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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1931)
1' PAGE TWO VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, Ì931. Webb Campbell, R. G. Simmons, Shower for quarterly birthday party after the prize for this and Miss Con Just Eight Club W. F. Jenkins, C. S. Brooks, M. the regular meeting Wednesday stance Bougher the prize for at Mrs. Hughes’ E. Walker, H. C. Warren, E. H. Mrs. Kapphammer evening. Miss Amy Hughes, Miss writing Thanksgiving backwards Leahy, F. W. Monroe, of Port Helen Hieber, Mrs. Gwladys Mac in the least time. Mrs. Harry Emmons gave a Mrs. J. A. Hughes was hostess land; E. B. Flett, Yamhill; G. F. shower November 10 at the home pherson, Mrs. Grace Roberson, Moulton and Ervine E. Stewart of of Mrs. Ed Salomonsen in honor to the Just Eight bridge club Mrs. Bessie Tapp, Mrs. Jean Yeo, A delicious salad, sandwiches at her home last Friday evening. Cut Bank, Montana. Mrs. C. F. Hieber, Miss Enid and coffee were served by Mrs. of Mrs. Oscar Kaphammer. Mrs. J. C. Henderson won the K. A. McNeill was home over cuts and a bruised shoulder and Those present were Mrs. R. G. prize for high score. Following Bolton and J. L. Timmons, mem- ( O. D. McCabe, Mrs. L. Beveridge A study of Christian education leg when he was struck by a the weekend. Fulton, Mrs. Ruby Fowler, Mrs. play Mrs. Hughes served a del bers who had birthdays during and Mrs. R. M. Aldrich, who al among the Indians, Negroes and choker while working Monday. the months of October, Novem so had charge of the entertain ___ _____ ___ was made in ... the „„ Mae Winning, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. J. icious lunch. foreign children Casey Fest of Dallas called at ber or December were special ment. Christian church Missionary meet- 1 Perry, Mrs. C. Gibson, Mrs. Pearl Other members present were Claude Veal, son of Mr. and J. W. Rosa’s home Sunday. guests. Mrs. L. Linn, R. [ing Tuesday afternoon, for which 1 Adams, Mrs. Mrs. Herman Veal, cut his hand < Mrs. W. J. Armitage, Mrs. Lloyd Baker, Mrs. Rose Fletcher, Mrs. Jos. M. Boyles of Forest Grove severely late Wednesday with a j Mrs. E. Knight was hostess. Helen Ed Salomonsen. Miss Leia Beveridge gave two Not present but sending gifts J. L. Timmons, Mrs. Lola Nance, readings and Miss Amy Hughes O 1 IliC LarKe cross-cut, drag stopped at the Gordon this week. new knife he had just purchased, Fogel won prizes in two guessing A flay A and carpenter saws played several piano solos. A1 wniiw gummed, retoothed, seven stitches were required to games. Mrs. Miner served lovely were Mrs. A. P. Bays, Mrs. John and Mrs. Harry Kerns. Mrs. C. U. Enstrum is reported close the wound which was cut refreshments to the following 1 Ellis, Mrs. James Emmons and game, in which you were required jointed, set and filed accurate by machine. Every tooth to be getting along very nicely to the bone. guests: Mrs. Grace Sunell, Aunt Mrs. R. Fletcher. O. E. S. Holds to make as many words as possi-1 ly cuts. Better work. after her recent illness. Sally Spencer, Mrs. Beulah Bas- ble out of the letters in the Birthday Party PORTLAND SAW SERVICE CORRECTION W. H. Henderson was slightly lington, Mrs. Irene Spencer, Mrs.1 word Thanskgiving proved very 327 E. Morrison St. Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Olson of injured when his car was tipped Pearl McCabe, Mrs. Marie O’Don-1 The date for the bridge party The Eastern Stars held their entertaining. Mrs E. E. Yeo won St. Helens visited Sunday with over on the Forest Grove highway nell, Mrs. Rose Schultz, Mrs. f*~* given by Miss Elma White, Miss Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight. near town on the afternoon of Selma Webb, Mrs. Margaret Lines, Mildred Drake, Miss Charlotte Mrs. Rose Fletcher is moving November 12. A cut over the left Mrs. Ora Glassner, Mrs. Mae Mel- Hilts, Miss Constance Bougher and from Hotel Hy-Van to the apart eye and minor bruises were the linger, Mrs. Helen Fogel, and Mrs. Miss Enid Bolton should have Hazel Thompson. been Tuesday, November 10, in extent of his injuries. ments over the old post office. stead of Sunday as stated. Registered at Hotel Nehalem Mi’s. H. Fogel See Kellogg and see right. I i (Incorporated) Now at Kullander’s Jewelry during the past week were T. Old Frankfurt store. Adv. W. Cowan of Westport, G. W. Entertains Few cities with the trend of mod Huitz of Hillsboro, Chas. Beydell Mrs. Henry Fogel entertained a ern progress driving them so hard R. G. Simmons of Salem was a of Quincy, Fred Fluhrer of May- can have preserved so completely visitor at the home of Mr. and ger, R. L. Stanton of Portland group of friends with two tables the ancient streets and buildings of of bridge Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. K. A. McNeill over the week and R. K. Fike of Portland. their old beginnings as has Frank end. Mrs. Olivia Brickell received furt In Germany. Frankfurt has Jim Bloyd of Portland and Al the prize for high score. The hos- kept almost intact the Fourteenth CANDY Guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. fred Lee of Kelso were guests at tess served a dainty lunch to her I century houses, guild houses, chap and cloisters much as they Hoffman over the weekend were the J. F. Rose home Saturday guests who were Mrs. Brickell,1 els Big 6 Jellies — 6 fine flav were built. Round the cathedral ors. Extra Special Today— FREE - FREE - FREE Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Lawrence of night and part of Sunday. With Mrs. L. L. Crawford, Mrs. Grace whole blocks of old buildings have Portland. been swept away, leaving that line Mr. Rose they drove to Keasey Sunell, Mrs. Irma Johnson, Mrs. I old Betty Crocker Chronium structure unencumbered, but POUNDS FOR COCOANUTS early Sunday morning during the Myrtle John, Mrs. Edna Brown,! the perfect square of the “Romer- H. L. Hutchinson of St. Helens, Plated Cake Server with berg” remains. manager of the Gilby Motor comp snowfall to try their luck at and Mrs. Thelma Peebley. 2 Packages any there, was in town Monday fishing. LETTUCE .......... on business. CORN GOLD MEDAL The Rebekahs are planning a Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wolff, large card party tomorrow night, Del Maiz — Fancy Golden SWEET POTATOES CAKE FLOUR Cream Style — 2’s Mrs. Charles Malmsten and Mrs. November 21, in the I. O. O. F. Franklin Malmsten went to Port hall. The hour is set at 9 o’ ALL clock, sharp, so that those who land Tuesday. _ for FOR ............................ CELERY 2 for must work late Saturday evening Prayer meeting is held Wednes can join. Both bridge and 509 day evening at the home of Mr. will be played. CRANBERRIES Roberts on First avenue. Every POP CORN Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander one is welcome. CURRANTS Jolly Time — Guaranteed had as their guests from Armis HONEY to pop 10-oz. tins. The small daughter of Mr. and tice day until Saturday Mr. and Otter Brand — For the 9 12-oz. or Thanksgiving Fruit Cake— Mrs. D. G. Ryves cut her finger Mrs. G. C. Smith and son and COMBS 11-oz. Pkge. for Saturday while playing with an daughter, and Mrs. William Sea PACKAGE ax. The injury is not serious. man, all of Independence. Mrs. Catherine Hoffman and Emmett Seaman is Mrs. Kullander’s mo CRANBERRY Sauce ALMONDS Mitchel, O. S. C. students spent ther, and Mrs. Smith her sister. Dromedary — For the Ne Plus— Fancy new crop. the weekend visiting Miss Hoff Thanksgiving dinner —bet POUND ..................... Hotel McDonald guests this ter and more economical— man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. week were Mary Tade, Sacra .... 2 for 35c 17-oz. tin— S. Hoffman. mento; Elizabeth C. Murray, Geo. Minton Brand — Fancy 2% TIN tin. Makes delicious pies. WALNUTS The meeting date of the Loy A. Nelson, St. Helens; R. C. Fancy large budded Oregon al Gleaners for next week has Whiteman, Salt Lake City; D. D. JELLY Today— been changed to Tuesday, Nov Lanway, J. Le Vegue, Edw. E. FOR Kerr — 4 lb, 10 oz. POUND ember 24. Mrs. Ray Charlesworth Werlein, Fred Holifer, J. C. CAN .......................... Armstrong, Phil E. Molley, Ar will entertain. thur C. Bradley, and K. D. Wil PEAS Marian Lindley underwent an liamson, of Portland. Rodman brand — Fancy Petit Pois — 2’s operation for appendicitis in Em Stopping at Hotel Hy Van CAN .......................... anuel hospital, Portland, Novem 2 for 45c Nigger Toes — Fancy New ber 12. She is reported to be this week were W. F. Hintzen, LEG PORK ROAST Ralph Patrick, M. H. Patrick, crop—2 for 35c IQ — getting along very well. Nehalem Market & Grocery Specials for Fri. and Sat. PRODUCE 3 for 2 25c 2 29c 59c 2 25c 19c 20c 5C 5 lbs.............. 17c 15c 2 lbs..............25c Pumpkin 18c 20c Give Us the Pleasure of Assisting You With Your Christinas Shopping Hotel McDonald has the agency for the State Laundry Co. for laundry and dry cleaning Picks up Tuesdays and delivers Fri days. (Adv.) The Willing Workers spent Wednesday and Thursday after noons qiulting in the social rooms of the Christian church, Mrs. A. E. Adams was hostess on Wed nesday. Jack Carkin was in town Tues day afternoon on business. He expects to complete his work for the St. Helens Mist within a few days, and until he gets located will spend the time with Mrs. Car kin in Camas, Washington. J. P. Plummer of Vernonia, who is employed with the Clark- Wilson company, received head BEST FOR FREE TODAY THE HOLIDAYS! A RINGLETTE PERMA NENT with its soft deep waves and curls—so easy to care for—will add to your joy and comfort. Let us show you how EASY our wave is with less heat and less weight —it Only ......................... fto Four Christmas Shopping Carlg . . . while the stock is new and avoid the usual Christmas RUSH. A handsome mottled latest design rubber apron. Regu lar Value 35c—Free with 1 can Otter Fey Oysters 1 Can Otter Fey Shrimp Regular Value 70c Today 39c ALL FOR MEAT IOC 17c POUND 19c Thanksgiving Special 60c Brazils POUND ................... . DATES Dromedary— 19c 2 23c PACKAGE ............ . We have many wonderful and useful gifts. New ones are coming in daily. LOOK YOUR 24c Peanuts Fresh Roasted — New Crop Virginias 14c POUND ................... . Mincemeat Kerr’s Best — 18-ob. jar— Flavored with Sherry Wine and Brandy— J Z*1C JAR SHOULDER ROAST PORK POUND .'.......... 14c SIDE PORK FRESH POUND ................. WEINERS lb. 16c 18c HAMBURGER AND SAUSAGE 2 POUNDS ............. Milady’s Beauty Slioppe Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 SHOP SAVE HERE MONEY Professional and Business Directory For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. ROASTERS RARRFR Order of Eastern Star Prices loir er than ever FAMILY SIZE ............................. MEDIUM SIZE ................................. $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 LARGE SIZE, 17» ¿-inches long . Blue Vitrox Finish — Years of Service. LARGE IVORY ENAMEL, GREEN TRIM DOUBLE WALL ROASTER Raised bottom prevents Burning. 2 sizes— $2.45 and $3.00 Each Nothing Better ALUMINUM ROASTERS Large Size, Oval. Self basting, only 98c Formerly sold $1.50 to $1.75 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Regular commu A. F. 4 A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meetmgs on all other Thurs- I ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT—IT PAYS I. O^O. F. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets »very second and fourth Thursdays in I. O. O. F. hall. Vernonia. Visit I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. ors always welcome. Margaret Lines, Noble Grand. 246 meets every Tuesday night | at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis Bessie Herrin, Secretary. itors always welcome. Chas. Holt, Noble Grand. Pythian Sisters G. G. Holt, Vice-Grand. Vernonia Temple «1 meets G. M. Holt. Secretary. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. American Legion Clara Kerns, M. or R. & C. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS ■ i-xwz BARBER cJlJy shop Haircutting for Men Women ana Children Expert Work Guaranteed --------------- DEBUSES PASTIME CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Lloyd Baker, Prop. General Contractor Mason Work, Building Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 891 DR. J. A. HUGHES Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 663 des. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon BAFFORD BROS. Mary Kato General Plumbing Chop Suey Restaurant C. BRUCE Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon RADIO SERVICE Parts for all radios either in stock or manufactured to order. House 18, O-A Hill Residence Phone 1061 DOCTORS ------------- RESTAURANTS Vernonia Complete Dentist Vernonia, Oregon CONTRACTORS JOHN A. MILLER GLENN E. DEAMER M. D. COLE CARD ROOM Vernonia Post 119, American Legion. Meets Meets every Monday night in the W.O.W. 2nd and 4th hall. Visiting broth Tuesdays each ers welcome. month. 8. p. m. M. D. Cole. C. C. J. E. Kerr, Com- H. Culbertson, K.R.S. mander; Eugene Shipman, Adj. HARDING LODGE 11« Hoffman Hdwe. Co. A. F. & A. M. CHOPS OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD STREET ! Willard Batteries VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oil« . . . Expert Greasing VERNONIA SERVICE STATION TRANSFER — TRUCK CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling CASON TRANSFER j Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store