PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1932. Nixon and son Billy. cently as well as in past years. Mr. and Mrs. Dan May were vi Chief reasons for this, Mr. Beck sitors in Jewell Saturday. says, are the low labor costs and Elza Varley accidentally cut the increasings realization on the his toe while working at camp 10 part of the growers that there is more money in fewer and lar Mrs. G. Schmidlin, Mrs. H. M. Friday. He will be unable to work ger prunes, which can be obtained Smith and son Donald, Mrs. S. for some time. Ebben Kinsey of Blaine, Wash., by the “thinning out’’ type of Baker visited at Pleasant Hill school Thursday afternoon. pruning. spent the weekend at the home of Relatives from Idaho are visit Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cleveland. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. M. Dunlap had as her H. John. guests Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thacker, Mrs. Staley were Noble Dunlap and Mr. and Mrs. Vernonia shoppers one day last Robt. Lindsey. Mrs. Fred Rainey and daughter week. The dance at Arcadia was well Mrs. Omar Sheeley called at Christine were in Portland Friday attended by Camp Eight folks. the home of her mother, Mrs. T. and Saturday on business. Mrs. Bud Rose and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pringle, Mr. Engen on Thursday. and Mrs. Stanley Olson, Mr. and E. Morton and E. Sunell are who were visiting at Warren returned home last of the week. Mrs. Chet Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. employed at Bradley camp. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff had Chas. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Parson and Ernie Guinn and daughter Doro son Stewart of Forest Grove as their guests Sunday Mr. and thy were among those present. were Sunday guests at the home Mrs. E. Lung of Portland. Embroidery floss 2 for 5 cents; Mrs. Frank Baker and children of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Crawford. spent the weekend in camp. Following boys joined the Boy crochet cotton 3 for 25 cents; men’s jersey gloves 15 cents pair, Mrs. N. E. Guinn was a lun Scouts: Dean Holt, Billie Smith, Home Grocery. (Adv.) cheon guest of Mrs. Chas. Mackie James Glassner and Edward Ba Glen Fecples suffered a brok ker. Monday. Mrs. E. Condit was a business en leg Wednesday, March 30, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Witte and caller out at Treharne on Friday. while working at Camp 10. Latest children of Eugene and Mrs. Wit Mrs. McDaniels, Mrs. Harry reports from St. Vincents hospital te’s mother and father, Mr. and Wilson, Mrs. Holcomb, Mrs. W. are that he is doing nicely. Mrs. Erickson of Apiary, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harris and Smith and daughter, Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanna Thurs family formerly of Oregon City, Baker assisted Mrs. Lee Kellar day. have moved to Riverview, where Vance Sutherlind is visiting at with quilting Monday afternoon. they intend to make their future George Baslington has purchas the home of his mother, Mrs. home. *| / ed acreage near the mile bridge Robert Woods. Friends of little Evelyn Miller Mrs. Rena Hanna, Mrs. Peggy and intends to start a poultry will be glad to know she is now Pringle, Mrs. Florence Olson, Mrs. farm. out of the hospital and will soon Gertrude Mackie, and Mrs. Peg be home again. gy Hatfield attended a luncheon Mrs. J. Brown and Mrs. Tom at the home of Mrs. Irene Ryves Crawford were visitors at the on Wednesday. The afternoon home of Mrs. M. Dunlap Friday. Mildred Hawkin» was spent playing five hundred, Mrs. Hartung of Wilark spent ...... .! Mrs. Geitrude Mackie winning Thursday at the home of Mrs. first prize and Mrs. Emma Rollins Mrs. Edith Varley entertained Hank Matson. of Vernonia consolation. Mrs. W. Krebs of Westimber a group of friends at a birthday Mr. and Mrs. John Atkins were dinner Sunday. Those present and Mrs. Glen Peoples went to Portland visitors one day last were Mr. and Mrs. White and Portland Wednesday to be with week. son Levi, Mr. and Mrs. Dan May, Glen Peoples at St. Vincents Little Clifford Beeler caught Evelyn May, Johnnie May, Lloyd hospital. his hand in the school bus door Coffman, Vera Varley, Evelyn Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stevenson one day last week, crushing it Varley, Elza and Oral Varley. and Miss Rhoda Bell spent Sun quite badly. The extent of the Mrs. Hannah Smith and son day at Mill City, Oregon, visiting injury has not been determined Garfield of Portland spent Sunday relatives. yet due to swelling. John Laramore spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robt. Woods, Mrs. Geo. Virgil Poiwell. in Portland with relatives. Baker and Miss Alice Baker spent While on their way to Molalla Mr. and Mrs. Bud Williams ac several days in Portland last companied by Mr. and Mrs. C. week. O. Thomas visited friends in Hills Vernonia visitors on Saturday boro Sunday. were Mrs. Ralph Butts, Mrs. Ray J. P. McDonald was a Portland Beeler, Mrs. Earl Pringle, Mrs. visitor Friday. S. R. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bob Welch leaves Tuesday for Baker and family, and Mr. and Waldport, where he intends to Mrs. Chas. Mackie. make his home. The Misses Alice and Patricia Lloyd Coffman of Strassel, Ore Baker were initiated into the gon, is spending a few days here' Order of the Rainbow Girls in among friends. First Aid for Vernonia March 28. Matches per carton, 19 cents; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sand egg noodles, 4 pks. 25 cents; Housedeaners! berg motored to Cathlamet to large bottles ketchup, 19 cents, We’re ready to help you spend the weekend with his bro Home Grocery. (Adv. . put your house in order ther Chester. Bud Robbins left Sunday for| Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield Scappoose, where he has employ-, after a grimy winter by laundering your curtains were dinner guests at the home of ment. and blankets perfectly* and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mackie Sun Mrs. Jay Bertraw of Souls Hill by dry cleaning your drap day. is able to be up after a siege eries, tapestries, etc., so Mrs. Roy Baker of Portland is of the flu. they will look like new. visiting at the home of her son, Little Alice Brown is reported Dry cleaning protects Lionel Baker. to be somewhat better. winter woolens and furs The Lumm boys of Chapman A. E. Buckley came home from from moth damage, too. are visiting in camp this week. Portland Saturday, where he has. Our low prices will save Little Betty Olson missed school been in the hospital. He is do-| you money and needless on Friday because of illness. ing nicely. effort. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rollins and Mrs. A. Gustafson and son Roy family visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. of Bucyrus, N. D., are visiting Vernonia Laundry Mackie one evening last week. the Bill Nixon home. They visit Mrs. E. L. Pringle. Mrs. C. R. ed relatives in Colfax and stop AND DRY CLEANING Lewis, Mrs. J. C. Hanna and ped over here on their return DEPARTMENT Mrs. S. R. Olson played bridge trip. They were met in Portland at the home of Mrs. J. H. Hat Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Bill field last Tuesday. Mrs. Chet Taylor entertained birthday last week, several of the with a party in honor of her young folks of camp being pres daughter Maxine’s thirteenth ent. Treharne EAGLE CLASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS FOR SALE HORSE AND HARNESS for sale. Merle B. King, on the old Mc Donald place. 15*2 FOR SALE — 3 hens, 1 gobbler, Mammoth Bronze turkeys; or will exchange for good range. R. L. Harris, 1-mile bridge. (15*1 FOR SALE—Two Master incuba tors, like new, holds 520 eggs each. Paid $130.00 two years ago. Will take $65.00 for both. Inquire Mrs. Morgan in River view. Nannie B. Hall. 124c ACREAGE AND FARMS — For sale. T. B. Mills.(2tf) MISCELLANEOUS CITY LOTS PLOWED — and disked, 50c an hour. O. W. Meyer, Vernonia._________ (14*2) If you want to sell or trade some thing—use the Eagle classified columns. They get results. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Southwest Quarter of said Section 34; thence on the West line of said road North 17“ 32’ East 165.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 89’ 22’ West 332.0 feet to an iron pin on the East bank of said river, thence North 89’ 22’ West 100 feet to the center of said river; thence following up the center of said river in a Southwesterly direction 160 feet; more or less, to the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 34; thence along said ling South 89’ 22’ East 86 feet to an iron pipe on the East bank of the Nehalem ri ver; thence South 89’ 22’ Eas 318.8 feet to the place of beginning and containing in this last exception 1.5 acres, more or less; also ex cepting: Beginning at an iron pipe on the West line of the County road said point being 89’ 22’ West 553.8 feet and North 17’ 32’ East 165 feet from the Southeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 34; thence following the West line of said County road North 17° 32’ East 165 feet, thence North 89’ 22’ West 427.6 feet, more or less, to the center of the Nehalem river; thence up the center of the stream in a Southwesterly direction, to a point which is North 89’ 22’ West 422 feet from the place of beginning and thence South 89° 22’ East 422 feet to the place of beginning, and con taining in this exception 1.54 acres, more or less, all being within Columbia County, Ore gon. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Mon day, the 2nd day of May, 1932, at 10:00 o’clock A. M. of said day at the West Front Door of the Court House in the City of St. Helens, Oregon, I will sell in obedience to said execution, de cree pnd order of sale, at public auction (subject to redemption) to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest which the above named defen dant has in and to said real pro perty tp satisfy said execution, in terest, attorney’s fees, costs and accruing costs and the overplus, if any, be paid to the person or persons entitled thereto. Dated and first published April 1, 1932. OSCAR G. WEED, Sheriff of Columbia County Oregon. (14c5 First publication April 1, 1932. Last publication April 29, 1932. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia. Albert Schmidlin and Judith Schmidlin, Plaintiffs, vs. Herman L. Greener, Defendant. UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the above entitled Court in the above en titled matter on the 25th day of March, 1932, to me directed upon a judgment, decree and order of sale, rendered on the 25th day of March, 1932, and entered in said Court on said 25th day of March, 1932, in a mortgage fore closure suit wherein the plaintiffs, Albert Schmidlin and Judith Schmidlin, recovered judgment against defendant, Herman L. Greener, for the sum of $4000.00 with interest thereon from 6th day of March, 1931, at the rate of 6% per annum; the further sum of $231.50 with interest thereon at the rate of 10% per annum from the 8th day of De cember, 1931; the sum of $400.00 attorney’s fíes, and the sum of $27.60 costs, and the costs of and upon this Writ, and com mand me to make sale of the mortgaged property described as follows, to-wit: All that part of the West half of the Northwest Quar ter of Section 34, Township 5 North, Range 4 North, West of the Willamette Mer idian, lying South of the Ne CALL FOR BIDS halem River and between said river and the County road, The Board of Union High School containing 3.50 acres, more District 1 is in the market for 80 or less; ALSO, all of the cords of 4-ft. fir wood, old North half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section ly growth, second growth, or slab. ing East of the Nehalem Must be cut by July 1, and deliv River, excepting therefrom ered by September 1. Bids will the North 20 feet of that be opened April 16 at 7:30 p. m. part of the above described tract of land lying between The Board reserves the right said river and said County to reject any and all bids. Road; also excepting: Com Mrs. Chas. Malmsten, Clerk. mencing at the center of said | H. M. Condit, Chairman. 15c2 Section 34; thence South 20 rods; thence West parallel DALLAS—The 10,750 acr?s of with the East and West cen ter line of said Section to prunes growing in Polk county County road; thence North are likely to produce bigger and to said center line and thence East to the place of begin better fruit this year because of ning; also excepting: Begin the excellent job of pruning that ning at an iron pipe on the most of the growers are doing, West line of the County road according to J. R. Beck, county North 89’22’ West 553.8 feet agent, who has had occasion to from the Southeast corner of visit many of these orchards re- the Northwest Quarter of the Camp Eight Riverview’ Where They’ll GROW YOUR INVITATION You are cordially invited to see and get the full story of the beautiful new Ford V-8 at our showroom next Thursday. The greatest value ever offered the Ameri can Public by any automobile manufacturer. A car economical to run, smooth and silent to operate, beautiful in design, and priced low enough to appeal to your pocket book. The finest car offered in the low price field. SEE THE FORD V-8 AND DRIVE IT BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR NEXT NEW CAR. Kerr Motor Co SALES Vernonia, Oregon RARRFR SHOPS DENTISTS ■ BARBER shop Haircutting for Men Women ana Children Expert Work Guaranteed Willard Batteries M. D. COLE VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oils ... Expert Greasing Dentist Vernonia, Oregon VERNONIA SERVICE STATION CARD ROOM QQÇTQRS TRANSFER — TRUCK PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Physican and Surgeon PORTERFIELD’S TRANSFER AND FEED CO. Oregon-American Lloyd Baker, Prop. Lumber Co. JOHN A. MILLER Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 General Contractor Mason Work, Building DR. J. A. HUGHES Physician aad Surgeon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 BAFFORD BROS. General Plumbing Vernonia C. BRUCE B ank of V ernonia All Kinds of Hay and Feed. Prices right Also all kinds of good wood. Phone 253 CONTRACTORS Vernonia, Oregon RESTAURANTS You plant your fields in the spring so you may reap a harvest in the fall. Seeds carefully planted and nur tured never fail to grow! Plant your dollars wisely, too, through a savings account or investments recom mended by your bank. But remember—the productive bank is one whose record has been progressive and stable throughout the years. SERVICE For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. It’s Planting Time DOLLARS Mist Professional and Business Directory I PLANT YOUR Carmichiel’s birthday was very well attended. Games were en joyed until nearly midnight, then dancing to music furnished by the Mrs. A. A. Dowling Berg boys. A stork shower was held at the Chas Melis came down from home of Mrs. Wm. Bridgers for Portland for a couple of days Mrs. Don Hall of Birkenfeld last week. Wednesday afternoon. There were Mrs. Vida Folger of Portland about 30 guests present. visited her mother, Mrs. F. E. Mrs. Ed Reynolds was on the Knowles, for a day or two last sick list for a few days last week. week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Berg en The party at the grange hall tertained the bridge club Saturday Friday evening in honor of Billie evening. Mrs. Grover Devine spent Wed to visit relatives last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. E. Blackman had nesday with Mrs. Ernest Lane. the misfortune of having their Mrs. A. Wallace and Mrs. Wm. car wrecked while passing through Bridgers held a bridge party on Linnton, but were able to con Saturday evening at their home. tinue after a few hours delay Mrs. Forxest Harding enter in Portland while repairs were tained the Vernonia Bridge club being made. Thursday afternoon, March 24, at 3 Flower’s Vanishing Cream her home. 35 cents; pencils and pen-holders A few friends dropped in to 3 for 10 cents; notebook paper 3 help Mrs. Ella Caywood cele for 25 c. Home Grocery. (Adv.) brate her birthday Monday after Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rollins and noon, at the home of her mother, family spent the weekend with Mrs. M. H. Wright. Mrs. A. R. Melis, Mrs. L. B. Eastman, Mrs. relatives at Pe Ell, Washington. Miss Ora Rundell spent the Chas. Sunklland, Mrs. Wm. Brid gers were among those who at weekend with home folks. Mrs. J. R. Laramore was in tended. S. J. DeRock and Kenneth Portland Saturday for medical Smith were Vernonia business attention. Mike Willard spent Sunday in visitors Tuesday. Miss Olga Holmstrom and her Portland with friends. Miss Dorothy Throop is now mother were Portland visitors on Sunday. teaching at Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Prickett Mrs. Judson Weed and daugh ter, Mrs. E. E. Garner, and drove to Forest Grove Saturday granddaughter Eloise of Pleasant to spend a few days. Dr. Ball was called over on the Hill were visitors at Mrs. Sarah Burn to see Evelyn Parkknon, Spencer’s Tuesday. Friends of Auqi Sally Spencer who has been ill for some time. will be glad to know she is much I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reynolds | have company from Astoria. improved. Wholesale end Retail LUMBER Verannia, Oregoa CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store Mary Kato Chop Suey ! Restaurant OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD STREET 1 1 Th« e e e e e best time to buy needed printing is B J B L w NOW«-I