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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1932)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR many weeks prior thereto the JUDD GREENMAN REPLIES TO RECALL ACCUSATIONS 1 county court had before it reso FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1932. man, L. H. Dewey, F. M. Wall, M. D. Cole and E. E. Garner. The next meeting of the club lutions of Columbia county organ will be its annual guest day at izations made up very largely of (Continued from Page 1) the home of Mrs. Judd Greenman taxpayers numbering in excess on May 26. water, both of which are fixed of 800 persons. This statement is C. O. Evers left Tuesday for • by flat rates by the utilities serv a matter of publie record for the Bank» to work for Earl Waldron. and Mrs. Reithner Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cummings ing the courthouse. resolutions are on file with the By A. GOF BUG of Portland visited Mrs. D. K. ! Entertain This is merely an illustration of county clerk. Mendenhall last week. the manner in which Mr. Tarbell's Lloyd Cummins is spending a Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reithner It is a fair question to ask of EXTRA! ETXRA! misrepresents the facts in his ef the “Committee of Tw«;’e” whe EXTRA! few days in Portland. I entertained at their home Wed forts to belittle the action of the ther or not a public official 14-Year Old Boy Break» Par on nesday evening with two tables Mr. and Mrs. Art Duffie of Vernonia'» 3100 Yard Cour»« county court in reducing the bud should heed the voice of more Vernonia visited Monday at the ' of bridge, with Mrs. Fred Spring ■ and Ira Tucker receiving prizes Devaney home. During a round of golf Sunday, get for county expenditures for than 800 of his constituents or the Norman Pettijohn made a busi for high score. 15, following the team match county activities for 1932 ap voice of 88. In my opinion the May Mrs. Reithner served lemon ness trip to I.-P. camp Monday. between Forest Hills club and the proximately 21 per cent. It is School here will close Friday. meringue pie, home-made cottage county court could have been re local», young Doc Abrams of the possible, of course, that 21 per There will be no picnic this year cheese and coffee to her guests, Hills crew, whose age is called with much more logic and Forest who included Dr. and Mrs. M. D. as always before. but 14 years, turned in a card cent reduction in Mr. Tarbell’sf 1 for much better cause had they that any golfer could be proud of. Harold Purney visited Elso Pet- Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spring, taxes are such an insignificant and Mr. and Mrs. Tucker. tijohn this week. disregarded the wishes of the His »core for the 3100 yard, par matter to him that they are be more than 800 people who Edith and Clara Lindsley and ex 35 course at Vernonia was 34, neath his notice but he certain Darrel Devaney attended the class MR. AND MRS. BUSH ARE pressed themselves before the No- one under par. To this young man day program Wednesday. HOSTS AT DINNER who just rectntly demonstrated ly indicated in his numerous ap vember budget hearing than for to his dad that any new golf laur Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bush enter pearances before the budget com disregarding the wishes of the 88 els coming to that family would tained at dinner, followed by con Mrs. A. C. Knauss mittee last fall that any reduction who appeared at the December be brought in by himself, goes the tract bridge at their home Tues which the budget committee and hearing. distinction of being the first play day evening. High score was won Entertains Club the county court found it possible er, local or visitor, to equal or by O. T. Bateman. In conclusion I want to say that better par on the Vernonia course Guests included Mr. and Mrs. to make would be appreciated by Mrs. A. C. Knauss was hostess I have had opportunity and oc- just I recently lengthened by to the Vernonia Study club at a Bateman, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. him and the taxpayers he repre casion to examine carefully into over 100 yards, by the removing I one o’clock luncheon on Thursday Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. sents. I of last week. I Kullander. the acts and the motives of the of the teeing grounds on No. The charges contained in the 2 and No. 7. Abrams partner picnic at Arcadia park last Mon-¡ During the business session present county court and I am during Wide Awake Thimble the round of play was CARD OF THANKS Golden affidavit and the Tarbell __ __ ... by _r the . which followed, more plans were day. A weiner roast down convinced that Columbia county’s young Mill whose card revealed river was enjoyed and the day made for the coming quilt show, We are deeply grateful to all letter have wandered rather far affairs are being capably adminis ! i that he had done well by himself, Club Meets was spent in playing baseball and Mrs. Dave Marshall and Mrs. our friends for their kindness and afield from the charges heading tered by an honest, conscientious i his score being 37, two over par |F. M. Wall were appointed to I sympathy in the hour of our The Wide-Awake Thimble club and other games and dancing. the petitions circulated by the able group of men consisting of for the nine holes. Sharpen up 'Grlve 6 hi£h° r ehoY h of n F ?[ e ? t|ha Mr^hEKeEOf Garner, president great sorrow. met at the home of Rilla Snyder I your pencils, golfers, and see if “Committee of Twelve,” who are Mrs. O. H. Dnofbaugh Judge Wellington and Commis something can’t be done about Thursday, May 12, with 13 mem Fnn^i „ » a __________ v elect. appointed the following sponsoring the recall of Judge sioners Mills and Miller. Dewey Drorbaugh bers present. Mrs. Floy Smith SdayP1 AToutat40Arsiaudd1eantsP8artk -ntmittees for the coming year: this. The burden rests on you Virgil Drorbaugh Wellington and Commissioner I have examined with about low handicap men, at the top of signed up as a new member. Mrs. Mabie Singleton Thompson, Mills. The charges on those pe- It was decided to have a weiner- tended chaperoned by Miss Leone Program, Mrs. ,?■ the same care into the motives! the ladder. Hazel Drorbaugh L. H. roast at the home of Eleanor Graham, Miss Catherin Niekolsen.! Mrs. b • M. . , titions are as follows: As far as could be ascertained Athletics and games were enjoyed Thomas; civic, Mrs. C. W. Reith- and purposes of the group of men I (1) "The County Court is in- who are trying to recall Judge I young Doc Mill takes the prize Wridge for the members and and in the evening many stayed.ner.’ , a?i* Mrs. A. J. Hughes; CARD OF THANKS on Monday even- (for lost ball during the match I their husbands husban We wish to thank the people efficient in the performance of Wellington and enjoyed the music of the Pa- social, Mrs. M. D. Cole and Mrs. and Commissioner (Sunday. No record is available to ’ May ¿3. orchestra. I Frank Hanson; refreshment, Mrs. of Vernonia for the support they its duties.” The ¿he club is busily preparing cific university Mills and are only refraining ¡determine the number of balls ------------------------------- : Charles Richardson and Mrs. A. have given us while we were in (2) “The County Court has from an attempt to recall Com I Doc shot into the rough, but the articles for the bazaar to be business here. We appreciate the Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Armitage C. Knauss. overlooked the desires and wishes missioner Miller because such a J balls we are talking about are held next fall. motored to Vancouver, Washing-! The program for the afternoon fact that our patrons and friends Silvia Turner wa selected cor- i the 11 that were never found, at of the majority of the electorate.” Sunday, going by way of ¡was about Oregon authors and have been loyal to their home- recall effort failed recently and I least by the foursome in which he rtspondent to take the place of ton, Portland and returning throughI composers and was varied with owned industry, and regret that (3) “The County Court refused their attempt to recall him would , played. Nola Brady. force us to After the meeting a delicious Kelso and Longview. Mr. and muaic, book reports, biographies, temporary conditions to abide by the vote of the tax have cost them money, and I am I „ Everybody cut Sunday morning it for the present. lunch of ice cream, cookies and Mrs. W. B. Armitage accomp- poems, etc It was participated discontinue payers at the annual budget hear not so assured of the , .. motives __ of- „r i Mt. a Hood club will be on hand Wt shall always have a warm team match. After seeing punch was served. Those present anied them from Vancouver on H1 by Mesdames L^ H^ Thomas, . S. Thompson, E. M. Bleile, spot in our hearts for Vernonia. ing.” were Ida Johnson, Mary Hankel, the return trip and spent the Chas. the group sponsoring this recall. the account of the Forest Hills Richardson, Judd Green- Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Vickrey. Nowhere in these charges as in Vernonia. In fact, I am convinced that the match in the papers, Mt. Hood Silvia Turner, Eda Parker, Em nigKt Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Wolff they appear on the petitions is recall effort is motivated largely i called for the match. Just what ma Miller, Pearlt Adams, Viola '¿“T ,p“rW™n".ffp' Treharne, Floy Smith, Della and Dorothy June are on a trip there any reference to the use of no. b, sn honest d..!„ to rod«« | Cleveland, Eleanor Wridge and to California, where Mr. Wolff is county gasoline for private gain. the operating cost of running - • seeking employment as auditor or ■ •• ■ Rilla Snyder. the players and • the splendid Nowhere is there any reference Coumbia county but rather by a of certified public accountant. course on which to play. A baby boy was born to Mr. to the alleged wrongful acts of desire for public office and pub W. C. T. U. Meet» Tuesday The results of the team play and Mrs. H. E. Parker Wednes W. C. T. U. will meet next some county road supervisor. Forest Hills last Sunday are lic control on the part of men with day afternoon. Tuesday, May 24, with Mrs. Nowhere is there any criticism who realize their inability to get quite gratifying, especially after Miss Florence Santee spent the the flop that the local crew did Frankin Malmsten at the Verno of the county court for alleged it through the regular channel in weekend in Corvallis and at New the Columbia county champion nia hotel at 2 o’clock. acts of malfeasance, misfeasance of openly filing and running for ship. Third flight cup being the port visiting friends. ARCADIA PARK or other forms of quasi corrup trophy brought home. The such office. The recall group, in only JOY THEATRE FRIDAY, SATURDAY & MONDAY, MAY 21, 21 & 23 score -ior the Forest Hills match: tion. my opinion, are in this instance Forest Hills 18%, Vernonia 38%. The Town Girls’ club of Forest It is charged in the recall in LOTTERY ” Friday “DEVIL’S using a negative instrument in a Nice margin? Grove and their friends spent glittering generalities (hat the Strawberries, or no—the Cas Friday afternoon and evening at and Saturday, May 20, 21; Con grasp for public power and our county court is inefficient and law makers never intended the cade tournament will be held at Arcadia park. stance Bennett in “LADY WITH Golden- Crust . . . Sliced—White or Miss Doris Kemp of Portland A PAST” Sunday, May 22. Ad has overlooked the desires and recall to be used in this manner. Vernonia on the dates advertised. Wholewheat — 1-LB. LOAF .............................. June 17, 18- and 19. Its the crop spent. Sunday and Monday with mission 10 and 25 cents. wishes of the majority of the Adv. Yours truly, of golfers we’re interested in and Mrs. C. C. Shay. Miss Kemp will electorate. If a net saving of ap- be remembered as the little dan JUDD GREENMAN not strawberries. Read the Eagle classified ads proximately 30 per cent to the How about the Vernonia club cer who pleased so many last fall. Airway — A smooth full flavored blend ... A handicap? Any tentative dates The senior class of the Verboort —there may be something that taxpayers of Columbia county trial will convince you—POUND ........... ,.......... set as yet? high school held their annual will save you money. constitutes general inefficiency as Party Given for is charged in the petitions, then Grade Graduates I believe the majority of Colum Forty-five eighth grade _ grad- Snowflakes . . . fresh baked LB. bia county voters will agree that uates were present at a party giv Always seasonable ................................. £ BOX jm ! 4 C more of such “inefficiency” would en in -their honor by the Chris be desirable on the part of all tian Endeavor society in the Evangelical church Wednesday of our public officials. The one specific charge in the night. The evening was happily spent recall petitions is the the “Coun in playing games. Rev. G. W. ty Court refused to abide by the Plumer spoke briefly preceding vote of the taxpayers at the an the serving of cake and hot cho nual budget hearing.” It has been colate. Assisting with the entertain said before but it will bear re ment and refreshments were Mrs. peating here that 150 people E. E. Garner, Miss Alma White, voted at the budget hearing on A. C. Knauss, Mrs. Judd Green December 26 on the specific ques man, Miss Mildred Drake and tion of whether or not a county Mrs. Maud Duncan. agricultural agent should be em Camp Eight Pupils ployed. Of those 150 people 88 Max-i-muM — Smooth and creamy fix» voted for discontinuance of the To Have Picnic Wholesome and economical—POUND ....................... i/.V office. The school pupils from Camp At the time the vote of these Eight who have traveled to and 88 persons was recorded and for from Vernonia schools this year Twin Peaks — Selected, sweet Utah in the bus driven by E. S. “Hap py” Thompson are celebrating Peas—Tender and tasty. 16-oz. tins the close of school with an all day picnic in Big Eddy park to day. FOR SALE Some of their mothers are hav Delicious in salads or creamed on ing a picnic there, too, but Hap toast—No. 1 tins. CAN ........................... HOME MADE ROLLS every py and the Camp Eight school Saturday, 1 cent a roll. Will crowd are going together in the bake for lodges or for special big bus and will enjoy their own occasions upon 24 hours notice. exculsive picnic. Luna r— A perfect BARS “We’ve had a grand time to- Mrs. A. E. Jennings, close to Laundry Soap ...... Brazing works.___________ (21c2) gethqr,” said Happy. “I never FOR saw a better bunch. There are FOR SALE—Small house and one 28 of them and they are all acre of land near the end of good kids.” the pavement at a real bargain. When you throw out those wilted vegeables, blackened Max-i-muM — So creamy and rich Plenty of fruit trees and a good Christian W. M. S. and is inexpensive. Tall cans ......... tJ CANS ends of meat or decayed fruits, you are actually tossing well, J. B. Wilkerson.____ (20c2) KEASEY Fairways and Rough It Always Pays to Come a Long Ways to trade at Safeway! RREAD 5c COFFEE 23c CRACKERS O The modern refrigerator is eiectricai PEANUT RUTTER PEAS € tassi tied Ads 4S35c SAVE SHRIMP 11c SOAP *with electrical refrigeration ___ 10 25c p 25c MILK FOR SALE—Thoroughbred spot ted Poland China pigs, $2. SO apiece. Eben L. John, 9 miles south of Vernonia on Forest Grove road.______________(20*2) FOR SALE—Rhode Island Reds’ setting eggs, 30c a dozen. Vio- la Treharne._____________(20*3) ACREAGE AND FARMS — For sale. T. B. Mills. (2tf) Nominates Officers Officers for the coming year were nominated at the regular meeting of the Women’s Chris tian Missionary society of the Christian church which was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Cul bertson Tuesday afternoon. Installation of officers will be held at the June meeting for which Mrs. Maud Wells will be hostess. FOR SALE—Good 7-room house, I Following the program re- city water and lights, 1%- freshments were served by the acres of ground, 2 good chicken hostess. Members present were Mrs. F. houses. 4» mile out. Very cheap. Mrs. Maud Joe Hopson, Mist Route. (19*3 Claude Stephens, Wells, Mrs. Alma Sitts, Mrs. “DELCO” Farm Lighting system George Laird, Mrs. J. F. Rose. for sale, or trade for horses or Mrs. Á. F. Kostur, Mrs. Peterson cattle. D. S. Graven, Mist Route, and Mrs. Culbertson. Vernonia. (19tfe) TIME EXTENDED In order to give more sub WANTED scribers the opportunity of se WANTED—Gas motor washing curing the Eagle for a year at machine, preferably Maytag, the bargain rate of one dollar, cheap for cash. A. V. Mow», (192 the time has been extended for WANTED — Mason fruit jars, a short period. Because of the cost of solicit pints and quarts. See Mrs. F. Veith, 859 Rose avenue.______ ing new subscriptions and renew als it will be impossible to allow LOST AND FOUND this rate when a circulation wor LOST— Cameo brooch between ker is put in the field. Subscrib Child’s residence. 109 N. St. ers who live within the Vernonia and Nehalem Market. Tuesday af trading area are therefore ad ternoon. Return to Mrs. Fred vised to pay now and save a dol Wall or Eagle office. Reward. (Adv. (21c?) lar. away dollars. Most of this loss is preventable—in fact is ended in thousands of homes where electric refrigeration is now at work. Ask about our very Liberal Budget Buying Plan The General Electric All-Steel Refrigerator is guaran teed against service expense for 4 long years! A specially designed motor adds to its economy by consuming a mini mum of current. Today, prices have been materially lowered, terms made easier, new refinements have been added. For instance, interiors are porcelain-lined, acid-proof and stain proof. Sliding shelves make food easy-to-reach. And all the mechanism is hermetically sealed in the famous Monitor Top—operating in a perpetual bath of oil. No installation necessary—simply plug in in any electric outlet. Models and sizes of the General Electric to fit every home. GENERAL ELECTRIC ALL-JTEEL REfKIGEKATCR Oregon Gas& Electric Co. 622 Bridge Street Telephone 691 MACARONI Rose City — At Bargain Prices 4 LBS. 15c CEREAL Shredded Wheat — The healthful breakfast food ................ Q O PACK- AGES 25c Choice Meats Market Features Half or Whole STEAKS Center Slice 18c lb. 20c lb ROASTS Lard