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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1931)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX Col. A. E. Clark New Officers Named for U. of O. ‘Oregon Dads’ To Be Speaker “Colonel Alfred E. Clark of Portland will be the principal speaker at the Ridgefield meeting of the Lower Columbia associa ted chambers of commerce, Fri day evening, December 11,” states Barney Garrett, secretary of the Columbia county chamber of commeraa. Aside from the address of Col onel Clark, which will be of in terest to all member organiza tions of the Lower Columbia associated chambers of commerce, a varied and interesting progrem has been provided, starting with a dinner in the public school at 6:30 p. m. The feature of the dinner will be big baked potatoes provided by the Clark County Potato Growers’ association. Plans for an active year were made at the recent meeting of the “Oregon Dads” at the University The people of the Ridgefield of Oregon. Above are the new officers, and members of the executive committee. Left to right, Sara H. Community club, under whose Baker, Grants Pass; Allan F. Hunt, Burlingame, Cal.; Carl Haberlach, Tillamook; Dr. George A. Massey, auspices the meeting is being held, Klamath Falls; Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the University; Charles Hall, Portland; Mrs. Marian have arranged for a farm exhibit Phy Ager, executive secretary; C. C. Hall, Portland; O. Laurgaard, Portland, retiring president; J. C. Ste vens, Portland; W. Lair Thompson, Portland, president; Wilson H. Jewett, Eugene, secretary; Paul T. display in the merchants’ win Shaw, Portland, and W. C. Reugnltz, Portland. daws and for a potato exhibit display in the school gymnasium where the meeting will be held. Some people do not care to re of full blooded hound dogs. Mr. In the morning of the same day McMullin sold them both for a ceive one of our rapidly vanish 5 shilling pieces on the ground there is to be a student’s potato good price, and the little fellows ing that they are far too heavy and selecting contest, and in the af got a home. cumbersome for modern purses or Mrs. Jake Neurer ternoon will be held the Smith- Dr. M. R. Eby from Vernonia pockets. What would they think the $4 “coin” issued by Fred Hughes Interscholastic Potato made a visit down the river Mon about erick of Ilesse-Cassel 200 years Judging and Grading contest. The The county trucks hauled some day. ago? This pleasant little survival Southwest Washington Certified rock on the road last week and! A truckload of ferns all pack from 1731 was made of copper, Seed Potato Grower’s annual went over it with the road grad- j ed for shipment were taken out was worth about 12 shillings—and weighed (and still weighs) six and meeting will also be held the er to fill in some places where of here Monday. a half English pounds. same afternoon in Ridgefield. the rock was gone. That would have been the right Elmer Hiatt was in Portland Letters have been sent from the type of coinage for careful fathers to inflict on their would be spend office of the Columbia county for a few days last week to visit' thrift sons—not much chance of chamber of commerce to all or his wife. Mrs. Hiatt is recover- J •‘throwing your money about” with ganizations on the Oregon side ing from blood poisoning in her; a $4 piece of that kind. And per of the Columbia River urging hand caused from a huge sliver haps fortunately—for, with ammu nition of that sort, if you did start a good attendance. Arrangements in her finger. Meetings, social events, ath throwing it about, the result would have been made with Mayor E. Matthews Bros, saw mill have have been more like a civil war I. Ballagh of St. Helens to take been hauling lumber from their letic contests, charity sales, etc., than a cash transaction.—Mancbes of community interest or public his boat, the “Grace,” across to mill to Vernonia. ter (England) Guardian. benefit will be listed under this Ridgefield with any who wish to Lee Osborn butchered veal last | head free of charge. This offer go by this method. The boat will week for the market. does not include enterprises for leavt the St. Helens municipal Hy Tracey was sick and con dock promptly at 5:00 o’clock, fined to his bed for several days private gain, or mention of ad enabling all who go by this means and the attending physician from mission or other fees. to view the displays or attend Vernonia was called. the Board of Governors meeting School District 47 budget meet Oliver Burris, Miss Beatrice before the dinner hour. Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Jake ing tonight, Washington grade Inquiries regarding Columbia Neurer were in Vernonia Friday school, 8 p. m. county land coming in every day afternoon shopping. Evangelical church W. M. S. and are being promptly answered. Mrs. Jim Green and son Coral; bazaar Saturday, Dec. 12, former Indications point toward a great from Treharne spent Wednesday Dixie Grill building. influx of settlers to the Pacific with Mrs. Bob Lindsay. For Every Mem Northwest as soon as the present Indoor baseball, Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and period of business stagnation son Norman were visiting at Mr. Wednesday evenings, Legion hall. ber of the comes to an end. General and and Mrs. Joe Banzer’s below City budget election Dec. 28, specific information regarding Mist Saturday. Family Columbia county is being laid Elody McDonald, Edward Me- j 1 to 6 p. m., city hall. before people who will undoubt Mullin and Charlie Hanna of | A wide variety on new edly come to the Northwest, and Vernonia were recent visitors at I clever things for Christmas Columbia county should secure Natal. giving at prices much lower Realistic a good share of this new capital Lincoln Peterson and Elmer j than last year. and new money through the ef Lindberg were Mist shoppers on ■ Permanent forts of the Columbia county Wednesday. With chamber of commerce. Charlie Sutherland from the I RINGLETTE Mist garage was a business caller ENDS here Saturday. New System Gives LEATHER GOODS A Steam Wave J. Neurer butchered a Chester U. (). Journalists White pig last week which dress $4 and $5 NOVELTIES Real Experience ed 521 pounds for home use. TOILET ARTICLES Mrs. Reed Halding has been J BEAUTY SHOPPE University of Oregon, Eugene.— very sick for several days in PERFUMES Phone 431 Bridge St. A newspaper without subscribers the Clatskanie hospital. would seem to be of little use in TOYS Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason were the world, yet such newspapers are house guests over the weekend Come in and look around. of vital interest to students at the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. University of Oregon school of Jim Moran. journalism. Four complete daily H. H. Wolf from Sauvies Isl papers are planned, written and If ijou want pictures made-up by stiuKnts of the school, and was at Natal on business in ijour advertising. and carried through all normal pro Inst week. Some one politely left two cedure to the point of publication. • we have them ® There, work on the paper stops, hound pups in Dave McMullin’s Next to Po,t Office and all cease work ot discuss yard last week. The pups turned the paper and hear criticisms from out to be from a valuable breed the instructor. This re-organization of the Journalism work, which has been put into effect recently by Dean Eric W. Allen, is expected to give the students much more practical experience than ever before, since work is now done under the shadow of an impending deadline. Classes are now held only for the purpose 'N of discussion and criticism of the VI actual laboratory work on the four papers, named for the days on which they are written, the Monday Mail, Tuesday Tribune, Wednesday World and Thursday Times. Wire and syndicate services are supplied to the students through the courtesy of the Eugene Regis ter-Guard. Further details of the plan will be put into effect in the future, Dean Allen stated. MRS. F. HARDING ¡House Party At Elmer Hiatt’s ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Sundland and Mrs. E. Prickett were guests. Members present were Mrs. H. Fogel, Mrs. F. Hart wick, Mrs. Ben Brickel, Miss Ma- cile Roberts, Mrs. G. R. Van Vleet, Mrs. L. Hieber. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. F. Harding was hostess to NATAL—(Special)—A crowd gathered at the home of Elmer the Queen of Hearts Bridge club Hiatt Saturday evening. The at her home at Mist Wednesday time was spent playing cards afternoon. Mrs. Lowell Hieber and dancing. Sandwiches, cakes, won the first prize. Mrs. C. pickles and coffee were served to 60 people at midnight, and the music was furnished by Har ry McMullin, guitar, Dan Prin gle, banjo and harmonica, Dave McMullin, violin. . Several folks from Vernonia, local families and a crowd from I FROM ONE OF THE Mist came. A NOTICE— Earl Knowles, high school student from near Mist, cut His j hand badly Saturday when he fell on some broken glass. W. O. Porterfield slightly bru ise his leg while unloading wood Monday. Clarence Coyle of Newberg and Attorney Walter J. Tooze of Portland were in town Wednes day. To buy, sell or trade, Eagle classified ads. SUPPLY HOUSES FOR CHRISTMAS CARDS READS— “Take orders until Dec. 19th. Com mencing Dec. 16th send orders via Air Mail’’............... Which Means YOU’LL HAVE TO HURRY ... Do not delay ordering until it is too late. Vernonia Eagle use Natal PRICES EFFECTIVE FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Large fancy navel or- anges, sweet and juicy —rich and full-flavored — are now bountifully Misplayed in our stores. And here’s a welcome surprise for you—they’re offered at new low prices — prices everyone likes to pay. Take full advan tage of this offer and buy a week’s supply or more at a time, for ex tra savings. 126’s— GIFTS Suggestions Annuite Armitage Drug Co. Gaymode is the name of the ■¡ananas Sweet Potatoes Lettuce Extra Fancy — Gold en ripe fruit. Nature’s health food. Fancy, firm, smooth stock. Serve them with the Pork Roast. Fine, solid heads. Di eticians recommend lettuce for health. 5c 3 LBS........ 10c HEAD POUND ........... Oysters Catsup Crisco Blue Sea brand. A steam ing hot bowl of oyster stew is in order these cool days. 5-oz. tins. Ritter’s — A delicious and perfect blend of field ripened tomatoes, spices, etc. 8-oz. bottle. Nationally advertized — and prefered by all. 1- lb. tins. 10c 2 BOTTLES 19c CAN COItN MEAL 20% It eduction on WATCHES, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY From now till January- Take advantage of this remarkable saving. Make it a Jewelry Christ mas. Kullander's JEWELRY STORE EACH BEANS New fresh shipment. Fancy Eastern— LB. 9 BAG GREAT NORTHERN WHITE BEANS Guaranteed to cook the quickest of any bean on the market. 4 LBS 9 lbs SYRUP Amaizo — fancy quality Corn Syrup. The best and most economical for table or kitchen. Crys tal white or Golden. K LB. PAIL ..... 10-LB. PAIL Silk Stocking® She wants for Christmas ! 5c -e 15c 29c HOT SAUCE Our Choice Brand. Sea son macaroni, rice, fish, or meats with hot sauce for a change. Buffet tins 4 cans 15c SUGAR SHRIMP Pure Cane — Fine gran ulated. Blue Sea brand. Choice quality—delicious cream ed on toats No. 1 tall tins 93 c 1 LBS.......... Pounds of Brown or Powdered FREE! CAN ä Choice Meats Jr (Market Feature« Eastern Sugar Cured—Pound 15c 1 91 ¿ p Cuts — LB. /2 C PORK ROASTS Shoulder 2 LBS. 15c BACKBONES Fancy, Fine ........................... QT. IOC KRAUT Shred STORE NO. 225 PHONE NO. 741 WE DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS FREE