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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1931)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1931. Umtinûa PAGE THREE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON without cost. A producer who de sires to peddle and sell his meat at retail should secure from the sheriff a tag for the carcass, and the hide must accompany Pacific Coast Representative the meat until it is all disposed of, which tag is furnished by the Arthur W. Stypea, Inc. San Francisco sheriff at the cost of 10 cents. Local officers are reluctant to prosecute violators of this law until all are thoroughly acquaint ed with its provisions, and the I Department of Agriculture re quests that this publicity be giv- ‘ en, as hereafter the law will be $2.00 Per Year in Advance [strictly enforced. Among Our Neighbors . Kiwanis club for next year. He base, so we understand, was the budget committee. has been secretary for a number made when Columbia county had —Columbia Informant. of years. a tax conservation committee and some budgets were slashed and Efforts to make a 214 mill le the base then established has re C* *11/C Large cross-cut, drag vy for road purposes in Wash mained in effect. It is probable \ fl W X and carpenter saws vn »» w gummed, retoothed, ington county failed at a meet- that Vernonia, like St. Helens, ¡oipted, set and filed accurate ing in Hillsboro November 23. figured on the 1931 so by voting ly by machine. Every tooth Ballots were distributed indis- this additional sum no more cuts. Better work. criminately in the crowd, which money will be raised than was PORTLAND SAW SERVICE 327 E. Morriion St. then attempted to reach the bal provided for in the budget. As lot box en masse, according to sessor Watkins sent the budget the Hillsboro Independent, The back to Vernonia as he did with chairman thereupon ruled that the Clatskanie budget. the vote was illegal and the bal- The total amount to be raised lots were not counted. by taxation is $15,804.00 which is $1,536.00 less than in 1931. SPECIAL ELECTION ON The general fund expense is es-1 VERNONIA'S BUDGET timated at $9,015.00 with a re- j duction of $2,500 for estimated According to the Vernonia fees and fines making the net for wife, mother or daugh Eagle the city council of Verno amount $6,515.00. The water ter. A RINGLETTE PER MANENT will give her nia has called a special election operating fund is $4,200.00; wa- pleasure for months and for November 27 to secure author ter bond fund, $6,930.00; sewer months. She will enjoy, ity to levy the sum of $4,756.67 bonds, $9,400.00; general bonds too, the ease of the Rmg- additional city tax over and above for sinking fund and interest and lette Process with less heat and less weight. . (ft AA the amount permitted by the six bonds, $21,289.00 less estimated Complete ......... per cent limitation law. As we [ water receipts of $12,000.00 leav- understand the matter there will ing a net of $9,289.00. It is be- be no increase in the budget lieved that the special election which was prepared by the coun-1 will carry as the budget shows cil and advisory committee, but ¡that every effort was made to Vernonia Hotel Building the old base of 1923 was not ■ make a saving wherever possible, Phone 1261 taken into consideration. That R. M. Aldrich was chairman of The woman who was found suffering from exposure and lack of food in a vacant house near Rainier November 24 has been Member of National Editorial identified as Mrs. Anthony Association and Oregon State Bouche, from near Kelso. Her Editorial Association. husband says she left home No vember 2 and several days later Issued Every Friday was found at McMinnville, sp parently lost, in some manner Entered as second class matter August 4, 1922, at the post she went from there to Rainier. office at Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. « • • * * * * Max Oberdorfer, president and Advertising rates—Foreign, 30c per inch; local, 28c per inch; general manager of the St. Hel legal notices, 10c per line first insertion, 5c per line succeeding insertions; classified lc per word, minimum 25c first insertion, ens Pulp and Paper Co., return 15c succeeding insertions; readers, 10c a line. ed last week from the east with the report that business condi tions in that section are improv- RAY D. FISHER, Editor and Publisher Industrial plants in the ing. MOVIES OF INEBRIATES New England states are operat- ing, he says, and he believes THE INFORMANT APPROVES The Portland police plan of employment conditions there are taking moving pictures of drun already about normal. In referring to the Vernonia city budget for 1932 the ken driving, should, we believe, Columbia Informant in its issue for November says, “It is enjoy a wider usage. We can The newly organized St. Helens believed the special election will carry as the budget shows imagine no more effective stay Welfare bureau for taking care for drunkenness than to exhibit that every effort was made to make a saving wherever to those inclined to over-indulge of needy families in St. Helens and vicinity has taken desk space possible.’’ a series of good motion pictures in the office of the county cham *• Though the election failed to carry, since misinforma- of themselves in their more dizzy ber ' of commerce and is ready tion and misconception as to the budget was sufficiently and sottish moments. While such for work. ******* current to accomplish its defeat Friday, the statement of lan exhibition might not cure the I pickled dipsomaniac, it would the Informant is of particular significance. St. Helens high school won the make the drinker, who is hovering The Informant is a journal published in the interest on the edge of confirmed alcohol county championship by defeat of tax reduction in Columbia county and one of its chief ism, pause for a lot of serious ing Rainier 12 to 7 Thanksgiving day at St. Helens. functions is to supply the tax reductionists with ammuni thought. ***** * » tion to shoot. Editor Morton knows budgets from A to Z, The drinker is naturally more Response to the annual Red spots a flaw in them if any such exists, and denounces any or less acquainted with the habits, Cross drive is going over splendid actions and attitudes of drunks, ly in the county, according to evidence of extravagance. but it is human nature for the Mrs. H. R. Hudson, in charge of Mr. Morton’s comments on the Vernonia budget are individual to imagine that he nev- quoted in full in another column. They show that he made l er quite reaches the stage the the county work. In Wilark, she reports, returns were coming in a careful study of it, and coming from him, should carry ' other fellow does, and that some even better than was expected, a great deal of weight in the new election called for De- . undefined attribute prevents him and additional materials had to from presenting the same ridicu- cember 28. I lous or sodden picture that others be sent for. 1 do. J fv-’liSl R. P. Hamilton of West St. OBJECTIONS TO THE BUDGET ANALYZED Wives or husbands with mates Helens died Thursday of last inclined to delve too deeply into week as the result of being At the city budget meeting a week ago Friday it will the cup should call the camera struck by an automobile Octo be recalled that there were three objections raised: (1) The man at an opportune time, and ber 26. budget was not properly advertised; (2) delinquent taxes obtain an unchallenged record of “this was the way you acted are not listed in it as an asset; (3) there is no carry-over last night.” Projected occasional D. E. McCoy, of the state po squad stationed at St. Hel fund from various economies effected this year by the ly, such pictures, we believe, lice ens, was removed from office would lead to an unusually ex October 20, according to word city council. The first is purely a matter of techi ical compliance tended sobriety, and in the case given out from Sheriff Weed’s with the law. Attorney Dillard ruled that the budget had of some women who imagine that office. ****** they are “cute” when “all lit been correctly advertised and re-publication in the enlarged up” would probably effect a per J. Johnson, resident Andrew form suggested at the meeting would not be necssary. From manent cure. of Rainier since 1911, died Nov- a non-technical standpoint it is worth pointing out that re From the police angle, as a bit ember 21 after an illness of five publication would involve an expense of no benefit what of uncontrovertible testimony of months. j L jtj ever to the taxpayers, an expense that should not be in- the kind that would do away with the confusion of existing Ridgefield, Wash., is making curred unless unavoidable. descriptive terms of drunkenness, plans for entertaining The second objection also is purely legal. Attorney the pictured record should prove elaborate the Lower Associated chambers Dillard’s ruling was that delinquent taxes need not be extremely valuable. of commerce at the meeting —Astorian-Budget. there December 11. listed as cash assets if the city has reason to believe that • *«***• no cash can be realized on them during the year. They are August Person has been elect classed under estimated receipts—and if the estimate is Fear Spread of Cancer ed president of the Clatck-nie nothing to be received, the asset is nothing. Certainly this What Other Editors Think An Ideal Gift Milady’s Beauty Shoppe A Word TO THE WISE Within a week or two wholesalers are likely to be out of some of the most popular Christmas Greeting Cards—perhaps the very ones you would choose. Order Now This Weekend If Possible TO MAKE SURE OF GETTING WHAT YOU DESIRE. We have a very attractive line of processed cards, giving the effect of engraving without the prohibitive cost. Your name included without extra charge. Also we are showing some beautiful cards at 5 and 10 cents each, Your name imprinted, if you desire, at very little additional expense. Through Tarred Road» is a common sense view, for the city cannot succeed in spending money that it does not have and cannot get any more than can an individual. Where deliquent taxes are listed as a cash asset in city budgets, according to information received by the Eagle from reliable authority, the outstanding warrants are also listed as an offset, the one balancing the other. It is merely a matter of bookkeeping,,and the taxpayer is not a bit bet ter off one way or the other. Aside from the immaterial matter of publication, ob jections made at the meeting resolve themselves into one, the failure to include delinquent taxes. Since the addition of that item would not help the distressed taxpayer, he has nothing to gain, and everything to lose, by voting against the budget on those grounds. He has to pay anyhow, later (with interest) if not sooner (without).________________ LAW REQUIRES TAGGING OF MEAT AND POULTRY According to District Attorney John L. Foote many complaints are received by the officers con cerning violations of the law re gulating sale of poultry and meat by producers thereof; and it is The system ot tarring roads has come into great vogue throughout France aud several objections have been raised. In the first place, it is said that the dust arising there from gradually strangles the trees alongside the roadside, but a more serious matter is that Doctor For- veau of Courmelles has uttered a cry of alarm and awakened the fear that tarred highways may cause an Increase of cancer. He bases his fears on the existence of experimental cancer in mice suc ceeding local applications of tar on the skin and on cancers observed In workmen who handle tar. Doctor Forveau fears that the dust of the road, when composed of siliceous granules with sharp points and edges, and Impregnated with tar, may cause traumatisms of the mucosae of the respiratory and digestive tracts, callable of producing cancer, just as pulmo believed that these complaints nary tuberculosis may he facili In cutters of millstones by arise from a failure on the part tated the siliceous dust that they inspire. of the producer to understand the provisions of the 1931 law. In brief, the law requires one who wishes to sell more than 10 poultry birds at any one time to secure from the sheriff (in per son or by mail) a tag for same AMOUS forJoodt M ultnomah Bii S'lWfi !! -.4Ï i p I IP»"RflFÌV)r. k , Fireproof Vernonia Trading Co. Agency for McCormick-’Deering ------ TRACTORS ------ Every facility for every taste ef every traveller ;.. new decorations, new furniture, new lobby lounge and For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. RARRFR SHOPS Complete RADIO SERVICE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon CARD ROOM DOCTORS PASTIME Marvin R. Eby, M. D. CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Physican and Surgeon Parts for all radio» either in stock or manufactured to order. House 18, O-A Hill Residence Phone 1061 Willard Batteries Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oils . . . Expert Greasing VERNONIA SERVICE STATION CONTRACTORS. DR. J. A. HUGHES BAFFORD BROS. Order Immediately Mary Kato General Plumbing Chop Suoy Restaurant Vernonia Bakery I GLENN E. DEAMER M. D. COLE Mason Work, Building TO BE SURE OF GETTING YOURS. (We have already made two large batches and will make more if there is the demand.) WITH BATH J2EÎUUTS. Our English fruit cakes made from a won derful old English recipe are ideal holiday gifts, not only for the housewife, but for bachelor friends and members of the family away from home. One, two, three and four-pound sizes attrac tively wrapped at the PER POUND. very special price of NEW LOW RATES. SATIS $A HOM X Professional and Business Directory M wz BARBER Jt>y shop Haircutting for Men Women ana Children Expert Work Guaranteed 60c PORTLAND, OREGON ' ■ I PHONE 681 An Ideal Christmas Gift. . . I for service tel COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPARTMENT HAY---------------------— -------- GRAIN --------- ------------------- — FEED LUyd Baker, ProF. for hospitality ■HIM FOR VERNONIA EAGLE JOHN A. MILLER General Contractor TRANSFER — TRUCK Phyaiciaa end Surgeon Office Phone 663 Re». Phone 664 CURLY’S TRANSFER Vernonia, Oregon Phone Business 221 Residence 653 RESTAURANTS Vernonia C. BRUCE Whole»«!« and Retail LUMBER Varnonia, Oregon OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD STREET Local and Long Dis tance Hauling CASON TRANSFER I I Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’« Store «