Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, March 11, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1932.
the people of this country and
Britain to have much desire to1
enter another conflict unless ab­
solutely necessary. War is so
futile.—Hillsboro Argus.
Among Our
Neighbors •
Pacific Coast Raproaantativa
Arthur W Stypea,
activities at the Forest
Country club March 13.
... -
Heavy Hauling
Damages Roads
is that the soft roadbed is torn
Before adjournment Thursday
afternoon the court decided to
confer with District Attorney
Foote and have an order drawn
regulating the gross tonnage, and
such regulations will probably be
put into effect in the very near
future. If good weather would
prevail for ten days or two weeks
and none but light traffic pass
over the roads, they would be
packed down and then in better
shape to stand the heavy traffic,
Commissioner Miller stated. If
regulations are made, which no
doubt they will, they will be
strictly enforced.
The court had a busy two-
day session and without many
delegates to take up time, got
right down to work early Wed­
nesday morning, so practically all
matters were cleared up in the
two day session.—St. Helens Mist.
Worrying over income tax is
a cause of gastric ulcers at this ' The West St. Helens Progres­
The dairy farmer who raises
Considerable damage has been
reason, says a British physician. I sive club has been organized to heifers to freshening for other done to the mecadam roads in the
rhere’ll be no ulcer epidemic in promote the development and pro-¡than his own replacement must country because of heavy laden
Jregon.—Oregon Voter.
gress of West St. Helens and St. figure on doing it for less than trucks using them while the frost
Member of National Editorial
Helens as a whole. Meetings are the total cost of production, ac­ is still in the ground, according to
Association and Oregon State
held every second and fourth cording to figures on cost of rais­ Commissioners Mills and Miller,
Editorial Association.
Wednesday evening in the S. P. ing dairy calves in Oregon just who have occasion to see some of
released by the Oregon State the damage done. The cold and
TO ST. HELENS an<j s. depot.
Issued Every Friday
$2.00 Per Year in Advance
college experiment station. Cash snowy weather has been very
E. O. Lessard, St. Helens ran-] 1 Columbia county has 18 one- costs are below sales prices, but hard on the highways, Mr. Miller
Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post eher and old time whaler, brought'
schools operating the re- total costs including labor, inter- said, and unless some curb is put
office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. his whale home this week after a jroom
and depreciation are higher on the heavy loading, further
. ' quired eight months with less than
successful tour of western Wash-1 ¡10 pupils, C. A. Howard, state than present market values.
damage will be done and with
Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; ington.
Figures were based on actual road funds for repair work much
| superintendent of public instruc-
.egal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding
as ,.
, .. ,,
insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, i- The whale, known variously
j T7..1.
, ition, told the St. Helens cham- records gathered from 514 dairy less than last year, the highways
Jim McCool’s whale and Ethelbert, L
15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line.
|ber of -------
commerce last week Mnn
Mon- . farms in this state. They show would be in bad condition for the
came in from the ocean last fall, .day.
. ' He recommended
. ...............
that these that for the year ending April 1, remainder of the year.
reaching Portland and remaining small units be eliminated in the 1931, it cost the average farmer
“It is not the home people who
RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher
in Oregon slough for about two
$81 per head to raise a heifer have caused the damage,” Mr.
interest of economy.
weeks when it was harpooned by
calf to freshening time. This was Miller said, “but outsiders, many
Mr. Lessard and his son. Follow-
a big reduction from the pre­ of whom load tht trucks to ca­
ing a court battle the whale was
vious year, however, when it cost pacity and come in at night. The
turned over to the Lessards who cipals in Columbia county met $110 per head.
loggers and truckmen of the
have been exhibiting it. Mr. Les-
JFe do but
Why the recurrence of recall elections with their per­ sard brought it to his ranch west intendent Howard in Rainier Feb. Farm management and dairy county have been very reason­
specialists who made the study able. They do not wish to dam­
sonal controversies, innuendoes and accusations, bitterness, of here and will place it in a vat1 29. A representative of the Rai- point out that there are import­ age the road when they expect
one kind of
attempts at retaliation? Because, one might say, the Co­ until late spring or summer. He'nier Review was excluded, acco.d ant advantages in raising one’s to use it the year around, but
printing —
lumbia county court did not adopt the recommendation
own replacement regardless of these outsiders who perhaps will
Spokane and go to Los Angeles j first-hand press reports are avail­ these facts, but that there is no haul one or several loads to some
of the annual budget meeting, or the rpayor and council
in time for the Olympic games.
reason to raise great numbers of certain point, pile on all the truek
of Vernonia could not agree on the appointment of a The whale is a killer whale,
heifer calves to add to the pres­ will carry and the consequence
Mr. Lessard said, a species about ' Speakers at the recall meeting ent surplus of cows unless there
, .
. .
No, such events are only the immediate occasions which little is known by natural-1 in Mist included A. E. Veatch of is an assured market, such as is I , from . high
producing herds than
that precipitate the rows. Underneath them all is a psy­ ists. The killer is wolf of the Rainier, Albert Adama of Deer in prospect in California. It costs from poor herds, the survey
and destroys other whales of Island, L. E. Gulker of Rainier, but $6 more to raise a heifer shows.
chological condition, the outgrowth of hard times, when sea
commercial value as well as any Frank Peterson of Natal, B. S.
men are idle, earnings are meagre, wants are unsatisfied. living thing. He said this whale Golden of Beaver Homes, Or-
People know that something is wrong, but they do not came into the river to relieve ris Kellar of Fern Hill and S.
comprehend the reason and they strike at the thing near­ itself of barnacles in fresh water Ouderkirk of Goble. Wm. Rose of
est at hand, as when a boy, restless and angry, pokes a and stayed near the mouth of the Mist was chairman. After ad-
for about three weeks. journment Commissioner "J. N.
stick into a hornet’s nest. Stings, instead of helping Columbia
He believes the scent of blood Miller asked permission to speak.
matters, only make them worse.
caused it to come upstream and but was refused.
How can we remedy such a situation? We would all enter Oregon slough, where the
agree on mending the times if we could, but we cannot, Swift’s packing plant is located, Clatskanie is the smelt center
We must take depression as it comes to us, and adapt our- and once there would not leave of the country, according to the
it could have done so. Chief. Approximately $17,000 was
selves to its demands as best we can. What we can do, although
He said the whale was slowly paid to local gill-netters this year
however, is to realize that the other fellow has his prob- starving to death when harpooned. for smelt. There were 30 boats,
lems, too, and if his way of trying to solve them is dif­
—St. Helens Mist. averaging from $300 to $800 each
for the season.
ferent from ours, it will not help either him or us if we
• * * ♦ ♦ a a
aim to black each other’s eyes and break a few teeth in
is worrying
each other’s jaws.
IN DEPRESSION Hillsboro officials, who plan a
rigid reduction in expenditures to
Better home gardens and food avoid going on a warrant basis.
preservation as a means of im­
proving living conditions on farms
One can sympathize, perhaps, with the point of view during this serious depression will A dubs and duffer tournament
of the sponsors of the recall of the county court in their be given emphasis by the agri­ will open the season’s tournamenf
refusal to allow any one to reply to their arguments at cultural committee of the Beave tween grange members of things
their meetings. They hire halls, they assert, for people to Valley grange, it was decided at they want or have to sell. An
a meeting of the committee held
will be made to get each
listen to reasons why the court should be recalled, not why in the grange hall Wednesday effort
of the 12 grange committees to
it should not be recalled.
evening, March 2. Those present adopt this buy and sell list so
Yet in trying to gain that much of strategic advantage were Guy R. McGinnis, chairman, that it may be placed on a coun
MMORTALIZED in story and song, the
they are in reality confessing their own weakness. A reas­ Mrs. Narcissus Parcher, master, ty-wide basis.
on for any course of action should be convincing enough to J. Van Orden, E. R. Rainwater,
old “comer store” has passed—along
and County Agent Geo. A. Nel-
fair-minded persons to withstand criticism from opponents. son.
with the free potato on the kerosene can,
In gagging the opposition, the recallers admit that they The home garden, it was
dare not let the other side of the question be presented to brought out, if properly planned
and the customers’ access to the cracker­
the audience. It is easy to persuade folks who hear only can be made to provide a sub­
stantial portion of the family
box. It was picturesque, but you never
one view of a controversy.
living the year round. The pro­
Then, too, it is unfair to make charges against a per- ject will be carried on in co­
quite knew what you would find there.
-------- GRAIN ---------
son which he has no opportunity to refute. Anybody could operation with Sarah V. Case,
Half of the time it was full of people who
be tagged as a thief and a liar if only the people who mis­ county home demonstrator andl ----------------------- FEED
understand or dislike him are privileged to express their
didn’t know what they wanted. The other
views about him. Give a man a fair break. None are so month a timely letter will be
sent to those enrolling in the
half, it was empty. It was more of a club
deaf as those who won’t listen.
garden project containing infor­
mation on varieties and amounts
than a store.
money. It has been money raised to plant, time of planting, fer­
by taxes on property, and Scott tilizers to use, disease and pest
Agency for
has been diligent and very effec­ control, canning and storing.
Today, when you enter your grocery
Other projects adopted for at­
tive in getting a maximum of
------ TRACTORS ----
value out of this tax money.
Btore—or any store—you know what you
poultry, dairying, a buy and sell
He has schooled a good many list to facilitate the exchange be-
want, how much you want of it, and the
counties in the proper policies
, and methods for secondary road
price you are going to pay. Advertising
work, and he has accomplished
this with tact. Here in Clatsop
has rendered you this service.
It brings
county he has been worth his
We note that movement has weight in gold in the actual sav-
you, through the columns of this newspa-
been started in several counties ings which ahve been effected
per, the merchandising opportunities of
to protest the elimination of J. 6y reason of this program.
H. Scott, market roads engineer,
Scott is slated to be retired
the whole world. In the quiet of your
from the state highway depart- April 1 as a result of the gen-
ment. It is not surprising.
■ eral curtailment necessary in the
own home, you are enabled to select ev­
Scott has been connected with department. But it is not surpris­
the highway department for more ing that county courts over the
erything you want to buy!
than a decade. He has been the state should protest the entire
contact man with the various removal of the one man who I
county courts and commissions, knows the secondary road system |
The modern way to be certain of qual­
He has supervised the building of the state better than any oth-
of the secondary road
ity and value is to read the advertise­
and in this capacity he has prov­ spurs in tax saving and wise tax
. . . if it is properly cared for by scientific
en himself remarkably competent. spending. It is a tribute which he
ments. Representing almost every field
sanitary methods and equipment.
deserf es.—Astorian-Budget.
It the experience which Clat­
San Francisco
The World’s
At Your Door
Trading Co
What Other
tastes better and
keeps longer
sop county has had with him is to
American in Shanghai writes
be taken as a criterion, his ser­
vices to the state and to the in-' that it “looks to us here as
dividual counties have been worth ' though the United States and
a great deal of money to the tax- Great Britain were afraid of Ja-
payers. The money spent on mar-, pan.” Memories of the last great
ket roads has not been gas tax war are too fresh in the minds of
The Newest
And Best in
Your radio repairing guar­
anteed or no labor charge.
Vernonia Radio Shop
ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE — Geae thipmaa. Mgr.
Milk that is placed in containers which
are not completely sterilized, or milk that
is not correctly cooled quickly develops an
“off” taste and odor, and sours long be­
fore it should.
Get your pasteurized or raw milk and
cream from a modern, regularly inspected
creamery where its proper care is an exact
science—it is so much safer, but costs
no more.
Nehalem Valley
of opportunity, the advertising columns of
this newspaper bring you the fascinating
story of the whole world’s market-place!
They are Messages of Opportunity for You
Vernonia Eagle