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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1932)
Mrs. Cole Hostess To Kensington Club FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1932. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FOUR S. P. 4 S. RY. GIVEN PERMISSION TO PUR- CHASE BELT LINE KKASEY Mrs. M. D. Cole entertained the Kensington club at her home on B Street last Friday night with a delightful and unique “Earthquake" bridge party. Guests found themselves play ing a very top3y turvy form of bridge with special instructions at each of the five tables in play. After bidding, some had to pass their cards to the next player and with the new hand play the origi nal bid. Some found themselves trying to concentrate on their game while consuming candy suck ers and others had to handle their cards with large canvas gloves. The first prize of bath salts was presented to Mrs. Fred Sprng who held the score just above the “average” of all the players, and the consolation was awarded to Mrs. E. S. Thompson whose score was just below the established “average.” Her prize was a "soapy circus.” All the other guests then drew for indi vidual “clean up” prizes, consist ing o<> tiny cakes of soap, brush es, cleansing cream, wash cloths, etc. A lunch of molded salad, sand wiches, date sticks and hot cho colate was served by the hostess at a late hour. Club members and guests who enjoyed the evening were Mes- dames James Nanson, Harry Kerns, Harry Culbertson, W. L. Van Doren, Marvin R. Eby, A. L. Kullander, E. S. Thompson, W. A. Harris, J. W. Brown, Dan Brown, Earl Smith, William Cul ver, Tom Crawford, Rose Fletch er, Jack Nance, Fred Spring, W. E. Bell, Misses Macile Roberts and Ruth Holaday. States in memory of the 200th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, reports the American Tree Association to Regional Forester C. J. Buck, 1 Portland. I These trees have all been regis Mil» Hilt’s Room, 8-1 Verne Thompson, Doris Nixon, tered with the American Tree As- Th? pupils on the honor roll I Mildred Woods, Virginia Hoe, I sociation and placed on the honor were Toshi Kuge, Elbert Brock Fred Erven, Wilbur Wridge, Eliz roll as George Washington Mem abeth Wall, Melvin Boeck, Enid orial trees, in a Nation-wide and Lolamae Smith. Pupils neither absent nor tardy Shumway, Esther Frombling, Flor movement to honor the first pre in the past six weeks are Flor-1 ian Maur, Charlie McGraw, El- sident, who was both a lover and ence Austin, Francis Bergerson,.mer Mitchern. planter of trees. A very large Mr. Calef's Room, 6-2 Pearl Faught, Betty Lee, Thelma number of public agencies, patri Lincoln, Lolamae Smith, Erma otic societies and associations are Bill Larson, Albert Shallock Thompson, Margaret Byers, El and LaVon George received 100 ¡joining this year in this memorial bert Brock. Harold Cason, Hawley in a half term geography test. tree planting movement. Among Counts, Toivo Eloranta, Toshi are the D. A. R., S. A. R., Pupils receiving 100 all last' these - Kugi, Kenneth Lewis, Stanley week »,<.■ Bill ull. uKiwanis Clubs, Lions, in spelling are Byers, Rotary, Overson, Stanley Parker. Childs,: Elks, Masons chambers of com- Ray Charlesworth, ,, - Jack . !------- — -- - 4-H Forestry Clubs, De- The 8-1 the past week have Aubrey Fitzgerald, Harold Gra- i PleTce’ been busy making art pictures ven, Virginia Henderson, Louise I luoiay», Molays, Boy and Girl Scouts, for the room. Last week they niKoee, Higbee, Dili Bill luarsun, Larson, r^veiyn Evelyn muj,. May, Camp ( --------- ■« Fire Girls . and T Girl Re- • made a border of snowflakes for Daisy McDonald, Albert Shallock, »‘■rvea. The American Legion is the blackboard. Wilma Stolin, Thelma Trudgian, proposing to create memorial Mr. Spring’s Room, 8-2" LaVon George antl town f°rests dedicated to tne ■__ .. ’» o--_ first commander-in-chief. _ Last week the 8-2 class was Mrs. 11/111. Wilkerson Room, 3 •> Many organizations in Oregon glad to have the rest over the George Turner, Jim Byers, Bar-I_ #__ Washington ...... =__ ___ _ to are .______ planning week end after receiving the bara Dustin, Pauline Rollins, and pjant Washington trees this win- test grades. Ruby Tays and Laura Mae San- ter and spring, the U. S. Forest Those receiving 100 in spelling ders are on the honor roll. . Service has been informed. These last week are James Burke, Eva I Washington memorial trees are Chambers, George Crawford, Rob WASHINGTON MEMORIAL .being planted on school grounds, ert Depue, Jeanne Hughes, Alice TREE PLANTING URGED 'along highways and city streets, Hoffman, Bobbie King, Glennie ------ i in city and state parks, on de Russell, Evelyn Varley and Mur Fifteen million trees have al-1 nuded forest lands and in town iel Williams. ready been planted in the United and county forests. Mrs. Sandon’s Room, 7 Candidates for the spelling contest are Leona Fetsch and Lewis Beveridge. Zelma Hambley was absent this week. Receiving 100 in spelling were Paul Adams, Edith Anderson, Lewis Beveridge, Hazel Chapman, Leona Fetsch, Lorraine Harper, Martha Middlebrook, Evelyn Shipley and Eloise Shumway. Radios for Rent and Sale ST. HELENS, Jan. 27—Special Edith Lindsley was given a Daisy McDonald was absent to Eagle.)—News from Washing birthday party Saturday night from school this week with a bad ton, which was confirmed by S. by her parents. Refreshments cold. P. & S. officials, that the Inter state commerce commission had were served and a good time had Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. F. M. granted permission to the S. P. by all. Those present were Bur Ruhl and Mrs Marcus Gregory jand g to acquire the belt line nice Reed, Ivan Reed, Kenneth mpt With Mra L A C-raon loot 1 -- - _ . . ™ Bondle, Orns, Verle, Anna and met with Mrs. E. A. Green last of the St. Helens Dock and Ter Darrell Devaney, Lloyd and Rosy Friday afternoon for a practice minal company, a McCormick pro game of contract bridge. Tea was perty, was gladly received in St. Gilham. served by the hostess. Helens. After inspection of this The Lindsley, McDonald, Evens Dr. Kellogg has moved his property by President Budd of and Devaney families all have members of the families sick with office to the Vista Hotel. See ad the Great Northern and Presi on this page. (Adv.) dent Donnelly of the Northern colds. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Couper and Pacific a contract was made with J. O. Devaney, O. H. Devaney and C. O. Evers shopped in Ver children visited in Forest Grove the McCormick company for its sale. Sunday. nonia Saturday. The road extends from the Registered at Hotel Hy-Van Mr. Conshak and Mr. Blair, mill in the south end of the busi this week were Harley E. Parker, who are holding meetings here ness portion of the city across were dinner guests at the De E. H. Leahy, J. E. Hall, Geo. J. “frogmire” slough and over the Altstadt, Paul B. Legler, P. J. I vaney home Tuesday evening. Lamberty, H. E. Parker and lowlands along Willamette slough C. O. Evers and Ed Kelly were Webb Campbell of Portland. lor almost a mile and then goes in Vernonia Wednesday. Hotel McDonald guests this west to a connection with the Mrs. D. K. Mendenhall shopped week were Mr. and Mrs. Fred tracks of the S. P. and S. It in Vernonia Tuesday. London, J. E. Penelope, Phil E. serves the mill here, the creosot- Oral Kizar from Banks was Molley, E. F. Layer and B. D. ing company, paper and bag mills, broom handle factory and the a visitor over the week end at Hill all of Portland. Fir-Tex plant and delivers con the Lindsley home. The regular meeting of Verno Mrs. W. J. Lindsley spent one nia temple No. 61, Pythian Sis siderable tonnage to the railroad company. Its equipment consists day in Vernonia last week. ters, was held Wednesday even Mrs. C. O. Evers received the ing. Committees for the year were of two cranes, a locomotive and sad news of her father’s death announced and plans were made a number of flat cars. Plans of the railroad company in Elgin, Oregon. He was 86 for four card parties, to be held call for filling in the long trestle years old and had lived on the each month for the next four with material pumped from ths home place where he died over months. sand island in front of the city’s 50 years. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Milne of waterfront and from the Wil Anna Devaney attended the Forest Grove have been spending lamette slough, to lower a rather Mr- Reeher’s Room, 6-1 ball game Saturday night in Ver- the last week at the home of their steep grade and lay heavier steel The 6-1 is getting ready to daughter, Mrs. Henry Fogel. nonia. GLENN E. DEAMER, SERVICE MAN The Parent-Teachers’ associa in sortie places. It is believed give book reports. The Dewitt and Gilham fam- Those receiving 100 in spelling tion will hold a meeting following that considerable of lumber ship Your radio repairing guaran ¡lies were Vernonia shoppers this assembly at 2:30 Friday in the ments which now go to Portland for the week are Billy Cane, teed — or no labor charge. Bertha Thompson, Mava Williams, week. Washington grade school. for loading on steamers will be Holcomb, Cecilia Gough, Lewis White and family from Miss Charlotte Hilts was elect diverted here and the line extend Bruce Ruby Condit, LaVon George, La- Portland visited his parents and ed president of the Christan En brother here over the week end. deavor of the Evangelical church ed to the edge of the dock so evening. Miss Zonweiss that lumber may be taken direct Mayo Pettyjohn was in Vern Friday Douglass was chosen vice-presi from the car to the vessel. It is c- e r onia Saturday. dent, Miss Mildred Cason, secre stated also that log shipment» A Garden club meeting has Wednesday morning found Kea- tary and Miss Sarah McGee, been called for the second Tues- may be diverted and dumped into treasurer. day in February instead of the sey under over a foot of snow, In railway Miss Elizabeth C. Murray, Wilamette slough. and the power line down in sev first Tuesday. The meeting will county school superintendent, was circles it is thought that the eral places. in town Thursday. She reported be held at the home of Mrs. Ray Bruce McDonald was two hours no difficulty in getting over the Great Northern was interested in D. Fisher on the evening of Feb the purchase of this line so it SAVINGS FOR FRL, ~-"¿at?-------- late at school as he was the first road from St. Helens, though ruary 9. could control most of the out she passed some cars that were to go over the road and had to SAT. AND MON., JAN. off the grade, and the Vernonia saw out some trees that were stage which had skidded into a bound shipments and instead of 29, 30, AND FEB. 1. lumber, paper and other products across the road. The snow is bank. Laura Shay Hastings and Frank going to California by the South still falling. Thousands of homemak Holbrook, who have just returned ern Pacific such would be routed ers do their daily food by the Oregon Trunk and Great from a vaudeville trip in Cali During the 1931 forest fire sea shopping at Safeway for FOR SALE san 1102 fires in Oregon were fornia, where they played at Northern to its connection with they are assured of Dig reported by federal forest offi some of the most important grills the Western Pacific thus giving WEANER PIGS For sale. Har- cers, while 413 were reported in and cabarets in San Francisco and the Hill lines the long haul. est quality plus lowest Los Angeles, are spending a short Ty Culbertson. 2tf. Washington national forests. prices, plus efficient and At any rate the purchase has vacation at Arcadia Park lodge. pleasing service. A visit Mrs. C. C. Shay, Mrs. Weed, more significance than ordinarily RABBITS—For sale cheap. Alive Mrs. E. E. Garner and Laura would be attached to such com to our store will con or dressed. C. R. Watts. (4c2 Shay Hastings spent Thursday in vince you. paratively small sale, for it is Portland where they visited the ACREAGE AND FARMS — For Nettie Green Taylor department not believed that the railroad sale. T. B. Mills. (2tf) of music of the Portland Woman’s would have been interested unless club of which Mrs. Shay is chair there were plans for further de CHRISTIAN CHURCH TRADE OR SWAP man. A lovely program of Wag velopment of the port. It is ex LBS NEW LOW PRICES! nerian and Grieg music was en Pure Cane . . . fine granulated in sanitary paper bags. WANTED TO TRADE— 3-room F. Claude Stephens, Minister joyed, Mrs. Hastings doing the pected that repair work on the Last services for January — Anitra’s dance from Peer Gynt. railroad will begin at an early modern house, lOOxWO lot. NOTICE, ONE WEEK date. Will take rent on ranch, late 9:45 a. m., Bible school; 10:45 m., Divine morning worship, lbs —Monday, Feb. 1, to truck, horses, cattle, sheep, hay a. theme, The Life of the World. For real bargains—watch the Excellent quality . . . bulk. or grain for part payment. See 6:30 p. m.. Christian Endeavor; Sunday, Feb. 7. I am moving my SMALL WHITES OR Whitsell, 409 First Ave. Verno 7:30, evening service, theme, office location to the Vista Ho classied columns of the Eagle. RED IDAHO tel and will have free office rent. nia. (3*3) Thought Ticklers. These may be some help for Therefore, I am reducing my FOR SALE OR TRADE—Hotel you. May the world’s depression prices (for one week only—Feb. Highway or Van Camps. not depress your spirituality. Vista, no reasonable offer re There Realistic is something for your bet 1st to 7th) to cheaper than the fused; terms. Could be remodel terment. cheapest Portland price and, as Permanent ed into four flats. Trade for any SAFEWAY ÄÄ in the past, will give you better EVANGELICAL CHURCH thing near Portland. Mrs. C. R. With than the best Portland service, Twineham, 709 Flanders St., RINGLETTE I with my usual guarantee. Stop G. W. Plumer, Pastor Portland, Ore. 5*4 ENDS The Sunday school hour is 9:45 that headache now. Best Toric Fresh roasted . . . fresh ground to order. A Steam Wave a. m. This is in charge of Mrs. lenses, fitted to your eyes, $3.50 Selected from the finest, high-grown stock . . . FOR RENT $4 and $5 E. E. Garner. The pastor takes to $6.00; Best “Kriptok” Bifocal blended and roasted under expert supervision. subject at 11 a .m., “Is It lenses, $7.50 to $8.50; Best Best Foods . . . unvarying high FOR RENT—3-room furnished his the Little Things in Life that I quality, famous for flavor. house. Mrs. Clara Cleveland. Makes People Great.” The main frames, $1.50 to $2.00. All hours BEAUTY SHOPPE (5*1) choir will sing at this service. day and evening. Dr. F. W. Kel Phone 431 Bridge St. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. logg. Mrs. Kellogg in attend PINT JAR The prettiest little cottage in m. Study “Our Church’s service ance. (Adv.) CANS town, 3 rooms and dressing ( for Christ. A. C. Knauss will lead. :30 p. m. theme will be “Can Country Kist . . . No. 303 cans room completely furnished. Gar-' .a a 7 Young Person have a Good age. Also one C 4-room cottage, Time nn<| be a Christian?” Fancy bulk. hot and cold water, garage, partly| The junior choir of 12 to 15 PKGS. furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. voices sing at this service. Assorted Flavors r,.„k 102» Rose A,.J Jx: .!'“hTXo”h POUND DEPARTMENT ♦ STORE Vernonia Radio Shop The BEST in Kndio 1 QUALITY Classií i ed A ds [ipiumcta Sugar 10 45c Cocoa 3 23c Beans 12’/2 c 19c 35c Catsup bl : s : COFFEE Ib. Z9© Mayonnaise \nnetie J. C. PEN NEY CO. ■'j.------- js ÇUJ. Pasteurized for Safety Physicians always recommend Pasteurized Milk for children when certified milk is not available. The process makes it safe without destroying the food value. We sell raw milk and cream, too, if you pre fer it, and take it exclusively from one selected dairy. SOLD ALWAYS IN STERILIZED BOTTLES Nehalem Valley K E A CREAMEltY CO STORE NUMBER 1436 VERNONIA. OREGON Corn 3 25c Jell-Well 3 20c Ry-Krisp... 27c Peanut Butter 10c Ä 25c Tomato Soup Whole rye crackers . . . crisp and tasty. I PENNEY'S 38 EVENT c NOW AT THE GREATEST SAVINGS IN 30 YEARS OF VALUE GIVING! We absolutely lielieve nowhere can you duplicate item for item, the values we offer. It requires a trip to PENNEY’S now to realize the unusual character of this 98 cent event. COME. SEE OUR WINDOWS— THE BIGGEST EVENT OF THIS YEAR. Starts Saturday JANUARY 30TH Cigarettes 2 PKGS. 27c Camels, Lucky Strikes or Chesterfields. I* M m »1«dak pIKSsiil Market Van Camp’s . . . the quick way to a tasty meal. 5c CAN F mm k aa r®« Features Beef Roast ih * iz^c Boneless BEEF STEW PORK CHOPS c Fine for vegetables—POUND Nice and lean—POUND Sugar cured— By the piece BACON SHORTENING STORE NO. 225 Pure Vegetable 3 lbs . 25c PHONE NO. 741 I s a •*>.