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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1931)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX Athletict Keep on Top By Good Comfortable Margin of county affairs, that the county LOWER COLUMBIA is being well managed and that all j I * ASSOCIATION TO MEET DECEMBER 11 of the county officials are en- ■ W. M. S. Entetrains titled to commendation for the The meeting of the Lower Co generally good condition of their Looks like our prediction ol lumbia associated chambers of departments.” (Continued from page 1.) the team to win Division A of commerce has been definitely set Road Situation Not Serious the indoor league is all wet. How boys and victory for the Athletic ’ for Friday, December 11, at In commenting on the budget, ever, the season is young yet club. Ridgefield, Wash. The Ridgefield Commissioner T. B. Mills remark Except for a few fielding er ’ Community club are arranging a ed that though the cut in road and anything can happen. —o- - rors on the part of the Federals 1 fine program of entertainment levies is heavy, the county will Wonder where Tom Bateman the game was well played through and food and hope for a good get $22,000 from the state for gets all of these good catchers out and the final outcome was 1 representation from the Oregon maintenance of secondary high- ! to sign up. Each succeeding until the bell rang end in doubt side as well as from Washington. ways and about $30,000 automo- ! ~ u>"’“ 8e7ms t0 7ook“'a”lïttiZ Both Bateman 1 ing the game. Mayor E. I. Ballagh of St. Hel- bile license money will be allotted better than the previoU8 one and Ray pitched in excellent ’ ens will take his boat, the “Grace” to the county. style, Ray’s support being much 1 across from St. Helens at 6:00 The umpiring in Wednesday’s better than Bateman’s. Don Hol o’clock sharp. All those who want game was handled in good shape tham was easily the star of the ! to attend the Ridgefield meeting by Bill Van Doren and Mills. evening for the Athletics, field may go with him at that time if 1 O~— ing many difficult chances at ’ they show up at the dock at five Inversely, we understand that first base without a bobble and or a little before. It is but a somebody nearly started a riot batting in equally excellent fash short run across the river and at the Tuesday game when some Meetings, social events, ath ion scoring three of the A’s 12 will not take over a half hour. body else didn’t agree with one of runs. Larry Marshall also played There is room for about 136 letic contests, charity sales, etc., the ump’s decision. good ball for the winners, field people on the boat. Cars can be of community interest or public ing in good shape and also scor left at St. Helens and picked up benefit will be listed under this Wonder why Bert Tisdale and head free of charge. This offer his Legion team don’t show up ing three runs. on the return. There were no real outstanding does not include enterprises for Those who want to attend from when they are supposed to ???? stars for the Federals, the boys the down-river part of the county private gain, or mention of ad- — o— of this team as usual, played on can either cross the Longview mission or other fees. Said one of the teachers to an- a par. However, the catching of bridge or come to St. Helens other and so on down the line Pythian Sisters bazaar and Woodeage was well done and and take the boat. Tuesday night, “Boys we can’t dinner. Saturday, Dec. 5, form- probably stood out above the Vernonia, Scappoose and St. continually be humiliated by these playing of the rest of his team Helens will find it much more er Mellinger store. mugs beating us all the time, Womans day program, Christ let’s get organized and win a mates. Bateman, Jenson and Jor convenient to make connections ian church, Sunday Dec. 6, 7:30 dan were high score men for the with the boat trip. game for a change,” and darned losers, each getting a pair of The resolution committee of the p. m. if they didn’t. Athletic club meeting and soc markers. L. C. A. C. C. will meet at 5:30, The score by innings follows: the board will meet at 6:00, and ial, Campfire cabin, Tuesdaly, Too many Mills in this indoor Federals ......... 012 003 500—11 the dinner will be at 7:00 or Dec. 8, 8 p. m. league. We can’t keep track of Indoor baseball, Teachers vs. them all. Athletics ........ 103 301 121—12 shortly after. Batteries: Bateman and Wood The Ridgefield people have Athletics Dec. 8; Federals vs. —o— eage; Ray and Drorbaugh. And now for the big football promised to feature their famous Outlaws Dec. 9, Legion hall. Loyal Gleaners Christmas meet game in Portland tomorrow. baked potatoes in this dinner. City Budget Limit President George Ford and Sec ing and election of officers, Wed CARD OF THANKS retary K. C. Batchelder have as nesday, Dec. 9. at Mrs. Phil Tay ation Voted Down signed Barney Garrett, secretary lor’s, 23 Arkansas Ave. We wish to express our ap Nehalem club, Dec. 9, at Mrs. of the Columbia county chamber preciation for the words of sym (Continued from page 1.) of commerce, the task of urging Ray D. Fisher’s, 925 Rose Avenue. pathy, for the beautiful flowers Vernonia Study club at Mrs. attendance on the part of people the legal issues involved. and for the kindly assistance dur from the Oregon side of the riv C. W. Reithner’s, Thursday, Dec- ing the recent illness and death Situation Serious If permission to exceed the er. He states that there has al 10. Columbia County Sheep and of our wife and mother. limitation is refused at the elec ways been a fine delegation com Elon E. Malmsten. Goat association, Dec. 10, 10 a. tion December 28 the plight of ing to the Oregon towns in which Leroy E. Malmsten the city will be serious. The the meetings have been held and m. Masonic Temple. Gladys E. Knauss. School District 47 budget meet $1,758.43 levy which would then asks that each member group from ing Dec. 11, Washington Grade be allowed the city could not pay the Oregon shore get out as many for even the minimum required members as possible to show that school, 8 p. m. Evangelical church W. M. S. we can travel away from home functions. As the item of street lights as well as the Washington people. bazaar Dec. 12, former Dixie If you want pictures Grill. alone would use up almost the 1 in your advertising, entire amount of the base levy. Cuts Made in 1932 Clyde Jordan was called to I it is probable, according to indi-1 Budget For County his home in Independence Thurs • we have them @ vidual members of the council,1 day noon by the illness of his (Continued from Page 1) that there can be no street lights the entire year, and the! . ■ . , , , mother. streets will be in entire darkness ' 'varrant •ndebtedness, the total Eugene Shipman returned on after nightfall. The city library ; ^’t was reduced 4 per cent, Thanksgiving day from the Vet would also have to be discon-1 ™,s r,ed.uc.t,10n’ ^ompamed by eran's hospital in Palo Alto, Cal Realistic tinued, and other economies ef ■ the relief that will be felt from ifornia, where he has been re fected that would seriously incon i reduced state levies and from el- ceiving special treatments. Permanent I imination of special road tax le- venience everybody. With ’ Bert Tisdale left Thursday I vies will appear as very tangible Campaign Contemplated RINGLETTE morning for a ten days visit with ! savings to the taxpayer when he A campaign to educate the'8- . / .... ------ . . ff ENDS relatives in California. Eugene voters to the real issues involved *ets hJs state™n.t. ".e.Xt yea? A Steam Wave Shipman is carrying mail for him County Well Managed is being organized, and it is hoped' in his absence. $4 and $5 that the friends of the measure I In concluding their statement Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Waltman, will become aroused to the ser-1 t'ie members of the budget com mittee, Martin White (chairman), Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sandoz and iousness of the situation. BEAUTY SHOPPE ' C. R. Evenson and Judd Green daughter Marjorie from Portland Phone 431 Bridge St. To buy, sell or trade, use man, said “The committee felt, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and after four days of intensive study Mrs. H. V. Holcomb. Eagle classified ads. Annette Penney Toyland Now Open I At Guest Day A bounteous pot luck dinner was enjoyed by about 66 niem bers and guests at the annual guest day meeting of the Woman’s Missionary society of the Evan gelical church held Wednesday. After the dinner a short program was given. Seven of the ladies were transformed into young girls wh' became pupils in a school and entertained the members with recitations, songs and musi- cal numbers. The school was presided over by a very capable teacher who maintained strict order. The president reported that over $27 had been taken in from the mite box offering. Mrs. Gar ner announced the bazaar for De cember 12 and asked that all ar ticles be turned over to Mrs. H. V. Holcomb this week if possible. Cakes and pies will also be sold in connection with the bazaar. Those who enjoyed the after noon were Mrs. M. J. Wall, Mrs. M. F. Wall, Mrs. A. U. Sauer, Mrs. West, Mrs. Lindstrom, Mrs. Van Doren, Mrs. A. Henges, Mrs. Sarah Spencer, Mrs. J. Weed, Mrs. Foust, Mrs. C. Rich ardson, Mrs. W. S. Strong, Mrs.1 Keller, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs. W. I H. Kent, Mrs. O. Dent, Mrs. L. | A. Rogers, Mrs. D. C. Cason, Mrs. E. B. Miner, Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Mrs. C. L. Brock, Mrs. Ortner, Mrs. E. E. Garner, Mrs. C. C. Shay, Mrs. L. H. Roberson, Mrs. M. R. Eby, Mrs. E. A. Green, Miss L. Keehn, Mrs. W. T. Lilly, Mrs. B. J. Hair, Mrs. J. H. Burnside, Mrs. W. W. Wolff, Mrs. Krome, Mrs. E. H. Condit, Mrs. Judd Greenman, Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer, Mrs. II. McEntire, Mrs. L. F. Malmsten, Mrs. T. B. Mills, Mrs. E. J. Douglass, Mrs. L. H. Dew ey, Mrs. Talbot, Mrs. C. U. En- strom, Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Mrs. J. E. Tapp, Mrs. Sarah Smith, Mrs. I. Mann, Mrs. A. Parker, Miss Allie Simmons, Mrs. C. L. Anderson, Mrs. W. H. Hurley, Mrs. E. M. Bleile, Mrs. E. E. Yeo, Mrs. Clyde McDonald, Mrs. I C. Malmsten, Mrs. D. Marshall, I Mrs. II. Holcomb, Mrs. Kel-1 logg. 4444 CHRISTMAS GREETING Through special arrange ments with a large en graving house we have been given the exclusive rights to sell their com plete line of beautiful processed greeting cards. You have the choice of many different désignés —all very unusual and distinctive. Come in to day and make your sel ection. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER VERNONIA EAGLE COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPARTMENT Money Saving Specials PRICES EFFECTIVE FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY, DEC. 5, 7 Safeway Flour Hardwheat blend—the family flour for every baking purpose. $1.19 SALAD OIL Quality Supreme — Double refined, pure cottonseed Bring your own container. QUART GALLON 23c 1/2-GALLON 43c TEA y ay . c .A English Breakfast—Extra special, Introductory offer POUND (in bulk) .... 35c CORN Free Buy a supply at a real saving. No. 3 tins O’’ 3 for^iUC Suntex A new and better bleacher or water softener. Large bottles Buy one (1) bottle and get another FREE. BOTTLE ............. Macaroni Rose City, Curve Cut. Many ways to serve—A high quality macaroni for leas. CRACKERS T omorrow Snowflakes — Fresh and crisp ....... ........... Oh, Jack-in-the-Box is happy, Double Action TANK As happy as can be; Jim’s Special For never before has Santa PENNEY’S LOW PRICE Steel Wagon Given such cause for glee. lt tigrags, soldiers pop up and down, gun moves from side tc* side, and it has » brake. His sack with treasures is bursting, Other Mechanical Toys 49c up I Just what Son wants for Christ mas! This wagon has a brake, double disc KT roller bearing wheels and rubber tires. With toys and gifts galore; With trains, and dolls and engines. That girls and boys adore. Safewag aiwags has the finest Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Oranges Potatoes Cabbage Fresh shipment — New crop Navels, Medium size ............. No. 2 Netted Gems— Guaranteed cookers .. Fresh local grown— Solid heads — POUND 2 DOZ. 33c LBS. 17C IV2C 2 Choice Meats O' Come see them now at Penney's Bring Dad, bring Mother, too; To twinkling, blinking Toyland Where Xmas dreams come truel “Little Jim’’ ‘ Mother’s Helpmate Tool Chest Contains M pfcc»« «1*1 » manual , . . for the hoy who Hnes to >ulW things I PENNEY CO* •1.9» ' STORE NUMBER 1436 VERNONIA. OREGON INC Pay a Deposit and We Will Hold any Article Until Your Next Pay Day s STORE NO. 225 PHONE NO. 741 WE DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS FREE