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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1931)
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1031. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE FÌVfi -S=säSS&=Ä==s«S- Notice of Budget Meeting posing them save my faith in you? Your words to me—how are they to be Interpreted? What can I <1<> Notice is hereby given that the budget committee of the city but bend to the will of my parents of Vernonia, Columbia county, Oregon, a municipal corporation, and return to my home In England has filed in the office of the levying board, to-wit; The City Coun and cherish a memory of days and cil of said city, its detailed estimate of the total amount of receipts, of a face dearer than all others? and also the total amount of money proposed to be raised by taxa I cannot blame my father, for when tion and expended by said municipal corporation for all purposes I search m.v own heart I find In It for the fiscal year of 1932 which estipiates are as follows: a degree of pride. It Is a thing BUDGET bom In me. I cannot help It. If ft be wrong, I ask m.v God to for GENERAL FUND City dump ...r....................................................................... give me. I ask also that He will $ 55.00 Fuel and City Hall Expense ................... ......................... give you strength and comfort ac 150.00 Accounting .................................................. ......................... cording to your need. 100.00 Recorder’s salary ............................................................... 1200.00 “Sincerely your friend. Supplies ........................ ............................... ........................ “Elizabeth Brade. 125.00 EAGLE CLASSIFIEDS Treasurer’s salary .............................................................. 240.00 Thus gently and truthfully the Supplies ............................................................................... 5.00 Lady Bess broke with William Hey- BRING RESULTS City Attorney Salary ...................................................... 480.00 don and surrendered when the bat i Marshal salarv ......................................... , ........................ 1620.00 tle was by no means lost. How Deputy Marshal Salary ................................................... 400.00 ever. It must be said that she could W.AI.U 'X 150.00 Supplies and Jail Expense ............................................... $ E.R.V I G te, not foresee wlint was coming. Wil LOST AND FOUND Fire Department ...................................... .......................... 250.00 Copqriqkt V»<4. liam laid no blame upon her. lie I berg drove to Cathlamet over the IRVING BACHELLER 200.00 Health Department .................. .............. .......................... 1 r V ‘ r,<a '.gf- knew too well the pride of the born LOST—1 pair eye glasses. Leave Street Department, Street Lighting and Maintenance 1400.00 weekend where they visited Mr. aristocrat. She had resisted It for at A. L. Kullander Jewelry Legal Publications .............................................................. William wrote to Roswell Brade 50.00 "And think of the strange wild a time but it was bound to have Sandberg’s brother, who is em 1000.00 beauty of this scene and for age- offering the Lady Bess her free Its way. Soon after the Brades ployed by the Crown-Willamette. store and receive reward. C. Emergency fund ................................................................ dom and even urging that she take 1000.00 untold no eye to see It but God's." Bruce. (662c Payment Outstanding Warrants and Interest ............. took a sldp for England. 240.00 Mr and Mrs. John Hatfield and Librarian Salarv ................................................................ Amos took his two books from It. 50.00 “ 1 can never love nnother worn- daughter Johnnybelle were din his wallet. One was tilled wltii LOST—303 Savage Rifle between New Books ................................................. ,........................ (Continued Next Week) 300.00 City Park ............................................................................. notes and maps. He passed it to an.' he wrote, “but It may be that ner guests at the home of Ira Oak Ranch creek and Big Ed she can love another man. She was Robert, saying: Rollins of Vernonia on Sunday. dy on highway. Liberal reward. $9015.00 Total ............................. ..... "Sit down here and read my born for happiness, and It Is her 2500.00 Camp Eight has another new Clarence E. Johnston, Houlton, Less estimated fees and fines diary whiles I go on with the map duty to find it." Brade came to see him end family adding three more school Oregon. Phone 317-J, St. Hel In this other book." $6515.00 •So It befell that Robert read the asked him polntlilank for the truth, children. Mr. Wold is night me ens. 671c full particulars of Todklll's meet William did not answer the quest- WATER OPERATING FUND chanic in the shop. The old ing with .John Samp. Amos had tlon. $1500.00 TO TRADE Superintendent’s salary ........ Returning from the prison. Mr. Mrs. Earl Smith and small school house was transformed in been thoughtless in the matter. For 600.00 Water collector ..................... the young man now reading them, Brade called his wife and daugli daughter Muriel spent last week to a suitable family house for 5 TONS OF HAY—to trade for Supplies and maintenance .... 2100.00 ter Into council. He said: “ The those pages were full of soul fire. cow or young stock. George in Portland, where they could them. 4200.00 A thing hud happened which he more I study the matter the darker Total Mrs. James Hanna gave a Hal Engelke, Corey Hill. (671* It becomes. William will give me no spend some time with Mr. Smith, could not have foreseen. He hud WATER BOND FUND never dreamed that Ills going would light. Why? If he Is innocent and who is still in the hospital but loween party for her small daugh FOR SALE ter Dorothy Lee Saturday night. $1500.00 Sinking fund .................................. put his friend in peril. lie hud Is trying to shield his friend Rob is rapidly improving. 2220.00 Those present were Sadie Mackie, CUT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs. Investors syndicate sinking fund supposed that bls disappearance ert Heathers, why can he not con fide his secret to me? He should Little Louise Piert has been 3210.00 Interest ............................................ would be accepted as a confession. Jean Lewis, Jack and Lee Baker, know that I would not betray ft. W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136. very ill but at last report was The coat, the unexpected testimony and Junior Portner. Games were Total $6930.00 of the woman and William's unac The posture of the case Is critical. somewhat better. played ending with a marshmal TURKEYS—For dressed or live countable wandering in the woods If lie confessed now he would go SEWER BONDS He may go to the Mrs. John Atkins, Mrs. Lawr low roast. Turkeys get your order in had defeated his purpose. He had to the gallows. $7000.00 Sinking fund .... without confession. These ence Sandberg and Mrs. Robert felt sure that the woman would gallows eary. See me %-mile north of Interest 2400.00 magistrates are stern men. I have have sense enough to hold her Wood drove to Columbia City on J Golf course, or write T. B. War- I ===== tongue, lie sprawled on the ground conferred with one of them today. | Thursday to purchase salmon for $9400.00 Total He feels that tlieir evidence war field, Star Rt., Vernonia. (673c writhing in distress of mind. Amos rants the pain of death.” canning. saw it and came to his side. BOND “I say again, steadfastly, that 1 | Those attending the weekly pot. FOR SALE—18 sheep, mostly GENERAL “What's the trouble, boy?" he believe Sinking fund ....... $ 600.00 •1* him Innocent," said Bess. young ewes. E. Feldt, Sco asked. Interest ............... 159.00 you are are almost almost alone atone tn m, j luek luncheon from camp at th. “ But you field. (662* "My friend—m.v best friend—Is that. I am myself convinced that ■ home of Mrs. Ira Rollins of Ver- l> In danger of the gallows. He may Total $ 769.00 lie is guilty. guilty, We are humiliated nonia were Mrs. Hatfield, Mrs. - APPLES—40 cents a box. Bring be dead now.” Robert answered. by association with this man who, Olson, Mrs. Hanna, Mrs. Pringle A trail builders camp for Wolf $21,289.00 “Don't worry. To begin with, If he Is not guilty, does not your own box. Windfalls 25 trust 12,000.00 the word of a tipsy constable Is not us (662* Less water receipts with the truth, Guilty or Inno- and Mrs. Norman Quinn, others creek surveyors was established cents. A. L. Parker. worth a cracked farthln’. 1 cent, as I have said before, he Is present were Mrs. F. N. O’Don this week at the upper I.-P. camp $ 9,289.00 wouldn't give a penny's worth o' There Is but one thing nell, Mrs. Hayden, Mrs. Ryves, . with F. C. Whitten of Portland I ..................... ......... the day for all this talk. If Wil disgraced. on Saturday. Mr. Warnstaff has SUMMARY for us to do. We must get away Mrs. Mackie, Mrs. Grenia, 1 — Mrs. i n charge. Several local men have liam Is convicted, why does lie $ 2,500.00 come after you? But suppose that from these troubles and go back to Lizenby, Mrs. Virgil Powell, Mrs.! been given work including Lee a piling contract and they ex Estimated receipts from fines and licenses 12,000.00 Samp told the truth, they will not England for a time. You and your Hageman, Mrs. Art Wridge and Fry, Hilbert Young, and H. C. pect to remain there at least all From Water system ........................................ hang William." Mrs. Miller, sister of winter. mother are in such a nervous con Mrs. Miller. After a lovely lun-' Ridenour. . $14,500.00 Total estimated receipts "Why?” dition that living with you lias be Mrs. Warnstaff, came from Port- “They don't believe he did It. come a burden. We must get away cheon three tables of 500 were1 A. A. Olsen has been in Port- Total General Fund ............................................................. . $ 9015.00 That’s why tile court has sent for from these deplorable < xcltements formed. Mrs. Lizenby won first land the past week visiting his land to help move. .... 21,289.00 Water operating expense, sinking funds and interest you. They say you must be the or we shall all be dead." T. F. Scott left Monday to prize for high score, Mrs. O’Don- family. guilty man or ye wouldn't have run $30,304.00 TOTAL BUDGET ___ For a time the girl stood against nell second and Mrs. Pringle Mrs. Virginia Gilkerson was a look for work. away on the tavern ship. You've these convictions renewed and 14,500.00 Vernonia shopper Saturday. Dr. Marvin Eby and Dr. Hur Less estimated receipts got the reputation o’ being a devil amplified day by day for a week. ¡winning consolation. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stread-j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Day and ley spent two days here fishing $15,804.00 with the gals. I don't know how She called Sir Harry Vane to her Total amount to be raised by tax . ye got It. Probably from the busy aid but to no avail. Her father ‘ j wick and son Bernard were Port- Being $1,536.00 less than 1931 budget. rorv- daughter Yvonne spent last Sun- last week. tongues o' the women. Yon like a would not lie persuaded by his ar- j land visitors last Thursday and day in camp. C. W. REITHNER R. M. ALDRICH Mr. Day is a Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rose have Secretary Budget Committee_________ Chairman Budget Committee joke better than mutton. William gunients. Roswell F ............. Brade was an Friday. longshoreman in Portland at pre returned to camp. is straighter-faced. He can laugh, able and n stubborn gentleman, lie I but he looks and talks more like a appealed to her pride and lier sense I Quite a number from Camp sent. Mrs. Bertha Dutro and Delma And notice is hereby given that the said City Council of said godly man. Every one likes him. of gratitude. He was slow to use | Eight attended the masquerade H. W. Jones spent several days City, sitting as a levying board, will hold a meeting at the City He's as friendly as a house cat. bls authority as the head of the | dance at Arcadia Saturday night in the vicinity of Salem looking Jean, mother and daughter of Hall in the City of Vernonia, Columbia county. Oregon, on Friday Mrs. Virginia Gilkerson, arrived evening, November 20th, 1931, at the hour of 7:30 o’clock p. m., He's round and you’re four-cor including Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee, for work. nered. Folks may like ye or not. W WM <TT H from Hood River last Friday, at which time and place all persons, who shall be subject to such Mr. and Mrs. Vie Ennis, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dooher and They will occupy the McDuffy tax The whole town Is sure that he is levy, when the same shall be made, may appear and be heard not guilty and that you be. That’s Ernie Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. John daughter Margaret Jane, Charles cottage until the end of the in favor or against said tax levy, or any part thereof. why the old tub Samp came up the Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wienderlich and Wm. Van Lom school year. shore to nail us. Yoy needn't wor Dated this October 26th, 1931. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pringle, visited D. F. O’Donnel over the ry 'bout William. They’ll never J. E. TAPP, (Seal) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell, >, weeKeno, weekend. hang him. Too many friends For real bargains—watch the Mayor. B. REASONER, amongst the great men. There’s Mrs. Lyle Baker and Mrs. Eliza Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle spent classified columns of the Eagle. Attest—D. City Recorder. some that’s harm-proof. He's one beth Piert. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tuesday in camp. of ’em.” Pringle won consolation prize! Mrs. H. W. Jones has been ap- These words were a comfort to for their costume. pointed school clerk for this dis- the young man. “I don't know what to do,” he June Eversand of Houlton ( trict by the county superintend- so bl. “We cannot go back.” spent the weekend with her aunt »nt. Her duties will begin at ' .lack!'’ Amos exclaimed. "Hell's Mrs. Wm. Virtue. once. griddles 1 No 1 I'd rather try to For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on John Hatfield had the misfor A delightful Halloween party dodge the Mohawks—thick as flies this page alphabetically. These men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business tune of having his car partially was given on October 30 by Mrs. In midsummer, savage as a bear and professional people. with cubs, and get to some Dutch wrecked Saturday night when his< Virginia Gilkerson at the teach town. We've bad luck in gettln' here. car was hit by one driven by | er’s cottage. Several prizes were I XVe'd never get back. I reckon RABRFR SHOPS P. Peterson. One front tire and i awarded and refreshments served we'll make the big lake In two days fender was badly damaged and' with Mrs. Lambert assisting. The and a sleep. In tills moon I feel GLENN E. DEAMER DR. J. A. HUGHES R w z BARBER the suck o' the south on me. We’ll during the night the spare tire guests included Bertha, Avious, Complete shop try our luck in ti^> Molmwlc coun Physician and Surgeon and rim were stolen. Although, Tom, Jack and Muriel Scott, try. There’s water most o’ the way RADIO SERVICE Haircutting for Men the car left the road it did not Hazel Johnsen, Reva McCorm down to the big Dutch Island. If Vernonia, Office Phone 663 Parts for all radios either Women ana Children upset and no one was badly in ick, Peggy and Patsy Ridenour. ye take my advice ye’,1 keep away Oregon Res. Phone 664 in stock or manufactured to from the colony leastways till win jured in either car. The collision Stanley, Harvey and William Expert Work Guaranteed ter weather has cooled ’em off. 1 order. was near the mile bridge. Warnstaff, Robert Jones, Pat and HOTELS reckon we better take a ship for CARD ROOM House 18, O-A Hill Doris Estey, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hanna Margaret O ’ Donnell, Holland If we can sneak through." Residence Phone 1061 Hotel Hy-Van of Vernonia were dinner guests Arne Anderson and Delma Gil- “We'll go south, If you think PASTIME there’s a chance to get through." at the home of his brother Jim kerson. STEAM HEAT /»»»•»' said Robert. "I wish we had tried Hanna on Wednesday evening. J. W. Warnstaff and family The best for those CARDS AND the sea." "I Am Myaelf Convinced That He Willard Batteries Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sand- moved to Silverdale, Washington, “Ye might as well sing a psalm LIGHT LUNCHES I* Guilty.” who appreciate the VIOLET RAY GASOLINE over a dead horse,” Amos an best. Lloyd Baker, Prop. Oils . • . Expert Greasing swered. “We'll get out o' this house, and It must be remembered that In the Seventeenth century It puppy snatch. Don't worry." VERNONIA CONTRACTORS The old pioneer bad a different was a power to which women were f/l sort of comrade to deal with now wont to yield without question. SERVICE STATION They might think of independent —one who had suddenly changed from a confiding youth filled with action, but If so they did it secretly. JOHN A. MILLER TRANSFER — TRUCK a boy's relish for adventure to a Bess bad to yield at last, and so stern faced man. It came about that this letter was General Contractor “Come on," he said. "We'll take written: Order of Eastern Star A. F. & A. M. CURLY’S TRANSFER another shoemaker's holiday.’ hotel c onald “My detyest: I love you. As Nehaktm Chapter 153, O. E. S. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Mason Work, Building Phone Business 221 long as I live I will love you, yet Regular commu A. F. & A. M. meet* Residence 653 our ship Is wrecked. Its freight CHAPTER VI MONEY TO LOAN nication first at Masonic Temple, of happiness is lost. If 1 could have and third Wed- Local and Long Dis Stated Communication A Seething Broth and the Pot That my way I would stay here and do nesdaya of aach First Thursday of each tance Hauling Money to Loan what I can for you. But you give month, at Ma BAFFORD BROS. Heid It. month. Special called sonic Temple. obert HEATHERS’ concern me no rock to stand upon, and T On improved real estate; long All visiting sis meetrngs on all other Thurs for the safety of bis friend am nearly drowned In these chill General Plumbing tie.e and reasonable terms. ters and broth day nights 7:30 p.m. Visitors well founded. Nearly ing waves of opposition. We get William was Sea Attorney John L. Storla, ers welcome. most cordially welcome. CASON TRANSFER Are weeks passed, The constable no assurance from you that the dis Vernonia Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. St. Helens Oregon. had not returned. Word came that grace you suffer Is undeserved. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alma Bell, Secretary, his overturned shallop had been Mine are a proud and stern people. Local & long distance W. E. Bell, Secretary. RESTAURANTS discovered and that Samp was What have T to sustain me In op- Mountain Heart drowned. Henlhers had got away. C. BRUCE HAULING The riffraff was laughing at the Wholesale aad Retail Rebekah Lodge No. 243 I. O. O. F. conrt. declaring that the law was Mary Kato Phone 923 No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every only for the poor. Everywhere, LUMBER second and fourth Thursdays in Office in except with Sir Harry Vane and 1. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit the Lady Bess, feeling ran high Workingmen's Store I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. ors always welcome. against William Heydon. He felt Margaret Lines, Noble Grand. 246 meets every Tuesday night It n h|sj on. DENTISTS | at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis d ; CANDLE IN THE WILDERNESS Sfilcde of thefòeginning of a/y^w1 Sriglanó ly Camp Eight i Camp ... McGrCgOr Professional and Business Directory »EATING * ; ¿ AT MOM! Homr M D R Chop Suey Restaurant Bessie Herrin, Secretary. itors always welcome. Chas. Holt, Noble Grand. G. G. Holt, Vice-Grand. Vernonia Temple 61 meets G. M. Holt, Secretary. every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. American Legion Clara Kerns, M. or R. A C. Vernonia Poat KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 1 1». American HARDING LODGE 11« Legion. Meets Meets every Monday 2nd and 4th night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth each Tuesdays ers welcome. month, 8. p. m M. D. Cole, C. C. J. E. Kerr, Com H. Culbertson, K.R.S. mander; Eugene Shipman, Adj. Pythian Sisters Square Deal Service Station li. S. Royal Cord Tires Shell Products Dependable Mechanics Shop Work Guaranteed M. D. COLE Dentist Vernonia, Oregon OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY Marvin R. Eby, M. D. Physican and Surgeon STATE LAUNDRY Co. Phone Hospital 931 Town Office 8»1 Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Pick-ups Tues., Deliveriee Fri. 729 THIRD STREET Agency at hotel M c D onald printing is