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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1932)
I FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR Sunday will again see a number of the Vernonia meadow trampers visiting the county seat to seek the honor laurels of their flights. Riverview’ Mildred Hawkins farewell handkerchief shower on Tuesday night. Those present were Cathryn Malmsten, Louise Robison, Elna Spencer, Alice Watts, Christine Rainey, Alice Parker, Velda Mellinger, Nelle Green and Frances Peterson. Sim May and son of Jewell spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Dan May. Mrs. Dan May was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Gus CTson, Tuesday. KE ASE Y Edith Lindsley is working this month for Mrs. John Luther. Mrs. C. Cummings left last Lloyd Cummings and C. O. Ev week for Vancouver, Washing- one of them stands an ers made a trip to Banks Tues she will spend several ton, where day to see about work. conceded chance of winning the I Mrs. Lowell Hieber entertained W. J. Lindsley returner home prize silverware of this flight I the Queen of Hearts Bridge club months. Tuesday from Banks. The rain from Heinie Heumann by sheer ¡at the home of Mrs. Frank Hart C. Cummings returned home there has been so heavy it is Sunday afternoon from Vancou force of numbers. holding up farm work. He will wick on Thursday afternoon, Ap ver, where he spent several days. go back to work Friday. Pairing, for Next Round. ril 28. Through the kindness of Bruce Pairings for the next elimina Gladys End and Mildred Haw Mrs. Forrest Harding held CATHOLIC CHURCH McDonald bringing his bus up tion rounds are: high score. Refreshments were kins were the overnight guests Sunday school next Sunday at several families were able to see Championship flight-G. Thomp- of Virginia Cummings Saturday. the show at the Washington grade served. 2 o’clock. son vs. H. Hudson, H. Greenman school last week. Evelyn Varley, Lucille Lind Mrs. Members present included Mayo Pettijohn made a trip vs. L. Hutchison, L. Linville vs. THIMBLE CLUB MEETS berg and Erline Jenkins were The Wide-Awake Thimble club Tuesday to Butser Creek for M. Mailing, Doc Bailey vs. Tom- Ben Brickel, Mrs. Henry Fogel, | among those from Riverview to Mrs. George Van Vleet, Miss Ma-| met at the home of Melian Tre- work. my Bateman. ¡participate in the track meet at harne Thursday, April 28. Busi Mrs. J. R. Chamberlin, sister First flight—John Miller vs. eile Roberts, Mrs. Harding and. St. Helens Saturday. ness meeting was in order. A de of Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, visited Jack Bush, Mel Parker vs. Doc Mrs. Hartwick. Mrs. O. T. Bate- with her Sunday. Mrs. B. B. Hawkins visited at lightful lunch of peaches, whipped Everyone is busy putting in Frizelle, M. Rubens vs. W. Ruth man and Mrs. Charles Wall were the home of Mrs. Paul Driscoll cream, cookies and coffee was served to the following members: gardens and much larger than erford, Henry Fogel vs. Sandy guests of the club. of Stony Point Sunday. Ida Johnson, Eda Parker, Hilda last year. Macpherson. Mrs. Pete Serafin and daughter Keasey, Emma Miller, Hazel "" Those to shop in Vernonia this Ste- Second flight—H. Stoddard vs. Marie of Wilark visited at the venson, Rilla Schneider, two visi- week were C. O. Evers, Mrs. D. I J. Lillie, R. Foster vs. Al Childs. K. Mendenhall, Mrs. L. H. Young. home of Mrs. B. B. Hawkins tors and the hostess. Third flight—Loel Roberts vs. Thursday. The next meeting will be May Frank Hartwick, H. Heumann vs. Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. T. Magoff and 12 at Rilla Schneider’s. son Joe visited with friends in Doc Cole. Entertains Club Camp Eight Sunday. Fourth flight—H. Wilson vi. Mr. and Mrs. Blackman have Roy Cooper. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas iwas hostess By A. GOF BUG moved to the home owned by The second and third elimina to the Vernonia Study club at the Dowling George Nelson. tions must be played off before home of her mother, Mrs. C. A. C. F. Pruitt and son Alvin, also The Columbia county tourna next Sunday night, May 8. It is Malmsten, on April 28, possible in the case where team ment got under way Sunday with Paul Cummings returned Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Everett Prickett The following officers were Vernonia well represented in the from a trip through Oregon. mates are matched for them to championship bracket, as well as went to Portland Wednesday to elected for the coming year: Pre Grace Henderson and Don De attend the funeral of Mr. Prick play on their home course be in the lower brackets. sident, Mrs. E. E. Garner; vice- ’s aunt. fore next Sunday and mail the Doc Cole seemingly used all Pue were Portland visitors Fri ett Mr. president, Mrs. E. S. Thompson; and Mrs w Pasco Hill were result to Earl Saunders. St. Hel I his birdies on the home course, day. down from Vernonia Sunday call and secretary-treasurer, Mrs. L. for he was unable to pull any Mrs. Glen Peoples visited in ens Golf Course, St. Helens. The out of the bag at St. Helens, ing on friends H. Dewey. Mis. Mollie Wright and her finals of all flights however must and from the score, the pars Portland from Tuesday to Sun- The club voted to sponsor a daughter, Mrs. Ella Caywood, be played at St. Helens and next were few and far between. Doc day. quilt and needlework show to be Roy Harper of Carlton and called on Mrs. Ed Reynolds Sun finished well down. ,y. | held iiou next fall, the time and de- The big cup has come home Wilbur Harper of Forest Grove day. Mrs. M. Aamodt, Mrs. Lawyer, taj]s to be announced later. at last, and is on display at the spent the weekend at the home Mrs. rs. Woods and „ sister visited Mrs E .. „---- ___ — Mrs. E. s S. Thnmpson Thompson wfls was _ pro- club house. Better drive out and of Mrs. Edith Varley. school Friday afternoon, Buckley “ and"Ed ' Reynolds gram chairman for the afternoon, see what the Vernonia team has A. _..J ™ ,------ Mrs. Isola Fowler returned FOR SALE been playing for. were up from Astoria Sunday for and had arranged for the follow- McGraw was giving Bob Fos home Sunday after spending sev a short while visiting their fa- ¡ng program on Oregon: ACREAGE AND FARMS — For ter the beating of his life in the eral weeks with her mother milies. t Early History of Oregon, Mrs. sale. T. B. Mills. (2tf) early part of the match at St. and sister in Waldport. Geq. Jones is building an ad-' F. M. Wall; Myths and Legends Helens. Bob apparently did not Little Mary Jane Robbins has dition on his house this week. FOR SALE—Good 7-room house, like it so called on his reserves been ill for the past few days. Jim Spike is "working working • a few of the Pacific Northwest, Mrs. city water and lights, 1 fi and when the match was over down on f the Fishhawk on L. H. Dewey; Sacajawea, the bird Lloyd Coffman and Elza Varley days acres of ground, 2 good chicken McGraw thought a cyclone had the road. ... woman, Mrs. Lloyd Thomas. ' ~ Seems that Mac were Portland visitors Monday. houses. % mile out. Very cheap. man-handled him. Austin Dolwling is working this Following the program the hos- Joe Hopson, Mist Route. (19*3 was unable to contact any re- trie r Fishhawk, isiuiuwa , iwau num. Herman Greener and family weeK week on the road work. sources. Earl Knowles left Saturday for tess served delightful refresh- have moved in the house form RABBIT FRYERS — Dressing Al Childs is due to _ play . Bob Portland from where he left Mon-1 ments to Mrs. W. E. Bell, Mrs. from 1% to 2 lbs. Olive apart this week. Suggest, Al, that you erly occupied by John Eden. day for San Diego to join the E M Bleile, Mrs. M. D. Cole, ments.________ _ _________ (19*1 contact McGraw and get the dope B. J. Cline and son Merle mo maMr.e*and Mrs. F. Harding and ^Irs- L' .?• De*ey, Mrs. E. E. on Bob before the match starts. tored to Sweet Home Sunday. FOR SALE—Two registered spot Miss' lrene DeRock were "among; Garner, Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. Lady Luck sure remains true Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cline and ted Poland China brood sows, to some. Take Tom Bateman for those that went to Arcadia park Judd Greenman, Mrs. H. V. Hol- sons Gordon and Donald visited 1 boar, 15 pigs, all for $75.00 instance, who turned in a 48 in Saturday evening. j A. C. Knauss, Mrs. Dave Max» Mr. and Mrs. B. Rachal and two shall, Mrs. Charles Richardson cash if taken before May 10. his qualifying rounds and was re relatives in Clatskanie Wednes day. children and Mrs. Chet Taylor Eben L. John, nine miles south quired to flip a coin to determine flight status. Well, Tom went Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnson, were guests Wednesday of Mrs. Mrs. E. S. Thompson, Mrs. F. of Vernonia on Forest Grove his into the championship flight and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McAllister and Ed Reynolds. M. Wall and Mrs. DeGraff of road. (19*2) his opponent into first flight. A. E. Jones was in the village Portland, who was a guest of thé sons Jackie and Melvin of St. Publisher’s Note — The price C. Bruce, who was reported in on business Wednesday. He has a Helens, spent Sunday at the logging concern down at Svenson, club. mentioned in last week's adver- last week’s issue as taking up The next meeting will be held golf this spring, was seen parked home of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fow where he was on his way. tisement was a misprint. home along No. 1 tee at the course ler. Mrs. Ernest Lane had company this week. Next step, son, is to . Mrs. Al Byers and Mrs. Craig from Washington Tuesday. "DELCO” Farm Lighting system come on in and swing a club at a Earl Holce and Ernest Lane I Donaway visited Mrs. Harry Hew went to Buster camp to work for sale, or trade for horses or ball. Then you’re off. cattle. D. S. Graven, Mist Route, i Monday. Times must be hard. No com itt of Wilark Friday. Green Glass Lawrence Jepson was a village Kenneth, Clifford and Clarence Vernonia. (19tfc) mercial prizes on the prize list at CREAMER AND St. Helens. That is why, ladies Fowler motored to Waldport Fri shopper Wednesday. FOR SALE—Baby Crib and Mat and gentlemen, no one brought Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dormer- SUGAR tress, very good condition. Mrs. home the bacon. Several nice cups day, getting Mrs. Clarence Fow berg were up from Seaside and ler, who has been visiting several spent Sunday a week ago at the M. D. Cole._____________ (19c?) were displayed, though. 30c Value i ’ll play from the naw tees weeks there, then journeyed to A. Wallace home. JUST LIKE NEW — 3-burner on We Mrs. Geo. Van Vleet and Mrs. two and seven this week end Brownsville, where they spent Kitchen Kook gasoline stove at if Sandy keeps his present sche the weekend visiting relatives. Wm. Miller were Portland visitors i half price. See Hieber at City dule. one day this week,_______ Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stevenson, Hall._____________________ (19?c Here’s something you’ll never SPECIAL and Rhoda Bell left Tuesday Mrg. H. A. Tays and baby son see—McGraw on his good be WANTED And again 1-lb. of havior ... Al Kullander in a morning for Helena, Montana, to returned home from Forest Grove Saturday. Both are doing nicely. hurry. make their home. WANTED — Good milch goat, Aunt Sally had as her guests ANNOUNCEMENT must be fresh. Stanley Kuback, Mr. and Mrs. Decker Sunday her daughter, Mrs. Oral I have moved my office to 1729; Mist Route, Vernonia. (19cl) with each set. Faulkner, and great niece of Denver Ave., at Kilpatrick street,1 Entertain Club Portland. Portland, and will be glad to be For Bargains — See LOST AND FOUND Otto Malmsten of Seaside visit of service to my Vernonia patrons Mr. and Mrs. Harold Decker Hoffman About It LOST—A yellow knitted beret entertained their card club at din ed relatives in Vernonia for the there. Willard H. Hurley, D.M.D. between Terminal cafe and ner Tuesday evening following weekend. His sister, Mrs. Eva Lincoln's Candy Kitchen Sunday which they played contract bridge CARD OF THANKS evening between 8:30 and 9 o’ with Mrs. Dan Brown holding West, returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss I wish to heartily thank all clock. Return to Mrs. M. D. high score and Mrs. Decker low. Cole,_____________________ (19c? Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. and Lawrence visited in Portland my friends who kindly assisted Henry Fogel. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tuesday. me in winning the prize given in Brickel, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Vernonia, Oregon the popularity contest sponsored TRADE OR SWAP A group of senior girls surpris Brown. by the Miller Mercantile Co. ed May De Ett Throop with a Helen Christensen. WILL TRADE 1927 Star six se dan in good shape for cows or H. H. Schwamb, personnel de young stock. L. A. Kiesel, 1 mile partment of the J. C. Penney Co., north of Timber._________ (19c2) New York City, was a visitor to our local J. C. Penney Co. store. He stated that the local store MISCELLANEOUS was a real surprise to him, as WANTED TO RENT — Washing he did not expect to find such a machine. Leave word at 609 good looking store in such a small Rose avenue or call 471. (18?c community. ¡Mrs. L. Hieber almost Is Club Hostess (Continued from Page 1) Fairways and Rough Mist Clafisiiied Adii For Only 14c SUGAR FREE Hoffman Hdw. Co T. B. Mills Candidate For County Commissioner KNOW YOUR BANK Republican Primaries Keep honest, efficient county officials in office. Careful attention to all county affairs. Columbia county bonded indebtedness reduced from $200,000 $32,000 during Mr. Mills’ term of office. DO YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU SPEND? Does pay day mean a roll of bills in your pocket which somehow vanishes long before the next? No wonder you don’t know “where the money goes!” A checking account will not only give you conclusive proof you have paid your bills—.it will show you at a glance what your general expenses have been. Pay all bills by check—give yourself a cash "allowance" . . . and then watch a pleasant surplus grow out of the dol lars that used to slip out of your pocket. R ank of V ernonia 4. $14,000 saved from general road fund last year, applied in part emergency relief work this year. Had it not been for this saving there would have been no money available for emergency relief. 5. The Nehalem Valley is entitled to a commissioner, and has al ways been granted one. Mr. Mills is the only candidate from this sec tion. Vote Against the Recall l oie for Ito-nomination of T, H. Mills (Pd. Adv. Mills-for-Commissioner Committee, by R. D. Fisher.) Knauss on May 12. At that time a program of Oregon authors will >e presented. of the Eagle, and Lee Schwab, former editor, were visited Sat urday in Hood River by Ray D. Fisher. Mr. Moe and family were moving into a different house. College Track Meet The W. F. Browning family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. In Church Hall W. Gough on Sunday. They like their new location in Portland On Wednesday evening of last very much. week the Evangelical social hall JOY THEATRE was the scene of a very exciting college track meet. The four col Friday and Saturday “PANA leges which participated were Doo MA FLO” with Helen Twelve Little college, Bardnox college, trees and Robert Armstrong. Wisefoax college, and Dunmore Sunday and Monday “THE college. The events included vari LOST SQUADRON” with Rich ous races, standing broad grins, ard Dix and Mary Astor. Adv. tugs of war, etc. Doo Little col lege placed first, they winning FOR CORONER the most first places in the ev To the Voters of Columbia ents. Elaborate tin medals were presented to the various winners County:—I am a candidate to suc and a beautiful tin loving cup ceed myself as County Coroner. bearing the inscription “I Love Should I be nominated and elected You,” was presented to Doo Little the people may expect the same prompt and efficient service that college. has been rendered during the Fob lowing the meet all four years I have endeavored to satia- colleges were entertained at a factorily administer the affairs of banquet at which hot dog sand- the office. Often-times a matter wiches, pop corn balls, and cof- of judgment and based on exper fee were served. ience saves the county consider The students of the various col able sums as to holding inquests leges were enrolled from tile and other duties in connection members of A. C. Knauss’ young with the office. Proper equipment people’s Sunday school class. The convenient location and every fa events were planned by Mrs. E. cility together with the fact that J. Douglass and Mrs. Lewis, and the refreshments committee was sole attention is given to the care of the business conducted makes composed of Mrs. Henry John, it posible to render prompt ser Mrs. Marvin Eby and Mrs. Eda vice and at a minimum cost to Parker. About 30 persons were the taxpayers, a policy I have ad present. hered to and will be continued Junior Whitlock came home should the people again decide from the Doernbecher hospital that I serve them. Respectfully, Tuesday and is able to be around. 1 T. S. WHITE, Mr. and Mr? E. I.. Dial have (Paid Adv.) St. Helens. moved to the Riverview section. , 17c4 Mrs. Dial will continue to oper- J ate her beauty shop in the present location. Phone Res. Phone Mrs. James O. Douglass of Ver Walnut 7586 Walnut 2911 nonia received honorable men Willard H. Hurley, D. M. D. tion jn the state awards for the Rexall radio contest. There were DENTISTRY three prize winners in the state, 1729 Denver Ave. at Kilpat and three received honorable rick St., Portland, Ore. mention. Mark E. Moe, forme*' publisher li- Features for Sat. & Mon., May 7, 9 FLOUR Safeway — The all pur pose family flour. Guar anteed. No. 300 TIN 9c Country Kist. Golden sweet BEANS, can 9c $1.09 Mission, cut string beans SAB DINES 3 cams 25c Max-i-muM—Oval . . . Tomato or Mustard Sauce CLEANSER 3 cans 10c Crystal White . . . Scouring Cleanser SHRIMP 2 cans 25c SUGAR Standard pack . . , for a tasty salad. MALT Balco, Pure cane, lated can 39c io fine granu 47c a try will convince Grapenut Flakes 2-pk. 23c Something different and delicious Preserves 3-lb. jar 33c Marasca Brand—The Best i . . . Assorted Flavors Bananas Large, Golden Ripe Fruit LETTUCE each 6c Nice, solid, crisp heads. Oranges 3doz. 29c Small size, sweet and juicy Market Features It IB STEAKS Boneless Beef Stew Fine with vegetables. Baron Nuggets Hamburger or Sausage LARD I lb. 20c lb 15e lb I7c 2 Ite. 25c lbs 27c