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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1932)
VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1932. -j______ L. " '■ 1__________________________ PAGE THREE ...____ __ ________ u------- 1 — : Mrs. Westlin visited school i Tuesday. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Day spent | one ¿ay in camp last week to Mrs. Jake Nearer ■ move their household goods to ' Portland where they have been P ... -■ . .. _____ I living the past year. Yvonne | visited friends while here. Issued Every Friday *2.00 Per Year in Advance The railing on the Natal bridge has been painted white and the Miss Delma Dutro left last I Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post week for Hoquiam, Washington, approaches to the bridge are now office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. after an extended visit with her being finished. sister here. She expects to find Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wilson of work in the hospital there. Advertising rates—Foreign, 80c per inch; local, 28c per inch; Portland were house guests for a C. E. Westlin has been out of, 'egal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding few days of Mr. and Mrs. John NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE camp several days on business. insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, In the Circuit Court of the State Bill McCormick drove to New-1 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. Thomas. of Oregon for the County of berg last week and brought his Teddie Erickson has been haul Columbia. mother, Mrs. Lee Fry, home. W. C. T. U. CHOOSES WIN ing hay for Bob Lindsay recently. UNITED INVESTORS CORPOR Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Estey, Mrs. RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher ATION ( a corporation) Westlin, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I Mr, and Mrs. Jake Neurer made NERS IN CONTEST Plaintiff Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Dodge were a trip to Vernonia on business vs. Vernonia visitors from here. The winners in the prohibition Monday. Roy G. Cook and May E. Cook, Mrs. Frank O’Donnell enter THE RECALL EMERGES contest which was sponsored by Eston Johnson, truck driver, is husband and wife, Defendant. tained at a lovely dinner party the W.- C. T. U. were chosen by making three trips each week in UNDER and by virtue of an for Mrs. Virginia Gilkerson on Until the filing of the petitions for recall of the county a committee from that organiz the Nehalem valley in order that execution issued out of the above occasion of her birthday on Mon entitled Court in the above en day. court, little publicity has lately been given the movement. ation on April 27. the farmers can ship sweet cream titled matter on the 13th day of Bertha Scott is working as a April, 1932, to directed upon a waitress in the hotel at Jewell. One might have supposed, even when reading the columns There were three different div to Portland. PHONE 681 in the contest. The topic Pat Jones spent several days, Miss Beatrice Perry accomp judgment, decree and order of of the Rainier Review, edited by a prominent leader of the isions sale, rendered and entered on in Portland and vicinity recently for the junior and senior essay Agency for anied by her grandmother, drove April 13th, 1932, in a mortgage on business. group, that the effort was slowly dying for want of interest was “Safety Programs and Total McCormick-Deering to Vernonia Friday. foreclosure suit wherein plaintiff D. F. O ’ Donnell spent last within or without the so-called committee of twelve. Such Abstinence and the topic for the ------ TRACTORS ----- judgment for Five Hun weekend with his family here. Elmer Thomas of Clatskanie is recovered dred Twenty Three and 28/100 Several lines have been sold was not the case, however, for the work was being carried freshmen and sophomores was here visiting his uncle, Stanley Abstinence in Sports.” Al Dollars (*523.28) with interest to a Portland firm and a crew on vigorously, and names were being added constantly to “ so Total Kuback. thereon at the rate of 7 per cent of men are at work here, includ a poster contest was held. the petitions. The tactics had changed, for where once had Cash prizes of two and one Clyde Johnson is hauling lum Ker annum from the 5th day of ing Joe Doyle and Bill McCor larch, 1931, and the further mick. Mr. Larsen, brother-in-law ■ ; tii ilare of trumpets there came meetings that dollars were given to the winners. ber to build a grannery and sum of Forty Nine and 96/100 of J. W. Warnstaff, came out n publicity, with no questions or counter-argu- The winners for the three divi also a garage. Dollars (*49.96) with interest from Portland to operate the ex thereon at the rate of 7 per cent cavator. s ated, and house-to-house canvassing for names, sions were first, Faith Hiatt; Frank Baker, superintendent of per annum from the 4th day of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyer re Clark and Wilson, was in this second, Rachel Ek. •nlv is change of method could the movement hope March, 1932, and the further sum turner to Portland after a months Freshmen and sophomore group community on business last week. of American Legion One Hundred Dollars (*100.00) visit with their daughter, Mrs. ... ucceed, for the publicity—their own publicity—hurt —first, Anna DeVaney; second, Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin attorney Vernonia Post ’s fees allowed, with in Westlin. and children were the guests terest thereon at the rate of 6 rather than helped. Their arguments, blaming the county Jeannette John. A son weighing eight and one- 119, American cent per annum from this half pounds was born here to Mr. Legion. Meets court for high taxes, past extravagance of the people Poster: first, Clarence Lind- Sunday of Mrs. McMullin’s par per date until paid, and the further and Mrs. Harold Ridenour at noon sley; second, Elizabeth Piert. ents at Riverview, the John Estes 2nd and 4th themselves, and about every other ill that now afflicts us, Wednesday afternoon the win sum qf Twenty-three and 00/100 May 2. folks. A Mother’s day program is be Dollars (*23.00) costs and dis Tuesdays each were bright red uniforms that made excellent targets. ners went to a meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. James McCormick, bursements and the costs of and ing planned by the school chil month, 8. p. m. The meeting in Vernonia serves as an illustration of W. C. T. U. and the students Hy Tracey and Lee Osborn were upon this Writ, commanding me dren. J. E. Kerr, Com- make sale of the mortgaged mander; Eugene Shipman, Adj. the weakness of the position of the recall group when put winning the first places read among Natal folks in Vernonia to property described as follows, to- accruing costs, and the overplus, Monday. to the test. The arguments there presented by speakers their essays. wit: if any, be paid to the person or A. F. & A. M. Mr. and Mrs. George Neurer at a point on persons entitled thereto. for the recall were either answered or anticipated so thor HIGH SCHOOL BAND PLAYS of Portland iwere weekend guests the Beginning Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Westerly line of the Ne OSCAR G. WEED, A. F. & A. M. meets oughly by Judd Greenman that from the 70 or so local halem Highway and on the Sheriff of Columbia of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. AT MASONIC HOME Section line, said point being at Masonic Temple, County, Oregon. people in the audience not one signature was obtained. Stanley Kuback brought his fa East 1168 feet from the quar First Publication May 6, 1932. Stated Communication The high school band, under mily and new son from Verno Later, petitions circulated in the community by two Ver-, ter post between Section Last Publication, June 3, 1932. First Thursday of each Nineteen (19) and Thirty month. Special called nonia men secured a total of 34 names. Being convinced the direction of E. J. Douglass, nia Tuesday. (30) Township Six (6) North played for the members of the Mr. and Mrs. Pasco Hill from meetrngs on all other Thurs- (as no one openly was on this occasion) after hearing both Masonic home near Forest Grove, Vernonia of Range Five (5) West of spent Sunday visiting day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors Realistic Willamette Meridian, and the sides is a far different proposition from signing one’s name Sunday May 1, in celebration of friends down the river. most cordially welcome. running thence Northerly Permanent A. McNeill, W. M. to a petition at the request of a friend or neighbor. Columbia county day. Lincoln Peterson was a business along said Westerly line of With.. Ringlette E. Bell, Secretary. Highway 864.0 feet; thence caller at Mist on Saturday. If the recall wins either against Judge Wellington or Ends. A Steam Westerly 184.0 feet; thence Wave at reduced Commissioner Mills it will do so only because of a last- The senior class met on Mon The Otto Smith family are leav Southerly 864.0 feet to a Order of Eastern Star day May 2. It was decided to here. They have rented Mrs. prices, poipt on said section line minute appeal that has little regard for actual facts, argu have the class day program on ing Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. 8. Lawyer’s place below Mist. Mr. that is 48.0 feet west of the *J.5O and $^.50 Regular commu ments sadly wanting in logic, and no chance for a come Wednesday, May 18. They plan Rogers has recently bought this poipt of beginning; thence nication first East 48.0 feet to the point back. The recall movement cannot hope to succeed otherwise. ned to have the program in the from Maud Beckman. and third Wed Regular $5 wave of beginning, excepting roads nesdays of each form of a radio broadcast. Elode McDonald, district fire and highways. I month, at Ma warden, was a business caller NQW THEREFORE, NOTICE nonia were unable to come to sonic Temple. The Parent-Teachers ’ associa That on IS HEREBY GIVEN, dawn the river Friday. All visiting sis the top. Ralph scored nineteen BEAUTY SHOPPE of June, Monday the 6th day ters and broth Several fisherman reported hav ! and one-holf points altogether, tion will honor the seniors at a Phone 431 Bridge St. a. m., at 1932, at 10:00 o ’ cock ers welcome. : while Doney, a half miler, gained banquet to be given Friday even ing real good luck fishing over the __ West _________ front ____ door of the Court Pearse, W. M. Mrs. Edith ing, May 13, at 7 :30, in the Evan tiwo thirds. These two boys were House in the City of St. Helens, Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. Oregon, I will sell in obedience father. the only two making points for gelical church. to said execution, decree and or 1 ■ o~~~ Vernonia Mountain Heart Editor ............... Nelle Green der of sale, at public auction At the commencement exer The junior prom is to be In the near future Vernonia DR. RUTH M. COON Rebekah Lodge No. 243 (subject to redemption) to the Asst. Editor ... ..... Bob Fox cises May 19, about ten five- held on Friday, May 6, in the highest bidder for cash, all the , will journey to Seaside, where Senior Reporter No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every CHIROPRACTIC right, title and interest which the I they will compete in the district minute talks will be given by high school gym. I second and fourth Thursdays in Verla Messing PHYSICIAN Special features other than above named defendants may former graduates of the Vernonia I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit track meet. Junior Reporter high school. The commencement the dance will be given by the have in and to the said real pro Phone 291 :-: 994 Bridge st. ors always welcome. perty to satisfy execution, in- Edgar Crawford address is to be given by Judd members of the junior class. Marie O’Donnell, N. G. terest, attorney’s fees, costs and J, Aldrich To Hold Student- Sophomore Reporter Greenman. Music for the dance will be Emma Miller, Secretary. Zonweiss Douglass Body Gavel For *32-*33 furnished by the Berg Bros, Freshman Reporter May DeEtt Throop left last orchestra. Pythian Sister* Vote for the Junior Aldrich, a junior in Leona Hillman Invitations were given out on Wednesday for eastern Oregon, Vernonia Temple 61 meets high school, was elected as pres where she will stay with her Monday, May 2. < every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in ident of the student body for W.O.W. hall. VERNONIA GAINS THIRD ii.isiSS* . (State Senator the succeeding year in an assem Edna Brown, M. E. C. Senator) ) bly held on Friday April 29. Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. PLACE IN COUNTY MEET FOR The other officers elected are: I RADIOS FOR RENT Supreme Court Judge In the track meet held at St. Vice-President—Marjorie Meeker I KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Helens Saturday, April 30, at Secretary—Leona New HARDING LODGE 11« OR SALE Position No. 1 Meets every Monday 2:30 p. m. Vernonia was able to Treasurer—Bob Cline Qualified—Vigorous—Progressive night in the I.O.O.F. GLENN E. DEAMER easily gain a third place. St. Girl’s Athletic Mgr.—Joy Bush He I* conscientious and has ths confidano« hall. Visiting broth SERVICE MAN Helens and Rainier both gained Boys’ Athletic Mgr.—Martin Hill and respect of all the people. ers welcome. R. M. Your radio repairing guar —Paid Adv. more points than Vernonia. man anteed or no labor charge. Aldrich, C. C. Although the grade school seem Yell Leader—Harold King H. Culbertson, K.R.S. ed to elope with all the honors, Timberline Editor—Edgar Craw the Vernonia High School seem ford ed unable to subdue St. Helens ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE — Gene Shipman, Mgr. SPEAKER AT ASSEMBLY or Rainier. Mr. Griffith of the U. S. For- George, Vernonia high point took 2 first and 2 or 3 seconds .est Department was here to speak For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on and thirds, but others from Ver- at an assembly held at 9:00 o’- this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. clock on Wednesday April 27. His topic was the reforestration of logging lands, forest taxes, lumbering and forest fires. He stressed re-forestration, conserv ation, and the prevention of forest fires., Mr. Griffith also advertised the show given that evening at the Washington grade school, which consisted of a western rodeo picture, several reels of forestry and colored slides of the forests and fires. Umanità Eagle Natal the weekend, catching mostly speckled trout. Elmer Hiatt is farming the old Carl Eiler place again this summer. Farmers in this community are busy plowing and getting in spring grain and their early po- tatoes and small gardens. Earl Holce from Mist was a Natal business visitor Tuesday. Camp • . • McGregor Quality Garden SEEDS In Bulk Farm Seed Vernonia Trading Co LODGES Annette Timberline 1 J. O. BAILEY The Nev/est And Best in RADII) Vernonia Radio Shop Professional and Business Directory lower ares east this summer RARRF.R I aawz barber Jty SHOP Haircutting for Men Women ana Children Expert Work Guaranteed f Examples 10-Day Round Trip« Chicago ....... $92.55 New York 137.37 122.02 St. Louis ..... 87.85 ......... Washington 132.70 118.81 $65.00 95.70 65.00 92.78 • Go East via the famous Columbia River Scenic Route of the Spokane, Portland A Seattle Ry. on either the EMPIRE BUILDER or the NORTH COAST LIMITED. R. M. ALDRICH, Aft J. C. WRIGHT, Gon. Agt, Aetoria VERNONIA SERVICE STATION DOCTORS------------------------- PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon Oregon-American Lumber Co. JOHN A. MILLER Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 CONTRACTORS General Contractor Mason Work, Building DR. J. A. HUGHES Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 les. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon RESTAURANTS BAFFORD BROS. Mary Kato General Plumbing Chop'Suey Restaurant Veraonia [PORTLANDJ Dentist Vernonia, Oregon CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. FARES TO OTHER DESTINATION* IN PROFORTION Sals Dates — Season, May 22 to Sept. 30; 30-Dsy, May 22 to Oct. IB; return limite Oct. *1; Coach eng Intermediate, May IS to Doc. 31. (Coach faros good In coaches—Intermediate fares. In tourlot sleeping ears.) M. D. COLE TRANSFER — TRUCK Coach In tor modi at« Ono-Way Ono-Way Fares Faroe $40.00 70.70 40.00 67.78 Willard Batteries VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oils ... Expert Greasing CAM BOOM--------------------- MANY ROUTES -LIBERAL STOPOVERS Sssson Round Trip« DENTISTS SHOPS C. BRUCE Wholoeale and Retail LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD STREET