VOLUME X. $2.00 per Year; 5c a copy Recall Of VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1932. CONDIT REELECTED lfiarrpH SCHOOL HEAD Uarrett nesig Delegation Goes NUMBER 12. TAX LIEN FILED AGAINSTJ1ROCERY Salary Of From County Work E. H. Condit was reelected To Astoria Meet A personal property tax lien superintendent of the Vernonia has been filed by Deputy Sheriff grade schools at a meeting of the H. L. Veazie against the Verno The board of directors of the Lester Sheeley, Ross Duncan board of directors of district 47 Columbia County Chamber of and Emil F. Messing attended nia Market and Grocery, which .Monday night, at a salary yet to Commerce accepted the resigna- the meeting of the Oregon State was closed February 27, and sale be determined. ' tion of B. O. Garrett as secretary Game commission at Astoria Tues of fixtures in satisfaction of the It is the expectation, Superin of the organization and appoint lien has been set for March 28 day evening. tendent Condit says, that the mat ed J. G. Nauman to take care of The meeting was held in the at 10 a. m. ter of election of teachers will the duties of the office. This Personal property taxes for circuit court room at the Clatsop Vernonia Meeting Shows come up at the next meeting. action was taken at the board 1929, 1930 and 1931 are mention Other Points of Contro county court house, with about A salary cut in addition to that meeting held in St. Helens Fri 200 sportsmen present from Clat ed in the lien notice as delin Little Enthusiasm of last year is regarded likely. versy Settled by day evening, March 11. Mr. Nau sop, Columbia and Tillamook quent. man has assumed his new duties.1 For Plan counties. The commissioners pres Council He was formerly connected with I ent were Marshall N. Dana, M. the Charles R. McCormick Lum-! No signatures were obtained F. Corrigan and Carl D. Silven. An ordinance amending Ordi to petitions circulated by propo ber company and has been active Chairman Dana and the other nance 181 by making the salary nents of the county recall at the i i in civic and fraternal circles in( commissioners explained their ten of recorder $80.00 a month in meeting in the Vernonia grange LlFOUD 10 Meet the county. He is at the presents year wild life program and show stead of (5.00, and repealing sec hall March 11, and there was no i time secretary of the St. Helens ed films of wild life in the state, tion 6, which stipulated that evidence of enthusiasm for the 1 Kiwanis club. especially with reference to hat the recorder would be res Every community will be ad- • rv communitv he ad-. County Agricultural Agent ! Two celebrations marked the ponsible for delinquent wat ideas presented by the commit cheries. The only stream men vertised at the annual meeting of I George A. Nelson and Secretary tee in charge. tioned by name was the Nehalem, golden wedding anniversary of er accounts, was passed at an the Lower Columbia Associated Nauman attended a meeting of At the outset A. H. Tarbell of in scenes showing fishing for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford of adjourned meeting of the city Chambers of Commerce to be held the milk producers at Hillsboro Riverview. JOHN W. HAW Warren announced the policy of in Longview, Friday, March 25. steelhead. council Wednesday night. Sunday morning a service in Monday night. The purpose of the committee to allow presenta Who will speak at the meeting The Vernonia delegation was Another ordinance was passed Election of officers will take the meeting was to urge methods tion of its own views only at place. The nominating committee of the Lower Columbia Associat assured that the budgeting of fish their honor was held at the Evan fixing the bond of the recorder gelical church. Rev. G. W. Plum of keeping intact the supply of meetings held by the organiza consisting of E. M. Orth, Cathla ed Chambers of Commerce in plantings would be adhered to in at (2500.00. tion, but that an exception had met, Gus Person, Clatskanie, E. S. milk bo Portland and to repel 1 Longview March 25. the future, thus promising a con er, pastor, preached on “The Rip Repeal of the (5.00 salary and been made in the case of Judd Lindley, Vancouver, with N. N. any attempts on the part of out tinuance of the plan begun this ened Shock.” Miss Amy Hughes section 6 of Ordinance 181, and Greenman because of his cour Blumensaadt as alternate will no siders to invade the market. The I year. Information that the sports sang a solo, “Silver Threads merging of the offices of record- group had representatives before teous request before the meeting minate the new officers. men of Clatsop county led by Mr. Among the Gold," and Mrs. Sid der and water collector ends the the city commissioners of Port for a word in defense of the Strawn have stocked Lost Lake ney Malmsten and Mrs. Judd controversy which in part occa The program is built around county court. Mr. Tarbell there land settlement in the Lower Co land to discuss an ordinance re with steelhead was of especial Greenman sang a duet, “Crossing sioned the recall election in Feb the Bar.” Mr. and Mrs. Crawford ruary. upon offered Mr. Greenman the lumbia area with each communi lating to the situation. Mr. Nau interest. were presented with a basket of man and Mr. Nelson attended opportunity of speaking. The members of the commission Committees Appointed ty having its principal product this meeting as the representa golden tulips. Mr. Greenman pointed out that advertised and carried out in the expressed themselves as well Mayor Ben S. Owens named the At their home Tuesday their tives of Columbia county and it is the custom for the defense menu. pleased with the cooperation giv daughter, Mrs. W. T. Graves, pre following committees: judiciary— St. Helens. So anxious were five-year old en the department by the sports to testify after the prosecution The program includes: George pared a dinner at which Rev. and Malmsten, Johnson, Rogers; fin had stated its case and not be W. Ford, president; Invocation,1 Representatives of the county Robert Lumm and his mother, men of the state and assured Mrs. G. W. Plumer and the Sid ance—Rogers, Cline, Malmsten; chamber of commerce attended a Mrs. Fred Lumm, of Scappoose, fore. Mr. Tarbell then took the Rev. E. H. Gebert, Longview; meeting of the Northwest Ore-! I to see “Corporal Eagen,” pre those present that they welcome ney Malmsten family were guests. streets—Rogers, Cline, Johnson; floor him-self. any suggestions or constructive Many gifts were received. fire and water—Malmsten, Rog Address of Welcome, A. A. An gon Development association held ' senfe(j jn in Vernonia that they riticism. derson, Mayor of Longview; Res * in Portland Wednesday evening, sented County Agent Denounced Mr. and Mrs. Crawford were ers, Johnson; health, Cline, John j I.;'..*J nine miles along the new Resolutions Passed married in Fayette, Iowa, March son, Malmsten; printing—Johnson, Mr. Tarbell’s talk was chiefly ponse, A. W. Norblad, Astoria; ‘ i In his summary of activities' survey of the Scappoose-Verno Cline, Malmsten. a criticism of the county agricul Community Singing, G. W. Mun- of the organization from Febru-^ nia-Hamlet route to Camp Eight, Two resolutions were passed by 15, 1882. They came in the win These committees have power to nis, Longview, leader; Introduc ter of 1900 to Oregon, settling tural agent and of the extension the meeting. One urged Oregon ary 12 to March 11, retiring sec-1 where Mr. Lumm works. act, according to motion made by service, which he asserted was tion of communities, Grover W. retary Garrett listed the follow members of congress to work for first at Pendleton, and aoon mov He brought them to Vernonia Councilman Cline and passed. “owned” by a big packing house. Morgan, Castle Rock; “Lower ing: Number pieces of mail re the Rock creek fish hatchery bill ing to Mt. Tabor, Portland. For The meeting adjourned to Mon in his car, where they stayed ov Columbia Products ” Art Steele, nearly 30 years they lived at He considered the employment ol now before congress and the oth ceived, 166; number of letters day, March 21. er night after the show. So little the county agent as an insult to Clatskanie. er favored placing the right of Sunnyside, Washington, and mov sent out, 98; number of tele “Capt. Robert Gray Memorial,” phone calls received, 89; number wearied were mother and sqn by setting the time and limit of the ed to Vernonia in October 1930. good farmers and declared, “We day’s hike that on Four sons and two daughters Dr. M. R. Eby Delegate are going to get rid of the coun A. Wendell Brackett, Montesano; of visitors calling at office, 126; the previous game season also the bag limit their return from camp they with the state game commission. address, John W. Haw, St. Paul, were born to this union. They To Portland Meeting ty agent and the home demon number of cars registered, 15. again walked the nine miles. Both of the resolutions were are Hugh L. Crawford, manager strator if it takes 25 years to Minnesota, director agricultural The board points out that ac development department, North his mother live on At a meeting of the Columbia Robert and >assed without a dissenting vote of an irrigation project at Bur tivities of the organization will do it.” ern Pacific railway, “Present go forward as originally planned one of the small chicken tracts or adverse comment. ley. Idaho, Arthur Crawford, far- County Medical society in St. Hel Judd Greenman's Reply Prospect for Agricultural Devel ens Friday, March 11, Dr. Mar for which Scappoose is becom The Vernonia delegates were mer at Sunnyside, Washington, When he concluded Mr. Tarbeli opment in the Pacific Northwest.” under the direction of Mr. Nau ing famous. While at the Hotel vin R. Eby of this city was elect Lindsay Crawford, manager of I man as secretary. assured that the matter of ward called upon Mr. Greenman, who ed delegate to represent the Nehalem Robert printed his name the Dower Lumber yard at Che I en protection and fishways at the explained that the speech just Vita Bridge Club and address on the register in a halis, Washington, Edwin Craw county association at a joint power company ’ s and Inman Poul given was an indictment of the bold, remarkably legible hand for ford of Long Beach, California, meeting of members of the Ore At Mrs. Brickel’s sen dams is being considered. U. S. department of agriculture, a boy of his age. Mrs. Perry H. Forker of Long gon State Medical society and the packing houses, the extension The Vita Bridge club was en- Beach, California, and Mrs. W. T. the state accident commission in service and the county agent, but tertained by Mrs. Ben Brickel FARMERS SEED Graves of Vernonia. Hugh Craw Portland in the near future. not of the county court. Thursday afternoon, March 10. Representatives of the Oregon LOAN BLANKS ford communicated by long dis Mrs. Lowell Hieber, a guest “The question is,” stated Mr. ARE AVAILABLE tance telephone with his parents State Medical society were pres Grenman, “have these two com of the club, won the prize for on their anniversary, and mes ent at the St. Helens meetings and A large frame building on the missioners and the judge done high score. Refreshments were Application blanks for farmers’ sages were received from others discussed ways and means of old sawmill property near Rose anything to stigmatize them in served by the hostess. seed loans are available at the who were unable to be present. handling problems arising be avenue was damaged by fire of Members attending were Mrs. iBank of Vernonia, according to H. the eyes of the public? Mr. Crawford was born 85 tween local physicians of the i undetermined origin Thursday af A contract bridge club with op No man can be recalled F. O’Donnell, Mrs. E. Sunell, E, McGraw, president. years ago in County Longford, county and hospital associations ternoon. en membership, was formed at the in connection with sickness and Mrs. Dan without stigmatizing h i s Mrs. G. Crawford, The largest amount which can | The building was built in 1924 social meeting of Knights of Py- Ireland, and was brought by his industrial injuries. character.” The recall, he added, Brown, Mrs. A. Nelson and Mrs. by O. W. Hodges as a boarding be loaned to an individual is parents to the United States At the Portland meeting Dr. (400.00, according to instructions tias and Pythian Sisters and their when he was three years old. was intended for dishonesty, mal Henry Fogel. house for employes of the Ver friends in the I. O. O. F. hall feasance in office, and the like, received from Washington, D. C. Mrs. Crawford was born in Eby will represent the Columbia nonia Mill company, but the com Monday evening. County Medical society when and certainly the county court The amount loaned will be based Lebanon, N. H. pany became financially involved Marcus Dee Gregory was elect members of the State Medical on the requirements of the appli- has done nothing to merit so ex Game Man Tells before the place was ready for ed president, and Mrs. Fred society discuss in open meeting treme a measure. The only charge occupancy, and it was never used can Tor seed, fertilizer, feed for Spring secretary. A ways and with the state accident commis is that of making an appropria Of Holding Pens I except that an apartment on the work stock, fuel and oil for trac means committee composed of C. Vernonia Grange sion the complaints and problems tion for a county agent in face tors, etc., and the acreage of | second floor has been rented. At W. Reithner, Dr. M. D. Cole have arisen in industrial of the mandate of the budget Maintenance of a holding pen present John Greer has been, liv crops on which the applicant gives and Mrs. Ira Tucker was also el Initiates Many which work in this county. a crop lien to secure payment of meeting. for pheasants or other game birds ing in it. ected. No one subject took up so is a wonderful thing for a com The fire was largely confined the loan. The club will meet regularly At the regular meeting of Ver much of the budget committee's munity, believes ’Gene M. Simp The notes, which will bear in to the third floor. There is no time as the question of retaining son, superintendent of the state insurance, states Judge W. A. terest at the rate of 5t4 per twice a month, and two hours of nonia grange 305 Saturday, March the county agent, declared Mr. game farms at Corvallis, who was Harris, the present owner. cent a year, are due and payable play will probably be preceded by 12, a large class of candidates November 30, 1932, or sooner if a half hour of instruction. No was initiated as follows: Mr. and Greenman. There were 12 writ in town Thursday morning to con Some belting and other equip ten resolutions upholding him, and fer with, local sportsmen regard ment of the old mill stored in the crops covered by the mort prizes will be given and no re Mrs. Ted Keasey, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald, Mrs. J. B. Wil not one written word against ing erection of a pen here. The the building were badly damaged gage are sold prior to that date. freshments will be served. him. Not to exceed ten individ citizens of a community take by water. Membership in the club is op kerson, Miss Cleo Hall, Mrs. Wm. uals appeared before the commit pride in such a pen, he declares, en and anyone, without special in Hammack and Mr. and Mrs. An Ross Duncan insists that he C. F. Hieber Takes tee and requested discontinuance and have an interest in seeing vitation, may join, provided only dy Kostur. shows his fishing license only to WEEK OF PRAYER of the office, and fully an equal that the game laws are observed that he or she is interested E. W. Holtham was reinstated. the head man. Se he waited till number appeared in his favor. because they have invested a enough in contract bridge, to play He was a master of Plymouth he got to the commission meeting IS EASTER PLAN Over New Duties Seven granges, one farmers' un dollar each and perhaps have con regularly. ¿range at Plymouth, N. H., in at Astoria and hunted him up. Plans for an Easter week of ... ion and one dairy cooperative tributed a little work towards as- The next meeting will be held 1888, and was a member of the C. F. Hieber took over the of in the I. O. O. F. hall next Mon grange for four or five years pre association urged his retention, luring an adequate supply of prayer were made by members Whatever else is or is not of the Women’s Missionary soci fice of city recorder from Judge day night, March 21, at 8:30 ceding. and the committee had to listen bids. stirring in Vernonia, the fish and to a majority opinion. The plan of the state game ety of the Christian church in a D. B. Reasoner Wednesday after o’clock. At that time the day Mrs. Pearl Becxer of Warren game committee of the chamber The farmers pay one-third of commission in supplying birds and meeting at the home of Mrs. Har noon, upon arrival of the bond and place for the regular meet grange, county matron of the ju of commerce and the Nehalem the tax, or $500.00 in this case. providing feed free of charge to ry Culbertson Tuesday afternoon. which the recorder is required ings will be decided. venile granges, and Clyde Wat Rod and Gun club are keeping Inspirational services, lead by to furnish, Mr. Hieber also as- “If two-thirds of the taxpayers communities that will erect hold son of Yankton grange, county right on the job. ... lv„. appointed members, will be held sumed the duties of water col- ADDS SHELVING want a county agent what are ing pens according to specifica deputy of subordinate granges, Hector, succeeding Margaret Ship jfr. ' on evenings of Tuesday, Wed- you kicking about?” he asked. Judd Greenman told A. E. tions is new in this state, J. C. Lincoln has added shelv was present and reorganized the Tax Relief Futile Simpson says. There were 14 nesday and Friday of next week,Iley. ing in his candy kitchen for dis Vernonia juvenile grange. John Veatch Friday evening at the Mr. Greenman warned his hear- such pens last year, with average March 22, 23 and 25, in the] Judge Reasoner, in leaving the play of ammunition and fishing Becker of Warren grange was al recall meeting that Vernonians ~rs that the dismissal of a few capacity of 350. In all there were Christian church. The public is ¡office which he had held since tackle which he is carrying be so present. are generous with their money 1925, expressed his willingness to sides his regular line. salaried officers would not light approximately 5000 birds under invited, The fololwing officers were but stingy with their names. Gen en taxes. Of the total of (702,- wire. The commission hopes to, The regular study for the af be of any assistance that he elected for the Vernonia juvenile erally speaking, names are eas Mrs. J. F. Rose, Mrs. Phil Tay grange; Ralph Condit, master; ier to get than money. 000 levied, he said, the county have 20,000 birds under wire in ternoon was the topic “Health for could to Mr. Hieber in familiariz • • • court has control over about the third year. the World’s Physical Needs,” with ing himself with the details of the lor, Mrs. Harry Culbertson, and Chas. A. Tays, overseer; Howard office. Jack Bush and John Miller are (11,000. If the county court Mrs. Herman Veal attended a Mrs. F. Claude Stephens in Through the erection of these Rundell, secretary; Philip Melis, Previous to coming to Verno- district meeting of the Women’s would steal the whole thing the pens the commission expects to be j charge. “A Portia of the Philip treasurer; Noah Treharne, chap trying to gang up on McGraw. public would never know the dif able to maintain a sufficient sup pines,” was the subject of a pa nia Judge Reasoner was county Missionary society in Portland lain; Ruby Condit, lecturer; Ed Golf, of course. ... ference in their tax bills. ply of birds to prevent extinction. per by Mrs. H. Veal, and Mrs. commissioner of Washington coun Wednesday at the Mallory Ave win Treharne, steward; Edna ty for eight years and county How about more baseball? nue Christian church. "There is nothing the matter The game farms cannot turn out W. L. Van Doren discussed Mowe, assistant steward; Lillian • • • with the county court,” he con birds fast enough to overcome the “Sounder Health for China.” Mrs. judge for six years. Murphy, Ceres; Ruby Tays, Pomo Charlie Johnson left Wednes Mr. Hieber was manager of the As a prominent citizen remark tinued. “If anything is the mat losses due to natural enemies in Stephens* subject was "Health na; Dorothy Melis, Flora. Mrs. ed the other day, the fellow that’s ter in Columbia county it lies addition to depletion during the Touches Thibet,” and that of Mrs. Miller Mercantile store here for day to work in a logging camp A. V. Mowe is matron. with those of us who voted for hunting season, he says. Phil Taylor was "Lowly Indian some time and afterwards' con- in the Puget Sound region near C. C. Van Doren has been on no golfer and knows it is lucky; ducted a men's furnishing store Seattle. His family are planning he can't lose any money betting (Continued on Page 6) (Continued on page 6.) of his own. (Continued on Page 8) to move there later. on himself. (Continued on Page 8) Court Gets Recorder Is No Names Determined Lower River Golden Wedding Is Celebrated Small Hoy, Mother Hike To See Show Old Boarding i I House Damaged Contract Bridge Club Formed Feathers . . . and... Talons