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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1932)
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON TIDEWATER CAMP STARTS! TIDEPORT MAY REOPEN I gation purposes over the first 'three thousand gallons would take I a rate of ten cents per thousand | gallons. This would allow a user (Astorian-Budget) who formerly paid $6.00 for 13,- At least one local logging camp 000 gallons the same amount for Pacific Coast Representative will open next Monday morning Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. To the Editor: There is prob-'* 3 00- In order to make this rate vhen the Tidewater concern puts San Francisco and at the same time not i part crew of fallers and buck- ably nothing that will assist in ■rs to work in its holdings near solving the unemployment situa-idisrupt tke water facilities, a woy*“ be required to make he Nehalem highway, it was tion more than the planting and user Member of National Editorial an application on a form pro- earned today. The company will raising of a good family garden. vided by the city which would Association and Oregon State add more men as they are need What was once provided by a state the proposed property to Editorial Association. ed. It keeps about 125 men busy steady payroll will have to be be irrigated, etc. provided in some other way, for when going full strength. The city would issue him Issued Every Friday $2.00. Per Year in Advance Persistent rumors continue here living expenses will have to be permit for irrigation purposes, It met whether the laboring man that the Tideport camp, closed Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post down for the past two years, will has a job or not. Vernonia by is considered that irrigation for office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. also resume operations before the reason of its soil conditions and more than twice each week is un- necessary, so the permit would month is out. Reports are that the much property which is not now Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; company will operate the camp to placed to any economic use can give him the particular hours legal notices. 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding provide enough facilities for rais and days he could irrigate, and insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, protect its large investment in ing garden truck for the needs the users would be given different camp and equipment that has been 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. of the people during the summer days throughout the week so that idle for a long time. and enough to can for the next the supply of water would not be The Markham & Callow camp depleted at any one time. It can winter. RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher and the Bradwood camp are two readily be understood that this two things necessary There are others in this vicinity that have system would make use of much accomplish this pro- in order to been operating for some time, al unsightly vacant property and AN UNJUSTIFIED RECALL though the Bradwood mill is not ject. One is the clearing and save the home city many thous preparing of the lots for garden running. of dollars which now goes The weakness of the arguments for recall of the county Nothing is known as to when purpose, and the other is the pro ands out of the Nehalem valley each court was evident in the meeting held in Vernonia last Fri- other camps in the county will op viding of an adequate supply of year for vegetables. water for irrigation during the day in the interest of the movement, That the committee en up after their shutdown that drouth period of the year. Some The Garden club would be in of twelve, as it terms itself, frowns on all debate is not tharted at Christmas time. years water is not necessary for line for putting over this pro is reported to be a short at all strange, for statements of the recall group do not age There but ject, and the writer would be of logs on the market, but the the raising of a good garden; to voluntarily assist in stand up under fire, and when the speakers are subjected price continues so low that log it is a generally admitted fact willing working out the necessary details insures a suc- that water always to cross questioning and counter-argument it becomes ap gers are not anxious to begin cessful garden and adds much to if the project is finally accepted parent to an unbiassed audience that the recall has no justi operations. volume of garden that can be as feasible. Lester Sheeley. fication. raised. Such was clearly the case at this meeting. The commit The water rates in Vernonia Read t*1* Eagle classified ads. tee, after its unhappy experience in Clatskanie, made its are much too high for irrigation purposes, and many people rule to which it adhered at the meeting in Mist, but allowed whom I have talked state an exception in Vernonia because it could not very well do they will not raise a garden otherwise. Judd Greenman’s services in behalf of effective year on account of the high tax reduction entitled him to consideration when he request of water. The present water tariff ed the privilege of speaking in behalf of the county court. was prepared some years ago and due to the economic depression Obviously the permission given him was reluctant and the GOOD OLD DAYS is not suitable for present needs. fear that his reasons for upholding the court would be The minimum rate for domestic The old-time livery stable and damaging was considerable, for effort was made to have corner saloon have given way to use is $2.00 for the first 3000 him speak first, before the case for the prosecution was the ornate garage and filling sta gallons or fraction thereof. The stated. Coming second, as he did, he shattered the argu tion; the movie show has replaced rate for the next 10,000 gallons ments of the first speaker and cut the ground from under the town hall; we go in an hour is 40 cents per thousand gallons. those that followed. Indeed the campaign was lost that now a distance it formerly took It can be easily seen why irriga night before it had fairly begun. Mr. Greenman’s facts were a day to travel. One can go from tion of lawns and gardens is coast to coast in a single day in practically impossible under the unchallenged and his logic unanswerable. the air. He can telephone from a present rates for If a user uses Stripped of criticisms of the packing houses, the Rai- ship at sea to any one of the 13,000 gallons his bill for a nier union high school district and other issues entirely 18,000,000 telephones in the month will be $6.00. I have made a study of the beside the point, the argument of the recall group resolved United States. He can listen on itself to this: We offered the county court advice in the his radio to speakers thousands cost of pumping the city water meeting called for that purpose, and the court used its own of miles away. In a short time and find that it costs a little less he’ll be able to see them, too. than four cents per thousand gal judgment instead of ours; hence we are seeking a recall. Our homes are heatedby scientific lons for the electricity, labor and Not a strong argument that, when one reflects that the and healthful methods. We have filtration. These are all of the budget committee and the county court went to considerable our own cooling systems. Oil and cost factors which need be con pains, in a five-day session to ascertain to the best of its gas and electricity have taken the sidered in estimating a cost for ability the wishes of the majority of taxpayers and the best place of coal, We have the news irrigation purposes as the city of the world on our doorsteps, owns the system and the mini interests of the county. No wonder there is so much talk morning and evening, thanks to mum charges now paid would pro- in the recall meetings about matters over which the county the stride of modern newspaper- vide for the necessary interest court has no control whatever, so much concealment of the ing. Our lives are full of events. and sinking fund payments. I real issue. The kernal is dry and shriveled. As long as the We go places and see things. Our would propose that the rates be nut is on display and is not cracked open, it can pass horizons have been broadened. left the way they are now Back-breaking drudgery has been except for irrigation purposes for meaty. eliminated in every avenue of ac and would amend the tariff to Mr. Greenman pointed out accurately the real cause for tivity. Household appliances, elec provide that water used for irri- the burden of high taxes in hard times and the appalling trically operated, have come to list of delinquencies: we ourselves contracted debts that we lessen the work of the house are not able to pay. The recall group is trying to shift the wife. We have more time for play, and the golf links is an blame—pass the buck, if you please—to the extension ser adjunct of every village and ham vice, the county agent, the county nurse, the county court let as well as the larger cities. for hiring a county agent and county nurse, and so on. The We have improved our hignways load of “useless” employes becomes a symbol of oppression, and have made our cities sani of unbearable taxation, of approaching bankruptcy. That tary and more attractive. But, go on? Truth is the so-call-’ these employes are even more essential in times of depres why ed “good old days” are only a' sion than in a period of prosperity, because they more than figment of the imagination. The pay their own way in savings to individuals and to the pub days we are living now are the best the world has ever seen up lic funds, is disregarded. The tax situation can be solved only through a broader, to now. And “we hain’t seen better informed attitude than that the sponsors of the re nothing yet.” — News-Telegraph, Atlantic, Iowa. Uernnnia The Open Forum - - What Oilier Editors Think PAGE THREE EARLY LAMB CROP SMALL lambs sold in Portland at $6.50 IN ALL WESTERN STATES to $6 and up during the week OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallia — A smaller early lamb crop in all the western states with as much as a 10 per cent decrease in California and from 3 to 5 per cent for the country as a whole was indicated in the special government report on ear ly lambs issued by the Oregon State college extension service. The report for Oregon says that weather conditions all over the state during the winter were unfavorable and feed was short in many sections. Ewes in early lamb bands were in rather poor condition and losses of both ewes and lambs were above average. The feed supply is getting very short at the present time. These same conditions prevailed for the most part in early lamb areas of Washington and Idaho. In the middle western and eas- tern states and in Texas, the early crop is larger than last year and the condition of the lambs is good to excellent. California’s 10 per cent de crease was due largely to poor condition of many ewes last fall because of drought and to un favorable weather and feed short age during the winter. New crop lambs were offered in Portland March 9 for the first time this season. They sold as high as $10 per hundredweight. The bulk of the old crop wooled ending March 12, which repre sents a gain of about $1.50 since the middle of December. The tendency toward dullness in hog markets broke up during the week ending March 12 when light butchers at Portland brourht a top of $5.15 and Chicago p < s advanced to $5 a hundredwe ,;bt for the first time since mid No- vember. Portland and Chieag, cattle prices changed little during the week. Realistic Permanent With.. Ringlette Ends. A Steam Wave at reduced prices. tg.SO and $^.50 Regular $5 wave Annette BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 431 Bridge St. a If you want pictures in ijour advertising, • we have them • I’-a* "A straight line is the shortest distance Quality Garden SEEDS In Bulk Farm Seed Vernonia Trading Co call movement showed in the Vernonia meeting. The city council of Rainier has decided to turn off the street JUDGE D. B. REASONER lights at one o’clock in the morn Into the controversy that centered around the office of ing. The light bill for February was $64.40. recorder there is no need to enter at this time, for Judge Reasoner settled the question himself once and for all by handing in his resignation last week. Yet views as to wheth er he should or should not have continued in office ought not to blind Vernonians to the value of his long and faithful service to the city, and to his exceptional qualifications for the position. His conduct since his resignation commands respect of | political friends and foes. Instead of leaving his successor, C. F. Hieber, to solve the intricate records of street and sewer assessments as best he can, Judge Reasoner has given every assistance within his power, an assistance that Mr. Hieber himself gratefully acknowledges and of incalculable benefit to the city. The only way to heal the breach made by the recall election is to do as Judge Reasoner is doing—help, not hin der, the new administration in the performance of its func tions. The Newest And Best in ItAIHO RADIOS FOR RENT OR SALE GLENN E. DEAMER SERVICE MAN Your radio repairing guar anteed or no labor charge. Vernonia Radio Shop ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE — Gen« Ship PHONE 681 Agency for McCormick-Deering TRACTORS You can look your best LASiri SUNDAY ! !| OU NEED an automobile or a pair of shoes. Somewhere the automobile or pair of shoes that will satisfy you and your pocketbook is offered for sale . . . And advertising is the straight line that shows you the shortest distance between the two points! Y In the advertisements in this newspa per, you’ll find straight lines drawn direct to the products you need. Look for them. Follow them. They’ll save you hours of aimless wandering, hours of weary rum maging, hours of saying to solicitous sales people, “No, thank you. I’m just looking.’’ And more than time, they’ll save you money. Advertised products are worthy ones. They MUST be. To advertise an in ferior product means only that more people will find out its flaws. The merchandise consistently advertised in these pages has proved itself by public test. You can buy it with the assurance of getting the fullest value for the fairest price. even if you haven’t a new wardrobe this spring . . . Just send your suits, coats, dresses, gloves, cravats, etc., to our dry cleaning department and we will make them look like new’ at extremely low cost. Men’» Suit», cleaned and pressed—$1.00 Other prices accordingly low. Vernonia Laundry DRY CLEANING DEPARTMENT PHONE 711 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS AND PRACTICE STRAIGHT-LINE SHOPPING Vernonia Eagle