FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1&2. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO of the hostess was a guest of i Rose Fletcher the consolation. VITA BRIDGE CLUB statement of my company’s ac- the day.__________________ tivities, in view of the great suc- | A lunch of sandwiches, fresh AT MRS. NELSON’S , strawberry sundae, cake and cof- I cess we have had, I feel it put JUST EIGHT BRIDGE i fee was served by the hostess. just to again acknowledge to you The Vita Bridge club was en tertained at the home of Mrs. CLUB MEETS I Mrs. Mary Nelson and Miss personally my appreciation of the Adolph Nelson Thursday after I Gladys Pressnail were guests. co-operation and assistance that EVANGELICAL CHURCH noon, May 19. Mrs. J. L. Timmons entertained Mrs. Lloyd W. Baker, Mrs. W. J. the newspapers have given us in | Mrs. Nelson presented first the Just Eight Bridge club May Armitage, Mrs. W. M. Hender- G. W. Plumer, Pastor and second prizes for high scores 10. Mrs. James Nanson received son and Mrs. Harry Kerns were Mrs. Annie Timmons of Sen-'the Oregon-American company in attaining this record of achieve tinel, Oklahoma, is the house various capacities since June, ment.” —Tennessee Publisher. The Sunday school is still go to Mrs. Ben Brickel and Mrs. the prize for high score and Mrs, the other members present. Henry Fogel, later serving a guest of her son and daughter-! 1923. The Bleiles will be greatly ing strong, be on hand at 9:45 in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tim- missed in church and social cir- a. m. These days when many whipped jello dessert with Swed- mons. She arrived Sunday and ties in which they have been Alfalfa Found children and auu young yuuug people pevpie are ish cake an<* Coffee. gone, it stands every one that' Other members present in expects to spend the summer very popular. More Useful in is home, be on hand at the ser- eluded Mrs. Ernest Sunell, Mrs. here. RADIOS FOR RENT L. L. Crawford, Mrs. Lee John- This County vice. A. J. Hughes returned Monday OR SALE The pastor will preach at 11 son, Mrs. Dan Brown and Mrs. night from Klamath Falls where he was employed for a time. ■ . r; ’ n‘. Alfalfa is a crop that ia find- a. m. on the subject “What of; Marie O’Donnell. GLENN E. DEAMER America?” The Christian En- Mlss Phyllis Nelson, daughter Miss Phyllis Nelson who has ing increased usefulness on Col- deavor meets at 6:30 p. m. Louis I Mrs. A. A. Dowling SERVICE MAN been teaching school at Banks! farms. The acreage Graven, leader. umbia county has returned to her home here Your radio repairing guar 7:30 p. m. “ Passing This Way, ” ! has increased from 78 in 1924 for the summer vacation. anteed or no labor charge. Mrs. ....... Wm. ...... Bridgers was a Port- to uu Inure more man than 200 now, according will be the theme. This is the1 Mrs. Dan Brown, Mrs. Henry land business visitor last week.|to County agent Nelaon. R ¡g a last Sunday before conference I Fogel and Mrs. Ben Brickel went all members and friends of Irving Knowles butchered some popular crop on poultry farms and to Portland Sunday to see “Grand the church should be present. hogs last week. Hotel.” as a source of green feed and Oqr annual conference under Mr«. Emma Aldridge was over ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE — Gene Shipman, Mgr. Mrs. Ray Joplin and son Mic Clatskanie Monday visiting on the dairy farms for many as the presidency of Bishop G. E. key of Portland were guests of from Epp will open in Portland with well as green feed. relatives in the valley. Mr. qnd Mrs. Walter Moody all the Willamette Boulevard church Mr, and Mrs. Currington drove By A. GOF BUG Through demonstrations estab June 1. of last week. They all spent down front Hillsboro Saturday Wednesday and Thursday at Sea and Thin finishes Rev. G. W. lished by County agent Nelson al spent Saturday night with side. falfa has proven successful in Plumer’s fifth year at Vernonia. Mrs. Ed Reynolds. At least one Vernonia player, appointment of ministers Mr. and Mrs. William Lindley Geo. Jones went up on the most communities in the county for The the next year will be made Hale Greenman, sharpened his and daughter Marian went to burn last week to work for the if put in properly. In the Fern at tljis time. It is not known as pencil and did something to even Garibaldi Sunday for an extend Turner shingle mill for awhile. or better the low score turned in ed visit. Mrs. Ed Reynolds is visiting Hill district J. C. Skeen by sweet yet whether Mr. Plumer will be two weeks ago Sunday by young Mrs. F. M. Ruhl, who is recov her daughter, Mrs. B. Rachal in ening his soil with ground lime here another year or not. The work is going on nicely Doc Mills of Forest Hills. Hale I ering from an operation in the Vernqnia this week. now holds all honors for low' stone, by inoculating his Grimm Emaquel hospital, is reported to Earl Knowles returned home alfalfa seed before planting, by but each year every minister is score on this course with a 33, subject to change. be getting along very well. I from San Diego, California, Sat We will join at the Christian two under par, made up as fol Miss Amy Hughes left Tues urday where he went three weeks preparing a firm, fine seed bed, in the afternoon memorial lows: 3 birdies, 1 five, and 5 day morning for a week’s visit in ago to join the marines. He passed has obtained a successful stand church pars. That score fellows is some Eugene in company with her the first examination but failed! of alfalfa. Ainsworth Wallace is service. thing to shoot at. college friend, Miss Winona Irv on the final one. one of the most successful alfal CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mt. Hood was taken into camp. Mrs. John Patrick spent Tues ing of Burns, who spent Monday last Sunday with a good margin. | night here as a guest in the day afternoon with Mrs. A| Dowl fa growers in the Nehalem valley. Mr. Wallace also finds lime nec F. Claude Stephens, Minister A return match will be played I ing. Hughes’ home. the Mt. Hood course sometime' School closed for the summer essary to alfalfa success. Some Special services for May 29— at Mrs. Herman Veal and daugh in June. ter Velma made a business trip vacation Friday. The day was of his alfalfa plantings are more 9:45 a. m. expect 250 in Bible enjoyed by , all the . youngsters school. Come! ¡0:45 a. m. Divine Next Saturday, Sunday and to Forest Grove Sunday. and a few visitors with a picnic. than five years old. He obtains morning worship, Evangelist Abe Monday the club handicap is Mrs. L. Norris has taken her The rain spoiled their plans about two good cuttings and a light F. Bennett speaking on the sub scheduled to be played. By play nine-months old baby to the having the picnic on the old ject, “Walking With God.” ing the entire match in the three The same rich, firm ice cream which has Doernbecher hospital for an op Lyon's place. They had to be con third cutting. 2:30 p. m., union memorial ser days more will be shown. Soils of the Warren district vices at the church. Our evange Heretofore interest eration, tent with picnicking in the play won so much favor locally will be sold this several weeks 1 have are naturally adapted to pro- list bringing an appropriate mes been required to play off all 1 the Mrs. Earl Groat and son shed. summer at these new low prices— my of Astoria visited her par Wedding bells peeled merrily duction of alfalfa, County agent sage. matches and by the time the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Veal, last week for Frank Brown, who Nelson states, and lime is not 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor finals were reached interest had last week and attended the com has been making his home in the meeting. 7:45 p. m., great evange dwindled to nothing. mencement exercises of the high village here for the past year, and required. listic service, theme, “The Sec Observing the handicaps as “ This is a good year to grow school. Miss Cecil Lane, daughter ol Mr. ond Coming of Christ.” Special at the club house the low __ Wesley Brady returned home and Mrs. Clyde Lane of Birken- alfalfa,” Nelson points out, “be singing at all services. Full an posted handicap men will stand a better from Doernbecher hospital last feld. The young couple slipped cause Grimm seed is cheap and nouncement will be made for De chance this year than in the past. week and is feeling fine again. away to Hillsboro last week and plentiful and because other crops coration day Monday, May 30. The spread of strokes for 18 Gqests of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. were quietly married. They will which might be grown on land holes from the best players to Bible School Notes McCabe Saturday night were Dr. make their home in the village. mediocre player is but 4 to 6 The Loyal Gleaners were again the R. T. Brpnnan and Grant Goudy Mr. Brown has employment with planted to alfalfa are low in strokes. price and little will be lost by the banner class with 28 members of Portland, who visited with Mr. Clark and Dooley. You get the most and the best ice cream Little Iris Turner has been present. McCabe spent Sunday fishing. for your money when you insist on “Nehalia”— Watch the classified section staying with her grandmother the using the land for getting alfal- The total attendance was 198. Dave Marshall and son Larry fa started. For good stands it made in Vernonia for Vernonia folks. Five Bible school members made and see for yourself the many week. Marshall are both laid up with past Dave McMullin was a village is essential to seed alfalfa alone, their confession of faith and have opportunities listed there. Read rheumatism this week. (Sold At Creamery or Golf Courte) shopper from Natal the first of If the soil is acid, lime should since been baptized. it every week. Kenneth Lewis, son of Mrs. the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rose and a ton applied at the rate of L. L. Lewis is visiting his grand Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill were be F. Claude Stephens rendered a parents at Sheridan. early morning village shoppers per acre. The seed bed should special musical number. Russell Lilly, who returned re Tuesday. They have a summer be worked down to a firm, fine The Lassies class presented a Agency for cently from California, is working home at Natal but spent the win- condition and the seeding should graduation gift to their teacher, STATE LAUNDRY CO. at Camp Cochran. Marian Lindley._________ Mra. M. Aamodt had guests inot be done unti* al»out May 10 E. J. Ludeman, formerly mana at hotel M c D onald ger of the Oregon Gas and Elec from Portland Friday. Ito June 15. Moisture should be REVIVAL MEETING Laundry and Dry Cleaning; tric company at Vernonia, has PHONE 471 Mrs. A. Wallace has been on held and the weeds killed through Pick-up Tues.—Deliver Fri. been transferred from the Long flu» ... _ mi The city of Vernonia and coun the uir-li sick li«t list for t.hp the nasi. past week. <• frequent . shallow cultivation. The . try round is being stirred through view office to the Olympia of Mis. Emma Aldridge from Christian fice of Washington ........................ Gas and Clatskanie is visiting the McGee Grimm variety is best and it the efforts of the should be inoculated before seed church «nd the EVangelists, Abe Electric pany. home on the burn. S. J. DeRock left for Portland ing. An application of about 75 F. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. F. Miss .e Christian of Mon- C. Stephens and singers. Whole toe is i g her sister Mrs. F. Wednesday morning. pounds of land plaster per acre families have come to Christ and Muak 11 Mrs. Silvo Graham is visiting ■ek. A lai lumber of Vernonia Mrs. McGee on the burn at this harrowed into the soil now would there is great rejoicing generally. tend to stimulate growth. Many to be baptised on next families 3 left, or are leav- writing. The young people of the vil “A few years ago alfalfa was Lord’s day. Three mighty services ing soon, tor work in the berry patches, chiefly in the vicinity of lage charivaried Mr. and Mrs. thought a failure under western at the church on that day. Meet ing may close Sunday night. Ex Frank Brown Tuesday evening. Banks and Gales Creek. (Incorporate d ) Hopse guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dancing was enjoyed until a late Oregon conditions and there were pect 250 in Bible school and full but very few acres of it. In house at all services. Program be O. T. Bateman Monday and Tues hour. Mrs. Van Vleet and Mrs. Hard 1921 O. T. McWhorter, then gins each evening at 7:45. All day were Leola Dunlap of Port land and Bernard Stain of ing were Vernonia visitors Wed county agent of Washington coun welcome. Rainier. nesday. Mi;s. J. A. Hughes was a Port Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller are ty, established a few alfalfa dem land visitor Tuesday. leaving Saturday to move back onstrations. These demonstrations Yumi-yum home-made pies to on their ranch at Chapman. Mrs. pointed the way to successful al please every tatse, Loyal Gleaners Harding and Mrs. Van Vleet will falfa culture in western Oregon. sale at old Dixie Grill tomor leave the first of next week. Brilliant 4-colored Water Ball Free Since that time the acreage has row. (Adv.) increased each year until 1931 ADVERTISING Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown were with 1-lb. package Milk and honey Effective Friday, May 27, hosts at a contract bridge party George W. Hill, president Am saw 25,225 acres of alfalfa in Tuesday night, preceded by a erican Tobacco company, released 14 western Oregon counties where Stage Number 38 will leave GRAHAM CRACKERS — 91 p LEG PORK ROAST lb...... lßc pot-lpck dinner. Other members| Vernonia at 5:50 p. m. and of the party were Mr. and M rs. over his signature, this story on the crop was formerly thought All For......................... -01V arrive at Number 39 will a failure. The value of the in Ben Prickel, Mr. and Mrs. Hen advertising: 9:05 p. m. ry Fogel and Mr. and Mrs. il ar “The great success that has creased hay obtained from this Shldr. PORK ROAST lb.... J2c old Decker. been attained by my company has alfalfa acreage, to say nothing FREE — a package Hire ’ s Root Mrs. Graham C. Hackett and S. P. & S. Transp. Co. of the value as a source of green daughter I’hyllis, of Portland, been made possible only by our FRESH SIDE PORK lb...... JQC Beer Candy Cubes with a bottle of R. M. ALDRICH, have been visiting at the home recognition of the power of news feed and pasture in late summer, of Dr. and Mrs. M. It. Eby since paper advertising. It is interest is $250,000.” Local Agent HIRE’S ROOT BEER EXTRACT Sunday. PORK STEAK Shldr. lb...... J4C Mrs. Earl M. Blelle and sons ing to note that this success con Eagle classifieds wili pay you. Harry and Earl. Jr., are leaving tinued in the year 1931, both ALL today to make their home in business and profits showing an FOR .................. HAMBURGER O lbs. Westfir, Oregon, where Mr. Bleile ncrease, and again I attribute this has a position with the sawmill. to our increased newspaper ad OR SAUSAGE Until the recent shut-down Mr. B leile had been connected w i I h vertising. In furnishing you this SARDINES — North Star Brand The Newest And Best in Mist »ADIO Fairways and Rough Vernonia Radio Shop Nehalia ICE CREAM at NEW LOW PRICES i Pints Quarts Gallons 20c 35c Nehalem Valley ICE & CREAMERY CO Nehalem Market & Grocery Specials for Fri. and Sat of SCHEDULE MEAT Norwegian Pure Olive i Oil — Regular size ..... t 5 CASHU«. FOR 25c TOMATOES — H-D 21//«— Fancy solid pack — Extra special value KNOW YOUR BANK 4 i 2 FOR PORK & BEANS -- Van Camp’s Easy to serve and Oh, 4" So good. 16-oz. cans .... BISQUICK — Biscuit Flour — Try a Bisquick Strawberry Short Cake with local Strawberries. What could be Better? PACKAGE .................... 30c PALMOLIVE SOAP For an outstanding Q Complexion ........ 4M 1 -LOL PICKLES — Kerr’s Whole Sweet Oregon-American Bankers will tell you there are three kinds of persons—the ones who live from hand to mouth, the ones who think vaguely that “saving money is a good thing,” and the ones who take a certain amount from their salaries before it hits their pockets and put it safely away. You may think you can save more wisely by making deposits when you can spare the money—but bankers know better I Consult us about a Savings Budget today. Alber*« 29c > CXS 11c LET YOUR BANKER SHOW YOU HOW TO SAVE FLAPJACK FLOUR Large size — Makes delicious Hot Cakes — PACKAGE .... A part of the picnic— Large 15-ounce JAR Lumber Co. 19c SALMON — Sandwich Brand — Northern Alaska Pink, l’s I Rich in Nature’s iodine, i 2 FOR 19c 3H-oz. Jar Durkee's Famous MAYONNAISE — FREE WITH 1 Pint jar Durkee’s Quality SALAD AID— 16c Today ...... ........ CAKES FOR PRODUCE LETTUCE WAX ONIONS ... 2 Heads gc 6 lbs. 25c NEW POTATOES ... 7 lbs. 25c I PINEAPPLE — Silver Bar 1’« flat R ank of V ernonia Sliced or crushed— Your choice ........ _.. 3 for 25c CARROTS 2 Bchs. 12c