FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1931 were still in the pathless w.isti1. Robert was weary after teu days of climbing and crawling and slosh ing and tiptoeing and whispering In this interminable wilderness be set with perils. lie had grown thin and irritable. The weekly Pot Luck Luncheon "Don’t get plieesy,” Amos said to him. “I reckon we’ll be at the big club was held on Wednesday at lake soon. Then I’ll give ye a ride the home of Mrs. John Hatfield. and ye can rest yer nags." Following the luncheon 500 was They came about nightfall to the played, Mrs. Pringle winning first edge of a small lake. It was about prize, Mrs. Ryves of Vernonia a quarter of a mile In width and some two miles long. The deep si second and Mrs. Adams, also of lence of Its wild lonely setting was Vernonia, receiving consolation. broken by the distant chattering of James Hanna missed a day of a porcupine. They drank the lake water and ate of their meut end work last week due to illness. meal. Mrs. Charles Lewis has, it is <x W.Al.U. “Oh, God! I’m weary." Robert believed, the oldest pair of hand- iSry»* . - V Stitvict. whispered as he lay back and Co»Mr,skt. t'v /y IRVING BACHELLER spread his arms to the mossy knitted baby hose in camp. They i »octwlier were knitted by her mother nearly ground. “I don’t like the feel o’ this.” said 40 years ago. The two passed a number of rag to church. Ail had to go ami as Amos. “We’ll push on a little and ged children who looked curiously Mrs. Pringle entertained with at the rope on William's neck and sume a look of piety while they nose into a thicket and lie down." shivered for hours in a dank cold They found a stand of young a waffle party last Thursday. soon began throwing pebbles at him. Peggy Weld put an end to atmosphere In no way Improved by pine and spruce on high ground not Those present were Mrs Hanna, their mischief. That was the be a dank and molded theology. Wil a falcon-shot from the lake. Un Mrs. Norman Quinn, Mrs. dison, ginning of the great things In the liam and Vane and others were der its cover they lay down. Their Mrs. Charles Mackie, and Mrs. promise of Margaret Hooper and Gospel-glutted. I William Heydon rode across heads were no sooner on the Hatfield. Roger Williams. Young Heydon than they heard loud cries Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olson and had long been thinking of the chil country to see Roger Williams. At ground the distant forest. Amos sat dren of the poor who were grow bls fireside he met the distin in daughter Betty Jean were din up and listened. ing up In ignorance. They were guished Thomas Hooker. He sat A loud splashing broke the si ner guests at the Ira Rollins the most pressing problem of the for a day In the company of these lence. home on Thursday evening. colony. There were a number of great, free-minded Puritans who up “Two canoes!" Amos whispered. Mrs. Robert Wood entertained young ladles In Boston like Peggy held the right of the Individual to “The killers have come. It’s sav Weld, with nothing to do. He made find his belief without coercion. He ages driving game toward the lake several friends one evening last a plan for organizing the male chil aroused their enthusiasm by telling on the farther shore," said he. week in honor of her father’s dren of the toilers into groups and of Ills work. That day he saw these “We’re lucky not to he there. A for interesting the young ladies in men chiseling the spiritual blocks band of red men—maybe fifty or birthday. Mr. Monkers is a resi the task of teaching them reading which were to he the foundation more—start miles back about a dent of Heppner, Oregon, but he and writing, tlie love of cleanliness of a structure Immense and won hundred feet apart and drive and his wife plan to spend the derful. They were these: and decency and fair play. “The beginning of authority Is shoreward. The killers are layln’ coming holidys with their daugh Vane gave him hearty support. In canoes on the lake. They have He and William supplied the money the free consent of the governed,” sharp lances o’ Ironwood. When ter. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of for a rough inexpensive structure said the courageous, brown-beard the game takes water they thrust In which the young boys were ed, gray-eyed Hooker, who had the lances to its heart and drag It Portland have been residents in worked his way through Cambridge taught. It was equipped with out. They'll have a big fire and a the Jack Hall home until the re benches and blackboards. The work as a sizar In his college dining fenst down there. If there’s meat turn of Mrs. Hall who has been began and prospered. The seamen, room. “And God knows neither Jew nor enough they'll eat themselves stiff in the hospital the last tw< the goodmen and their wives and sleep for two days. ” brought their children to this haven Gentile, rank nor caste," said the The wild cries were coming near months, She is expected home of new hope. The young ones en Iron-gray, ample mustached Roger the lake. Weird echoes chased one now at any time. Williams. “ The spirit of love man joyed the teaching, the play and the another far and wide In the wooded Mrs. Marion Johnson was hos rewards. Tlie church and the court ifested in the love of a nmn for Ills solitude. Suddenly they ceased. were deeply Interested. The min neighbor Is the big thing. There There was a great splashing in the tess this last week on Thursday isters, deacons and magistrates can be no love of God without it. water below. Then the angry roar to the 500 club. Mrs. McDonald were coming often to see the If neighbors are not lovable we ing of a moose in his death was a new guest present. A astonishing progress of the learn must make them so." struggles and a shrilling "like that lovely luncheon was served at Both agreed that the safety of of ers. Volunteers were offering help. a stampede of demons In the Winthrop said that no better work the colony lay in the education of doorway of hell," to quote from noon. had been done in the New world. the poor. Miss Evelyn Olson of St. Hel- quillet In the diary of Robert William went away encouraged a Heathers, The work was transferred to the The killing went on ens is a guest this week at ths ampler accommodations of the by the friendship of these men. while the beasts groaned and meeting house and Philander Por- Their ideals had given him a new strove, helpless in the water. It S. R. Olson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rollins and man and Daniel Maude — two understanding of life and a new ceased in the space of a few min- learned men—were engaged by the zest for It. Leaving there he took utes. The tumult dimmed to a family of Vernonia were dinner medicine and a nurse to a tribe of low chatter. They heard the crack guests at the Hatfield home on court to do the teaching. who were dying, like rotten ling of fire, and soon, through their Meanwhile William Heydon, out Indians Sunday. of the smallpox. close-knit lattice of pine needles, in the bay with liis boat, had saved sheep, Meanwhile new evidence regard Mrs. Charles Piert and Mrs. two people from drowning. He they could see the glow of Its George Baker accompanied Mrs. was returning in Ids canoe from a Ing Robert Heathers came to Gov flames. ernor Vane. Samp had brought Lyle Baker to Vernonia on last visit to his friend Henry Blaxton. (Continued Next Week) some hint of it to Boston. James He went immediately to their re Rosewell Friday for a shopping tour. had gone up the coast on BUDGET COMMITTEE lief. The panic-stricken pair upset Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Ryves and the tavern ship. He went ashore his canoe and dashed him into RECOMMENDS CHANGE daughter Jean of Vernonia were deep water. Fortunately they were nt the fishing camp where Amos and Robert, fleeing from John not more than a fathom’s length Samp, had set out to cross the wil The county budget committee guests at the Pringle home on from good footing. One of those in its recommendations to the Thursday evening. derness. He suspected that the fu saved was a daughter of the magis A 500 party was given by Mr. was still lingering in that county court at its session last trate, John Haynes. Tlie girl, as gitive fate would have it, clung to the part of the woods. Moreover, defi week, recommended that George and Mrs. Ira Rollins at their home nite word had come to Boston that A. Nelson be appointed county in Vernonia on Saturday evening. rope on William’s neck, while the one Mellowes, In that camp, other was dragged to shallow wa had Edward There were four tables. Mr. and Important Information. Rose fruit inspector. ter in bis left hand. The committee cut the salary Mrs. Bud Adams won first prizes, found him. Tlie next day Vane prevailed well “I won’t go down there and spend of this office from $500 to $300 consolation going to Mrs. Peggy upon the court to pardon him. The a week or two for nothing,” said and cut the county agent’s office Hatfield and Virgil Powell. Lovely rope was removed from his neck Mellowes. “I'm a poor man. 1 $500 and as this sum is matched and again at last he was a citizen. have to work for my living.” “If you have good evidence, I by the state board of agricul He Joined the military company. He visited and helped the poor. Their will see that you have a fair al ture, the cut was in effect $1000. dialect, their droll and rugged hu lowance for your time." If the court follows the sugges Mellowes answered: “While the mor Interested him. The flavor of tion of the committee and it is the soil and the salt sea was in tavern ship was lying here that believed they will, the $300 item it. He became a popular 1 man, time a shallop turned In from Bos and even th? church folk gave him ton. Her captain sold that a man for fruit inspector would be put named Heydon was being tried for into the county agent fund and a welcome in their homes. Peggy Weld and her brother had adultery and was likely to be hung the state would match this am U. S. Royal Cord Tires taken ship to New Amsterdam and in spite of Ills being a blue-blooded ount adding in reality $600 to were going north from there to the gentleman. Tlie young chap, who Shell Products Lake of tile Iroquois and perhaps was with Todkill, said to me: ‘If the county agent’s office, leaving they lmng Heydon they will hans that office with only $400 less to Kebec to find Robert Heathers. Those who could not accept the the wrong man. I know that he Is than last year and in reality do Dependable Mechanics sanctity of all the ancient Hebraic Innocent.’ “ ‘How do you know that?’ I ing away with the fruit inspector teaching were driven out of the col Shop Work Guaranteed ony. The brilliant antlnomaln asked. I reckon he didn't expect to as a separate officer. —Clatskanie Chief. Anne Hutchinson still tarried, hav be questioned. He changed color ing won tlie favor of the ladles of and stammered a little and said: the parish because of her wit and ‘The guilty man ran away that charm. Governor Vane was severe night.' “I didn’t know or care who he ly criticized for giving coun tenance and support to her theories. was. I didn't know when the tav It was evident that even the friend ern ship left Boston. I was spree- ship of the influential women could Ing all night and went up the const fishing next day.” not long delay her exile. Thus a gibbet was being erected Such a quenching of the sparks of contention was not to the taste of for Robert Heathers. the generous John Winthrop. The CHAPTER VIII church was filled with dark say ings—a pretentious babbling as to The Capture. the merits of sanctification and Jus EGGY WELD and her brother tification. took a ship north from New Am Yet every Sabbath a warden sterdam to Fort Orange while Rob drummed the people out of their comfortable homes and balled them ert Heathers and Amos Todkill Camp Eight KCANDLE 41 IN THE s WILDERNESS SftlaAe of tha beginning I aiui Square Deal Service Station P PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON EXTRA MILK and CREAM for your holiday cooking refreshments were served by the hostess at a late hour. Mrs. Charles Lewis has been on the sick list but is recovered enough to be up and around. "Rumor has it that the Women’s club will have a large Community Christmas tree for Camp Eight children. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Adams were visitors at the Earl Pringle home on Monday night. KEASEY The Wolf creek road crew moved up to East Side camp Fri day for a short time. Norman Pettijohn, who has been working on the Wolf creek road, was transferred to Sunset camp Sunday. The teacher is giving a nice program and will have a tree at the school house the 23rd. The school will have 10 days va cation. Mrs. Mendenhall and Mrs. De vaney were in Vernonia Wednes day. Hilbert Young was a Vernonia shopper Wednesday for the road crew. Ted Keasey took a load of po tatoes to town Wednesday. Mayo Pettijohn made a busi ness trip to Sunset camp Sunday. TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS FOR RENT Notice is hereby given that the County Supt. of Columbia County, Oregon, will hold the regular ex amination of applicants for state teachers’ certificates at the Court House, St. Helens, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Dec. 16, CALL FOR WARRANTS 1931 at 9 o’clock a. m. and con Schafer Brothers Timber com tinuing until Saturday, Dec. 19 I have money on hand to pay! pany, operating four mills in Ab- 1931 at 4 o’clock p. m. Appli- the following warrants; General lerdeen and Montesona, Washing cants interested apply at county county funds warrants, registered ton, plan to build another saw superintendent’s office for sched- prior to and including June 10, mill next year in Aberdeen. ule of examination. 1931. Elizabeth C. Murray, Gladys Peterson, For real bargains—watch the County School Supt. | County Treasurer classified columns of the Eagle. 10% OFF Electrical APPLIANCES And Payment February I PERCOLATORS Hotpoint SUPER IRON LESS 10% Hot point AUTOMATIC IRON WAFFLE IRONS the BEST? TOASTERS #3.5« HI 2.50 LESS 10% 12.50^ LESS 10% ¿y/j flufomatuf SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS HI pr LESS 10% .... 8c 4c NEHALEM VALLEY ICE & CREAMERY CO VERNONIA Kll.ll.» Thor Washing Machines New how Price* MILK —Quarts ................ MILK —Pints .................... Whipping cream —^pints Skim milk —per gallon $8.85 LESS 10% why not get Pure rich Pasteurized and raw milk and cream—always sold in sterilized containers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3 and 4 room Modern houses In the County Court of the with bath for rent, also cheap State of Oregon for Columbia er houses. T. B. Mills. (68tf county. FOR RENT—3-room furnished In the matter of the estate of apartment, $15.00 per month. Alexander Sword, Deceased. Roseway Apartments, 916 Rose Notice To Creditors avenue, Mrs. Greenfeldt. (71tf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR RENT—4-room house furn that the undersigned has been ap ished. See 0. H. Drorbaugh, pointed executrix of the estate of 992 Second avenue. (272c Alexander Sword, deceased, by the County Court of the State FOR RENT—3-room furnished of Oregon for Columbia County, house. Apply Mrs. Clara Cleve land, 1024 Columbia St., near and has qualified. All persons Rose avenue. 721* having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re FOR SALE quired, to the undersigned at the FOR SALE—Fir wood of any length desired,, rqalsonable office of W. A. Harris, 523 prices. E. E. Garner, Phone Bridge street, Vernonia, Oregon, 7F155. 72?c within six months from the date hereof. Christine Sword Callendine, LOST AND FOUND Executrix. FOUND—Two small keys, at Dated and first published Nov. State and C streets. Owner 27th, 1931. Last publication, De may have same by paying for cember 25th, 1931. ad. Eagle office. (70tf W. A. Harris, Attorney. PHONE 471 Reduced Price* on ali General Electric Radio» Ch rial ma» Light» and Stringer» Oregon Gas & Electric Co. «22 BRIDGE STREET VERNONIA, OREGON