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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1932)
PAGE SIX VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON RECALL OF COURT GETS NO NAMES FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1932. guests at the Frank Lane home I ' Tuesday Bridge DENIES REPORT ments which carried out the St. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Burnside The following communication one day last last week. Patrick’s day color and motif. returned last week from Los An- Club Meets has be' n received from J. E. A birthday luncheon was given ----------- Guests of the club were Mrs. geiea where they have been visit- Eilertson, candidate for nomina one day last week by Mrs. Chas. | The Tuesday Bridge club was John Hale and Mrs. Sara Judd ing for several months. Mrs. Burn tion as couny surveyor: Mitchell. Mrs. Virtue and Mrs. entertained by Mrs. H. E. Mc- Greenman. side’s mother, Mrs. Matthews, re- To the Editor: I heard from a Mrs. Fred Lumm and son Bob Thompson were honor guests. Members present were Mrs. E. iGraw Tuesday afternoon, with " j turned home with them for an reliable source that it has been by of Chapman were visitors the M. Bleile, Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs. . Mrs. K. A. McNeill holding high extended visit. tated in Vernonia that I was in past week in Camp Eight. She Hard Times Party score, and Mrs. William Culver L. H. Dewey, Mrs. E. E. Garner, favor of the recall of the county was entertained with a luncheon I Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. Frank] E. M. — Bliele ------- left ---- last ---- Friday ------- ■» i low. At Natal court. Beg to advise that I have at the home of Mrs. Robert Wood 'Hanson, Mrs. H. V. Holcomb,'for West Fir, Oregon where he ( Continued from page 1.) The hostess served a lunch to t .■ever discussed this matter with and was a dinner guest at the „ .. i j "... NATAL—(Special.)— Mr. and vne the luuowing following guests: rars. Mrs. W. w. Ua. E. ra\ A. C. Knauss, ’ Mrs. Carl has accepted a position in the things that we cannot afford.” anyone, so am at a loss to under C. O. Piert home during her visit. Mrs. Dave McMullin and Mr. and Bell, Mrs. William Culver, Mrs.1 Relthner- Mrs- Cha8' Richardson, office of a lumber concern. stand why such report should be Principle Upheld Those attending the dance at Mrs. Wilbur Milton gave a real A J Hughes, Mrs. F. M. Ruhl, Mrs- E- S- Thompson, Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burnside A. E. Veatch of Rainier, the circulated. There is no foundation Arcadia Saturday uuvuiuaj IllgllL iruiii night from hard-time party at the Clyde Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Mrs. L. H. Thomas and Mrs. Dave Marshall. 1 of Portland were visitors at the T»____ »< -- • K. »r-at ’■ next speaker, asserted that it is or it and moreover I believe it'eamp were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson place Saturday evening. Dewey, Mrs. A. tu McNeill, J. H. „ Burnside home on the O.-A. CARD OF THANKS ..... not so much a matter of dollars would be very improper if I 1 Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Tay- Mrs. E. W. Holtham. About 100 people were pres In behalf of Vernonia Post 119,' 1 _ ‘ un _ay’ should take any part in the con and cents as of principles. It j lor, Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield, ent. Men, women and children Mrs. Chris Nicar arrived Tues- American Legion, I wish to thank was the purpose of the Taxpay troversy inasmuch as I am an of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olson, Mrs. dressed in old work clothes and LOYAL SONS ENTERTAIN all those who participated in the day from Coquille for a short ers’ league to hedge expenditures, ficial of the city of St. Helens. Beeler, Mrs. Norman Guinn, and old shoes, men wearing overalls LOYAL DAUGHTERS play, “Corporal Eagen”, and also1 visit before going on to Burns J. E. Eilertson. to strike at high taxes wherever Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pringle. All with patches, and ladies in house' they could be hit. The Loyal Sons class, taught those who by their presence,¡to join her husband, reported a very good time. dresses old and patched. He talked at considerable by X F. . U4OUUV Claude UVCJJIICI1D, Stephens, being encouragement and their MJ UC411|S the VI1C their Mr. and Mrs. 33 m, Hodge were Andrew Woods, Wilbur Milton, |oserg in a reCent Sunday school financial 1 assistance helped to | Mrs. Frank Hanson left the length about a spending orgy, il Portland and Vancouver, Washing Mrs. Milton and Ira Jones fur- COntest, entertained the L_ w _ _ make the presentation a success. | first of the week for Port An- Loyal lustrating by the Rainier union ton, visitors over the weekend. nished music. Washington she will ¡Daughters class, taught by ” Mrs.1 i . J. ” E. Kerr p 11Q' -geles, visit for some time where with relatives. high school building. Mr. Gilhan, C. O. Evers, D. K. A luncheon was given by Mrs. Mrs. McMullin and Mrs. Milton H. Veal, the winners, at a party (Commander, \trr\onia Post 119 Frank Baker, from the audi American Legion ence, interposed an objection. Mendenhall and Mr. Reed are I Pringle on last Tuesday. There were assisted in the kitchen by in the church parlors last Friday I Recent arrivals at Hotel Mc- __ ,________________ | Donald included E. E. Montague, Mrs. F. Parkknon, _ evening. “The county court is no different vorking on the Keasey road this were eight guests including Mrs. Mrs. E. Lane, Thomas _ Gibson and ... Hanna, Mrs. _ Hatfield, mav. Mrs. va-iauao« Ol-I Mrs. V. J. Thomas, Mrs. «J. J. WAWUT McCor- “ _________ __________ X liuiuas. 1V113. 1 ne DOyS Dlurtu uC4lg44UU4 — _. 1 Chester M. Earnest Palmer, Portland, G. from any other business organiza week. The boys proved delightful « «—J r* »< — i-! - • i ■ -- - -- -- Those shopping in Vernonia • son . of * camp, I I-. x, — .. ' hosts a and . after »a ------------------------- —----------- 0. U. and Mrs. --------- C. -------- Mackie mick, HUU and 4144 Mrs. J. I'lVUtCl. Neurer. UUHCC, Coffee, an evening of r Harmon . . of , . Camp ' Eight v stopped ----- j , w Mills ’ q . A. Beaton, Earle tion. We’re all to blame. Why this week were Mr. Lindsley, Mrs. and Mrs. Lisenby, Mrs. Ryves and sandwiches and cakes were serv- games they served refreshments r . tat at 4 the Nehalem last -_ week. A Wilber, St. Helens, A. K lay it on the county court?” i— j A combination cooked f foodjlgou, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mr. Veatch took particular ex Mendenhall, O. H. Devaney, and ' Mrs. Adams of Vernonia. Five ed. to the large number of young sale, rummage sale, apron sale hundred was played in the after-! ception to the employment of a Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Devaney. people present. —--‘IH. Rose and «ito. Mrs. Thomas Scott a nun Mr. Altree, caretaker of the noon, Mrs. Hanna winning first jlM urn "00«, " 18 Panned byland daughter of Keasey. county nurse, though he admit tlP Wlllmr* W,. ..I ’ *U.. J the Willing Workers of the Chris QUILTING BEE FOR ted that the group of which he tower plant, shot a shotgun last prize and Mrs. Olson consolation. I N. A. Sprague, H. Von Cleff, Mrs. Guinn and Mrs. Hatfield tian church to be held down town MRS. A. V. MOWE is a member had played politics Monday and suffered with his . „ March 26, the — “I e . .. H. „ Leahy, O. G. Walker, on Saturday, day' _, , D ’ J. C. , at the budget meeting by endors bead so much that he had to be were luncheon guests of Mrs.' . „ ' , .. 'Hall, H. E. Parker of Portland, * "FM p I Mrs. H. M. Condit, Mrs. Otto . before Easter. The location will', ,, —. „ ... . „ ing the nurse in the hope that if taken in to a doctor Monday Mackie on Wednesday of last I . announced , next . week. , iL. Mrs. A. G. L. week. Michener, Mrs. A. L. Parker and be .. E. . Pratt, . .. Mr. and . -. Sunday, March 20 the concession was made they night. --- Bennett, former ,, Anna Devaney and Bernice Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackie! r_™ Margaret Ver-| iMauck T___ , and ,, Mr. and Mrs. S. . P. Palm Sunday services at Evan- Mrs. Phillip Melis surprised Mrs. would stand a better chance of _____ 1 and Christian churches, A. V. Mowe at her home Wednes nonia high school girl who is | Jones of Keasey registered at Ho- getting rid of the county agent Reed are ! two girls from Keasey were Portland visitors over the'gelical day for the purpose of helping now attending the Eugene high |tel HJ^“n recently. 11 a. m. and the home demonstrator. ”1 in the 1 Miller store popularity weekend. contest. Quite a number from Camp her quilt. school, visited friends here Satur have canvassed the county and Tuesday, March 22 SALE—Two Master incuba- Bob Leusman of Portland was Eight witnessed the play “Corpor-j W. C. T. U. at ...... have failed to find any one who Mrs. Sidney ' The ladies enjoyed a pot luck day and Sunday. like new, holds 520 eggs Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, al Eagen’ in Vernonia. Those at- Malmsten’s. Those interested are dinner and agreed that they had claims to have been benefited by in Keasey Saturday. Paid $130.00 two Norman Pettijohn spent the spent a pleasant day. accompanied by Mrs. Charles! ................... Ior years DOltl tending on Tuesday evening were requested to meet at the Christ- the county agent,” he declared, Will take $05.00 for both. week end in Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodge, Mrs. ¡an church parsonage at 1:30. Richardson and Mrs. Dave Mar-¡Inquire Mrs. Morgan in River- qualifying his statement, howev Edith Lindsley has been ill Beeler, Mr. and Mrs. John At-: Study Club at „ u 22 23 25 er, by adding, “Maybe a few here shall drove to Portland Monday, view. Nannie B. Hall. 124c with the flu. kins, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Baker 1 Ea3ter‘"rvices al Christian Mrs. Marshall’s and there.” Mrs. Earl Pringle, and Mr. an<>'church “The taxpayers deserve better GAME MAN TELLS Mrs. Stanley Olson. Those at-■ ___________ Mrs. D. Marshall entertained treatment than that given them íi m OF HOLDING PENS the Vernonia Study club at its at the budget meeting,” he main l Frank JndivKnY edn Mr. Mday and Mrs. w Os- „e( 1 Mrs. H. . E. McGraw (Continued from Page 1) ¡jjjj Baker, regular bi-monthly meeting at tained. “When the next meeting her home Thursday of last week. is held in St. Helens they are The birds are one-third grown car Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.' Entertains Plumb. I _ Following a short business ses going to pay some attention.” when sent to the holding pens, George Mrs. Lionel Baker accompanied Mrs’ H’ E’ McGraw antertal"- sion, the afternoon was spent in As Mr. Veatch concluded Mr. Mr. Simpson states. One hen is Mrs. George Plumb to Wilark on'a Krou,P of her a study of Japan and Korea, Greenman asked him a question good for two broods a year of . . . For the Season’s newest offerings. Quali MoriSay where Mrs. Plumb at-ih°me last. T"day mght forthe Roll call was responded to with about his part in a high bid for about five each. pleasure of her house guest, Phil Japanese poems, or exhibition of ty for quality — price for price — Safeway printing the county budget a year In accordance with the ten tended to some business relative ip Lee of Portland. Japanese pictures or other ob- Foods are always in the lead. We offer the ago, and had started to ask an year program of the game com to her resignation as clerk of the The evening was spent with jects. Mrs. M. D. Cole presented other when Chairman Tarbell rap mission, Mr. Simpson declares, school board. Mrs. Jimmie Troy is following items as proof of this assertation ... cards and dancing. Lunch was the map study of the two coun ped him down and called on A. birds and feed will be supplied her successor. J served by the hostess at a late tries. Mrs. Dave Marshall read a L. Morris of Warren. for that length of time, the com | Alice Baker has been quite ill hour. FEATURES FOR SATURDAY & MONDAY this week missing several days paper on Japanese history, and g Grange Resolutions Denounced munities to provide the care. Guests included Verla Messing, the new Japan, and Mrs. Carl Mr. Morris discussed the grange He believes that a location for of school. Mr. Olson and Mrs. Pringle ac Helen Messing, Margaret Nelson, Reithner told of cities of Japan resolutions in favor of the ex- a 1 pen in town is preferable to companied Mrs. Bud Adams to Mary Ann Childs, Leona Hillman, and Korea. tension service, and claimed that one 1 in the country. Following the program Mrs. Portland on Monday to visit Bud Philip Lee, Martin Hillman, Wal at the Warren grange Mr. Nelson Mr. Simpson made a trip to ter Barker and Raymond Brown. Marshall served delightful refresh- wrote the resolution himself and Vernonia to determine whether who is still in the hospital. Get a pound today . . . ground to your order Ted Dixon made a business had somebody present it. He pre : China pheasants or upland quail trip to Tacoma last Saturday re dicted an 85 per cent vote for are better suited to conditions AIRWAY ................................... LB. ?3c turning Tuesday. | here. recall at Warren. 3 LBS.................................. 65c Mrs. Robert Wood motored L. E. Gulker of Warren and B. to Portland Tuesday for a few SAFEWAY ............................... LB. 29c S. Golden of Beaver Homes also O. E. S. Holds days visit. 3 LBS............................. 85c spoke in behalf of the recall Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sand movement. berg were St. Helens visitors over Collection Taken The quarterly birthday party DEVIL MEAT..................... 4 CANS 15c The committee, instead of Pay for members of the Eastern Star 1 the weekend. A surprise farewell party was Libby’s . . . best for lunches ing for the hall out of its own was observed at the regular meet funds as in some of the previous ing of Nehalem chapter in the given Mrs. Wm. Hayden on last Wednesday by the Pot-Luck Lun- TOMATOES ........................ meetings, took a collection and temple Wednesday evening. Standard pack . . . No. 2 cans acknowledged a generous res Games were played and fof7^ cheon club. Five hundred was ponse. One Vernonia man offered tunes told and before refresh played in the afternoon, BEANS ..................... 3 No. 2 Cans 97p to pay the entire rental of the ments were served each guest Rollins won first prize and Standard pack, cut stringless “ • D hall if Commissioner T. B. Mills, had to climb a ladder and kiss O’Donneil consolation. There were who was present, was allowed to the blarney stone, which, as it 11 guests present. Vernonia shoppers and visitors CORN........................................... 3 Cans 97P speak in his own defense, but the happened, was a piece of the or Country Kist . . . No. 303 size can ■ I V on Saturday were Mrs. Chet Tay suggestion was ignored. iginal blarney stone from old Ire Petitions were thereupon cir- land. The curio belongs to Mrs. lor and daughter Maxine, Pat SPINACH.............. 2 No. 2i/2 Cans iulated, without response. Hamp Roberson who lent it for Baker, Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Pringle. A season’s vegetable Mrs. Hatfield, Mrs. C. Mackie, Seventy-six were present at the the occasion. beginning of the meeting, many, Refreshments carried out the and Mrs. Streadwick and son CLAMS.................... 2 No. Flat cans 9FCz» Richard. however, leaving before the close. St. Patrick’s motif. K. C. Brand . . . for tasty chowder Lttjy^ Earl Pringle made a business Sidney Malmsten of Vernonia The birthdays honored were acted as secretary of the meeting. those of Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mrs. trip to Hillsboro on Sunday. DILL PICKLES................ No. 2’/2 Can 1 Mrs. Virtue, Mrs. E. Guinn II. E. McGraw, Mrs. K. A. Me Happyvale . . . appealing to the appetite and Mrs. Lewis were afternoon WEEK OF PRAYER Neill. Mrs. Myrtle Brock, lt n. IS EASTER PROGRAM 1). C. Cason, Mrs. E. W. Holtham, Mrs. Fred Wall, Mrs. F. M. (Continued from Page 1) Ruhl, Mrs. W. H. Hurley, Mrs. Makes the finest bread and Villages Find Friendship and Ray D. Fisher, Mrs. Frank Hart- Burbank’s — Good cook pastry. wick, Mrs. E. A. Green, Emil Fun.” ers, bakers. Guaranteed. Mrs. Stephens was elected pre- Messing, J. E. Tapp, F. D. Mac- sident of the society to fill the pherson, J. B. Wilkerson and 17 lbs vacancy left by the resignation ,Glen Hawkins. Mrs. F. D. Macpherson, Mrs. of Mrs. E. Knight. PEET’S Refreshments were served by O. T. George and Mrs. Hamp Large, firm, crisp, ten GRANULATED the hostess. Roberson were the committee re- der heads. Z* Other members in attendance sponsible for the delightful even-' HEAD ................ included Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. George in<-_____________________,,Li Fresh Kitchen-Made Choco HAT’S just one example It slips into a lates. Full pound box. Laird, Mrs. J. C. Stubbs. Mrs. J. A fine laundry soap QI - JOY THEATRE of Hat work. And the flat kitchen drawer or F. Rose and Mrs. Alma Sitts. New 25c Pkg......... Lt Friday and Saturday. March 18, pieces, you know, make up closet when not in WESTERN DAIRY PRO and Good size, juicy, fresh VERNONIA GRANGE 19. Winnie Lightner and Joe E.' j some 90% of the family use. And it heats DUCTS COMPANY 2 Bars Crystal White INITIATES MANY Brown in SIT TIGHT, Sunday, I i ironing. as fast as an ordi Soap FREE March 20, Delores Del Rio and i nary electric iron. This new invendoa irons (Continued from Page 1) Leo Carrillo in GIRL OF TH e | the loads of flat -voAta on» Rid yourself to QUART Adv. | the sick list for the past week RIO --------------------------------------------- | third the time re prirwt by day of the drudg BRICKS and was unable to attend the hand — better than Av most ery of hand iron meeting. Mrs. Viola Treharne, the PINT expert hand laundrea could ing. It isn’t uorti tht pnn ytn’n chairman of the home economics BRICKS It operates from the wringer paying. Give us 30 minutes to dem committee, was also ill and unable Assorted flavors, delicious. shaft of your Thor Washing onstrate this new invention in your to attend. Machine. It is portable — carried home—the results will amaze you. The membership of Vernonia SPECIAL , with ease. grange is steadily climbing and the meetings are getting more in teresting. The lecturer is providing CAN IT BE APPLIED TO programs that are heartily taken THE DIAGNOSIS AND part in. TREATMENT OF Rib or Sirloin Sunday afternoon, March 20, at DISEASE? JUST IN two o’clock there will be a short Free—Stereoptican Lecture. program commemorating the Also a demonstration of Washington Bicentennial, at diagnostic methods — The which there will be a tree plant- Radio Energy Way. ing as part of the celebration. The public is invited. EVERYBODY WELCOME Pure Vegetable Camp Eight KEASEY * am II . II f T / Shop First at Safeway... COFFEE Can9c 25 q CANDY SPECIAL Irons a tablecloth in 4 Minutes That took you 40 minutes to do by hand 39c T I 994 BRIDGE STREET .... 19c Lettuce SOAP OC Lemons 15c SMELT, 4-lbs. 15c Ask to see a Rox Uandv For Easier Pharmacy Mrs. Mary Nelson is able to be up again after five weeks of ill ness. $1.13 25c AC’S MARCH 1». 1932. 8 P. M. Potatoes XC I re Cream Come--See--Learn What is Radio Energy? FLOUR Oregon Gas & Fleet rie Co 622 Bridge Street Telephone 691 Vot Roasts lb. 14c STEAK lb. 17c Racon Square» lb. 121/^C Cottage Hutts ... lb. 15c SHORTENING 3-Ibs. 2 7C 1