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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1931)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO -J-"---- .. Mr. Reeher’s Room 6-1 I Mary Simmons of La Center, Mrs. Lloyd Baker spent Thurs Washington, has been visiting at day and Friday in Portland. the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Pearse of Portland Mrs. John T. Kirk, whom she has spent the weekend with friends not seen for 23 years. here. Joseph Scott, until recently Ray D. Fisher visited his in the real estate and insurance mother, Mrs. A. N. Fisher, in business here, was in town over Portland Friday. the week end. He has not yet Mrs. Essie Nance of Hood decided upon a location. River was a Vernonia visitor from Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nance and Friday to Sunday. son Buster, Lloyd Nance and Ruth Holaday spent the week Roy Hadley of Hood River spent end at the home of her sister, Saturday and Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Nance and Mrs. M. D. Cole. friends. Harold Nelson, who has been four weeks ill in bed, is report- Fancy work, cooked foods, etc., ed somewhat better. on sale Saturday at the Evangel A Tisdale has gone to Ever- ical Church W. M. S. bazaar, ett, Washington to spend the Dixie Grill building, at prices within range of all, despite the remainder of the winter. Adv. depression. Wm. Hammack was in Port often causes Eye strain land Tuesday for examination nervousness, headaches, at the Veterans’ hospital. $2 reduction (for cash) Thieves Monday night stole sev on all glasses sold until Xmas. eral chickens and quantity of See Dr. Kellogg, now at Kull- Adv. grain from Mrs. Rose Sitts. ander’s Jewelry Store. Rev. G. W. Plumer made a trip W. L. Van Doren, R. M. Aid- to Longview, Kelso and Portland rich, Harry Culbertson and Earl Tuesday, returning Wednesday. Smith went to St. Helens Tuesday of last week to visit the K. P. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hughes lodge. P. A. Dickson of St. Helens and daughter Jean visited friends was a visitor at the K. P lodge in Portland over the week end. in Vernonia Monday night. $2.00 reduction on all glasses P. M. Kelso, who has been •fitted until Xmas. See Dr. Kellogg visiting at the home of Mr. and now at Kullander’s Jewelry store. Mrs. N. S. Soden for two weeks, Adv. left for Portland Tuesday. He Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bleile and expects to leave for Prince Geo Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl witnes rge, B. C. within a few days, sed the big football game in Port where he will be employed. land Saturday. Mrs. J. A. McDonald, who has George W. Roberts of Astoria, been in Grants Pass for several general agent of the Union Paci weeks with her daughter, Mrs. fic railroad, was in town Wednes- E. J. Bell, and new grandson, day on business. Rodney Lachlan, returned home Mrs. Fred Veith and son Fred- Sunday. Mrs. Bell has not been die left Monday morning for well since the birth of her son Vancouver, Wash., to spend the about a month ago. The baby is getting along fine. week with relatives. i Mrs. W. E. Bell left Tuesday A tree that fell across the telephone line near F. B. War evening for Grants Pass to be field’s Wednesday afternoon in- with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bell, un terupted service a few hours. til after Christmas. She will also A silver thaw was experienced visit with her daughter, Mrs. by Lloyd Baker on a business trip Paul MeDuffee and family in to Hood River Friday, He reports Medford. Mr. Bell plans to join seeing Lee Schwab and Mark Mrs. Bell in Southern Oregon Moe there. for a family reunion at Christ Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman, mas time. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richardson 4-H Club Leaders to Meet and Herbert Holyfield attended in Port- the O.S.C.-Utah game Geo. A. Nelson land Saturday. A regular meeting of the 4-H Earl Smith and W. L. Van club leader’s council will be held Doren went to see their respec Saturday, December 12, in St. tive physicans in Portland Tues- Helens, at the John Gumm school, day. Mrs. Smith and Floyd ac- at 10:30 A. M. H. C. Seymour, state club companied them. leader, will be the special speaker, The Ladies Aid of the Christ- who will discuss questions of in ian church will elect officers terest to the leaders. December 16. Everybody invited Leaders new in club work in to attend. The meeting will be Columbia county are particularly held in the church. urged to attend. XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH3 Practical Gifts are H It s a real thrill to any housewife to receive on Christmas morning things that will make work easier and her home more modern. In our selection for Christ mas you’ll find just such gifts — electrical appli ances, kitchen utensils and other practical sug gestions. H ELECTRIC CLOCK H WAFFLE IRON H H TOASTER H COFFEE PERCOLATOR H H H H H H $8“ $5W $3” $276 CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS 8 Lamps 98c ELECTRIC $3’5 IRON Unlimited Guarantee Hoffman Hdwe. Co FOR BARGAINS—SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT Beauty of Oregon to be U. O. Textliook The pupils on the honor roll are Doris Nixon and La Verne Thompson. Doris Nixon, 1 Ma va Williams, EVANGELICAL CHURCH LaVerne Thompson, Bertha Thom pson, Ruby Condit, Cecilia Gough, G. W. Plumer Pa*tor Wilbur Wridge, Fred Erven, The Sunday school hour is Elizabeth Wall received 100 in 9:45 a. m. The Reds are in the spelling. lead. Cooking Class Organized School in charge of W. W. Cooking II has been organized i under the leadership of Miss Wolff. The pastor will have as his Pfister. The club name is Rink- subject for 11 a. m. “The Life ydinks II. The officers were elected as that Now Is.” follows: Lolamae Smith, presi The Junior choir practice 6 dent; Geraldine George, vice- p. m. Senior Endeavor 6:45 p. m. president; Margaret Byers, sec The 7:30 p. m. theme will be retary; Thelma Lincoln, reporter. “The Life that is to come”. The members are Thelma Lin The annual Bazaar by the coln, Lolamae Smith, Geraldine Woman’s Missionary Society will George, Jeanne Hughes, Nadine be Saturday Dec. 12 at 9 a. I m. Mid-week services Thursday 7 Aldrich, Florence Austin, and Margaret Byers. P- m. Choir practice 7:45 p. m. 1' - - . ------ _ Just Eight Club At Mrs. Fletcher’s Mrs. Rose Fletcher entertained members of the Just Eight Bridge club and guests at her apart- menta on Thursday evening of last week. Following play, in which Mrs. W. J. Armitage received the prize for high score, Mrs. Fletcher served a lunch of crab salad, hot rolls, olives and coffee. Those present were Mrs. Armi tage, Mrs. W. M. Henderson, Mrs. J. A. Hughes, Mrs. J. L. Timmons, Mrs. Harry Kerns, Mrs. Lola Nance, Mrs. Mary Nelson and Mrs. Dan Brown. Look around. Perhaps you have something to sell or trade that will cost you only a few cents to advertise in the Eagle classified columns. CHRISTIAN CHURCH >Iist F. Dowling An experiment in the promotion of the intelligent appreciation ot natural beauty will bo conducted by the University of Oregon next summer, with Crater Lake as headquarters. The work will be financed by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C., which has already made the University its base for other extensive researches. Above is shown Crater Lake, world famous beauty spot of Oregon, and the men who will have charge of the work. Left to right, Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president of the University; Ralph W. Leighton, research fellow; Robert II. Seashore, professor of psychology; and Nowland B. Zane, professor of painting. Smith; Detective Kern, Stanley Oveson; Mrs. Sharp, Frances Bergerson. The following pupils have had Miss Hilt’* Room, 8-1 100 in spelling for the past Pupils on the honor roll fori week: Florence Austin, Frances the past six weeks were ' Toshi Bergerson, Hawley Counts, Willa Kuge, Elbert Brock, Hazel Tom- Crowder, Robert Culver, Pearl lin and Willa Crowder. Faught, Toshi Kuge, Geraldine Pupils neither absent nor George, Kenneth Lewis, Thelma tardy since school started are Lincoln, Stanley Oveson, Lucille Geraldine George, Betty Lee, Lindberg, Erma Thompson and Pearl Faught, Erma Thompson, Margaret Byers. Florence Austin, Eleanor Edens, Mr. Spring'* Room, 8-2 Lolamae Smith, Thelma Lincoln, Louise Wilson moved away Elbert Brock, Harold Cason, last week. Robert Culver, Thurman DeHart, Alice Hoffman, Eva Chambers, Toivo Eloranta, Toshi Kuge and Bobbie King, Josephine Hall, Kenneth Lewis. Jack Graney, James Burke, Leon Orchestra members from this Brock, George Crawford, Alice room are Elbert Brock, who plays Baker, Patricia Baker, Harry the trumpet, and Toivo Eloranta, Colson and Burnie Weaver re violin. ceived 100 in spelling. Mr*. Sandon’s Room, 7 This grade is giving a play On the honor roll are Hazel and the girls will sing a song at the coming assembly, December Chapman and Martha Middle- 11. The play is entitled “Sus brook. Zelma Hambly has been absent pended Animation.” The cast is as follows: Dr. for two weeks but is back now. Those who received 100 in Blake, a physical!, Toivo Eloran ta; Mrs. Blake, Hazel Tomlin; spelling are Bonnie Buff mire, Jack Marshal, medical student, Hazel Chapman, Ted Davis, Le Robert Culver; George N. Sharp, one Fotsch, Lorraine Harper, a patient, Elbert Brock; Miss Delphia Killiam, Dorothy Oveson, Winters, a patient, Lolamae Doris Phillis, Rachel Throop, School Notes Jones spent the week end at his home in Vernonia. Mr. Shoffert and Lauretz Aamodt were making some new fence around the school yard the last of the week. Frank Wilson moved his fam ily down from Vernonia last week to the Lewis Bachman residence. Mr. Wilson has bought the Gamble outfit up by Aamodt’s place, and expects to start oper ations this week. Geo. VanVleet was away a couple of days this week on bus iness. Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick and her brother Kenneth Smith were Portland visitors Friday. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers and Irene DeRock and Mrs. Harding were Vernonia movie visitors on Tues- day evening. Geo. Jones and Austin Dowling are falling timber for Riggle Logging company. Jim Spike is doing the bucking of the logs and filing the saws. The Geo. Van Vleet truck drivers went to Vernonia Sunday and brought the county trucks down and hauled rock to patch up places on the road, ready to resume hauling this week. Mrs. Jesse George is at home from Vernonia for awhile. Her daughter, McClendon is Claude Mi nister Stephen* Sunday Announcement for Dec. 13 in services that will please. 9:45 a. m. Bible School. With interesting features. 10:45 a. m. Divine Morning Worship. Theme “A Vision that Transformed the Ages.” 6:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. Services for the closing day that will appeal to you. Theme “The Prophet of Fire.” keeping house for the George children in Vernonia. John Schlippy has been doing some carpenter work inside of his residence. Joseph Banzer and sons George and Dave were shopping in the village Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Patrick spent a couple of days visiting her mo ther at Goble last week. The teachers are working on a program to be given the Wednes day afternoon before Christmas. Raymond McGee has traded automobiles, and now has a light coupe. Agency for STATE LAUNDRY CO. hotel at M c D onald Laundry and Dry Cleaning Pick-up Tues.—Deliver Fri. PEARLO1L Heating THAN NOW CHEAPER EVER TO ENJOY Always a bigger dollar’s worth of winter warmth— re-refined Pearl Oil —now available everywhere in the new refillable can—is more of an economy than ever! Buy Pearl Oil for cozy heat — wherever you set your kerosene heater —all winter long. Buy it five gal-. Ions at a time. When the can is empty—return it to your dealer for repeated re fillings at bulk prices. Get more for your money with clean-burning Pearl Oil — finest quality kerosene. Remember that even in the best heaters, it’s the oil that supplies the heat. “Coal oil” or “kerosene” may mean any kind of kerosene —SAY TO YOUR DEALER -Pearl Oil” ---------- DEALERS ---------- SAFEWAY STORES VERNONIA MARKET R. A. SIMMONS HOME GROCERY RIVERVIEW ,SERVICE STATION VERNONIA BRAZING 4 MACHINE WORKS NEHALEM MARKET Specials for Fri. and Sat NUTS SPINACH Fancy new crop — ALMONDS — NE PLUS NIGGER TOES BRAZILS YOUR Q LBS. Choice FOR Gold Bar — Fancy Cali fornia broadleaf, 21/2’s. MALT Burnett’s— Pure. Right for Christmas baking. SOUP Campbell’s Tomato Soup glows with sunny flavor Tomatoes Alta Villa — The brand that repeats. CAN Household — New crop seedless. Rich in nature’s iron. Currants 11c PACKAGE 31c KARO Pure Com Syrup. 5-lb. Linit — For laundry or bath. 18c BLUE LABEL 9c RED LABEL 39C 41c PRODUCE MEAT 2-LBS. DATES lb. 12c lb 18c HAMBURGER lb. 18c 2 lbs. 25c SAUSAGE 2 lbs. 25c WEINERS PACKAGE STARCH Otter Brand — Fancy Zante for the Christinas fruit cake. 11-oz. Pkg. ROUND STEAK Mother’s — Large 55-oz. Package, Quick. A piece of China in each package Otter Brand — Fancy— Right in season, l’s CAN 31c Rolled Oats OYSTERS 30c BEEF ROAST BOTTLE 49c CAN RAISINS PACKAGE VANILLA Extract Miller’s High Life—Hop flavored barley malt syr up. Large Can. 10c 15c CAN 24c 6 No. 2 Pkgs. Layer FIGS 25c SWEET POTATOES 4-lb. 15c i NAVEL ORANGES — 288’» Doz...... 15c S’0»2........ 28c 2-Combs LOCAL HONEY 25c Nehalem Market & Grocery (Incorporated) HZHZHZHZHZHZHXHXHXHXHXHX» . _ - -