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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1932)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX I Guests were Mrs. Arthur Hen Hotel Nehalem guests recently Bremmer of San Francisco to his gomerys lived here a year and a| half ago, but moved to Parkdale daughter, Mrs. W. B. Lappe, tells included T. W. Cowan, Westport, ges and Miss Gladys Presnail. The members present were of a call paid him by a school Ken Lawson, Chad Green, Keasey, at that time. Mrs. Ray Taylor has as her friend of his in Scotland 60 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Worley, Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mrs. Rose Flet years ago, Alex Skene, who owns Ivan H. Worley, Lincoln Nebras cher, Mrs. W. M. Henderson, Mrs. guest her sister from Portland (Continued from Page 1) Edith Lindsley spent the week this week. ka, ,___________ John Collens, _ ____ Salem and C. W. J. Armitage, Mrs. Kerns and I__ Mildred Nutt is back in school property in Vernonia. end in Timber visiting relatives. Mrs. Timmons. Mrs. Wm. Keaton C. Bruce was a Portland visitor Leadbetter, Portland. injured her after several day ’ s absence be- with four runs apiece. Refreshments of sandwiches, Stopping at Hotel McDonald Geo. Stanton spent Saturday leg quite badly at the coasting. ; cause of illness. Wednesday. The score by innings follows: party Tuesday night, She fell off j Velma Veal spent the weekend O. H. Drorbaugh is staying at this week were Mr. and Mrs. cookies and coffee were served. Athletics .... 1425 132 111—30 at the W. J. Lindsley home. Several cars have been stuck and was ran over by the sled I visiting her sister, Mrs. Ray the Kiawanda sanitarium. Woods, I Fred Gordon, J. C. Penelope, E. Legions ....... 700 508 301—-24 F. Lazer, B. D. Hill, Paul Kull- Rainbow Girls Oregon, taking treatments. Batteries: Ray, Henderson, Hol along the Keasey road trying to filled with coasters, Chas. Sund- Taylor, in Mist. berg, Portland, A. S. Burrier, tham, Nanson and Austin; Kerr, travel without chains. There is land also received a slight injury. Mrs. Jack Tomlin has taken up Maurice Graves returned Sun Corvallis, Frank E. Todd, Sacra- Plan Initiation about 20 inches of snow and Bergerson and Mayfield. day from Forest Grove, where her residence in Vernonia, while mento, Chas. Conler, Fossil, Geo. freezing weather. Schedule Revised Rainbow girls will hold their ___ visiting __ B __ r..____ he had been Ralph Peck. he husband remains on his place Vernon, Independence, and C. Five of the school children are Due to the fact the High School first initiation ceremony of the Cars driven by L. R. Chandler in the Braun school district. She A. Beaton, St. Helens. • ----- wishes l-V— v -- ----------- team was forced to drop out of still out of school with bad colds. year in the Masonic hall Monday of — St. Helens and ’ " Paul ’ Welter, her children ( to atten<j the NOTICE — It’s too night, February 8. Officers who the indoor league it was neces- The O.-A. speeder was two of Goble sideswiped each other on Vernonia school, cold for making out City budget election, city hall, the Vernonia-St. Helens road Jan sary to revise the schedule. The hours making the nine mile trip Bert Mills was a business visi- side towns and as whole families were not present at the previous league now consists of five teams one day last week, as the snow 1 to 6 p. m. today. meeting will also be installed. uary 26. Chandler’s car landed tor in St. Helens Monday. are taking opportunity to get Boy Scout service, Evangelical on its side in the ditch, and the| who will play each other twice. is so deep on the tracks. The new officers who were William Culver returned Mon The winner of the schedule will fenders on one side of the Wel-; day from a trip to Portland. Mrs. glasses at my present reduced installed January 25 are: worthy Mr. and Mrs. Shortie Matson church, Sunday, 11 a. m. prices, I will continue the same Rainbow Girls, Masonic hall, ter car were smashed, but neither be feted at a dinner to be fur were in Keasey Sunday. Culver, who had been visiting in prices for ONE WEEK longer, adviser, Twila Morton; worthy nished by the four losers. The driver was injured. assistant adviser, Audrey Austin; D. K. Mendenhall made a busi Monday, Feb. 8. Father and Son dinner, Evan George A. Nelson, county ag the city for a week with her to Sun., Feb. 14. Guaranteed Charity, Louise Roberson; Hope, teams entered in the race for the ness trip to Bend Sunday. daughter, Mrs. Thor Roberts, re best toric lenses, $3.50 to $6.00, pennant are: Legions, Outlaws, Edna Owens; Faith, Kathryn Mr. Blair and Mr. Koshack gelical church, Monday, 6:30 p. m. ent, was a Vernonia visitor Tues turned with him. fitted to your eyes. Guaranteed Malmsten; recorder, Ruth Page Federáis, Teachers and Athletics. were dinner guests at the Linds I Garden Club at Mrs. R. D. day. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander best toric “Kriptok" Bifocals, Simmons; treasurer, Fisher’s, Feb. 9. In the revised schedule which ley home Tuesday. Florence Earl Bleile, Jr., who has beenj Pythian Sisters card party, ill with pneumonia, is much im-1 and Harry Phelps went to Inde $8.75. Good frames $1.50 te Wall; chaplain, Verla Messing; is shown below the team name Mr. and Mrs. Jones returned pendence last Friday for several the and up. Cheaper than $2.00 appearing first in each instance to Keasey Tuesday They were Feb. 10, I. O. O. F. hall, 8 p. 111. proved but still remains in bed. I drill leader, Arvada Lines; Red, days’ visit with relatives. cheapest Portland prices and bet- Helen Messing; yellow, Roberta Nehalem club at Mrs. E. w. will be the home team for that called out as Mr. JoneB’ mother Taylor Lilly is out again fol Frank Hartwick who attended ter than the best Portland ser- Anderson; indigo, Mary Ann Holtham’s, Feb. 10. date: lowing a siege of influenza. had passed away. Feb. 2— Outlaws vs. Teachers The small daughter of Mr. and the Chevrolet dealers’ conven vice. Dr. F. W. Kellogg, office Childs; violet, Zonweiss Douglass; Mayo Pettijohn spent Wednes Indoor baseball, Feb. 10, 11, 16 (Adv.) outer observer, Iona Lines; musi and 17, Legion hall, 7:30 p. m. Feb. 3— Teachers vs. Legions Mrs. Albert Timmons is staying tion in Portland last week reports at Vista Hotel. day in Keasey. Basketball, Scappoose vs. Ver with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Timmons that Chevrolet’s business during Feb. 4— Outlaws vs. Athletics. cian, Leona Hillman; choir dir the past year of depression was Just 8 Club nonia, grade school gym, Feb. 12, during her mother’s illness. Feb. 5— Federáis vs. Legions ector, Margaret Nelson. only five per cent lower than in 7 p. m. Feb. 10— Athletics vs. Teachers. Those elected to orange, green Mildred Drake and Enid Bol- At Mrs. Timmons’ 1930. Bishop G. E. Epp at Evangeli-1 ton were among Vernonia resi Feb. 11— Legions vs. Outlaws and blue will be installed Febru Registered at the Hy-Van hotel cal church, March 1. The Just Eight Bridge club met ary 8. Feb. 16— Teachers vs. Federáis dents who heard the Don Cos Dowling Feb. 17— Legions vs. Athletics Mrs. A. J. Hughes is the new sack Russian chorus in Portland recently were H. Von Cleff of at the home of Mrs. J. L. Tim- Clatskanie, Joe Brozik, Los An Thursday evening, January 28. A CANDLE IN Feb. 18— Outlaws vs. Teachers mother adviser. Wednesday night. Miss Olga Holmstrom was a THE WILDERNESS Prizes were given to Mrs. Har Feb. 19— Federáis vs. Athletics The Willing Workers met at geles, G. F. Brown, Wilark, J. C. For real bargains—watch the dinner guest of Mrs. Austin i Feb. 24— Legions vs. Teachers the Christian church Wednesday Hall, E. H. Baumer, J. J. Wiley ry Kerns for high score and Mrs. (Continued from Page 4) classied columns of the Eagle Thursday of last week. Lloyd Baker for second. Feb. 25— Federáis vs. Outlaws afternoon for their regular busi and C. B. Lynn of Portland. Mrs. L. Wickstrom returned Feb. 26— Athletics vs. Legions Tt happened that old Acliawat ness meeting and for work on from the Clatskanie hospital Mon was with this war party, although quilt blocks. Mrs. Peterson served Mar. 1— Teachers vs. Athletics day where she had been a pa on account of his age he had had lunch during the social hour. Mar. 2— Outlaws vs. Legions tient for the past ten days. Little no part In the raid. He knew Mar. ,3—Federáis vs. Teachers Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Strong and Marjorie Aleen came home with those of the pale face and when Dwight Strong were dinner guests Mar. 3—Federáis vs. Teachers they were in question he was the her mother, to make her perma wise counselor of the tribe. The of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rose Sun- Mar. 4—Athletics vs. Outlaws nent home. Mar. 8— Legions vs. Federáis Algonquin chief had sent a brave day. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harmon for Achawat, the interpreter, and Mar. 9— Teachers vs. Outlaws W. J. King has been ill the asked that the white men be spared first part of ths week. Mrs. King: from Neverstil, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mar. 10— Athletics vs. Federáis till the "Friend of God" could open ■ R. Mills and Eder Wallace spent their minds and give his counsel. had charge of the store in his I Thursday evening at the A. He who had gone down to the is absence. NEW PLAN HELPS SATURDAY, & MONDAY land with Amos and Robert, hav Dowling home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nance are [ LAND SETTLEMENT A few friends gathered at the ing finished his work on the farm now settled in their new home at FEBRUARY 6 AND 8 of Madame Hebert, came and greet Wm. Miller home Thursday even ed them. Robert spoke with him in 1002 Wilson street, Hood River, (Continued from Page 1) You ’ll find these freshly ing and played bridge until a French. Mr. Nance bought a garage there > baked fig bars a welcome The old warrior made a speech last December, and Mrs. Nance Journal, Walter W. R. May, as late hour. addition to any 1 meal. So Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were In their behalf. He told of their moved from Vernonia to Hood sociate editor of The Oregonian, _ f r>.. .. coming to Kebec; that they were fresh! So delicious! Pre O. M. Plummer, manager of the village visitors Thursday after friends of the good man who River, January 24." ferred everywhere by chil Pacific International Livestock ex noon. Vernonia people attending the talked with God and friends of the dren and adults alike. Note There was a very small atten children of the North Wind. The C. E. Martin services in Portland position, II. E. Crosby, poultry our special price on these expert of Oregon State college. dance at the Natal grange hall palefaces were going down to their Tuesday experienced e severe In the south. He told crispy, fig-filled cookies. Among the guests were the fol dance Saturday evening owing brothers blizzard in the vicinity of the how they had been left In a sud lowing, who have come here to to the weather and deep snow. den attack on the spitting water Crematorium. Mrs. B. Rachiel and little son and been captured by Iroquois. His settle: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Crofts Beverly Bateman is at the Em of Providence, R. I.; Mr. and Jimmie spent a few days recent words, his gestures, his tones, ris anuel hospital Portland, where ing and falling, like gusts of wind Mrs. William T. Roberts of Se ly with her mother, Mrs. Rey In the tree tops. Impressed the lis she underwent a tonsil operation attle, who turned back at Klam nolds. Wednesday, according to word teners. Sunday school will be at 1:30 ath Falls on their way to settle The white captives we e released. that day received by O. T. Bate- A pure vegetable Apple—It’s the flavor. in California after reading an p. m. next Sunday, February 7, The Algonquin party, learning of mr.n from Mrs. Bateman, She White or whole wheat shortening Family Flour the great force of their enemies account of the project in The and .Rev. Mr. Everett will preach In the east, turned westward. Amos was coming out fine, Mr. Báte POUND 3 POUND TIN 49 POUND SACK Oregonian a few months ago; Mr. directly afterward. man was informed, an<LRobert traveled with them... Coasting parties are in order and Mrs. W. M. McLellan of A letter from Geo. St. John (Continued Next Week) Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. these days. There is some two Collins of Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. feet of snow, and the cold weath C. H. Bishop of Portland, Mr. and er of the past few days has froz Mrs. J. Walter Shearer of Port en it enough to make sleighing land, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Walfer parties a pastime. Max-i-muM — A pure cane and Rf There was a card party at the of Tillamook, Mr. nd Mrs. W. H. maple Syrup ................................. LBS. DEPARTMENT ♦ STORE j K. Dorr of Eugene and Major and Wm. Bridger’s home Sunday Mrs. Theodore Tabert of Somers, evening. Among those present STORE NUMBER 1436 VERNONIA. OREGON | Nice, solid, fresh, crisp heads. were the Knowles family, Mr. and Wisconsin. Among the visitors were Lynn Mrs. John Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. EACH P. Sabin, assistant manager of Van Vleet, Mr. and Mrs. Hard Max-i-muM — A rich self-rising, prepared the Portland Chamber of Com ing, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallace and Pancake and Waffle Flour. 40-oz. PKG........ merce; Theodore Cramer, secre Kenneth Smith. tary Oregon Bankers association; Geo. Van Vleet was a Vernonia Sunkist — Arizona Marsh seed Kenneth C. Miller, agricultural business visitor Monday, Bernard less — sweet and tasty, good size agent, and Harold Turner of the Dowling going up with him. Snowflakes — Crisp and tender— iy LB. The heavy snow fall furnished S. P. & S. railroad; Arthur Fer- Fresh from oven in Portland ....... A4 PKG. EACH tig of Astoria and the the Lower employment for a few of the Columbia Dairy Cooperative assoc men last week plowing the snow iation; Edison I. Ballagh, mayor from the road. Fancy Sunkists—sweet and juicy Mrs. Roy Huse is assisting with of St. Helens; Arthur Steele, Silko—The finest grade of ROLLS and mayor of Clatskanie and editor the household duties at the Wick tissue— 1000 sheet rolls Shopping Bag DOZEN of the Clatskanie Chief; E. M. strom home. Well, the ground hog saw his Heacock, of Portland; John Burt- ner, Oregon State college; Fred shadow Tuesday, so we are in Cockell, state board of agricul for six weeks more of bad weath ture; J. P. Harworth of the er, according to the old adage, Sperry Flour Flour Mills of Port There was a house party a 10 BARS Boy's Boy’s 4 POUND PACKAGE land; Barney Garrett, secretary Clyde Johnson’s place Saturda SWEATERS KNICKERS of Columbia County Chamber of night which was well attended i Commerce and Byron Wright, spite of the weather. A flour ALL READY president of the St. Helens Cham Louie Wickstrom has * for for biscuits. Add only Harmony — finest soap Fancy Oregon grown ber of Commerce. police dog recently milk or water. A 50c for general household and dried prunes. through friends. Betty Crocker Bis Boy ’ s Part Wool Easy on the hands. BOY’S SHOES | Large size. The tasty Mrs. E. T. Wallace entertain Evangelical quick Baker Free with Large bars. UNION SUITS Sizes 614 to 2 | breakfast fruit. ed the Woman’s Missionery so- trial package. W. M. S. Meets ciety Thursday a week ago. There The Missionary society of the were 17 ladies. They cut out hos 1 Evangelical church met in the pital jackets and will take them church parlors Wednesday after home to make in the near future. Men’s Men’s 1 noon. Mrs. Fred Wall and Mrs. A nice program was enjoyed, each I Market Features D. C. Cason led the devotions, contributing her share twords it. SWEATERS FANCY SHIRTS j and Rev. G. W. Plumer talked The hostess served lunch at 4:30. The tables were decorated with on China. Arrangements were made for a large bouquet of flowers. The serving the Father and Son din- next meeting will be with Mrs. Country Men’s Men's Moleskin | ner Monday night, The serving A. Wallace some time this month, Style .... date to be set later. The members was assigned to the finance com- WORK SHIRTS PANTS ’ mittee under Mrs. M. R. Eby, will start the patched apron on Mrs. H. V. Holcomb, Mrs. J. B. the rounds soon. S. J. DeRock arrived the first for Hair, Mrs. Judd Greenman, Mrs. E. S. Thompson and Mrs. W. H. of the week for a short visit with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Bridget's. BL A Nt ETS • 1 Kent. Women’s Rayon Mrs. Louise Verbracken is here A church social planned for 70x80 size BLOOMERS February 24 was also discussed. from Portland visiting her niece, Federáis Down Out laws In First Game Of New Series KEASEY 40) Mist Safeway Savings Ì p 1 W"® 1 J FLOUR Pancrust $1.05 49c 9c Syrup J.C. PENNEY CO. I 3 Fresh Produce 65c Lettuce Pancake Flour Leading The World With Values Our 92 98 c 2 98c 98c Hot"ginger bread" ivith whipped Mr/' *m’ Bridgera. -- ___ j _ 1 A larve large crowd crowd I from Birken- cream and . coffee was ______ served i dur-| ing the social hour by the hostess feld and Mist gathered on the committee: Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. G. W. Plumer, Mrs. Taylor Lilly and Mrs. E. J. Douglass. If you want to sell or trade some- thing—use the Eagle classified columns. They get results. £°n back of the Dan Berg home T,ue’<1’>’ even1,n't f°r ven of ‘ skating and ' coasting. The pond ’........... ' T‘........ " ' was electrically lighted. Richard Montgomery was in the village Tuesday moving some j household goods away. The Mont- 3 i: 98c BEDSPREADS Rayon, 81x105 98c 98c 5c 25c Oranges Tissue 2 98c 98c Grapefruit Crackers BISQUICK 98c 2 i Event f 98c 5c 18c | VEAL ROAST BACK BONE ;l PORK STEAK I 2 ror. 98C | Large i 1 CANNON TOWELS I, 1 7 for 98 c | 33c Prunes 15c 15c 14c 13'/2 c Bacon Squares Nice for seasoning STORE NO. 225 Steaks With a flavor, or Sirloin. Pot Roasts Prime Steer Beef. PHONE NO. 741 «