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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1931)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON " league, even though they were bombarded from all quarters to spend, spend, spend. —Rainier Review. Tintinna PRECIOUS METALS AND Editor’» THE Note: DEPRESSION This is the fourth of a series of articles on Pacific Coast Representative Arthur W. Stypes, Inc. San Francisco Lumber Condition Charted to Improve present business conditions, writ ten for this paper by Dr. Victor J. Morris, professor of economics That condition in lumbering at the University of Oregon. Dr. and pulp making industries in Morris, an authority in his field, Member of National Editorial the Pacific Northwest will soon has made a special study of the begin to improve was the thought present world situation and here Association and Oregon State expressed here Monday by with offers his analysis and some Editorial Association. I Charles L. Wheeler, vice-presi suggestions for the future. The dent of the McCormick Steamship next article will appear soon. Issued Every Friday $2.00, Per Year in Advance company who spent the day in Are gold and silver to blame St. Helens looking over the com Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922. at the post for “hard times”? otiice at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. pany’s interests. Russia’s enormous program of i No business depression ever ar- ___ rives without a revival of interest sxporting pulp, wheat Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; and oil "into lumber, the markets of the in the precious metals. Interest- .egal notices. 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, United States and South America'enough, the present situa- ISc succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. suffered a collapse last month, Uon shows high value of gold and Mr. Wheeler stated, when their |Iow value of silver and proposals available money supply gave out 1° solve the business problem now RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher and they were unable to get! involve lifting the value of silver credit to continue their program., and lowering the value of gold. Careful analysis will show that This collapse was felt almost THE COUNTY BUDGET immediately in the New England (gold is not to blame for the de states where the markets had' pression. Perhaps it is true that How to save money for the taxpayers and at the same been broken by the floods of ex- ' gold production has not been time levy enough to run the county government efficiently, ports dumped there by Russia.' keeping pace with the gradual ex provide for the redemption of an accumulation of outstand States in the oil belt of the pansion which world trade has undergone since 1900. This would ing warrants, and meet the required payments on bonded United States were able to re-| mean gradual appreciation in the sume operations and the wheat indebtedness was a tough problem, but the county budget market was stabilized almost im- value of gold and correspondingly committee and the county court went at their task cour- mediately. subsidence of the price level. It ageously. It is the opinion of Mr. Wheel- could account, however, for on Their five days labor is evidence that the reduction er that lumbering industries will ly a very slowly falling price to normal more slowly I level. When prices recede at of taxes is not a simple matter, to be accomplished by y the , I ’ return * , , because of the surplus on hand in 1 such a drastic rate as they have adoption of a few ready-made suggestions. 1 ------------------ mill8. A curiaiiment Had they acted all mi]ls curtailment 0I of all‘in the last two years gold can- tavorably upon every suggestion on Monday for reduction I Northwest mills will speed up' not be held responsible. of expenses, when the public had the opportunity to pre- 'the return of marketing condi- The other precious metal, sil ver is held responsible for a por sent their requests, scarcely more than a tenth enough topion3 to normal, he stated, tion of our troubles for precisely — St. Helens Sentinel. pay for the redemption of $60,000 of warrants would have I the opposite reason, namely, that been realized, and the budget would have had to be some! it has drastically declined in va $50,000 greater than last year. The $13,509 saving is a lue. Pacific coast business, in terested in the Oriental trade, real accomplishment. has been particularly concerned. China uses silver as the basis for TUSKO THE UNWANTED her monetary system. The de cline in the value of silver has Tusko, once a mere circus elephant, a part of the pass-1 H. J. Southard, resident of St. reduced appallingly the purchasing ing show, as it were, has become a candidate for the Helens since 1912 and prominent power of her silver stock. During elephantine hall of fame, partly because of the desertion in lodge circles died Nov. 30 af the war silver was $1.30 an ter a long illness. ounce; now it is about 30c. The of his former owner, forcing the animal to become for a ******* roads and the general road fund will effect a net saving of $40,- 000 to the taxpayers, according The Review desires to commend to a signed statement of the the work of the Columbia coun members of the budget commit ty budget committee, composed tee. j The budget committee is also of the county court and three appointed members: Judd Green 'to be commended for refusing to man, Clarence c Evenson and Mar levy tl>e amount asked by union These men worked high school board and high school faithfully and diligently for al-[boards of tuition pupils of non- most an entire week in an en- ’ resident districts. The amount deavor to reduce taxation in asked for was $45,425.19 and the Columbia county and at the same amount budgeted was $38,154.00, time permit the various branches a reduction of nearly $9,000.00 of government to function. The >n this item, minute details of their work is | The budget committee further not at hand but will be available | acted in the interest of the tax payers when they reduced the al for us next week. According to County Clerk J.. lowance for the various agents W. Hunt the budget is $13,509.00 of the extension service and less than last year. This, howev thereby effected a saving, even er, does not represent the entire though “infinitesimally small.” It is evident that the budget amount which will ultimately be saved the taxpayers due to fewer, committee was made up of men special district levies. The reduc-’who were willing to heed some of tion in road levies for market i the advice of taxpayers BUDGET COMMITTEE IS COMMENDED Salaries of all city officials in St. Helens have been cut from 10 to 15 per cent under a ruling passed Nov. 30 by the city coun cil. ******* Orville Baker has been elected chancellor commander of Avon lodge, Knights of Pythias, at St. Helens. Oscar G. Weed is vice- commander. * * * • • « • Nels Christensen was elected i noble grand of the Clatskanie | I. O. O. F. lodge last week and Ione Markwell of the Rebekah lodge. ******* _ ______ _____________ _ , -v... PAGE THREE ■* , , Ml KSL (Salt Lake) DAYTIME • • • 44B. Mike” of The Oregon ian said it couldn’t be done » An Ideal for wife, mother or daugh ter. A RINGLETTE PER MANENT will give her pleasure for months and months. She will enjoy, too, the ease of the Ring- lette Process with less heat and less weight. (Jt Art Complete ___ «PJ.UV For the KSL broadcast of the O.S.C.-Utah game was heard clearly in Vernonia from 2 to 4 p. m. last Saturday on a General Electric full range radio in a private home—no stunt or demon stration, and not even trying to get distance. Also KOL, Seattle, from 12 to 2 p. m. same afternoon. Miladv’s The Clatskanie Chief says of the Legion smoker in that city Dec. 2, “Dane Brady, the Verno nia flash, was too much for Hap py Chapman of Chehalis in the main event of the boxing card which was presented at the Peo ples Theatre Wednesday evening before the smallest house of the series of cards.” Beauty Slioppe Tillamook is to have a new court house at a cost of $160,- 000, construction to begin in March, 1932. * a a • a a a Clearing of the right of way for the Wilson river highway was scheduled to start Monday, according to the Tillamook Head light. It is probable, the Head light states, that 60 men in all will be employed. HAY ------------ -------- GRAIN ----------------------- FEED PHONE 681 You are missing a most valu able part of the Eagle if you do not use the classified section. .... silver stock will buy one-fourth | stabilization we add, say five thing to have the value of silver approximately of what it would hundred million dollars to the more stable and at a higher level once buy. It seems a simple pro value of China's existing sliver than at present, but the method posal to lift the price of silver supply, do we not thereby add of achieving this desired end and thereby lift Chinese purchas $500,000,000 a year to her pos- would seem to be to put a genius ing power. Accordingly, the gov sible purchases from ourselves to work finding new economic ernment is urged to call a confer and others? Not at all. We add uses for silver, thus increasing ence to stabilize at some moder ! $500,000,000 to her purchasing the demand for it and lifting its ately high point the value of sil 1 power this year, as any subsidy value. That we may be on the ver. What economic merit does i or gift of a similar amount would, eve of a great change in this this suggestion have? but it would affect no futureJ respeqt seems likely. The future First. Will the world never years unless we annually lift of silver should be left to the learn its lesson on artificial lift the purchasing power of her sil-! laboratory, not to a silver con- ing of the value of a commodity. ver supply by this amount. Can1 ference.x Sugar, rubber, coffee, wheat, — we not learn that continuous pur-1 To blame the precious metals the experience has been uniform. chasing power can come only from| for “hard times” is too easy. Artificially lift the value; there production? The hope of an im-! Search elsewhere for the causes by stimulate production; thereby proved market in China for Am-! of maladjustments. create a still more perplexing sur erican goods lies in gradual stab-] plus problem. There is no reason ilization of her government, not to believe that the experience ( in artificial stabilization of silver; 0*1110 Large cross-cut, drag with silver would differ in any it lies in increased efficiency in vr.Hu and carpenter saws r w gummed, retoothed, essential from the experience production, not in gifts and sub- jointed, set and filed accurate with other commodities. sidies, even though veiled by the ly by machine. Every tooth Second. Would not the rise in proceedings of a “silver confer- cuts. Better work. PORTLAND SAW SERVICE the value of silver lift China’s ence.” 327 E. Morrison St. purchasing power? If by artificial! It might be a highly desirable i Among Our Neighbors • while a ward of the state, partly because of a cold ride from Salem to Portland on a swaying trailer but more es pecially because of ten gallons of “moon” that the beast drank as avidly as any toper his bottle or two. Great was the joy of the wets, no doubt, and consider able the chagrin of the drys, on learning that the aforesaid ten gallons made a new elephant of Tusko, curing him of all his ills, and furnishing him once more with a zest for life. Something like the argument one hears now a days as to the effect that plenty of booze would have in snapping the nation out of its economic depression. Came, however, the “hangover,” such as comes to most humans and some elephants when they have consumed their two bottles or their ten gallons, and it was the drys’ turn to rejoice. Men, elephants, nations all pay the price of too much liquor. Tusko, it may be added, acquired a jag and achieved fame. Therein he differs from humans: men go on jags, and win neither fame nor fortune thereby. . __ All the games you want to hear on a Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 GENERAL ELECTRIC FULL RANGE RADIO Oregon Gas and Electric Company FOR HEADQUARTERS for ELECTRICAL GIFTS for CHRISTMAS 622 Bridge Street Telephone 691 Vernonia Trading Co Agency for McCormick-Deering ------ TRACTORS Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. BAPRFR SHOPS DENTISTS GLENN E. DEAMER ■ BARBER SHOP Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon CARD ROOM DOCTORS PASTIME CARDS Physican and Surgeon LIGHT LUNCHES Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 Lloyd Baker, Prop. CONTRACTORS DR. J. A. HUGHES JOHN A. MILLER Physician General Contractor and Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Mason Work, Building Surgeon Vernonia, Oregon RESTAURANTS BAFFORD BROS. Mary Kato General Plumbing Vernonia C. BRUCE Retail LUMBER Veraoaia, Oregon Parts for all radios either in stock or manufactured to order. House 18, O-A Hill Residence Phone 1061 Marvin R. Eby, M. D. AND Wholesale and Complete RADIO SERVICE I Chop Suey Restaurant OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD STREET Willard Batterie« VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oils . . . Expert Greasing VERNONIA SERVICE STATION TRANSFER — TRUCK CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling CASON TRANSFER 1 Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store