u of 0 VOLUME IX. Engaging Of City Attorney Is Postponed Council Approves Text of Resolution for Budget The matter of engaging a city attorney was laid on the table until the next meeting by the W. city council Monday night. W. Dillard, of St. Helens, who WM present, agreed to accept the position if tendered him, for the amount budgeted, $400, and his proposition is under consider ation by the council. Resolution Approved VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1931. LAKE REPORTED ADAPTED FOR FISH The President’s Message J. H. Bush, F. D. Macpherson and Emil Messing made a trip to Lost lake Monday morning to see about the feasibility of stocking it with fish. They report the lake to be as large as the O.-A. mill pond and deeper, with plenty of feed to support a lot of fish. At present, they report, there are no fish in the lake at all, which they describe as a nice little body of water high upon a mountain. It is fed, as far as can be noticed, by one little stream which trickles in, and apparently has an underground outlet, for the level of the lake remains about the same through- out the year, Mr. Messing states, and is not dependent on amount of rainfall at any ticular time. NUMBER 72. TUITION FUND REDUCTION HIT The St. Helens school board decided Tuesday night to make a formal protest against the re duction of the high school tuition fund in the budget for 1932. $45,425.19 was asked of the budget committee by Miss Eliza beth Murray, Columbia county school superintendent, who held that amount necessary to care for the 225 pupils registered in non union districts. The budget com mittee allowed $38,154 which is $7,271.19 short of the require ments. Alex Kerr, chairman of the school board, and H. B. Ferrin, city superintendent of schools, will present the protest to the county court at an early date. Two Vernonia Boys On Âll-Stars Secondary Road Comfortable Margin Lost By Leaders Indoor Baseball Series Becomes Closer Race Team Athletics Teachers Outlaws Federate W .... .... .... .... ..... .... .... ..... 3 2 2 1 L 1 2 2 3 Pet. .750 .500 .500 .250 Score» Thia Week Teachers 13, Athletics 3 Outlaws 9, Federáis 6 A resolution calling for an el In two of the prettiest games ection on the budget December Two Vernonia players were of the indoor season, the Teach Designation Delayed 28, incorporated in the minutes, picked by Dr. A. C. Bailey, con ers upset the Athletics Tuesday was read and approved. The text ference referee, for the county 13 to 3 and the Outlaws took is as follows: all-star football team. They are the Federate 9 to 6 Wednesday. Selection of secondary roads Graven, tackle, and George, full. These games are believed to be “Whereas, it has been ascer for Columbia county will not have tained from the detailed estimates to be made this month in order Others on the first team as records for lew score games. Al of receipts and expenditures of to assure receiving the county’s picked by Dr. Bailey are Bar- though still in top position of the City of Vernonia, in Colum- share of the funds, declares Com- chus, Rainier, and Kemnitz, St. the league race, the Athletics bia County, State of Oregon, for missioner T. B. Mills. According Helens, ends; Smith Rainier, don’t have that old comfortable the year 1932 and to be ex-| to the secondary road act passed tackle; Garcia, St. Helens, and margin that they had a week ago tended on the 1931 tax rolls that at the last session of the legis- Michek, Scappoose, guards; Mor and another loss for them and a said municipality will require the lature the selection and designa- ton, St. Helens, center; Jowdy, win for either the Teachers or ALDRICH HEADS sum of $4,756.57 for all munici tion of such roads shall be made COLLISION SHOWS Rainier, quarter; Korpela, St. the Outlaws during the coming pal purposes, over and above the “during or prior to the month and Oliver, St. Helens, week will make quite a change LIQUOR POSSESSION PYTHIAN LODGE Helens, in the picture. estimated receipts from other of January, 1932.” halves. sources, property taxation: and, The idea of forming two The law also allows the state Nanson of Vernonia was nam Collision between two cars R. M. Aldrich was elected “Whereas, under authority of highway commission to designate Friday night at State and Bridge chancellor commander of the lo ed by Dr. Bailey as quarter on leagues has now been abandoned the constitution and laws of the additional secondary roads after streets resulted in the discovery cal Knights of Pythias lodge at the second team. Others are and the present league will con said State of Oregon, the said city wards at its discretion, Mr. Mills of six bottles of beer in one of Clarence Coyle and Clinton J. its meeting Monday night. Ray Disdero, St. Helens, and Bus tinue until Christmas after which council of said municipal corpor states. the cars, and the arrest of the! Emmerson, both of Newberg, are ( Mills was elected vice chancellor, trim, Rainier, ends; Lusk, St. the teams of the proposed Divi ation can levy only the sum of | under arrest for arson, following James Nanson, prelate, Dr. M. Helens, and Stevens, St. Helens, sion B league will be thrown in The county court has been driver. $1,758.43 and no more, for said waiting, Mr. Mills says, for desig- A car in which two boys were i investigations as to the cause of i D. Cole, master-at-wark, Harry tackles; Freeland, St. Helens, and with the Division A league to year, and that the levy of the nation of the road to the coast, l riding made too wide a turn at j the fire in the building above Culbertson, keeper of records Olsen, Scappoose, guards; Haug- make a six or eight team league balance, to wit: the sum of $4,- so that the secondary road sys- the intersection, and crashed in-1 Miller's Barber shop in this .city and seals, N. S. Soden, master-at- eberg, Rainier, center; McGlinn, and a new start will be made. Commencing this week a small 756.57 if levied and collected tern would tie up with the state to a car driven by Marshall November 16. Coyle the owner, arms, Earl Smith, master of ex St. Helens, and Knopka, Rainier, Malmsten. Marshal Harry G. I is alleged to have hired Emmer- chequer, E/ S. Thompson, outer halves; Oleen, Clatskanie, full. admission charge will be made at must be authorized by the legal highway. voters of said City of Vernonia, The probability is, he adds, Phelps, hearing the crash from Ison to set the place afire. Em- guard, and W. L. Van Doren, in Concerning the Vernonia team the door for all games. Players Oregon, now, therefore, be it that designation of the road to down town, investigated and merson is said to have made a ner guard. Dr. Bailey said: “Vernonia, with wil? not have to pay if their team hereby There was confession implicating Coyle. the coast may not be made for found the liquor. a new coach, Tucker, of Pacific membership has been paid up. In the game Wednesday even “Resolved by the city council several months yet, on account iiowever, no accusation that the Indications of incendiarism were | Sheep and Wool university, was represented by the Outlaws started the fire of the City of Vernonia, Colum of the preliminary surveys now driver was intoxicated. brought to the attention of the Growers Convene a well coached team. They will ing, works by jumping out and get bia County, Oregon, that the under way, and the secondary The boy was fined $25.00 by state fire marshal, and as several bear watching next year”. question of authorization of th® road program may have to be Recorder D. B. Reasoner, and be- persons reported that Emmerson About 35 were present at the He regards St. Helens, Rain ting four runs in the very first levy of said sum of $4,756.57 made out in advance in order to cause of lack of funds was al- was acting suspiciously after the session of the Columbia County ier and Vernonia as having the inning to give them a good sized The Federate retaliated taxes in excess of the amount now secure the needed funds for the lowed, by permission of the city discovery of the fire, he was Sheep and Wool Growers asso- best prospects next year. Al lead. authorized to be levied for the county. council Monday night, to furnish traced to Newberg a week ago ciation in the Masonic Temple though Rainier loses many of with three in their half of the year 1932, and to be extended its value in wood delivered at the Thursday and there arrested after Thursday. their best men they must be second, being one short of tying upon the tax rolls of said County the marshal had recognized a Speakers included Emil Ludwig reckoned with as long as Twit the score. From then on, how city hall. ever, the Outlaws retained their compiled for the year 1931, be N. Chambers Home Nobody was injured in the col parked truck meeting the des of Portland, Stanley Jewett of ehell is in charge, he believes. lead by getting a run in the third lision, but the cars were some cription of the one driven by the U. S. Biological survey, H. and the same is hereby submit- and two each in the fifth and Emmerson when in Vernonia. J. Turner of the S. P. and S. Ainsworth, Klein what damaged. ted to the legal voters of said Destroyed by Fire Emmerson, when questioned by Railway company, and others. City of Vernonia, for their adop- In Town Thursday sixth innings. After garnering three runs in the second the Feds the marshal is alleged to have A full account of the meeting tion or rejection at a special McNEILL ELECTED The house of Nelson Chambers been inconsistent in his replies will appear in next week’s Eagle. J. C. Ainsworth, chairman of were blanked until the sixth when city election to be held in said MASTER OF LODGE at to when he was last in Ver city on the 28th day of Decem- on Corey Hill was gutted by the state highway commission and they marked up a score each in ber, 1931, as in this resolution, fire shortly after six o’clock Roy A. Klein, chief engineer, the sixth, seventh and eighth in K. A. McNeill was elected nonia, and after having been i- W. M. S. BAZAAR Saturday morning and the fur worshipful master, seen and be it further ‘ dentified as to the man were in Vernonia Thursday af nings. HELD TOMORROW E. E.l «' Resolved that a special city nishings destroyed. The flames was ternoon, stopping off while en ¡here at the time if the fire, The Federate were getting lots Yeo senior warden, Emil Mess election is hereby appointed to be spread so rapidly that Mrs. ing junior warden, W. E. Bell taken to St. Helena. The Woman’s Missionary society route from St. Helens to Forest of hits Wednesday but they held in said City of Vernonia, Chambers had to be helped out secretary and A. L. Kullander Following the purported con- of the Evangelical church will Grove. While here they confer weren’t hitting when hits meant Columbia County, Oregon, on the of a bedroom window. The child treasurer of Vernonia lodge 184, fession of Emmerson, Coyle was hold a bazaar tomorrow in the red with Engineer Hollis Libby. runs. Bateman, doing the hurl 28th day of December, 1931, be ren, who were in another room, A. F. and A. M., Thursday even arrested Friday, and bail was building formerly occupied by ing for the Feds was inclined to tween the hours of one o’clock got out without difficulty. be a little wild while Malmsten fixed at $3,000 by Judge P. the Dixie Grill. ing. The fire is believed to have p. m. and six o’clock p. m. of for the Outlaws had nice control Fancy work, cooked food and There will be a joint install Hill at Vernonia. Emmerson’s said day, and that the question been caused by an overheated ation with Nehalem chapter, O. was fixed at $1,000. Both are other items will be on sale, be- at all times. Nance and Nissen of authorizing the said tax in stove which ignited a partition E. S„ December 21. were the leading run getters for ginning at 9 a. m. now out on bail. the sum of $4,756.57 over and between the kitchen and living the Outlaws with two apiece The date of the preliminary above the amount now permitted room. Mr. Chambers had gone Mrs. Tapp Becomes while Jack Bush led the scoring hearing, scheduled originally for Loyal Gleaners by the constitution and the laws back to bed after starting a fire for his team with a pair of runs Tuesday has been postponed un Elect Officers of the State of Oregon, be and in the stove, and on account of Social Club Head to his credit. til a time to be agreed upon by the same is hereby submitted to a closed door the blaze was not The annual election of officers, A court session was held on Judge Hill and Coyle's attorney, The score by innings: Mrs. J. E. Tapp was elected the legal voters of said City of noticed until it was too late to and a Christmas tree with gifts the bank corner Tuesday after Outlaws ............ 401 022 000—9 Walter J. Tome of Portland. president, Mrs. H. E. McGraw save anything. Vernonia, Oregon, for their adop were features of the Loyal Glean noon. The verdict of the jury, Federate .......... 030 001 110—6 vice president, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, tion or rejection.” er’s meeting at the home of Mrs. after several hours deliberation, Batteries: Malmsten and Davis; I The department made a speedy secretary and Mrs. J. L. Timmons Phil Taylor Wednesday afternoon. was that it was too long to wait, Bateman and Macpherson. The resolution as read also in run to the fire, and as there The new officers for the com and everybody went home. cluded the ballot wording, and were two hydrants near by had treasurer at the Nehalem Social GENERAL BUSINESS ing vear are Mrs. E. Knight, pres the appointment of W. J. King two lines directed at the flames, club at the regular meeting held For Buster Creek Wednesday at the home of Mrs. ident; Mrs. Alma DeHart, vice- The patrons at Lloyd Baker's and C. W. Reithner as judges of which they subdued in a few CONDITIONS BETER president; Mrs. A. S. Kostur, sec- pool hall are not complaining of election, E. F. Messing, Leia Hol minutes time. The house was R. D. Fisher. It was reported SAYS K. A. McKNEILL that Mrs. S. A. Morton had un men gutted however, before the tham and Leona McGraw clerks. i The surveying crew under En-jretary; and Mrs. Phil Taylor, lack of heat this cold weather. dergone an operation in St. Vin- arrived. gineer H. N. Hackett which haa treasurer. Les Sheeley parks himself by Business conditions as he finds Insurance Renewed The loss is covered by $1,000 cents hospital that morning. been working out of Vernonia To Mrs. R. A. Olson, honor the stove, lays down his new«- them in traveling over the state The city council renewed in insurance, according to report The afternoon was spent sew on the preliminary survey for the guest of the afternoon, the mem peper whenever he feels a lull are improving, says K. A. Mc surance on the city hall for three made to the fire department. ing for the Masonic and Eastern road to the coast completed theirbers presented a friendship quilt in the heat, and chucks more Kneill. He notices an optimistic years at the rate of $6.70. Friday afternoon the depart Star home. Light refreshments locations in this vicinity last made by themselves with their feeling on the part of business The bill of the city fire depart ment was called out by a chim were served by Mrs. Fisher and weekend, and left Monday for names embroidered on the blocks. men who six months ago thought ment foT the fire at the Coyle ney fire at the Gordon hotel. No Mrs. A. J. Hughes. Mrs. F. D. I Buster Creek camp. I Mrs. Olson, now living in St. Hel- The city council meeting Mon there was no hope. building, $16.00, and the laundry damage was done. Macpherson poured and the tea They will be there only a short ens, was until recently a member day night was enlivened by the Mr. McKneill was home from $5.00, was ordered reduced by table was attractively decorated time, says H. Libby, engineer in'of the class. presence of six bottles of booze Thursday to Tuesday this trip. TO MOVE HERE 20 per cent until further order with green foliage in a red basket charge of the Vernonia-Ham-, Mrs. Taylor served a lunch of on the table, right under the al- of the councit Mr. and Mrs. Lyle J. Baker and red candles. A bottle-cap let and Wolf creek surveys, and j salad, cheese wafers, and tea to dermanic noses. and Mrs. C. F. Baker of Water The following were present: within a few days will move to ¡ the guests who included Mrs. key was produced from the audi DOES CLASSIFIED ST. HELENS MILL CLOSES town, S. D., are moving to Ver 1 Olson, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Kostur, ence, and expectancy rose to a Mrs. L. H. Roberson, Mrs. E. E. Tideport and work this wsy. ADVERTISING PAY? The McCormick Lumber com nonia, and are expected to arrive Yeo. Mrs. K. A. McNeill, Mrs. A. ' Mrs. DeHart, Mrs. Sam Smith, high pitch till Judge Reasoner pany’s mill at St. Helens closes Saturday, after stopping en route L. Kullander, Mrs. C. F. Hieber, F. D. Macpherson, deputy grand Mrs. George Stankey, Mrs. Ray ordered Harry Phelps to take the A lady who advertised in Saturday indefinitely, according with relatives in Los Angeles. Mr. Mrs. E. A. Green, Mrs. T. M. master of the Oregon grand charlesworth, Mrs. Charline liquor out to the wash room and the classified columns of a to an announcement this week. Baker is a brother of Lloyd Ba Crawford, Mrs. W. T. Lilly, Mrs. lodge, A. F. and A. M„ paid an gmith( Mrg. Nola Brady, Mrs. pour it down the drain. Harry recent issue of the Eagle Mr, Ai,el Lo]leyi carried the bottles out two by About 165 men will be thrown ker of Vernonia and Mrs. C. F. J. E. Tapp, Mrs. J. L. Timmons. official visit to the Clatskanie Cora a furnished house for rent out of employment for the time Baker is their mother. Masonic lodge Tuesday evening. ' Bnd Mr>. George Laird. two, and brought them back with reports that she had five For a time they will make their H. D. Eggleston, who was in Emil Messing accompanied him. ' There will be no meeting "f nothing in but the smell and being. applicants as a direct re home with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd jured in the stomach several Mrs. D. C. Ryves was the re the group again until January 13. the froth. Ben Cline sat nearest sult of the ad. The Evangelical church will Baker, but expect soon to rent a weeks ago while cranking a car, cipient of the 20 pounds of to where Harry set them down, Five chances—one ad. hold its annual business meeting house, Their furniture arrived returned home from the hospit prunes given away by the Safe Mrs. B. A. Vickrey made a and got the benefit of the smell Did it pay? late last week by train. next Wednesday at 7 p. m. al Wednesday. way stores last week. trip to Portland Wednesday. if not the froth. Clarence Coyle Held for Arson Feathers . . . and.. .Talons