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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1932)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1932. Timberline VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON V ernonia rooters Is expected to attend this game. This game will determine the better chances of Vernonia and Rainier for the county championship. Itiverview’ Mildred Hawkins O-- O------- o------ o— —o I SNAPPY CATCHES | O— —o------- o— —o— —o her sister, Mrs. K. W. Bentley, in Portland for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Beauvaux spent the weekend with Mrs. Clara Smyth. Joy Willard has been very ill for the past few days. John and Lewis Laramore spent Sunday in Portland. Mrs. Mike Willard entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Heath and Harvey Heath Sunday. Ruby Tays entertained a group of her friends Monday, on the oc casion of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley White and daughter Leota visited Mr. and Mrs. Mike Willard Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Laraway and sons are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wilson. Aunt Sally was pleasantly sur prised Friday by E. A. Bouslog and Mrs. Oral Faulkner bringing her two lovely house plants from Portland. Grandma Rogers stayed with Aunt Sally Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spencer visited Aunt Sally and Mrs. Tom Throop Friday. Aunt Sally spent Saturday night with Grandma Rogers. ‘ . Bud Smith and Lloyd Gibbons Asst. Editor ....... Bob Fox returned from Gresham Saturday. Senior Reporter Mrs. Frank Mills spent Tuesday Well, well, well, there’s a new with Mrs. Sydney Malmsten. Verla Messing talent in our school. The coach Junior Reporter Otto Malmsten spent Sunday was observed reading the news Edgar Crawford with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Malm paper upside down at St. Helens Sophomore Reporter sten. after the last game. Zonweiss Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Charley White Freshman Reporter Then there’s a leading chemis and daughter Leota of Cornelius Leona Hillman try student that had a hot time spent a few days with Mr. and in the laboratory Thursday when Mrs. J. W. White and Mr. and she dropped her alcohol lamp. Vernonia Edges Out Mrs. Dan May this week. How about an initiation and a Mrs. Byers returned to War League Leaders 28 speech for our new senior presi renton where Mr. Byers has been To 27 to Gain Tie dent? working for some time. There are two senior boys that Mr. and Mrs. Zorbers spent In a game played Friday even have resolved not to take any Tuesday evening enjoying five ing at the St. Helens high school girls anywhere as long as they hundred at Mr. and Mrs. John auditorium, St. Helens was de live. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Plummer’s. feated for the first time this sea There’s a lot of talk around Mrs. Burt Edon has had for her son by the Vernonia high school quintet by a score of 28 to 27. the senior room about enlisting company her aunt from Carson, Washington, this week. The first quarter of the sche for the Shanghai war. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peoples have duled game was very interesting o— —o— —o------ o— —o been visiting Mrs. Peoples’ mother and exciting for both Vernonia NEWSY BITS and St. Helens fans. Immediately o— —o------- o------- o— —o at Westimber this week. Mrs. Grace Plummer visited at from the first whistle, both teams Mignon DePue, a junior, re the home of Mrs. Rose Plummer were fighting hard for the ball. turned to school last Monday af Saturday. The first basket was made by Ma- ter a brief absence. Kenneth Fowler visited rela goff, one of Vernonia’s forwards, Harvard Malmsten returned to tives in St. Helens over tht week which gave 11 m a two point lead early in the game. St. Helens school last Monday. He had been end. E. D. Johnson and Earl Latin made the next basket; that tied in the St. Helens hospital since Mr*. Jake Neurer From this time until the Scappoose game on Tuesday. of St. Helens visited Mr. and Ruth Louden, a junior, return Mrs. D. R. Fowler Thursday. about th lt> ■ four minutes of the Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson have • nd qnai ■ the score was tied. ed to school last Monday after a \\ ' en e listle blew for the long illness. She has missed about spent several days with Mr. and recently purchased a sedan. Mrs. D. R. Fowler this week. Lincoln Peterson and Bob Lind ha ' St. Helens had a lead of a month of school. Mr. and Mrs. Dan May had as sey will serve on the election Many school busses were late 10 points. Things began to look last week due to the snow and their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. board in May. Mr. Peterson in bad. Ted Ridderbusch and children, Mist prtcinct and Mr. Lindsey When Vernonia came out on fallen trees in the road. The Rock creek bus driver was Mrs. Ridderbusch of Jewell, Mr. in Vernonia. the floor at the end of the half, J. E. Johnson from Rainier they seemingly had a different at forced to cut and remove five and Mrs. Noel Woods and chil titude toward the fast moving trees. The bus reached school at dren, Mr. Edens and son, Lloyd was here on some business Fri 11 o’clock. Other busses were al Coffman, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ol day. Saints. son, Red Sessman, Warren White Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuback The third quarter opened with so delayed by the snow. and little Louise spent Monday a bang, with Vernonia again The classes of the high school and Mildred Hawkins. Gladys End spent Saturday afternoon in Vernonia. making the first basket. Seeming have been taking up at 12:45 o’ Mrs. Lee Osborn left for Port ly, Vernonia had made up their clock in the afternoon in order to night with Mildred Hawkins. Morris Graves spent the past land Saturday on an indefinite minds during the half to cut the allow school to dismiss at three ten point lead, which the Saints o’clock. This method is to con week with Mr. and Mrs. Etters visit with friends and relatives. of Gaston. Dave and John McMullin were had over them to nothing and tinue during the snow weather. Mrs. Edith Varley has been ill business visitors in Vernonia on they certainly did, for only about Willard Ennis, president of the for the past few days. Saturday. three minutes of play had dis senior class, moved to St. Helens Charley Christiansen and son' Mr. and Mrs. Lois Carmichael persed when the Vernonia quin last Friday. Ernest Nanson, vice- Jack left Sunday for St. Helens, I have rented Mrs. M. Dunlap’s tet had bound the score to an president, will fill his office. where they have employment. farm near Big Eddy camp. other tie. Louise Roberson has been ab Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cox and j The Natal Telephone company’s The fans somehow were wish sent for the last week due to children of Portland visited rela line was down in several places ing for the last quarter, for they illness. tives in Riverview Wednesday and out of order for a couple of knew that this would be the de The art classes are working on and Thursday. days. Ira Peterson got the line ciding factor. By very close design. The Art II classes are Mrs. A. E. Lindberg returned in working order Saturday. checking and refined offensive using the seven creative prin home with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap ness, Vernonia was able to hold ciples to originate borders, all Cox for a few weeks. drove to Vernonia on business the Saints to an endless tie dur over patterns, decorative flowers Mrs. B. B. Hawkins visited Mrs. Wednesday. ing most of the fourth quarter. and fruits which will be used later Paul Driscoll of Stony Point Wed The county ran the scrapers There were only 35 seconds to on articles to be deviated. nesday and Thursday. over the highway Friday taking play when Barker, Vernonia Art I students are using all Dan May, Oral Varley and Les- away the snow to make traffic guard, took a quite long shot, but kinds of geometrical forms for ster Greenia returned from St. safer and better going. missed. Then the Saints secured decoration. These are painted in Helens Saturday, where they have The West Coast Telephone line the ball from the back board and black and white, also colors. All had employment. was out of commission for a few started down the floor, but some will be applied later to some Mr. and Mrs. John Estes andj days. It was repaired by a crew how the ball struck one of Ralph thing useful. sons Ole and Oral spent Sunday of men Monday. George’s hands swinging around —o— with Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMullin All road work was delayed in mid-air and was forced to Mr. and Mrs. John Glassner of of Natal. since the cold spell. The tempera land in George’s arms. From here Treharne had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buchner spent ture dropped to 15 above early the ball was passed to Magoff, Mrs. Glassner’s sister and her Sunday with the latter’s mother, Tuesday morning. There were under the basket, by George, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mrs. C. W. Rundell. large pieces of ice floating down from Magoff to Barker, who was Martin, of Turner, Oregon. Mrs. Virgil Powell attended a the river Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin were mar five hundred party In Camp Eight coming in from the side of the Jake Neurer and Stanley Ku- basket. There were only three ried at the home of the bride in Wednesday, bringing home first hack made a trip to Clatskanie seconds to play when the deciding Turner on Friday evening, Jan prize. I Tuesday. goal was converted by Barker. uary 29, at six o’clock. Mrs. L. L. Lewis visited Aunti Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and Mrs. Martin, formerly Gladys Sally Monday. Just as the ball rolled through sons visited their daughter’s fa the net, the gun went off, separ ' Given, lived here with her sister Louise Higby spent Sunday af-' mily, Mr. and Mrs. Dave McMul ating the two teams by one point. and attended Vernonia high dur ternoon with Rhoda Bell. lin. The line-up for the game was: ing her freshman year. With the B. B. Hawkins attended an Mrs. Ira Peterson called to see St. Helens exception Of that year she has American Legion meeting in St. Mrs. Jake Neurer on Saturday. Pos. Vernonia Abrams always lived with her father at Helens Saturday evening. Magoff .......... ... RF.. ... Holcomb ....... LF .. .... Murray Turner, who has been night mar Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christiansen Watch the classified section George ........... .... C...... Erickson shal there the past few years. visited Mrs. B. B. Hawkins Fri and see for yourself the many Smith ............. RG..... ..... Harper opportunities listed there. Read day evening. Kovach Mr. Wilkerson, principal of the' Barker ............ LG...... Mrs. Harvey Heath is visiting' it every week. The second team of Vernonia high school, encountered bad luck was defeated by the St. Helens last week on his way to St. Hel second team by a score of 28-20. ens, as he ran into a snow drift and was stuck until help arrived. The Vernonia basketball squads He also broke the rear axle will journey to Rainier to battle of his car while uptown last Sat the Rainier five on Friday, Feb urday afternoon. He required the ruary 5. The games will begin at assistance of the wrecker to help seven o’clock. A large crowd of him to the garage. A. F. & A. M. Order of Eastern Star Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meetings on all other Thurs ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome, most cordially welcome. arse, W. M. Mrs. Edith K. A. McNeill, W. M. ell, Secretary. Mrs. Alma W. E. Bell, Secretary. Editor ..................... Nelle Green Natal CHRISTIAN CHURCH F. Claude Stephen*, 11 a. m. a special Boy Scout meeting. Subject, “The Revenger Must be Stopped.” Text, 2 Sam uel 14:11. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Miss Zonweiss Douglass will be the leader. Topic, “How our Society Meets Young People’s Needs.” (Christian Endeavor day.) 7:30 p. m. the annual day of prayer for missions in charge of the W. M. S. The pastor preaching on the theme, “Why Pray?” Father and Sons supper at the social hall of the church Monday evening, 6:30 p. m. SIX WEEKS OLD PIGS—For WANTED sale. A. B. Counts, Phone 8F525. (6*2) WANTED— % h. p„ 110 volt el ectric motor. Must be cheap and in good condition. Ernest Elmer Bergerson’s oldest son Nanson, 872 Weed Ave. is at the Hillsboro hospital. He has an infection in his arm. I LOST AND FOUND Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Helt and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. LOST—A small black leather case containing green pencil Harry Wilson on Thursday. and pen, glasses and a bunch of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spencer were Vernonia shoppers on Fri keys. Finder please return to Washington Grade School. (6cl day. Electric light wires were down near Arcadia park. Lights were out for several hours. Printing, ordered Some employes from Clark and i today, can be de Wilson camp are home during the! snow storm. livered tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Grager Schmidlin if you wish it of Vernonia visited with her par Snow has covered the ground ents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith, ■•••••••••••••••••••••a for the past week, measuring 15 at Treharne. inches in depth. The mail carrier appreciated the men clearing the snow away from their mail boxes. A truck clearing snow from the road came out from St. Helens the past week. Miss Elizabeth Murray, county school superintendent, called at Pleasant Hill school Friday. Jimmy, Harold, Mildred Lamro, Douglas O’Donnell, Jenetta Lines, Betty Glassner, were absent from school. Treharne Let Us Bake Your Pies Made Fresh Each Day HAVING PNEUMONIA! Don’t risk catching cold by washing clothes during the winter . . . Let us do it for you in our safe and sanitary modern way. You will be pleased with the quality of our work, our extremely low prices, and prompt ser vice. . . . Just telephone 711, or mail us your request. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS HARDING LODGE 11« Vernonia Laundry PHONE 711 1. QO. F. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in L O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit ors always welcome. I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. Marie O’Donnell, N. G. 246 meets every Tuesday night | at 8 o'clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis Emma Miller, Secretary. itors always welcome. Chas. Holt, Noble Grand. Pythian Suter* G. G. Holt, Vice-Grand. Vernonia Temple 61 meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in G. M. Holt, Secretary. W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. American Legion Meets every Monday night in the I.O.O.F. hall. Visiting broth ers welcome. R. M. Aldrich, C. C. H. Culbertson, K.R.S. Vornnnin Peet 119, American Legion. Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays sack month, 8. p. m. J. E. Kerr, Com mander; Eugene Shipman, Adj. You will like the tender flakey crusts—and the delicious goodness within. You will appreci ate, too, the fact that our pastries are always made of the finest and freshest ingredients. Pies made to order at any time . . , Here is a list of some of our specialties in pies:— CHOCOLATE BOSTON CREAM CREAM LEMON CREAM COCOANUT CREAM BANANA CREAM PUMPKIN FOR hay -------------------- -------- GRAIN --------- ----------------------- FEED PHONE 681 Vernonia Trading Co. FRUIT PIES— Including apple, peach, apricot, raisin, pineapple, cherry and berry pies of sev eral kinds. Agency for McCormick-Deering ------ TRACTORS ------ Vernonia Bakery “HOME OF MOTHER’S BREAD” Professional and Business Diredory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. RARRFR DENTISTS SHOPS BBARBER shop Haircutting for Men Women ana Children Expert Work Guaranteed PASTIME CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Llayd Baker, Prop. CONTRACTORS JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor Mason Work, Building Willard Batteries M. D. COLE VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oils • . . Expert Greasing Dentist Vernonia, Oregon VERNONIA SERVICE STATION DOCTORS CARD ROOM The Laundry IS LOTS CHEAPER THAN Minister A day of special importance. A message to pupils of Bible school. The Christian Endeavor society and all members of the Church of Christ and others, com-I ing. 9:45 a. m. Bible school; 10:45 a. m. Divine morning worship, theme, Our Warfare. Anthem by T. B. Thomas, choir. Bible has ACREAGE AND FARMS — For much to say about war, hear it. MISCELLANEOUS sale. T. B. Mills. (2tf) Evening hour of service in charge of the Christian Endeavor' BUILD YOUR OWN TRAILER— TRADE OR SWAP At small cost. Send for infor society, in recognition of C. E. mation explaining “Build It Your day. self” proposition. P. O. Box 85, FOR SALE OR TRADE—Hotel Vista, no reasonable offer re EVANGELICAL CHURCH Vernonia. 6*1 fused; terms. Could be remodel ed into four flats. Trade for any G. W. Plumer, Pastor FOR SALE thing near Portland. Mrs. C. R. The Sunday school hour is 9:45 WEANER PIGS For sale. Har Twineham, 709 Flanders St., a. m. in charge of Mrs. E. E. 5*4 ry Culbertson. 2tf. Portland, Ore. Garner. Sending Your Clothes To Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 PAGE FIVE Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 DR. J. A. HUGHES Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon BAFFORD BROS. Mary Kato General Plumbing Chop Suey ItPNtaurant C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail 1 LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling - -— ------- ---------—' — — RESTAURANTS Vernonia TRANSFER — TRUCK OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD STREET CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen'* Store H TH« e e e e e gj best time to 1 buy needed \ printing is H | $ 7; L* now «-I