Derno iw? iiyCKz_________ ¿S;—ÆÂfL< VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1931. VOLUME IX. Hearing On UNEMPLOYED ARE SUPERINTENDENT The Silver Lining PLEADS RETENTION Is Tonight School District Budget Drawn Up This Week URGED NOT TO Retention GO TO PORTLAND OF COUNTY NURSE Miss Nettie Alley, county health nurse, performs a very valuable service in the schools, declares Superintendent E. H. Condit, and it would be a serious loss if the •¿.•y.-’. appropriation for her office should be withdrawn, Among the duties which she performs, he states, are aiding & in dental work, informing the pupils about their teeth, aden It oids, and physical condition, thereby helping to keep the children in good health, avoiding loss of school time and possibly heavy medical expenses. She al so does quarantine work in rural communities, and helps in the fit ting of glasses to those who can not afford them. She also investigates cases fur the county and city health of- I ficers, Mr. Condit states, and vaccinates at cost. NUMBER 69. HFS (OMINÓ HOME OH /M SO HW. I jU$r«MPNT HEiy_ WOH6 ASOliT' OURW/lW w na »16 CITY IW •& ÍHÉ ÍWMWBIT •T his mohnii «>. hepiphti 8 ihi ¿ 1ÍÍE PlANT W MX OP™ S0HIE1ÍM6 NO WE OP , 10AHH6 NaXWPISE OTV AHV AfcOUAP 1AE FARM The planning department of the Portland Community Chest issued this week the following warning: “Keep your young folks at home this winter. “The unemployment situation in Portland is such that we are advising young people not to seek employment here; but to re main in their home towns, unless they have enough money to tide them over or friends and family with whom they can live. “Remember, disappointment is a sad beginning to a young per son’s career. It will be far bet ter to remain at school another year or help at home, than be obliged to return home disheart ened and discouraged.” Is Urged of Commerce Favors Development of Lands Chamber Resolutions urging the retention A hearing on the proposed city of the office of county nurse and budget us to be held in the city advocating the framing of a law hall at 7:30 tonight, when all permitting counties to take over persons affected by the tax ask cut-over lands and permit settlers ed for are privileged to appear to improve them in order to get before the city council acting as them back on the tax rolls were a levying board and suggest any passed at the chamber of com changes they may desire. merce meeting in the Masonic Proponents of the budget point temple Wednesday noon. out that the tax asked for is “It would be a grave mistake $1,536.00 less than last year. In County Chamber at the present time to abolish order to comply with the techni the office of county nurse,' ,” de- cal requirements of the six per Opens New Office dared J. E. Kerr, "There is more cent limitation law it will be ne Mrs Malmsten I opportunity now than ever be- cessary to hold an election asking authority to exceed the amount. | The office of the Columbia fore to do good in that office, Passes Tuesday The city officers desire to make county chamber of commerce has The dollar spent in maintaining it plain that this does not mean been opened in the White build her work brings a greater return Mrs. E. E. Malmsten died in the an increase in he budget, as some ing located at First and Cowlitz than any other county dollar Emanuel hospital, Portland, Tues- supposed, but have erroneously supposeu, uui is is, i. t . -i ol i. streets in St. Helens. The new spent.” because of a low base. If thelda* heart flure. She had Dr. Marvin R. Eby also testi- office is a spacious room on the authority to exceed the limitation' ‘•‘»"pletely recovered from an ground floor affording easy ac fied to the value of the county is not granted, the city will ber°Peratl°" for •pPJendi®i?’ a.fe,w cess to those who call on the nurse, and Judd Greenman, chair — - WPPK8 hpfnrp. nnn mlliprl ninolv restricted to a tax of $1,758.43, weeks before, and rallied nicely county chamber for information man of the meeting, stated that wholly inadequate to maintain the despite serious complications at Alex Sword Dies and other purposes relating to she more than pays her own way Wildwood Union EARLY COPY NEXT required functions of the city the time. the county. The ceiling and in the savings she effects. Funeral services were held government, they assert. of Fir-Tex, screen partitions Land Settlement Discussed WEEK, PLEASE Holds Rally Here manufactured in are After Long Illness the Thursday in the Evangelical The election regarding Columbia coun Lester Sheeley explained that right to exceed the limitation will church at Vernonia, Rev. F. B. ty by the Fir-Tex Insulating In order to allow the the suggestion of the Poipona be by secret ballot a week from Culver an d Rev. G. W. Plumer Board company. This company members of the Eagle staff Those who attended the Wild Alex Sword, 78, died at his grange regarding the taking over Interment was in today. Only registered voters officiating. a chance to enjoy Thanks wood Christian Endeavor Union also has loaned the organization of cut-over lands on which taxes home near Vernonia Tuesday whose names appear on the poll Lincoln Memorial cemetery, Port evening at 6:30 following about office furniture for the giving turkey (or substi- rally at the Christian church Sun some are delinquent has consideragle books may participate, Judge Rea land. tute) without necessity of day reported it to be a very in time being to help the organiza- merit, but cannot be carried out four months of failing heatlh. soner states. The election will be Lena Malmsten (nee Odman) to get under way. The their fingers having to soil tion teresting one. There were 14 Mr. Sword was one of the under the present laws. Coun held in the city hall. was born Nov. 29, 1872, at Lek- with printer’s ink, advertis- guests from Clatskanie, Astoria, work is in charge of B. O. Gar- ties, he asserted, cannot sell land first settlers in the Nehalem val “The city is in a very favor vatten, Sweden. At the age of 16 ments and correspondence Scappoose and St. Helens. Miss rett, who is assisted by Mrs. Eva foreclosed for taxes for less than ley, having lived here 40 years. able financial condition and she came to the United States to one day .earlier . than usual Nellie Howe, president of the L. Tice, and who can be reached the tax lien on it; hence the coun He established one of the first should be kept so,” declares C. live with a sister in Minnesota. are requested. The "dead there any time. Union had charge of the rally. homesteads here. ty could not give or sell for a W. Reithner of the budget com- Oct. 18, 1899, she was united in line” will be Wednesday The Christian Endeavor took ; Telephone service has been in nominal sum such land to set mittee. marriage to Elon E. Malmsten of! He is survived by his wife, a noon, and all copy must be charge of the Sunday morning stalled and the number assigned tlers on condition of certain im Vasa, Minn., at which place they daughter, Mrs. Christina Callan- in by that time or be held School Budget Drawn Up services in the absence of F. the office is St. Helens 12. dine of Klamath Falls, and a son, provements being made within a lived until 1907, when they mov over until the following A luncheon Claude Stephens, A budget for school district 47 Something over 600 inquiries specified time. Robert Sword, who lives on the ed to Vernonia. week. was held in the Terminal cafe regarding Columbia county are was drawn up Wednesday night Chairman Greenman appointed Two children were born to this home place. Sunday noon and a business ses- in the process of being answered. H. E. McGraw, Emil Messing and by a committee consisting of Services are to be held at union, a daughter, Gladys E. sion followed. W. A. Harris, C. W. Reithner These inquiries are largely due to Ray D. Fisher as a committee to Brown’s Mortuary today at two Mrs. Stephens And The next rally will be held in the distribution of the booklet, and Ray D. Fisher, cooperating Knauss, and a son Leroy, who o’clock. the matter to the attention Mrs. Ray Bereaved Clatskanie the third week end of “Oregon,” issued by the Spokane, bring with A. C. Knauss and R. M. with her husband and a grandson, of the couny chamber of com- Lawrence E. Knauss, all of Ver- January. Aldrich of the school board. Pres Portland and Seattle Railway in mere*. FIRE DAMAGES J. C. Eads of Eugene, father ent also were Superintendent E. nonia, survive her. Two broth- conjunction with the Northern A chicken dinner was provided of Mrs. F. C. Stephens and Mrs. UPSTAIRS ROOMS Ethel Ray of Vernonia, passed CLARENCE FOWLER H. Condit and Clerk Loel Rob- ers and two sisters, now in Swed Pacific and Great Northern roads. by the members of the Nehalem erts. The budget embodying en, and a host of relatives and SEVERS FINGER The inquiries are from all over club. away Sunday evening at 8:30. substantial reductions appears on friends of Vernonia and Vasa, I Fire possibly of incendiary orig I the country, most of them be- Funeral services were held in in the vacant apartments over Minn., share with the family the Clarence Fowler of Riverview | ¡ngr from the middle west and another page of this issue. Wednesday from East Eugene the Miller barber shop early Mon The date for the school budget loss of her passing. One sister, Church of Christ, in which he had the misfortune to completely' eastern states. In answering them GOLFERS PLAN meeting is set for December 11. Mary, preceded her in death a day morning, did about $400.00 sever the first finger and the|un effort is being made to deter- worth of damage to the walls, had been an active worker since knuckle joint from his left hand mine in what definite line of year ago. Budget Time Discussed its organization the past 22 years. roof and floor. TURKEY SHOOT At an early age she united with Saturday while splitting wood, j activity prospective settlers are A meeting of interested citizens the church and in Vernonia has His daughters and family of The department responded to discuss the question as to held active membership in the promptly, and quenched the blaze this city attended the last sad The accident happened when the interested so that detailed infor- A handicap turkey shoot will whether or not the school dis i Evangelical church. service in memory of a devoted long handle of his ax struck mation can be furnished them in before it had gained headway. against the chopping block de- the particular line they want to be held at the Vernonia Golf trict should continue to • adopt and affectionate father. 1 fleeting a powerful blow to his, follow. course Sunday. This tournament budgets for the following instead Erroll Sloane, minister for the hand. “We are trying to interest on proved very popular before and of the current school year was East Eugene Church of Christ, ly those people who have enough all the local golfers are invited held Monday evening in the conducted the services. capital to make them desirable to participate. With the interest Washington school. Red Cross Begins settlers,” states Mr. Garrett. “We that is being shown here should A. C. Knauss, chairman of the LOCAL GRANGE will discourage those who merely be at least two flights. school board, explained that eith FAVORS EXTENSION Membership Drive er system has its advantages, want jobs or have only a very Last Sunday the City View golf Team W L Pct. To begin with the Federals RURAL WORK and disadvantages. According to 1 Legions small amount of capital to in- team defeated the Columbia coun . 1 0 1.000 seemed very reluctant about the present procedure it is im-' Athletics ty team on the Vernonia course Vernonia grange at its meeting -■ -• •_ chapter of - the - vest.” 1 0 1.000 showing up, there being at least The Vernonia possible to forecast accurately' Federáis In addition to answering the 47% to 15%. Scores: .000 three of them on hand about 30 Saturday night unanimously went I Rej Crogshas besjunita annual . 0 1 the needs of the schools a year' Teachers .000 minutes after the scheduled game on record as favoring the ex-I membership drive, which will con- inquiries resulting from the diB- . 0 1 City View Vernonia in advance. Under the other | Well, well, well , here he is time. They seemed to feel be- tension work in rural communities tinue through Wednesday, Nov tribution of the railroads’ booklet, G. Schuld 2% ...... Dr. Bailey % plan the school board is compel-1 again. Someone let him out. I forehand that they were going to in the county, and asking the ember 25, the day before Thanks the office has taken over inqui D. Farmer % Bateman 21.i, ries regarding the Scappoose poul- P. Schuld 3 .......... Hutchinson Ö led to hire its teachers and incur|After remaining cooped up all get beat and consequently tried county court for its continuance. giving. other expenses before the bud-1 Spring) Summer and for the first to put it off as long as possible. “We are 1 not expecting the do-¡‘O' P™ject and wil1 handle the L. Verbracken 4 Bush 0 get is drawn up. In this case, few weeks of Fall, that old in Finally Bateman got his cohorts Harvard Malmsten >e large to the organi-! manY requests for information M. K. Hedge 3 .... nations to be Childs 0 he declared, omission of any levy door baseball germ got loose and together and things began to ..... W. Kerry 0 ” the committee sûtes Ûbout this project as well as tak- J. Guntz 3 ..... Partially Recovers r zation, we for a year in order to return to bit a lot of people the early part hum. The game was very ragged __ 1 ing in the do want every one to,1 an "» active interest uurim, ■■■ de- u. c. Reimer 3 .. i “but H. King 0 the other system would be diffi of this week. Ye old spasmodic and showed lack of practice on f i vs z4 a n rl/sllnw dollar for their en. renewal of velopment of the plan by those L. Givinski 2 . .............. Cole 1 Harvard Malmsten, who lost find cult financially, since the county sports writer, being rather slow the part of both teams. Bate already on the project. Six Horning 21^ .. .... Cooper % his sight temporarily as the result membership.” treasurer would use such income, in becoming inoculated with the man let himself pitch and let it of an injury sustained in a foot-' The committee, consisting of people have built or are building W. Miller 2 ... .......... Clement 1 as the district has to pay bonded | serum of the aforementioned in be said here that did a mighty Atchinson 0 ball game Armistice day, regain- Mrs. J. A. Hughes, Mrs. L. H. on the tracts at the present time. H. Miller 3 indebtedness first, and there pro-' door bug, didn’t get his pencil good job of it, striking out the ed it for a while Sunday. At the Dewey, Mrs. Howard Reeher, ‘ Mrs. The first man to get his tract Martin 3 ......... .......... Messing 0 bably would be an insufficient sharpened up for the first two manager of the Legions (guess time he imagined himself back in F- W. Gough and. Mrs. Fred in production is J. W. Shearer, Bork 0 _____ . .............. Ruhl 3 amount of tax receipts to pay for gameg on — —, this season’s indoor who) no less than 15 times, which the game, his father, S. V. Malm- Spring, points out that last year who is getting two and a half Berner 3 ........ ... G. Clement 0 operating costs. The decision was schedule , and cannot accurately may or may not have been to sten states. Flueher 0 the Red Cross did a great deal cases of eggs per day, fifty per Johnston 3 ..... to continue the present plan, and i ’ give the score for these first two his credit. Barber did the catch Since Sunday there have been for Columbia county residents, cent production, but expects soon Naylor % ....... ...... Phillipps 21A the board, in session after the encounters. five ing for the Feds. Malmsten did intervals of recurring blindness and that Vernonia received its1 to be . getting . M . . cases. Al- Sherrell 0 ...... ........ Frazzelle 3 open meeting, appointed the bud However, from his befuddled the twirling for the Legions and and restored sight, Mr. Malmsten "hare of benefit from the drive. | W. Berner 3 .. ............ Brickel 0 get committee. brain cells, said cells being rather Barker held him down behind the says. The boy’s back pains him „1 * "I am sure that all teachers K«rd>n8 «<>«» of production is not E. Martin 21/, ..... M. Miller W ..' and parents ------ will agree chil-. available he estimates a profit of H. Lien 3 ...... ......... J. Miller 0 dusty from lack of rainfall of bat. Both of these boys perform considerably, and it has been nec-' ---- .--------- --— that ----------- HY-VAN CHANGES HANDS [ dren cannot do their work well if ten cents per dozen on the pres- Clark 2 -------- ..... Macpherson 1 late, he presents herewith the fol ed in excellent style. essary to tape it. ¡they are having trouble with their ent egg price. Mrs. W. S. McDaniel has given lowing facts in connection with On Wednesday night the team A BIG APPLE Membership activity is neces- WILLING WORKERS ! eyes,” declares Mrs. Spring. "In up the lease of the Hotel Hy-Van, the opening games. representing the Athletic club Tuesday night the Federals, led went to bat with a team of Teach- TO HOLD BAZAAR Frank Peterson has brought to , my room there were three chil- sarily the major effort of the or and is leaving for Klamath Falls, NEXT SATURDAY where she will join Mr. McDaniel, by Tom Bateman, and the Le-1 ers. After trailing for eight in the Eagle office an apple weighdren who were supplied with ganization at the present time. 'glasses. All they were asked to Work has been carried on in St. who is working for Geo. W. gions, commandeered by Bert nings the Athletics pulled ahead ing 1 pound, 7 ounce«. The Willing Workers of the It was grown on a tree set out P«y was one dollar, and the rest Helens and Vernonia with fine Ford’s Columbia Utilities com- Tisdale, tangled up in the first in the ninth and won the game encounter. The Legions won this ,20 to 160 (final count not guar 40 years ago. In appearance it I of th« expenses such as examina- results. The campaign for mem Christian church will hold their pany. For the present the owner of struggle without much effort. Tha anteed.) As in the game on the is like the gloria mundi, but is,tion, doctor’s fees and transpor- bers wil) be inaugurated in the Christmas bazaar and cooked food the building. H. Van Blaricom, is final score is not known but it previous evening a lack of finesse firmer, and is good both 1%r,t«tion to St. Helens were charged other communities of the county sale on Saturday, November 28, up to the Red Cross. There were as soon as possible. However, in the Van Alstine building. A is known that the Legions finish was noted in the fielding depart- cooking and eating. operating the hotel. I others who had their tonsils re- memberships in Vernonia can be cafeteria lunch will be served ed some 12 runs in the lead so | ment of both teams but as time Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Brady and, moved for a very small sum which had through H. E. McGraw and at noon and Mrs. Rose Sitts will Phillip Millis returned to school any score will do just so the goes on these rough spots will no children of Forest Grove visited .was made possible by the Red I Ray D. Fisher, who have been serve throughout hot coffee and Tuesday after an absence of winners are placed 12 runs to the I at the home of Roy Brady Sunday. Cross membership drive.” 'furnished with application blanks. her own home-made doughnuts. (Continued on Page 6) good. nearly three weeks. Ye Old Sports Writer Sharpens Up His Pencil