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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1931)
VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE SIX FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1931. COUNTY C. w« C. M STARTS ' are now working to the time of ■ Thompson, who moved away ations to move to Silverdale, a a w« a music. some time ago. Washington, in a few days where DRIVE FOR MEMBERS Camp • • • The returns of the candy sale Mr. and Mrs. Estey returned Mr. Warnstaff has bought a given last week by the seniors Sunday from a ten day visit in tract of timber land which he The Kist Home Demonstration (Continued from Page 1) j was fourteen dollars and fifty- unit will hold their next meet the John Day country where Mr. expects to work at this winter. four cents. Estey hunted for deer, while ing November 4 at the home of time is that of finance. The | Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fry, parents The girls athletic club held a Mrs. G. H. Ohler. The date was directors, two from each commu Mrs. Estey visited relatives there. of Mrs. Wm. McCormick, moved meeting on Thursday, October clianged from November 12 to nity, believe the organization will H. Peterson was in Camp Word was received here Tues to I.-P. headquarters camp Sat- Editor ........... . Nelle Green i ■ 22. The officers elected are: the 4th by Mrs. Case. be able to do great things for Sunday and moved the jest of day that Billy, the six year old urday where they will live this Bob Fox Asst. Editor .... . 1 President, Edna Owens; vice- H. C. Ohler, A. F. Smejkal and Columbia county. But they stress his household goods to Portland son of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Thomp winter. Senior Reporter president, Christine Rainey; trea- Mrs. G. H. Ohler and sons Har the necessity for adequate finan where he Recently secured a pos son was operated on for appendi Verla Messing surer, Nelle Green. ry and Ralph motored to Portland cial support. A budget has been ition with Olds, Wortman and citis in Corvallis Thursday Oct. For real bargains—watch the Junior Reporter Some alumni that visited the Sunday to visit with George Ohler outlined by the board and every King. The Petersons have leased 22. It was an acute case, and classified columns of the Eagle. Edgar Crawford a home with acreage on the Can effort will be made to make the school last week were John Kirk, at St. Vincents hospital. the community is glad to hear Sophomore Reporter Maybelle Drorbough, Luella Wil Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and Miss funds do the most possible good. yon road, where the family is that Billy is convelscing nicely. Zonweiss Douglass naw living. liams and Georgie Van Doren. The O’Donnell family discov- Bell visited with the C. G. Jen- The organization will be run along Freshman Reporter The rooks had a job last Fri strictly business lines, with no ered a smouldering fire at the sen family Sunday. L. M. White won the first Leona Hillman day picking up apple cores, can M. E. Rainwater and family social features or luncheons as prize on honey at the Oregon base of the chimney in their The agriculture students have dy wrapers and cans around the visited Mrs. M. E. Anderson and is the case with the local groups State Fair and the International home here, Tuesday morning and Service in each community. The county Livestock Exposition. have moved into the Haffey family Sunday. to make a two minute report school yard. house, as their house was deemed Mr. and Mrs. Anton Smejkal organization is not intended to ¡f you want it—reliable service Wednesday on any subject con On Friday the civics class had The school budget for next unsafe, on account of defective cerning agriculture in the United a written the lesson, the subject and Joe Johnson had dinner with take the place of the local groups always. We always place our was the Supreme Court, Presi Mrs. Adolph Nelson in Vernonia but to supplement and make more year was adopted at a director’s construction of the chimmney. States. guarantee of satisfaction back of meeting held Monday evening. dent ’ s Cabinet and Officials of effective the work for the whole The teachers are planning a Friday evening. Margaret Nelson Maybelle Drorbaugh from Port every printing job we do. We Same is to be voted on by the Halloween party for the pupils and Miss Grace Sells were also county. It is also the idea that Angeles, Washington, was a visi the State, County and City. are good printers—know it— tor in Vernonia last weekend. i .‘Hie Simmons, an al’Znna of present. The evening was en some of the work of local groups taxpayers November 24. Mrs. H. Friday night. can be lessened by shifting the W. Jones was recommended for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Warnstaff She was a graduate of Verno i old V. H. S., visited here last joyed playing cards. and are willing to back on> _____________________ _____ from Bremerton, , Wash., A dance was enjoyed by a burden to the county organiza- appointment for school clerk by returned nia Niigh school last year and is week. nent with our guarantee Mr. Byland, as successor to Mr. Sunday, and are making prepar- Robert Holcomb, a freshman large crowd at the old Kist school tion. taking a business course now. at Forest pointed out by the board in Pacific university It is house Saturday evening. Bob Dial, who attended V. H. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Sheeley of directors that the success of S. last year, is now attending Grove, was pledged into the Gam- the Cut Bank high school in ma Sigma fraternity of that called at the J. B. Ohler home the organization will depend upon the local support it receives in Sunday. He has school. Cut Bank, Montana, each community. If this and oth Vernonia high school is hold- been in the hospital where his heel was operated on. He Is ing their first annual assembly sic. Theme “Who is Your Mas er communities show their inter est through membership support ter.” now at home and reported to be on Friday, October 30. Coach Tucker went fishing last Dinner following the morning it will go over, if not the pro doing well. Norman Green, a graduate of weekend and even caught a few service in the church. Please gress of the county will neces sarily develop along the same bring your basket with you. the Vernonia high school and now fish. The next game to be played Program and business meeting decentralized plan or lack of a sophomore at Oregon State college, was elected treasurer of will take place on the local field 2:00 p. m. 6:45, C. E.; 7:45, plan that has been characteristic his class and installed October on Saturday, October 31. V. H. evening services, special music, of so many localities in the past. 21. Because the treasurer who S. will play Hill Military Acad theme: “Life’s Open Way.” Organization* Sucenful was elected last spring failed to emy. The county chamber of com Irene May, a sophomore, drop CATHOLIC CHURCH return to school this fall it was ped out of school last week. Services are to be held Sun merce is not a new one to Co necessary to hold this election. lumbia county. Successful or day morning at 11:30. Ralph George strained the lig ganizations are already function-1 EVANGELICAL CHURCH aments in his left leg in the ing in Tillamook, Lincoln, Klam United States First game last Saturday. G. W. Plumer, Pastor ath, Union and other counties un No such executive as “ President ” Johnnie Roediger will probably The Sunday contest with its as the head of a nation had ever der similar plans to that followed Minton’s, Fancy—Packed at Forest Grove. have a steady position as left great interest is on in full swing. existed until proposed and adopted here- Good results are being Large 2% tins — Enough to make six tackle on the first team, He is The Reds were ahead again last by the United States. obtained in these localities that taking the place of Bill Carmi- Sunday. W. W. Wolff is in lack the rich potentialities of Co Sleeps in American Soil chael who broke his arm in the charge of the Sunday school lumbia county. The body of Janies Smithson, game with Scappoose. meeting 9:45 a. m. 11 a. m. founder of the Smithsonian Instila Individual support is the need The first year typing classes the pastor will speak on the tlon, was brought to America from of the organization. Every per subject, “The Unknown God.” Genoa In January, 1904. son, man or woman, who has the New shipment of these fresh, fluffy, tasty The Junior choir meets at 6 p. m. interest of the county at heart bits of confection. Top the pumpkin pie Giraffe Never Noisy The time for both Christian En with them— 1 Q n The only sound a giraffe cnn is ui^red to fill out the application deavors is 6:30 p. m. The theme make Is one resembling a cough. for membership. POUND Xa/C for 7:30 p. m. will be, “Unreal LOST AND FOUND ized Purposes." LOST—1 pair eye glasses. Leave The Women’s Missionary socie at A. L. Kuliander Jewelry ty will hold their monthly busi Notice is hereby given that the budget committee of the city store and receive reward. C. ness meeting. The annual elec county, Oregon, municipal _______ , Columbia _______ _____ __ „ - a _____ . — corporation, Bruce. (662e tion of officers will be held at of Vernonia, has filed in the office of the levying board, to-wit; The City Coun cil of said city, its detailed estimate of the total amount of receipts, this time. FOR RENT and also the total amount of money proposed to be raised by taxa Thursday, 7 p. m., the mid tion and expended by said municipal corporation for all purposes FOR RENT—4-room house, bath, week services, Bible study lead! breakfast nook, modern conven by the pastor, We are studying for the fiscal year of 1932 which estipiates are as follows: Max-I-Mum — Quality BUDGET iences, garage. Phone 122. (65?c the Book of Romans, This weeks supreme, correctly blend lesson is chapter 4. Choir prac- ed of the finest meat, AU flour has advanced, We are offering the public FOR SALE GENERAL FUND tice 7 :45 p. m. Thursday. flour at the old price, Immediately following this fruit, and spices, and de City dump ...................................................................... $ 55.00 CUT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs. You will always find a wel- Fuel and City Hall Expense....................................... . “ad” we must raise our prices on flour. Buy your 150.00 liciously flavored with old W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136. come to our services. Accounting ...................................................................... 100.00 winter’s supply now and SAVE. Sherry and Brandy — Recorder’s salary ................. ............................. ....... 1200.00 SAFEWAY 5 TONS HAY—For young stock. Supplies .......................................................................... 125.00 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Treasurer’s salary ........................................................ 240.00 Geo. Engelke, Corey Hill. 1* FLOUR ............................... 5.00 APPLE Claude Stephens, Minister Supplies ......................................................................... F. FOR SALE—18 sheep, mostly City Attorney Salary ............ ................ . 480.00 First services for November— Marshal salarv ........ FLOUR ................ 1620.00 , ...................... young ewes. E. Feldt, Sco With us today everything is spe Deputy Marshal Salary ............... 400.00 field. (662* Supplies and Jail Expense ................................. .......... 150.00 cial. It is Homecoming! 250.00 Department ........................................................... Beginning with Bible school Fire APPLES—40 cents a box. Bring 200.00 Health Department .............................................. your own box. Windfalls 25 at 9:45 a. m. and at 10:45 Di Street Department, Street Lighting .and Maintenance 1400.00 50.00 ........... cents. A. L. Parker. (662* vine morning worship, special mu- I.egal Publications . ..................... Jolly Time White Rice — Guaran 1000.00 Emergency fund ................. ............. ............. 1000.00 teed to pop— Payment Outstanding Warrants and Interest 240.00 Librarian Salarv ...................... .................... IDAHO RED MEXICANS 50.00 New Books .............................................................. ...... LBS. 300.00 t'aty Park ....................................................................... New crop — Recleaned. ------------1 These cool days demand a $9015.00 Total ................................ .. 2500.00 Less estimated fees and fines steaming dish of these. The DEPARTMENT • STORE only bean for Chili— Safeway — A delicious blend of the finest coffee $6515,00 Guaranteed grown. Ground to your specifications. STOKE NUMBER 1436 VERNONIA. OREGON WATER OPERATING FUND Satisfaction. $1500.00 Superintendent’s salary .... POUND 600.00 Water collector ......... ... 2100.00 Supplies and maintenance .... KIST Timberline J ob Printing Special Savings e Û Saturday and Monday Oct. 31, Nov. 2 Pumpkin 2 c... 17c Marshmallows Classified Ads Notice of Budget Meeting Mince' meat FLOUR 49 $1.09 49 Z 99c Pop Corn Coffee 32c Penney’s Famous Total WATER BOND FUND Sinking fun.I ............................... Investors syndicate sinking fund Interest ............................ Total SEWER BONDS Are Hade for Long, Hard Wear! Sinking fund Interest Total UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR Men’s all-wool Underwear, spring needle knit. Men’s, 80% Wool, spring needle knit, color gray. Sinking fund Interest $2.98 Total UNDERWEAR Men’s, Part Wool, spring needle knit, color knit. Less water receipts $1,98 95c UNDERWEAR LEATHER COATS Buy your children under wear here and save money. Men’s horsehide oil-tanned coats. They are water-proof. 49c $5.90 Repellant Clothing SLICKERS Men’s short slickers. Color black. Rain proof pants Rain proof coats 10- ounce ■ J Qg * $1500.00 2220.00 3210.00 $6930.00 $7000.00 2400.00 $9400.00 $1.98 SHOES SHOES Forester Loggers — for longer wear. 12-inch top. West Coast Loggers’ shoes, 12-inch tops. $14.75 $13.50 $ 759.00 $21,289.00 12,000.00 $ 9,289.00 An Cookies 4200.00 GENERAL BOND UNDERWEAR Extra heavy cotton. unusual value. Beans 3 J.C. PEN NEY GO. WORK CLOTHES 2 Extra Fancy — English Style —Assort- Clean up Special. LB. BOX 29c Fruits and Vegetables Celery 2 Bunches 17c Cranberries Quality 2 LBS. 29c Sweet Potatoes Extra Fancy, Smooth Medium Size .......... 4 LBS. 15c 4 LBS. 17c 9 LBS. 33c 25 83c LBS. IDAHO GREAT NORTH ERN— New crop, guaran teed to be the fastest cook ing bean on the market. 5 LBS. 9 25 27c 37c 97c SUMMARY Estimated receipts from fines and licenses From Water system __ $ 2.500.00 12.000.00 Total estimated receipts Total General Fund Water operating expense, sinking funds and interest $14,500.00 $ 9015.00 21.289.00 TOTAL BUDGET Less estimated receipts $30.304.00 14.500.00 In Our Markets V í » íi 1 Roasts, lb. 15c T V cll Steaks, I71/2C Total amount to be raised by tax $15,804.00 Being $1,536.00 less than 1931 budget. C. W. REITHNER R. M. ALDRICH Secretary Budget Committee_________ Chairman Rudget Committee And notice is hereby given that the said City Council of said City, sitting as a levying board, will hold a meeting at the City Hall in the City of Vernonia. Columbia county. Oregon, on Friday evening. November 20th, 1931, at the hour of 7:30 o’clock P- m.. at which time and place all persons, who shall be subject to such tax levy, when the same shall be made, may appear and be heard in favor or against said tax levy, or any part thereof. Dated this October 26th, 1931. (Seal) J. E. TAPP. Attest—D. B. REASONER, Mayor. City Recorder. BaCOn, any size piece lb. 19c Fresh Salmon Eggs lb. I Oc STORE NO. 225 We Deliver Quantity Orders Free — PHONE 741