mrs. Ira Rollins, Mrs. Cody, Mrs. Hatfield and Westlin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCormick Mrs. Stanley Olson. Others pre­ and Reva have spent the past sent from camp were Mrs. Chas. Mackie and Mrs. Earl Pringle. week in Salem. Pat Jones made a hurried busi­ Cards were played, Mrs. Cody ness trip to Portland Thursday holding high score, and Mrs. Pringle low score. Refreshments for dental work. Mrs. Paul Dodge and Bessie were served in the afternoon by accompanied Mr. Jones to the the hostess. Mrs. Irene Ryves of Vernonia city. Bessie completed the fifth and Mrs. Chas Mackie were visit­ grade while here. The entire school held passing ors at the Pringle home on Sat­ grades and the average attendance urday afternoon. was very good for the year, ac­ Mrs. V. Powell and Mrs. Ira cording to Mrs. Lambert, the Rollins of Vernonia were lun­ cheon guests of Mrs. Robert principal. Fred Johnson and family visit­ Wood on Wednesday. In the af­ ed Andy Olson over the weekend. ternoon Mrs. Ernie Gwinn, Mrs. Mr. Johnson was a hooktender Chas. Lewis, Mrs. George Baker, Mrs. Neil Lee, Mrs. James Hanna, here. Mrs. Virginia Gilkerson and and Mrs. Wm. Virtru were pre­ Delma were dinner guests of Mrs. sent and the afternoon was spent playing 500, Mrs. Rollins holding Ridenour Thursday. H. W. Jones left Tuesday for high score and Mrs. Hanna low Carlton where he has work with score. Mrs. Clifford Streadwick was the Flora Lagging company. Mrs. Jones and Robert and Gordon ac­ companied them as far as Port­ land where they will visit with Mrs. Jones’ mother. Mrs. C. E. Westlin and children left Tuesday to spend a few days in Portland visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fry have, been living at McCormicks during their absence and caring for their pets. Bess, the pet dog of Westlins’ has been very ill and was taken to the veterinary in Portland. Mrs. Theodosia Lambert left Saturday for Seattle. She will ‘pend her summer vacation travel­ ing in the east and revisit her former home in Indiana. Mrs. Virginia Gilkerson and Delma Jeanne left Saturday for Hood River. The entire communi­ PHONE 681 ty is sorry to lose Mrs. Gflker- son as a teacher. Only ona teach- Camp • • • McGregor Camp[Eight] Quality Garden SEEDS In Bulk Farm Seed Vernonia Trading Co Commencement exercises at the University this year will include the dedication ceremony for the Prince L. Campbell Fine Arts Museum building and the Campbell memorial court. This will be held on Sat­ urday, June 11. Baccalaureate service, with President Arnold Bennett Hall as speaker, will be held Sunday morning and graduation exercises, at which Rabbi Stephen B. Wise of New York will deliver the address, will take place Monday. Above—a view of the Campbell memorial museum. At right—Dr. Campbell, beloved president of the Uuiverslri until the time of bis doath in 1925. from the bust by A. • hlmisu- Prvctor. ance banner from the Lads class. EVANGELICAL G. W. Plumer, Pastor CHRISTIAN CHURCH F. Claude Stephen*, Minister Church services for June 12— 9:45 a. m., Bible school; 10:45 a. m. Divine morning worship, theme, Steadfastness; 6:45 p. m. Chris­ tian Endeavor; 7:45 p. m. even­ ing hour of devotion and praise, theme, Nehushtans. All services for this day are interesting and profitable. If you are in our fair city over Lord’s day and your church is not, may we have the pleasure of inviting you to the services for this day in the name of our Lord and Master? Bible School Notes The church was crowded last Sunday for the Children’s day program. The numbers were largely presented by members of the beginners and primary de­ partments and were exceptionally good. The gleaners won the attend- a Vernonia visitor one day last week. Dinner guests on Sunday at the Chas, Mackie home were Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield of Ver- nonia and Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna of Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sand­ berg are visiting friends and rel­ atives in St. Helens. Norman Gwinn and family have moved to Portland. Vernonia visitors and shoppers on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Chas Mackie, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee, Jack Hall, and Mr. I and Mrs. Earl Pringle. Mrs. Chas Lewis’ mother, who I makes her home in Portland is spending several weeks in Camp with her daughter. Mrs. Chas Mackie was a vis­ itor at the Stanley Olson home in Vernonia on Monday. Mrs. H. G. Sandon and Mrs. | Ward of Vernonia were visitors in Camp on Tuesday. Birkenfeld CHURCH i Edward Erickson, brother of The Children’s day program will begin at 9:45 a. m. Be on time. I Mrs. Annie B. Johnston, and wife The regular Children's day offer­ and Mr. and Mrs. Me Namer and ing will be taken at this time. family of Portland were week end guests Memorial week at the Come prepared. The pastor, G. W. Plumer, hav­ home of Mrs. Annie B. Johnston. Mrs. Quady, sister of Mr. Char­ ing been returned to this charge for another year has already lie Bee and husband of Portland, I and Mrs. Stubbs, Mrs. Bee’s mo- started at the work. 11 a. m. subject “Laboring ther and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ; Stubbs of Linnton were week end Another Day.” ----- Memorial u----------- week at, the The Christian Endeavor at 6:30 guests p. m. Melville Malmsten leader. ■ home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie The 7:30 p. m. theme will be "It’s' Bee. Me, O Lord.” | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brock of Thursday evenings at 7 o’clock Clatskanie and Mrs. Dan Math­ Bible study followed with choir ews, sister of Guy Bellingham, and Mrs. Percy Scaling and hus­ practice. band and children of Portland Sunday School Notes The Children’s day program were guests at the homes of Mr. will begin promptly at 9:45 a. m. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham and Mr. Sunday. The children have a de­ and Mrs. Percy Scaling Sunday. Henry Scaling was a dinner lightful program prepared, and every one is cordially invited to guest of Tom Jones Sunday. _ ___ Mrs. Ellen Wanstrom and attend. As is the custom in .. all Evanglical churches, the Chil- daughters and Miss Ethel John­ dren’s day offering will be given ston were Vernonia shoppers Sat­ to missions. Let’s come prepared urday. Sunday dinner guests at the to make it a generous one. Fathers attention! June 19 is home of Mrs. Annie B. Johnston your day at Sunday school—the were Miss Illa Matilia and Harry day that has been set aside for Sturgess of Portland, Mary Har­ everyone to pay special i tribute to row and Leonard Swanson of Cor- his father. The children i are pre- vallis, Mr. and Mrs. James Cor- paring a program for you on coran of Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. that day. please don’t forget— Edward Erickson and Mr. and ! Mrs. Me Namer of Portland and 9:45 a. m., June 19. daughter Veda, who came home Eagle classifieds will pay you. from teaching at Arlie, Oregon. The Newest And Best in PAGE THREE -- Among those that went clam­ ming to Seaside the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Keaton, Mr. and Mrs. Lenn Richardson, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bee. Mrs. Wanstrom called at Mrs. Annie B. Johnston’s Sunday. Fred Reed called Monday to visit with his little son Bobbie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bee. Howard Jones and Emanuel Johnston, who won first prize of a two week’s scholarship at the O. A. C. at Corvallis on cookies and angel food cake at the 4-H club county fair, will leave for school Monday norning June 13, and on their return will stop off at Portland, and visit relatives and friends for a few days. The young peoples Christian Endeavor had a very interesting meeting Sunday night at Mrs. Annie B. Johnston’s. They will meet with Mrs. Canberg next Sunday night at 7:30 P. M. un­ der the leadership of Mrs. Guy Bellingham. Mrs. Roy Hansen and T. P. Johnston have gone to Chehalis on business. Miss May Carl and Nellie Carl have been confined at their home the past two weeks with sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnston and children were dinner guests last Wednesday night at Mrs. An. nie B. Johnston’s. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Jones visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Carl Monday night. Dr. Wooden and Jack Mathews of Clatskanie were valley fisher­ men iMonday. Rev. R. D. Everett of Portland Getting A Permanent Wave is no longer an unpleasant ordeal—not with the mod­ ern Ringlette Permanent— a process which gives you the most natural and last­ ing waves and curls without the discomfort of heavy ov­ er-head weights and exces­ sive heat. French Curls .... $3.50 Long Hair ....... $4.50 Milady’s Beauty Shoppe Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 was here Sunday visiting the Sunday school held in the school house. To buy, sell or trade, Eagle classified ads. Ii| [I use ....... I J l LODGES „ __ — American Legion Vernonia Poet 119, American Legion. Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month, 8. p. m. J. E. Kerr, Com- mander; Eugene Shipman, Adj. A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each month. Special called meetings on all other Thurs- day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors most cordially welcome. K. A. McNeill, W. M. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Order of Eastern Star Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu­ nication first and third Wed­ nesdays of each month, at Ma­ sonic Temple. All visiting sis­ ters and broth­ ers welcome. Mrs. Edith Pearse, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit­ ors always welcome. Marie O’Donnell, N. G. Emma Miller, Secretary. Pythian Sister« Vernonia Temple 61 meete every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. Edna Brown, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 11« Meets every Monday night in the I.O.O.F. hall. Visiting broth­ ers welcome. R. M. Aldrich, C. C. H. Culbertson, K.R.S. No Labor No Fatigue RADIOS FOR RENT OR SALE GLENN E. DEAMER SERVICE MAN HABIO Your radio repairing guar­ anteed or no labor charge. Vernonia Radio Sliop I ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE — Gene Shipmen, Mgr. Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. DENTISTS ■ w/ BARBER JOy shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed RESTAURANTS M. D. COLE Mary Kato Dentist Vernonia, Oregon Chop Suey Restaurant CARD ROOM PASTIME CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Phone Walnut 7586 Res. Phone Walnut 2911 Lloyd Baker, Prop. 1729 Denver Ave. at Kilpat­ rick St., Portland, Ore. CONTRACTORS DOCTORS JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work* Building OPEN FRIDAY, SAT­ URDAY AND SUNDAY Willard H. Hurley, D. M. D. DENTISTRY 729 THIRD STREET Willard Batteries VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oil* . . . Expert Greasing Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon i Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 VERNONIA SERVICE STATION TRANSFER — TRUCK BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing Vernonia DR. J. A. HUGHES Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon I C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail LUMBER DR. RUTH M. COON CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Phone 291 994 Bridge st. CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store For real bargains—watch the classified columns of the Eagle. when you iron with this Amazing New Invention Nothing is simple, handy and OMEN-compare this new work-less way of ironing compact. It is portable—handles as easily as a vacuum cleaner. You with the old back-straining carry it without strain or exer­ method. tion. It heats in 4 minutes. And With this amazing new speed­ slips into a corner or closet when ironing invention-you ait in a not in use. chair and simply feed the pieces through. No labor ... no exer­ W tion. You actually rest while ironing is being done. There is nothing like this new- type machine on the market. Xsfc us for a demorutration ROTARY IRON Oregon Gas & Electric Co. 622 Bridge Street Telephone 691