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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1931)
PAGE TWO — all Woodcrafts will be December I 17 in the I. O. O. F. hall. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dewey were Mr. and Mrs. Mr». A. A. Dowling Chas. Howard and little daughters Barbara Jean and Dencie Mae of Miss Millie McMullen was at Portland and Robert Talbott of Mrs. Pence and the home from Forest Grove over B. O. Brown has an infected Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ruhl spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. arm resulting from a scratch re children accompanied the How Thanksgiving. ceived while working with cedar ards home, and Mrs. Talbot re-1 Mrs. Grover Devine has been A. J. Hughes. on the sick list, but is able to A. R. Duncan and H. McBride wood at the shingle mill on Nov mained for a few days visit. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. be out again. of St. Helens stopped at Hotel ember 27. Mrs. Tacie Morgan is here Mrs. Fanchier returned Tues H. Washburn for Thanksgiving Gordon this week. visiting here mother, Mrs. Sch- H. F. Myers of Mist fractured day from California after spend dinner were Miss Truth Winters Van- a toe while working on the high- ing esveral months there. She and Nick Gray of Portland, Mrs. leppy. Mrs. Morgan lives in reports the weather is much cold D. Washburn, William Washburn, couver. way on November 28. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gibson Miss Alberta DeRock came Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson er there than here. Mrs. Earl Pence and daughters und son Jackie. Miss Winters and! home from Corvallis for the have been both confined to their Mrs. Washburn were neighbors' Thanksgiving vacation, returning home this week with severe colds. Wilma Lou and Loraine of Port land have been spending the when they lived in Montana sev again Sunday. Mr. . ana and Mrs. Roy Brady M mr^ noy oruuy and Thankggiving holidays with Mr. eral years ago. I The Wm. Keaton family were famdy spent Mrg L R Dewey. Guests of Dr. and Mrs. M. D. dinner guests Thanksgiving day Perle Bradys’ at Forest Grove. ,‘u ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rosa visit-* Mrs- Emma Weed and Mr- and Cole for Thanksgiving were Mrs. of the Wm. Bridgers family. ed their daughter, Mrs. Borton, Mrs- E- B- Garner and daulfhte" Cole’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling at Norton, Oregon, over the week Eloise' were Kuests of ,and H. Holaday of Scappoose, her spent Saturday evening visiting en(j I Mrs. O. G. Weed at St. Helens sister, Ruth Holaday of St. Hel the Chas. Sundland family. ens, her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Julian and Mis"s[f°r Thanksgiving dinner. Annie Checkmanek is quite Doris Vivian of Portland were! A stork shower was given Mrs. Mrs. G. W. DeGraff, and nephew I sick. Dr. Ball was called over Saturday visitors of Mrs. D. C. j Pearl Adams Nov 20 by the Wide Robert DeGraff of Portland and from Clatskanie Friday evening Cason. | Awake Thimble club, N. O. W. her aunt Grace DeGraff of Port I to pay her a professional visit. .1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richardson | Several members were present land. Ed Reynolds and Wm. Mead and many gifts were received. and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holy ows were Astoria visitors on field ate Thanksgiving dinner to Phoebe and Hale Greenman Monday. gether. The Chas. Hanson family spent were home for Thanksgiving from Neal Bush and Glen Hieber of the University of Oregon. Phoebe Thanksgiving day at Marshland the University of Oregon spent went to Portland Saturday to with Mrs. Hanson’s parents, Mr. Thanksgiving at their homes in attend the wedding of a sorority Edith Lindsley has returned and Mrs. Salmi. Vernonia. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers called at sister. i ,,| from Hillsboro where she has Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale and Mrs. J. F. Rose was confined to been working. She will remain the Joe Banzer home Sunday. children Patty and Florence and her bed by illness for several home for some time. Mr. and Mrs. L. Carmichiel A. Tisdale went to Seattle over days following Thanksgiving. Her C. O. Evers was in Forest and son John called on the the weekend. mother, Mrs. Nettie Simpson, of Grove Saturday. Pat Jones ac Chas. Hanson family Sunday af Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman Portland, was with her until companied him. ternoon. drove to Portland Sunday with Monday. Julia Banzer returned home Mrs. Lloyd Cummings was a Phoebe and Hale on their way I last week from the Good Sam Vernonia visitor Friday. R. R. Parshall, C. C. Clear back to Eugene. aritan hospital where she has Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cummins been for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Spofford water, P. H. Prong, H. Gray, J. She went to Swenson Saturday for a II. Clausen, A. Johnson, and C. of Portland spent Thanksgiving has been improving slowly, but of Portland, were with the latter’s mother, Mrs. D. L. Larson, all visit with their daughter Mrs. Friday she suffered a relapse among Hotel McDonald guests K. Mendenhall. Emmett Biddle. and a physican was called from Norman Pettijohn was a Port Clastkanie. She is getting along Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Savage of this week. Mrs. James 0. Douglass and land visitor Saturday evening as well as can be expected at Burns and Harry Ross of Camp Eight were registered at Hotel Mr. and Mrs. Levi Getchel of Sal and Sunday. this time. em, and Vivian Douglass of Lin Miss LaVelle Gosa returned Vernonia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sundland Bert Waterman has a badly field college, McMinnville, spent Sunday evening after a few days went to Portland Sunday taking strained wrist as the result of a Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. shopping in Portland. their son Donald part way back Mrs. Cummings of Keasey had to Monmouth, where he is attend fall on November 30, when he E. J. Douglass. Miss Mildred Mowe, who grad relatives visiting her over the ing school. dipped on some ice. Hotel Nehalem guests this uated from Vernonia high school Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Johnson John Luther was a Vernonia visited with their daughter Mrs. week included Mrs. Louise M. last May and is now attending Ramey, and J. Kelly of Portland, Astoria Business college, spent the visitor Saturday afternoon. awhile McCormick at Natal weekend with her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White Thanksgiving day. and Chas Seydell of Quincy. and children spent the Thanks A. Rufli, Vernonia resident, in and Mrs. Lester Mowe. The Ladies Missionary society William Wridge, who is employ giving holidays with Mrs. White’s will meet with Mrs. Chas. Sund jured his right shoulder Novem ber 29, when he fell from a ed with the Van Vleet Logging parents at Sheridan, Oregon. land Dec. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Williams of Clark and Wilson logging train. company has been laid off during Mrs. Buckley and Mrs. Rachiel Headaches, jumpy nerves, the past week as the result of Vernonia spent Thanksgiving with came down from Vernonia and wrinkles, etc., caused by I dislocating a rib while setting the Lloyd Gillham family. visited their mother, Mrs. Rey eye strain, can be stopped as if a choker November 21. nolds a day last week. RABBITS STOLEN Guests at the W. M. Henderson by magic, when fitted with glas Mr. and Mrs. John Schleppy Nine rabbits were stolen some ses by the McCormick System. Al home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. so, frowning, weak, watery eyes, D. A. Meincke, mother and father time last week from Malden New, kept. Eight were young rabbits. blurred vision, etc. You will of Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Lee 542 Third street. The thief pried One little rabbit was apparently never again have as good an Campbell, and Mike Manfred. The a padlock off the door of the overlooked, the only one remain opportunity as now, while Dr. visitors, now of Portland, arc all shed in which the rabbits were | ing of the litter. Kellogg is at Kullander’s Jewelry former residents of Vernonia. store. Don’t delay. (adv.) I Emma Miller, Rilla Schneider, O. S. C. students home for I Alta Johns, Ida Johnson, Nola Thanksgiving included Charlotte j Brady and Roy Brady motored to and Norman Green, Veldon Park-1 Cornelius Saturday evening visit- 1 . 1. tiri-Il... .11 .1 and TA Dwight ! 4L.. the XT.l— Neighbors Ll. »«a rx zlz» ra f f er, Kenneth Whitsell ing of W Woodcraft. Strong. ¡Visiting night in Vernonia for Mist KEASEY CHZHXHZHXHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZ Christmas T< Helpful Christmas SUGGESTIONS LADIES FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS 5c l o 98c Save 1 Price At Hoffman’s LADIES FANCY BOX MEN’S 25c tp 1 »IQ «7 E. A. GREEN, VERNONIA, OREGON Eagle classifieds will pay you Specials for Fri. and Sat Asparagus 98c The greatest value ever offered. Domino -g pr small tips, l’s—Can -LO C Waffle Plate With Navel Oranges EACH Extra sweet, 216’s QQ DOZEN LOG CABIN MEN’S FANCY SOX 49c To $1.98 15c T0 49c LADIES Quaker NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE OFFERED TOYS 89c T0 $1.49 AT SUCH LOW PRICES—ONE LOOK S 98c STOCK — ALL PRICES SHOP MILLER^ save mfrf / / Chicken of the Sea OiA^» Mi’s — CAN ¿UC Syrup 45c p» JL<3C Affiliated Best — Guaranteed quality, 1-lb package. Free, a large stick of O(lz» sugar candy with each package .... falt/V Molasses Brer Rabbit — Gold Label, large 2t4 can. New delight to Gingerbread and O A Molasses Candy — CAN .................. Rolled Oats Qf for ¿ddC Razor Mineed Clams Fancy—The old reliable Otter Brand, l’s tall — CAN Ot-iz. ... Zt)C MEN'S BILL FOLD SETS HOUSE SLIPPERS STAMP GOODS — NEW TUNA FISH SIZE GRAPE FRUIT. Musketeer, No. 2, Can lie All Leather — Hand Tooled MEN’S RAYON SETS 49c T° $2.49 MED. Coffee Granulated — That popular granulated soap—the favorite for all house- O A „ hold purposes. Large size. PKG. OtzL 98c T0 $1.98 BATH TOWEL SETS 69c T0 $8.25 CAN new crop Q ¿/C Iris — Fancy seedless. 15-oz PACKAGE Emerald Green 9-inch Quick cooking— 20-oz. size — TODAY . BLANKETS Raisins FREE MEN’S SHIRTS NEW CHENILE RUGS — 24x36 Size Christmas Present Suggestion White King TIES 49c Camp • . • McGregor Fancy plain mixed, satin finish. Duplex cellophane bag, l’s—BAG QQ «70 C HANDKERCHIEFS 29c T0 $1.49 o’clock p. m. of said day and were Birkenfeld visitors Tuesday * LETTER FROM FRANCES will be closed at six o'clock p. m. afternoon. LAPPE TELLS OF BIG thereof. Mrs. Oscar Jones was honored U. C.-STANFORD GAME By order of the Council of by a visit from her cousin, said City. Dated this Novem Nearly 90,000 people were at whom she had not seen for ber 27th, 1931. the big game this year between twenty years, Tuesday. D. B. Reasoner, Miss Murray was a school vis- the University of California and Stanford, writes Frances Lappe, Recorder of the City of itor Tuesday afternoon. a student in Berkeley, to her Vernonia, Columbia Coun parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. ty, Oregon. (71?c) Lappe. The California students NOTICE TO CREDITORS went crazy with joy at the vic tory, the first over Stanford in In the County Court of the a number of years. They yelled State of Oregon for Columbia so hard, Miss Lappe states, that county. ■ —■ ■ ... - ■ ■ ■ ... , ..... . ■ ... they could not talk. When the In the matter of the estate of game was over they went out in Alexander Sword, Deceased. An entertaining Thanksgiving to the field, tore up the goal program was given by the school Notice To Creditor» posts, and serpentined behind children in the big school house NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN them. The Stanford students did on Wednesday afternoon. Every that the undersigned has been ap not say a thing. child participated and the Thanks Miss Lappe visited relatives in pointed executrix of the estate of giving idea predominated through San Francisco and friends in Sac Alexander Sword, deceased, by out the program. ramento over the Thanksgiving the County Court of the State Mrs. Theodosia Lambert spent weekend. of Oregon for Columbia County, Thursday and Friday in Portland. and has qualified. All persons Mrs. Virginia Gilkerson and NOTICE OF SPECIAL CITY having claims against said estate Delma Jean and Mrs. Bertha Dut- ELECTION are hereby notified to present the ro were dinner guests of Mr. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and Mrs. F. N. O’Donnell on that a special city election will same, duly verified as by law re Thanksgiving day. be held in the City of Vernonia, quired, to the undersigned at the Oke Anderson of Portland Columbia County, Oregon, on the office of W. A. Harris, 523 spent the weekend here with his 28th day of December, 1931, at Bridge street, Vernonia, Oregon, which election the question of within six months from the date mother. authorizing the Council of said hereof. Tom Scott enjoyed Thanksgiv Christine Sword Callendine, City to levy the sum of $4,756.57 ing dinner with his family. Executrix. tax for the year additional city Dick Engstrom was home from Dated and first published Nov. 1931, over and above the amount Cathlamet for the weekend. now permitted by the Constitu- 27th, 1931. Last publication, De Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Estey had tion and Laws of the State of cember 25th, 1931. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bemis and Oregon to be levied, will be sub W. A. Harris, sons of Seattle as guests for mitted to the legal voters of said Attorney. Thanksgiving day and dinner. City for approval or rejection, For real bargains—watch the The Bemis family lived here for said additional tax to be extend- merly and are now managing a ed upon the tax rolls of said classified columns of the Eagle. restaurant in Seattle. County compiled for the year Andy Olsen spent the holi- 1932, along with other taxes le- Agency for days with his family in Port- vied by said City, and to be used land. STATE LAUNDRY CO. for City purposes during the fis- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Westlin and cal year of 1932. at hotel M c D onald Mrs. Jonas Larson, now living! The polling place of said elec Laundry and Dry Cleaning Pick-up Tues,—Deliver Fri. at the Crown-Willamette camp tion will be at the City Hall and visited old friends here on Sat the polls will be opened at one urday. Mr. Westlin was master mechanic here when camp was operating. H. W. Jones made a business trip to Vernonia on Friday. Mrs. Carl Anderson and Arne' A set of the new auto bulbs, fits any auto and Mrs. Arvid Johnson joined [ mobile head lamp, just tell us the make and year Thanksgiving dinners. model of car, this can be found on registration Mr. McPherson, former camp card in driving compartment. watchman, is now living with Night driving made a pleasure, see through Sam Berry at upper I.-P. fog, rain or sleet. Fred Hagaman and Red Dun- Guaranteed and inexpensive. At your favor lap spent a few hours in camp ite service station or write or phone last Saturday. CANDY MEN’S INITIAL 4Q„ HANDKERCHIEFS MEN’S FANCY BOX SOCKS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON MONEY WILL CONVINCE YOU Toys at 2c, 3c and 8c each, and many $1.00 and $1.25 toys going at 33c and 48c. Childs’ wagons $1.48 each. Boys’ pop gtins 15c each. 15c to 25c childrens' books only 8c each. 50c Books, 24c. $1.00 dolls, all dressed up, 48c. Doll beds with bedding, 48c. PRODUCE MEAT ROUND STEAK lb SALT PORK ... lb. BEEF ROAST .. lb HAMBURGER 2 lb. SAUSAGE..... 2 lb. 18c 12c 12c £5C 25c HONEY — Local 2 Combs for .... CARROTS .... 3 for TURNIPS .... 3 for COCOANUTS 3 for 4ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHZH 10c 10c 25c ____________ FOR BARGAINS—SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT Hoffman Hdwe. Co 25c Nehalem Market & Grocery (Incorporated)