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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1931)
F riday , O ctober so , mi. ~~ "------- --------------- . T==================S==S=SS======SSSaSfiSSHHSHHBBSBSS5SSSS5SBSÄSESSSEHESSSS*SS“S CANDLE < INI THE ‘ WILDERNESS >4* \ ¿ATcde ufthufòeginning XX/.N.U. S ervice CopM'iqkC S, ¿y IRVING BACH ELLER "PrivatMMng! That's what they called It. but you rnfflit as well say that hell Is built o’ beeswax and honey. God o’ Israel! a gang o’ privateers is no better than its captain, and old Cap I.altoche had the soul of a hawk in him. We was In a ram-cat wind on the Med iterranean and lay to In the lee o’ an island. We see a man on its shore wavin’ to us. We sent a boat to him. He was Ctapt. John Smith. He had shipped from Mar seilles with a lot o’ pilgrims bound for Home. He was a tlghtln’ Protestant. Near this Island they threw him overboard. I reckon a gang o’ Protestants would have done the like for a Catholic. Smith was a tough stick o’ timber. A keen brain and a stout pair o’ hands. He could take care o’ hlm- stlf in any crowd with half a chance, give him a slim or a broad sword or the use o’ his lists. “We were lyin’ between Corfu and Otranto In the kingdom o’ Na ples when we spied a Venetian ar gosy. We knew that she would have a rich hidin’. O1<1 LnRoche made ready and bore down on her. She fired on us, killin’ a sailor. That was the thing our captain hoped for. We gave her a broadside. She fled. We used our chase guns and mauled her sails nnd tackle so that she lay to for action. We grappled nnd boarded her. She set us afire and got free. Ort’s blood! ft was a hot tight. We shot her sore between wind and water. She began to sink. Then she gave in. Again we grappled her. Some o’ our hellions was stoppin* the lenks, some guarded the prisoners. The rest o’ the gang rilled the ship. We got away with fifteen dead men on our deck and a rich booty o’ the finest silks, velvets and cloth o’ gold and a great store o’ Egyptian, Italian and Turkish money. “Smith and 1 quit the pirate ship at the first landin’. We had had enough o’ spittin’ on the front door o’ hell. Some time I’ll tell ye what happened to us In the siege of Regall. There’s a story ns good as any that Will Shakespeare ever wrote. I’m as tired as a lame grasshopper. Le’a go to snorin’." They covered themselves and were shortly sound asleep. Ainos Hwoke Robert soon after daylight. "It’s the next day and a good time to cross,” said the old adven turer. "There’s a fog on the wa ter as thick as smoke in a wig wam. I’ll pole the raft In place while you’re washin’. Reckon we can hit the west shore afore the fog lifts.” They broke their fast with corn meal and dried meat and strength- <■ - I the lashing* on their raft. With his lintcl.ct and saw and knife Amos had prepared some rude paddles more useful than a man’s hand In grabbing water. They were soon lying face downward and mak ing better headway than by swim ming. At intervals Amos consulted the compass that was corded to his neck and tucked under his slilrt- band. It was a tedious, long Jour ney. With their paddles under wa ter there was no sound from the raft louder than a faint ripple. Suddenly Amos stopped work and touched his friend’s shoulder and shook his head. His ear had caught a faraway splash of paddle. “Savages are on this water," he whispered. “Lie flat. Don’t move a muscle till I tell ye." They lay motionless with strained ears. Soon they could hear plainly the stroking of at least a dozen paddles, then deep raucous voices that reminded the young gentleman of the grunting of swine. In a mo ment the fleet of canoes could not have been more than a bowshot away. Their luck was now getting its severest test. They could only lie still and await the Issue. Rob ert felt a pain In the hand that held his puddle. His muscles were tense, and the pressure of his hand had Increased with his peril. The sounds came nearer and suddenly began to recede In the distance be hind them. The fleet had passed, bound for the east shore. Fortu nately they had not come near enough to be visible. The sounds grew fainter and were soon out of hearing. Amos laughed under his breath and then whispered: "The devil and his dogs! Was ye skeered?*’ Robert answered: “I shook like a shirt In the wind. Were youT’ “Boy. I won’t lie to ye. I was skeered to spit for a minute. I were a bit cold and I sweat like a pitcher full o’ Ice.” They put their strength to the paddies nnd In half an hour or so they saw a thickly wooded shore looming out of the fog. They tnnde their way through dry timber to a landing. There they left the raft, put on tlielr packs and pushed through a thicket and up a long slant to the top of a high ridge, above the mist, where a grateful breeze came out of the west. Near them a landslide had gone down the steep rock slope with an acre of timber In Its arms. There they could look out upon a great spread of country covered with varl-tlnted verdure. It Is likely that no white man’s eye, save theirs, had seen its wild beauty. “Look there!’’ Amos whispered. “No end to It! 1 reckon It’s like It were when God divided the light from the darkness and set the stars In heaven." U. S. Royal Cord Tires Shell Products Dependable Mechanics Shop Work Guaranteed Riverview’ Mildred Hawkins Camp Eight Kachow Natal Mr*. Jake Nearer — Several neighbors surprised Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson when they arrived at their home on last Wednesday evening to com pliment them on their 9 room, up to date, modern country home which is now completed. Re freshments of several different kinds of cakes, doughnuts and coffee, were enjpyed later in the evening by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson, Richard Peterson, Oli ver Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and son Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap and Lee Os born. Estom Johnson of St. Helens moved stock, implements and household furniture recently for Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Schwab from down the river to Deer Island, where the Schwab family have moved. Miss Minnie McMullin was home from Forest Grove over the week end visiting her folks here. Clyde Johnson hauled some grain to Vernonia last week to the Vernonia Trading company. Axel Parhamieni from Astoria spent Thursday and Friday in this vicinity on business. Mrs. Frank Peterson’s mother has returned to her home in War ren after a visit with her daugh ter here for a couple of weeks. Jake Neurer butchered a beef and two veals last week for mar ket in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith and their son drown the river Satur day. Harry McMullin and his cousin Marian McMullin drove to Forest Grove Friday bringing back with them Miss Millie, attending school there. Fire Warden E. A. McDonald of Vernonia was a Natal visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson at tended the root crop demonstra tion at the John Jacob Astor Ex periment station at Astoria last week. The county went over the Ne halem highway last week with the grader after putting on con siderable rock. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuback and little daughter Louise of St. Helens were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. Some of the grangers from here took in the pie social and dance given by the grange at Ver nonia Saturday evening. Mrs. M. Dunlap of Vernonia was down to call on friends here last week. The Charles Hambley folks of Riverview and the J. M. McCor mick family from here are pick- Michigan is spending the winter with him. He is an old Civil War veteran. Aunt Sally and Mrs. Dunlap were invited to tea at Mrs. Brown’s Tuesday. Prof. Farrier and Prof. Horn ing of Grant high school in Port land, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten. Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten arrived home from Albany, Ore gon, Friday and reported a pleas ant trip. Word was received that little Jack Elmer Norris, who is in the Doernbecher hospital, Portland, is getting along nicely. ing ferns around Natal this win children Frances and Arley mo Devaney made a trip to Buster tored to Vancouver, Washington, creek Monday in search of work, ter. but they were full handed. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Deamer of Monday. Several families from Tre- Vernonia were making acquaint Mr. and Mrs. Mendenhall, Mr. ances with Natal folks. The Deam- harne attended the pie supper and Mrs. Evers, Mr. and Mrs. ers recently moved to Vernonia given by the grange Saturday Devaney and son Verle picked p evening. and are in business there. potatoes for Ted Keasey last week. He had over 400 sacks of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay fine potatoes. made a business trip to Portland, returning by way of Forest Lavelle Gosa is giving a Hal Grove. loween party at the school. It will be a surprise for the chil £. D. Johnson was in the Ne halem valley on a business deal Norman Pettijohn and his bro dren. Wednesday. j ther Mayo visited their mother W. J. Lindsley was a Verno- Dr. Marvin Eby of Vernonia Friday. The boys are working at [nia shopper Saturday. was called for his patient, Hy Cochran. J. O. Devaney is building two Tracey, Monday. C. O. Evers returned from !bed rooms on his house. He is M. Matthews, Oliver Burris and Westport Sunday and left Mon l wrecking his house at Keasey Reed Halding were business visi day for Forest Grove for three 'and using the lumber for the new tors at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peter weeks work. addition. son’s on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lausman re The men from Keasey register Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and turned to camp Tuesday. sons were guests Sunday of ing for highway work were W. J. Verle Devaney is ill at his i Lindsley, C. O. Evers and J. 0. their daughter and family, the I home with a stomach ailment. Devaney. Dave McMullins. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gilham NOTICE— Mrs. John Thomas has been quite ill for the past week at her spent Sunday evening in Verno | Parents will be held responsible nia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | for any property damage done by home. I their children Halloween night. Elmer Hiatt, Lee Osborn and Joe Williams. E. Kelly and three sons from H. G. PHELPS, Dave McMullin were business call Banks are visiting the Lindsley City Marshal. ers in Vernonia on Thursday. family. D. K. Mendenhall and Verle Eagle classifieds will pay you KEASEY Treharne A Halloween party was held at Treharne Friday evening. The fol lowing children attended: Lillian Murphy, Dorothy Webb, Ethel Spencer, Lorraine Lines, Dorena Anderson, Jennetta Lines, Loret ta Baker, Billie Smith, Floyd Ha den, Lloyd and Floyd Green, Ar ley Marton, Dean and Donavan Holt, Elmo Smith, Iral and Elmo I Aldrich, Edward and Vern Bak er, Lester and Maurice Mowe, Robert Hasting, Edwin and Noah Treharne, Raymond and Edwin Justice, Fredrick Roediger. The evening was spent in playing games after which refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mary Treharne, Ethel Kelley, Io na Lines, Mrs. Harry Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson mo tored to Portland on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Brown of Bonanza, Oregon, visited with Mr. Brown's cousin, Sidney Baker, and family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Justice are the proud parents of a baby boy born Monday. Bert Lampa is loading a car of pulp wood at Treharne to be ship ped to St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Rushlow of Hillsboro were Saturday guests at the F. N. O’Donnell home. Miss Dorena Anderson spent Friday evening with Iona Lines at camp. Otis Hyland returned home from a visit to Southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Morton and At the very first sign of a cold— GET BUSY We carry on hand—al- ■ ready made up at all time* a supply of "Our Cold Tablet, made after a formula Own" for quick re Ask for Armitage’s Cold Tablels Armitage Drug Co. NEXT TO POST OFFICE A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 Nehalom Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu A. F. A A. M. meets nication first at Masonic Temple, and third Wed Stated Communication nesdays of each First Thursday of each month, at Ma month. Special called sonic Temple. All visiting sis meeting* on all other Thurs- ter* and broth day night* 7:30 p.m. Visitor* ers welcome. most cordially welcome. Mrs. Leona McGraw, W. M. E. G. Anderson, W. M. Mrs. Alms Bell, Secretary. W. E. Bell, Secretary. Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243 HARDING LODGE IIS Metta every Monday WED., THURS., FRI. and SAT. November 4$ 5, 6 and 7 The one cent sale is an AD VERTISING event intended to show you in a way you will not forget the extra ordinary quality and merit of Rexall merchandise! YOU GET TWO ARTICLES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE PLUS ONE CENT! $1.50 Maximum Hot Water Bottles 2 for $1.51 Liggetts Assorted Chocolates $1.00 lb Box .. 2 for $1.01 Liggetts Sweet Milk Cho colate H -tb bar 2 for 26c $1.00 Rydal Station ery .............. 2 for $1.01 Watch for Our Handbills! Listen for 15-minute ra dio broadcast over KEX at 10:30 a. m. on Nov. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. ■ ■■ -------- ; . — . ■■■■—— 75c 1-lb Theatrical Cold Cream .............. 2 for 76c 50c Klenzo Cocoanut Oil Shampoo ........ 2 for 51c 50c Jonteel Cold or Van ishing Cream .. 2 for 51c Over 80 items are listed for this sale, Come in and look them over, Here are a few: 69c Puretest Aspirin Tablets ............ 2 for 70c $1.00 Puretest Mineral Oil, Pt. ... ... 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Puretest Cod Liver Oil, Pt...... .... 2 for $1.01 25c Puretest Epsom Salts i-n> ...... 2 for 26c $1.00 2-oz. Vapure 2 for $1.01 50c Puretest Milk of Mag- nesia, Pt. ........ 2 for 51c 50c Rexall Orderlies 2 for 51c 50c Klenzo Dental Creme .... ...... 2 for 51c 25c Rexall Shaving Cream __ ...... 2 for 26c 35c Daintee Deodorant destroys body odors 2 for 30c 10c Jasmine Toilet Soap ...... 2 for lie 50c Jonteel Face Pow- der ....... 2 for 51c MAC’S Pharmacy st' For your convenience the following business and professional people are listed on • this page alphabetically. Theso men and women are known in Vernonia as reliable business and professional people. RAWRFP *wr>p< I w / BARBER JVy shop Haircutting for Men Women and Children Expert Work Guaranteed CARD ROOM ------ DR. J. A. HUGHES Physician nnd Surgeon Office Phone 663 Res. Phone 664 Vernonia, Oregon The best for those who appreciate the best. CARDS AND LIGHT LUNCHES STATE LAUNDRY Co. Agency at hotel M c D onald Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Pick-ups Tues., Deliveries Fri. __________ HOTELS__________ Hotel Hy-Van STEAM HEAT PASTIME — GLENN E. DEAMER Complete RADIO SERVICE Parts for all radios either in stock or manufactured to order. House 18, O-A Hill Residence Phone 1061 Mason Work, Building General Plumbing Vernonia LUMBER Vernonia, Oregon DENTISTS Terminal Cafe Dentist Vernonia, Oregon DQCToas Phone Hospital 931 Town Of fie* 891 VIOLET RAY GASOLINE Oils . . . Expert Greasing VERNONIA SERVICE STATION TRANSFER — TRUCK CURLY’S TRANSFER Phone Business 221 Residence 653 Local and Long Dis tance Hauling THE RIGHT PLACE TO EAT H. A. SIMMONS, Proprietor M. D. COLE Physican and Surgeon Tuesdays each month, 8. p. m. J. E. Kerr, Com mander; Eugene Shipman, Adj. On improved real estate; long tir<e and reasonable terms. Sea Attorney John L. Storla, St. Helens Oregon. RESTAURANTS Marvin R. Eby, M. D. night in the W.O.W. hall. Visiting broth- er* welcome. MSsZ M. D. Cole, C. C. H- Culbertson, K.R.S. M c D onald Money to Loan BAFFORD BROS. Amtrican TP hotel MONEY TO LOAN Wholesale and Retail Veraeaia Pott 119, Willard Batteries General Contractor C. BRUCE I. O^O. F. No. 243, I.O.O.F., meets every second and fourth Thursdays in I. O. O. F. hall, Vernonia. Visit I.O.O.F.—Vernonia Lodge No. or* always welcome. Margaret Lines, Noble Grand. 246 meet* every Tuesday night | at 8 o’clock, in I.O.O.F. hall. Vis Bessie Herrin, Secretary. itors always welcome. Chas. Holt, Noble Grand. Pythian Sisters G. G. Holt, Vice-Grand. Vernonia Temple 31 meets G. M. Holt, Secretary. every 2nd and 4th Wednesday* in W.O.W. hall. Isabel Culbertson, M. E. C. American Legion Clara Kerns, M. or R. A C. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 4 DAYS ONLY SALE JOHN A. MILLER Zzi Order of Eastern Star Rexall Professional and Business Directory Lloyd Baker, Prop. CONTRACTOPS sults on ordinary cold*. Service Station George Baker, Mr*. Lyle Baker and Mrs. Charlie Lewi*. A lovely luncheon was served by the hos tess. Little Charles Mitchell, who is spending the winter with his grandmother, spent last week with his parents during a short vacation in his school work. Earl Pringle had a piece of steel in his eye and had to go to Portland on Saturday to have it removed. Mrs. N. E. Quinn and baby daughter have returned home af ter nearly two months absence. Mrs. Jack Hall has been quite ill. She is in Portland and at last report had not improved much. Florence Stubbs and Mildred Hawkins hiked to Camp Eight Thursday. Mrs. Jay Burtraw has been very ill for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burtraw for a week or so. Della Cline was visiting rela tives in Riverview Saturday. Bob Welsh attended the foot ball game in St. Helens Satur day. Mrs. Harvey Heath is working a day or so in Penney’s store. (Continued Next Week) Maybelle Drorbaugh, formerly of this city, visited Christine Rainey a while Friday. Mrs. Oleavy Norris and daugh ter Mary Katherine and Mrs. ’ Bessie Norris and sons Homer, Ted Dixon had a alight acci ' Edward and Julius Ray, spent the dent last week while returning afternoon with Mrs. Haiman Tues from Portland. His car was crowd day. Mr. and Mrs. John Estey and ed off the road and was rather badly damaged. Tom Rutter and sons Ole and Oral spent Sunday Charlie Welch were also occupants at Natal visiting Mr. and Mrs. of the car but none of the three Dave McMullin and family. Bob Welsh attended the Live men were injured beyond a few stock Exposition show Sunday. scratches and bruises. Bill Johnson, formerly of this Mrs. Robert Wood accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Frank Gentry city, visited friends in Riverview of Portland, spent last week in I Sunday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Heppner, Oregon. They spent an enjoyable time visiting their | Charles Justice has been named parents, and their many friends. ¡Lonnie Fay. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kapham- Mrs. Lyle Baker and Mrs. Charles Lewis were Vernonia mer and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons visited Mr. and Mrs. C. shoppers on Wednesday. Mrs. James Hanna, Mrs. John C. Fowler Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk, Hatfield, Mrs. Stanley Olson at tended the weekly pot luck lun 'Clarence Kirk, Glen Justice, Mrs. cheon at the home of Mrs. Den ! A. J. Kirk and daughters Arlene ny Ryves. Others present were 1 and Betty Lou, visited at the Mrs. Archie Lizenby, Mrs. Ira home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turn Rollins, Mrs. F. N. O’Donnell, er Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Simmons Mrs. Lester Greenia and Mrs. . i .*■- and Minnie Middlebrook spent Wm. Hayden. Mrs. Stanley Olson and Mrs. Sunday at the Clatskanie slough. Mrs. John Laramore has been Earl Pringle accompanied Mrs. Denny Ryves of Vernonia on a very ill the past few days. Miss Melba Laramore spent the trip to Columbia City to obtain weekend with her mother, Mrs. salmon to can. Mrs. Clifford Streadwick and John Laramore. Aunt Sally was surprised by a Mrs. John Elder were guests at the home of Mrs. Art Wridge on group of her friends calling Mon day afternoon. They were Mrs. Friday at a luncheon. Mrs. Bessie Goodman and her E. A. Green, Mrs. Ruby Biggs, two small sons and Mrs. Arnold Mrs. Dave Marshall, and Mrs. Rufli of Vernonia spent Wed Robert Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Throop and nesday with Mrs. Clifford Stread sons Via and Tommy Jr., returned wick. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olson home from eastern Oregon Mon motored to Battleground, Wash day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKnight ington, to spend the weekend with of Forest Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Olson’s parents. Mrs. Piert entertained at a Mrs. George Drorbaugh and quilting party on Friday, Mrs. daughter Maybelle of Port An geles, Washington, visited Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Powell Friday. Lewis Laramore and Bill Charlesworth spent Sunday in Portland. Clarence Britton’s father from famous Square Deal PAGE FIVE VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON Mary Kato Chop Suey Restaurant OPEN FRIDAY, SAT URDAY AND SUNDAY 729 THIRD ' STREET CASON TRANSFER Local & long distance HAULING Phone 923 Office in Workingmen’s Store WS CAN OIVS TOO what you wont IN PRINTINO whan you want It!