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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1932)
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON PAGE TWO Just Eight Club At Mrs. Baker’s Mrs. Lloyd W. Baker was hos tess to the Just Eight Bridge club at her home Thursday evening, March 10, and presented prizes to Mrs. James Nanson for high acore and to Mrs. Harry Kerns for low. Mrs. Virgil Powell and Miss Gladys Pressnall were guests, and Buster Baker also played. Mrs. W. M. Henderson and Mrs. Rose Fletcher were the other members present. Mrs. Baker served refresh ments following cards. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman Tour In Death Valley, California I over 1930. There now are 20 ad- Lee Osborn attended a funeral ult, 230 young people’s, 160 in- at Clatskanie Monday, termediate, and 124 junior soci- ■ Mrs. Oliver Burris and Miss eties, making a total of 534 in Beatrice Perry were Vernonia the state. Every age-department shoppers Monday, shows an increase, and of the 18 Ira Peterson is now installing a organized county or district unions water system in his house here, in the state, 15 show net gains Jake Neurer returned a few in the number of societies. At days ago from a business trip to present there are more than Seattle, Spokane, Wenatchee and 12,000 Christian Endeavorers, the Wilbur, Washington, where he largest number on record in state spent several days looking after headquarters. This is a gain of some business. a Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap 1800 over a year ago. were visitors Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas’s. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr«. Jak« Neurar Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Burris. Preaching services are being Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill from held every evening at eight o’ Portland were visitors here at clock in the Natal hall. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuback their home over the weekend. The George Jones family who called at the Louis Carmicheal lived for the winter near Ver home Sunday on business, There were a number of fish- nonia have moved down to their ermen fishing along the Nehalem home again for the summer. last weekend. Elmer Hiatt is working with Car- his team plowing for Louis If you want to sell or trade some micheal. thing—use the Eagle classified Little Norman Peterson was columns. They get results. sick for a few days last week with a bad cold. John McMullin went to work EASTER for Jim Moran last week. CENT-A-M1LE Miss Marian McMullin spent a few days in Portland visiting friends recently. Lawrence Jepson and Otto Smith are helping Clyde Johnson *Portland ..... ........... $1.25 ............. 2.85 Corvallis put in his spring grain. ‘Rainier ....... ............. 1.25 Sunday visitors at Lincoln Pe ‘Seaside ............. 3.70 terson’s were the Blackburn .............. 3.30 ‘Astoria folks from St. Helens. .............. 2.15 Salem .......... Eugene ........ .............. 3.55 Bob Lindsay is nicely recover •—Trains or Stages ing from the flu which confined him to his home for a number of DISTANT POINTS days. Helena ................ .... $17.20 Mr. and Mrs. Pasco Hill from Spokane ............ ........ 9.35 Butte .................. ..... 17.20 Vernonia were Sunday guests of 6.25 Pendleton .......... Mollie Wright and Etta Caywood Boise .................. ..... 11.90 at Natal. San Francisco .... ...... 17.45 Mrs. Maud McMullin from Seattle ................ ....... 5.20 Medford .............. ........ 8.35 Scappoose is here visiting her Tacoma .............. ....... 4.40 daughter, Mrs. Earl Knowles, and Salt Lake City ... ...... 20.35 other relatives. Vancouver, B. C. ....... 8.65 Miss Millie McMullin from For The Dalles ......... ........ 3.10 On sale Mar. 24, 25, 26, 27; est Grove and Miss Annie McMul return limit April 5. lin from Portland were both home Tickets sold in either direc with their parents over the week tion. Proportional reductions end, leaving Sunday. between other points. Leo Graham and Jay Leedy R. M. ALDRICH, Agent. from Portland called to see Mr. J. C. WRIGHT, and Mrs. Jake Neurer Saturday. General Agent, Astoria Hy Tracey has received a ship UNITED ment of baby chicks recently. RAILWAYS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and A visit to Death Valley, Cali heat is so intense that ordinary fornia, that unique arid region glass left in the sun for a few below the level of the sea, which years, changes color. As evidence, is so hot that it can not be en Mr. Hoffman brought home a tered with safety in summer, was piece of a milk bottle that had the object of a month’s vacation turned purple. trip from which Mr. and Mrs. C. The tourist hotels, which are S. Hoffman returned a week ago very good and charge 10 dollars Sunday. a day accordingly, all close down Death Valley, from seven to 10 by the first of May on account miles wide and around 75 miles of the heat. Signs everywhere on long, is located in the southwes I the roads warn people, even in tern part of California in the winter, not to attempt to travel midst of a wild and rough ter- without a good supply of water, rain of narrow box-canyons with gas and oil. sides so steep that once in it is The trip into Death Valley practically impossible to get out. which the Hoffmans had planned EVANGELICAL CHURCH The Hoffmans, who went in and | for a number of years was made out of the valley over four dif | in company with relatives from ing another card party tonight in Mrs. Ernest Yeo of Oregon G. W. Plumer, Pastor ferent roads found one which ' Long Beach. Mr. Hoffman said the I. O. O. F. hall. City was here March 10 to attend The Sunday school hour is 9:45 followed such a rapid descent | he would not care to make the _ Betty Dyer of Salt Lake C.ty, ithe special of Nehalem | Q meeting £ g Mr9> L H a. m. Mrs. E. E. Garner will be from a high altitude to below trip with a single car for in case Utah, was a business visitor in gon ac anied her in charge. The pastor will give sea level that cars could travel of accident, he might find -him Vernonia Saturday afternoon. | fgr gg portland on her return a talk to the Sunday school dur only downward, and even then self helpless, from one to two ing the opening services. driving was precarious requiring hundred miles from a good garage A. L. Kullander was in St. trip Friday morning. This is Palm Sunday and every excellent brakes and nice con where repairs or parts could be Helens Wednesday and Thursday obtained. Wesley Brady, son of Mr. and body should be at church. trol. serving on the grand jury. At 11 a. m. the subject will Mrs. Roy Brady, who has been During the journey they went One of the thrills of the trip be “Behold Your King.” Palm Mrs. A. L. Kullander left on ill with pneumonia, was taken to came when they stood at a point through Beaty, an old mining Sunday service. Tuesday for a visit of a week a Portland hospital Sunday. It LeRoy Malmsten will be the on the rim of the valley where town once boasting a population or two with her parents in In- is reported that he has an ab- leader of the Christian Endeavor they could look up in one direc of from eight to 10 thousand, cess on his lungs which may ne- dependence. meeting at 6:30 p. m. The evan tion to Mt. Whitney rising 14,- but now completely dead with all cessitate an operation. gelistic theme for 7:30 p. m. will 496 feet above sea level, one of the business houses, big and little Earl Spofford has a badly cut the highest points in the country, standing empty and ghostlike al- Mrs. Sara Greenman, who has be “The Hardened Heart.” wrist caused by striking his hand and in the other direction look ong streets which have been va her been visiting Wednesday evening, March 23, at the home of against a window pane when he son, Judd Greenman, for the past the Endeavor society will have down into the heart of the val- cant since the years 1906 and fell recently. two weeks, left Tuesday for San a social evening honoring the ley 310 feet below the level of 1907. Mrs. W. O. Porterfield spent Francisco, where she will visit college and former college stu the sea. They also stayed in Long several days in bed this week as before returning to her home in dents. From a distance, Mr. Hoffman Beach for awhile, and according the result of a fall she had while Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Judd We are having very interesting said, the floor of the valley ap to Mr. Hoffman’s opinion, the de working in her kitchen. Greenman and Mrs. John Hale services with fine special music pears to be wet, and one can see pression is quite serious in that at each of the services. depressions as if small streams part of the country. Although the Frank Baker, superintendent accompanied her to Portland. Thursday evening, 7 p. m., were flowing into each other cost of living has gone down of the Clark and Wilson camps Bible study. Choir practice at through a wet muddy lowland. greatly with food prices lower in this locality, was in town Fri 7:45 p. m. Even the bare rocks and crags than here, still, he thinks, people day afternoon and evening. The welcome is yours. seem to be glistening with mois must have a hard time to live Arne G. Rae of Eugene, field ture. However, on going into the 1 because of a scarcity of work and manager of the Oregon State Ed CHRISTIAN CHURCH valley one finds that the appear- | . extremely low wages. Earsel Christenson and Mild- itorial association, called at the ance of moisture is only an il I Despite the fact that Califor- Eagle office Tuesday afternoon. red Lamoreaux have returned to F. Claude Stephens, Minister lusion as everything is hard and I ! nians have complained loudly and school after a brief absence on Services for Easter week, March long about the rain this winter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spring spent account of illness. 20 to 27—9:45 a. m., Bible dry. The rocks seem to have been the heaviest they have experienc baked to a dark chocolate color the weekend in Portland with Catherine Scharback, Raymond school; 10:45 a. m., Divine morn ed in 25 years, Mr. Hoffman Mrs. Spring’s mother, who cele Justice and Frederick Roediger ing worship, theme, Triumphal by the terrific heat of the sun. thinks it was the finest thing while the floor of the valley is brated her birthday anniversary. have received the improvement Entry. that could have happened to that Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. in.; entirely dry, and white in places dry country. C. C. Van Doren, who was certificate in Palmer penmanship. with deposits of salt, soda, bor- quite ill last week is much im- Verdell Brock entered the evening service, 7:30 p. m., ax, etc. C.-E. Society Shows Growth proved and able to be up, al- fourth grade at the Pleasant Hill theme, Died in Full Leaf. In some sections mesquite A recent survey of Christian though he has not regained his school Monday morning. He has Special services Tuesday Wed- brush grows, but for the most Endeavor societies in Oregon strength. been attending the Vernon nesday, Thursday and Friday part the valley is barren. evenings. Special music at all shows a net gain of 65 societies grade school in Portland. Although fairly comfortable Mrs. Harry Kerns, head of the services. Come! Mrs. Stevenson and daughter Legion Auxiliary, has called a Sunrise prayer meeting the weather was experienced by the Hoffmans while visiting the val meeting of the Auxiliary for Mon visited at school Thursday after 27th in charge of the C. E. ley, it was beginning to get hot day night, March 21, in the Le noon. BIBLE SCHOOL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. F. Schmidlin and when they left. gion hall. Miss Marie Kirkpatrick ren It is extremely dangerous to family and Mr. and Mrs. G. Phoebe Greenman, of the Uni- Schmidlin spent Sunday at the dered a solo last Sunday. There enter Death Valley in the sum versity of Oregon, and Hale home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. will be special music next Sun mer as the temperature averages day also. Greenman, Pacific University Smith. from 118 to 140 degrees. The 167 were in the Bible school Wm. Hayden’s family student, spent the weekend at have their home here. moved to their new home at Brad last Sunday. The Lads class lost the attendance banner to the The secret of better baking— For homes that want the ley park. Otto Malmsten of Seaside, who best in cooking. Mrs. Frank O’Connor and chil Gleaners after holding it for last week visited at the home of dren of Forest Grove visited at weeks. They say it will not be his sister, Mrs. Eva West, and the home of her parents, Mr. and gone long. other relatives here, returned to Mrs. E. Treharne, the past week. 333 is the attendance goal for Argo brand — Your choice, Corn or Gloss, l-tt> pack his home Sunday. Joe Davis and F. N. O’Donnell Easter Sunday, set at the Work American Legion age. 1 carry-All Bag FREE with purchase of 2 Pkgs. ers’ conference Thursday even are employed at Clark and Wilson Vernonia Boat The Lassies class of the Chris ing. tian church Sunday school enter camp. 119, American The committee is busy on the John Price moved his furniture tained the Lads class, winners in Legion. Meets program for Easter. Ten members Gold Bar — The aristocrat of all. a recent contest, In the church to Cornelius. 2nd and 4th of Mrs. Ray ’ s class, the Loyal Road workers have finished parlqrs Saturday afternoon. Tuesdays each Lads, will present a “Bird Im their jobs along the highway. month, 8. p. m. Mrs. E. M. Lyons of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker en personation.” J. E. Kerr, Com- The magic cleaner — Large 8-Pad size The Christian Endeavor will leaves today after a visit of a tertained Sunday with a birthday mander; Eugene Shipman, Adj. few days at the home of her son, dinner in honor of Leonard and hold their usual sunrise service George E. Lyons, who is employed Edward and Mrs. Baker. Guests Easter Sunday with breakfast A. F. & A. M. at the S. P. and S. depot. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 included Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. served in the church parlors. Otter Brand — Fancy Razor Minced — l's A. F. & A. M. meets The Willing Workers met at the Baker and children, Leonard and at Masonic Temple, Christian church Wednesday in Thelma, of Sherwood, Mr. and Agency for Stated Communication Mrs. Lewis Neurer and daughter an all day meeting for work on First Thursday of each Gold Bar Brand — Fancy, large, whole slices — 2H's STATE LAUNDRY CO. their sunbonnet baby quilt. They June of Portland, Loretta and month. Special called meetmgs on all other Thurs- at hotel M c D onald served a pot-luck dinner at noon. Vern. F. N. O’Donnell’s family moved day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors Laundry and Dry Cleaning Fancy Beanti^ Special today Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner their furniture from camp on Sat- Pick-up Tues.—Deliver Fri. most cordially welcome. and Mr. and Mrs. C. Greby spent urday to their home in Vernonia. A. McNeill, W. M. 14c SMALL WHITE, 3-lb». several days this week with Mrs. E. Bell, Secretary. G. Silts. Mr. Greby has just fur 14c RED MEXICAN, 3-lb». nished eve-troughs for the local Order of Eastern Star 19c LARGE LIMAS, 3-lb». Christian church. Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu Mrs. Evelyn Raker of Portland nication first and third Wed visited her sister, Mrs. Pearl Mc Blue Rose, 3-lbs. nesdays of aach Cabe, Sunday. Mrs. McCabe ac month, at Ma companied Mrs. Baker back to sonic Temple. All visiting sis the city where she will remain ters and broth for several days. ers welcome. Gold Bar—The leader for years. 14-oz. size 2 for 35c Mrs. Edith Pearse, W. M. J. N. Miller of Clatskanie Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. county commissioner. was in Ver Mildred Walters is ill this week, nonia Friday to confer with Com missioner T. B. Mills, and at N. S. Soden has been ill again tended the recall meeting at the this week. grange hall in the evening. Rainbow girls held their regu Philip Lee of Portland was a lar meeting Monday evening. guest last week at the home of Dr. M. D. Cole made a busi his cousin, H. E. McGraw. He re turned to his home Sunday with ness trip to Portland Wednes- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. day. Lee, who drove out for him. Carl Jensen and son, who have The W. C. T. U. will meet been very ill. are reported to be Tuesday March 22, at 2 o’clock improving. at the home of Mrs. Sidney Mr. and M s. Frank Hartwick Malmsten. Those planning to go sited relatives at are asked to meet at the Chris and baby Hunks Friday. tian church parsonage not later The Rebek th lodge is sponsor ' than 1:30. Natal Trillarne Round Trips! Specials for Fri. and Sat CRISCO, 3’s LODGES STARCH, COFFEE. can 64c 2 pkgs. 15c Meat BEEF ROAST SHOULDER ROAST PORK 1b. can 34c S.O.S. Cleaner« pkg. 20c Shoulder PORK STEAK FOR EASTER . . . A Beautiful Lasting Hot ( »ross Buns, 20c doz. BUNNY cccFirr Ringlette Permanent LESS WEIGHT LESS HEAT FRENCH CURLS LONG HAIR $3.50 *4.50 Mlladv*s Beauty Shoppe Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 i « . .for the children 4 Verncnia Bakery “HOME OF MOTHER’S BREAD 14c POUND FRESH SIDE PORK 12c POUND can 17c SHOULDER VEAL ROAST 16c POUND Produce f FOK EAJTEC Delicious new home made Cakes and Pastries 12c POUND . Minced Clams« can 26c PINEAPPLE, 12c POUND CATSUP, Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in I. O. O. F. hall. Vernonia. Visit ors always welcome. Marie O’Donnell, N. G. Emma Miller. Secretary. Pythian Sister» Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. Edna Brown, M. E. C. Clara Kerns. M. or R. & C. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS bottle 18c SALT, Leslies, pkg. 8e LETTUCE HEAD CAULIFLOWER CARROTS 2 BUNCHES Ask for your recipe for Prune Whip, made with Knox. Vanilla Extract Burnett's — "It’s Pure.” PEAS. 2-ounce bottle 31c can 18c Gold Bar — Tender, sweet, early garden, 2’s. 2 for 35c MAYONNAISE, pt 19c Salad Time Mayonnaise — A Nalley's Product. Pt. Jar. 15c HEAD .... 26-ounce carton Knox Gelatine« pkg. 19c ____ _ 5c 15c YAMS 5 POUNDS ............ 25c FRESH TOMATOES 2 POUNDS 35c ORANGES 3 DOZEN 288’» HARDING LODGE 11« Meet.« every Monday night in the I.O.O.F. hall. Visiting broth-' ers welcome. R. M.' Aldrich, C. C. H. Culbertson, K.R.S.1 Nehalem Market & Grocery (Incorporated)