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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1931)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1931 Timberline VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON weeks were handed in by all the classes last week. What Other Editors Think and visited at the Irving Knowles home, The Flanagan family used to live in the valley some years ago, • - Mrs, Sam Scott is over from Kelso visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jones. Some of the ranchers have started potato digging, among them I. E. Knowles. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ramsey and Lewis Bachman came over from Toledo, Washington, last Wednes day, going back the same day. Lewis Bachman, the blind ran cher, left his ranch here about a year ago and entered the school for the blind at Portland. Since being at the school he has learned the broom makers’ trade and is now able to earn fairly good wages. He likes it very much. He has gained in weight, his old friends scacely knowing him. He returned to the school again this week. Mrs. L. B. Eastman spent Wed nesday visiting Mrs. Mollie Wright and her daughter Abbey, who is here from Virginia visiting this summer and fall. The Parent-Teachers’ associa tion held the first meeting of the year in the grade school last Friday, October 16. Miss Bougher, the music teacher, had charge of Editor ................. Nelle Green the program. Several numbers Aset. Editor ..... ... Bob Fox were given by grade school pupils. Senior Reporter The high school mixed chorus pre (Continued from page three) Verla Messing sented a short operetta. Orches Junior Reporter tras of both schools furnished the sumably the majority of the peo Edgar Crawford ple approved his official acts music. Sophomore Reporter and the big vote to sustain Miller Zonweiss Douglass Julia Banzer has been absent was a rebuke of those who at Freshman Reporter from school about a week because tempt to magnify personal griev Leona Hillman ances into public offenses. of illness. —Astorian-Budget. HONOR ROLL GIVEN The seniors held a candy sale FOR FIRST SIX WEEKS In passing the resolution urg- in school last Wednesday, The returns of this sale are to help I ing Oregon granges to U3e their The first six weeks period end pay for William Carmichael’s ' influence for retention of coun ed Friday, October 16. Mr. Wil doctor bill. ty agricultural agents the execu kerson gave out Tuesday the tive committee of the state honor roll for the first six weeks grange shows realization of val as follows: uable service rendered by these ¡officials in the past and apprecia Freshmen — Ruth Page Sim tion that under present condi mons, Dorothy June Wolff, Har tions their advice and initiative old King, Benji Wilkerson, Mar Those attending the football i will be even more valuable in the guerite Laird, Leona Hillman. game from Treharne were Delmar I future. Farmers are becoming Sophomores— Millicent Ratkie, Morton, Edgar Crawford, Billie more and more convinced that sol- Bernice Updike. Smith, Floyd Haden, Lloyd Green, Juniors—Marjorie Meeker, Ed William and Bob Stevenson, Gust I ution of the farm problem rests gar Crawford, Ivan Reed, Faith ave and George Hult, Vern and ¡largely with the farmers them- i selves. Individually this will be Hidftt, Willie Marks, Margaret Mc Edward Baker. a difficult task, but under com- Donald. Harold been helping petent iruuersmp leadership tuiu and with Vernon Lindsley’s broken arm — —----- — ,Smith — — has ------- * . I pviciii wilxi timely miiei/ Seniors — George Laird, Ger Grager Schmidlin on his farm suggestion such ns ran ho as can be crivon given is getting along nicely. Dr. Eby trude Ek, Edna Owens, May De near Vernonia. •by the agents great things are will remove the cast Saturday. Ett Throop, Richard Melis, Hann Mrs. G. M. Holt, Miss A. Pur- I possible, especially in sections Lavelle Gosa spent the week ah Ek, Christine Rainey, Lawr- ney and Mrs. Chas. Holt and Geo. ¡such as the Willamette valley end in Portland shopping and entfe Jesclard, Betteen Mathews. visiting. George Laird had the highest Hult motored to Portland and where diversification is possible. visited with Chas. Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Christie —Hillsboro Independent. grades in the senior class with and daughter Frances visited at Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. L. Gertrude Ek in a close second Crawford from Forest Grove spent i Earl Holce, last week. Mrs. the J. O. Devaney home Sunday. place. W. J. Lindsley returned with In the junior class Marjorie Sunday with the family. While Hall lives at Birkenfeld. Meeker led with highest grade. here the men went pheasant hunt Wm. Rose was down from the J. O. Devaney Saturday from summit Monday shopping. Mr. Westport to spend the weekend Millicent Ratkie led the sopho ing. Russel Stanton took his tractor Rose says the bears are both at his home. more class. C. O. Evers and family were in Benji Wilkerson had the high and equipment up to Cyril John’3 ering him considerably. Bruin Vernonia Monday. place on Sunday. fed on his pears until they were est grade in the freshmen class. Mrs. ik K. Mendenhall, Lavelle Loretta Baker celebrated her ; too ripe to suit his taste and VERNONIA WINS FROM eleventh birthday Tuesday even ! now he has begun on the apples. j Gosa and Anna Devaney shopped in Vernonia Saturday. ing at a dinner party. Her aunt, SCAPPOOSE 14 TO 0 Mrs. Joseph Banzer is in Port- Mr. and Mrs. Altree, caretakers Mrs. Genevieve Harris was the Hand with Julia. Mr. Bush took of the power plant, left Monday The Vernonia high school foot honored guest. | Joseph Banzer up Monday morn for their few days vacation, Mr. McPherson of Portland vis ing, being called by the serious ball team defeated the Scappoose Verle Devaney is working for high team Saturday, October 17, ited with his brother M. McPher illness of Julia. Ted Keasey picking up potatoes, son for a few days and went at the local field by a score of W. R. Johnson has been putting Victor Bergerson plowed three with a party hunting. 14 to 0. a water system in and has it days last week on the Mendenhall Mr. and Mrs. L. Kellar and about completed. The game was enjoyed very place. family, Mrs. G. G. Holt, Dever much by the people who attended. Geo. Van Vleet returned the Mrs. Bruce McDonald is spend and Dorris Holt were in Scappoose Vernonia scored late in the last of the week from a busi ing a week with her sister in first quarter by a pass from Nan- visiting relatives Sunday. ness trip, which kept him away Molalla. son to Magoff. Nanson convert the greater part of the week. Victor Bergerson moved the ed for the extra point. This John Meier was up from Jewell gas pump from the Mendenhall made the score 7-0 for Vernonia. Monday calling on old friends. place to set up on his place A few minutes after Vernonia Mrs. Meier has been in the hos Sunday. Mr*. A. A. Dowling made their first touchdown, Bill pital at Astoria but is at home Orris Devaney is working on a Carmichael, playing left tackle now, being somewhat better. highway at Fort Klamath, They for Vernonia, broke his arm a Chas. Sundland went to Port Mrs. Wm. Keaton was a visitor work two week.? and are off two few inches below his shoulder. land Thursday and brought Mrs. from Birkenfeld Tuesday after weeks. Ralph George, fullback for Sundland home Friday from the noon. I C. 0. Evers will leave Wed Vernonia made the last touch hospital. She is improving, but Mrs. Aamodt and Mrs. Lovell nesday for a week’s work in West down for Vernonia by a line buck is not able to be up and around were school visitors Tuesday af- port, papering and painting for in the last quarter. yet. ternoon. Mrs. A. R. Lundeen. The lineups of the teams were Mrs. Wm. Bridgers was a The ladies home missionary so- as follows: Portland visitor Saturday and ciety will meet on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. William Armi Pos. Scappoose Sunday. Vernonia this week with Mrs. Jones at Bir- tage of Vancouver visited here Magoff ...... ... LER .. ..... Turner Miss Alberta DeRock was at kenfeld. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carmichael .... LTR ..... Nelson home from Corvallis Saturday Ray Taylor was a Vernonia Armitage. LGR . Richardson night returning again Sunday. Barker ....... visitor Sunday evening. Frank Godwin, formerly saw Aldrich ...... ..... .€...... ........ Leap Miss Seiverts and Miss Goss Mr. and Mrs. John Foster were RGL ....... Luthe spent the weekend with Mrs. G. over from Clatskanie Wednesday yer at the O.-A. mill, is now in Morton ...... McNary, Idaho, where he has em RTL . ....... Olson Devine over on Deep creek. Graven and called on Mrs. Devine on ployment. Malmsten .... .... REL.. ... Heiber E Mr. and Mrs. John Schlippy Deep creek. Mrs. Frank Dickson, Mrs. H. Sorlee ........ ...... Q...... ..... Mickek drove to Vernonia Friday and “Shady” Lane is back in the Knowles ..... ... RHL.... ......... W est spent a couple of days there, re village again after a summer’s V. Holcomb, Mrs. S. E. Couper and Mrs. M. D. Cole were Port Nanson ..... ... LHR ... ....... Lumm turning Sunday. absence working at the rock land visitors last Friday. George ....... .... F...... .. Heiber A Mrs. Maria Holstrom was a crusher on Pittsburg mountain. Next Saturday Vernonia will Vernonia visitor on Saturday. A heavy frost descended on journey to St. Helens to play Mr. and Mrs. Salmi and son our valley Tuesday night, the the fourth and last league game. George from Marshland visited coldest night of the autumn. GLENN E. DEAMER of the season. Coach Tucker j their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Han Complete states that it will probably be ! son Friday. (Too late for insertion last RADIO SERVICE the hardest game of the season, j Mr. and Mrs. Merle Tiderman week.) Parts for all radios either Jim Spike came back for B. C. and daughter Jean came up from William Carmichael, the leftI in stock or manufactured to and Reno, Nevada, this week, tackle on the Vernonia football Jewell Friday and visited her sis where he has been for the past order. ter, Mrs. Chas. Hanson. squad, was injured while playing House 18, O-A Hill six months. Tom Enneberg is in the Veter- in the Vernonia-Scappoose game, Residence Phone 1061 Chester and Steve Flanagan aan’s hospital in Portland. He Saturday. were down from Portland Sunday lives on the Burn. The football team and Coach Miss Olga Holmstrom spent Tucker were very loyal to their comrade. They carried him to the weekend in Portland. Miss after / have the x-ray taken and brought Marian McMullen looked 12j.9Hnagaz.ines to read. Someone the central office during Miss stayed with him most of the Holmstrom’s absence. Julia Banzer was taken to the day Sunday. Clatskanie hospital Friday but Saturday was worse and taken to WHAT THE CLASSES Portland where she was operat OREGON ¿ ARE DOING . . ed on. The latest reports were The bookkeeprig cla ' started she was not doing as well as w >»’k n thei rsel Monday, Octo could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dowling ber 19. Fat Stork Show; Dairy, Manufacturers* and Land Products Shows ” ool and Mohair . Shows; ; Wool Show; Poultry and Rabbit Show; The geometry cfass spent tba were Vernonia sight seers Sun Vs Industrial Exhibits Bovs’-Girls’ Club Work Exhibits; Wild last week studying for their six- day. XxS ■ aw Lift ..... Exhibits; ■»».«.», ‘Truth- . .-.n-ln-Mests" Exhibits; and speetaealar Horse Show. Bernard Dowling was a Forest V Eleven seres aerea ander sr ano roof. Parting apnea tor S.SM autos. Paved week tests. roads direct to entranee. Kedueed fares on all transportation lines. The civics class spent one Grove visitor Saturday night. V Portland, Oreaon October M il Eder Wallace has had a fire whole period on the study of place put in his home, Mr. Beck Oregon. Each student was re quired to give a two or three doing the work. 1W1 Mrs. Don Hall spent a couple minute talk on the subject i . a inn' Ff «FH» »I Note books for the first six of days with her sister, Mrs. Treharne KEASEY Mist PAGE FIVE Riverview Mildred Hawkins 8CÆ Mr. and Mrs. Willard and daughter Joy, Mrs. John Lara- more and Mrs. Harvey Heath spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Taylor in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heath visited a while in Clatskanie Tues day. EAGLE CLASSIFIEDS Miss Norma Anderson has re BRING RESULTS turned home after working sever al weeks in the cannery in Hills boro. ___________ WANTED___________ i LOST AND FOUND Oral Estes returned home Thursday after spending several WANTED—I have considerable' LOST OR STRAYED—One Tog- months working in Prosser, Wash demand for large and small: enberg buck about 8 months ington. farms to rent. List yours with ’ old, with poke on neck. Owner Mrs. Dayton Ross and daughter T. B. Mills, 873 Bridge street,! can have for paying for ad and Bonnie Bell have returned to Vernonia. 64tf. keep. F. B. Warfield, near Golf Klamath Falls after spending a course. 651c month with Mrs. Jim Aubrey of WANTED—Piano to rent. In quire Eagle office. 651c LOST—Female, white Fox Ter this city. rier dog on Oak Ranch creek, Mrs. Grace Sells visited at the Saturday. Reward for informa FOR SALE home of Mrs. B. B. Hawkins Wed tion or return. Notify H. M. nesday evening. Saxton, Birkenfeld, Ore. 651c Mr. and Mrs. Rob Ray McGre OTTAWA DRAG SAW—used one year and half. Will sell at half FOR RENT gor, formerly of Riverview, were 642* in town a short time Thursday price. A. L. Parker. FOR RENT—4-room house, bath, night, bidding their frends good CUT FLOWERS on sale by Mrs.! breakfast nook, modern conven bye, as they are leaving for Lou W. L. Van Doren, Phone 1136.) iences, garage. Phone 122. (65?c isiana. Miss Florence Van Gilder spent the weekend with Mrs. H. E. C. R. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. elected delegate of the W. C. T. Stevenson. Fowler and three sons, Harold, U. to represent Vernonia at the Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cline spent Delbert and Lawrence, and Mrs. state convention at Albany. She Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Charley Biggs, all of Vernonia. left Tuesday accompanied by Mrs. Jim Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kirk of F. Claude Stephens and Sydney Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fowler and Pleasant hill and baby daughter Malmsten. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heath spent Arline visited at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley of As Friday fishing at the Clatskanie and Mrs. C. R. Fowler Monday. toria spent the weekend with slough. Mrs. Ruby Biggs is caring for Frenchie Rachel. Mrs. Nora Maitland and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lineberger and Aunt Sally during the absence of Will Throop, formerly of this son and daughter of St. Helens Mrs. Tom Throop. city, visited Saturday at the visited Mr. and Mrs. Charley Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Plumer home of Aunt Sally. Christiansen Sunday. visited Aunt Sally Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Estes and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stevenson Mrs. Jim Brown visited Aunt made a trip to St. Helens Mon sons Ole and Oral spent Sunday at Natal visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sally Saturday. day night. Mr. and Mrs. Al Austin made Dave McMullin. Ray Dorland, formerly an agent a trip to Portland Saturday. Misses Beulah Parker and Beth i for the Imperial Feed company in Davis left Sunday for Gearhart I Mrs. Ruby Biggs and Mrs. Mc this valley, had supper Thursday Cabe visited at Mrs. Biggs’ home I with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd. to spend a few days. Harrison Norris made a trip to Friday. He is now working with the Sun- Mrs. Dave Marshall visited at . set Grain company of Portland. Portland Saturday. Miss Joy Peck of Portland the home of Aunt Sally Sunday. Misses Beulah Parker and Beth Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Donaldson Davis are home after spending and Coke Garrison of Gaston, of Gearhart and Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday at the home of Mil several weeks working in Hills O. Walker and son Willie of Sea boro. dred Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Norris side spent the weekend at the For results—try an Eagle clas- went to Portland Saturday to take home of Mrs. Sidney Malmsten. Mrs. Sydney Malmsten was 1 sified. It reaches the prospects. their infant son, Jack Elmer, to the Doernbecher hospital. Mrs. Merle Cline and sons Gordon and Donald spent the weekend in Clatskanie visiting her mother, Mrs. Burnham. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McAllister and two sons, Melvin and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Latin, all of St. Helens; Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hendricks of Vancouver, B. C., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. $5.00 Including Shampoo and Finger Wave You will like the charm of a soft deep RINGLETTE PERMANENT. You will like, too. the ease with which it is given—There is no dis comfort in the Ringlette pro cess, yet no wave is more lasting. Milady’s Beauty Shoppe Vernonia Hotel Building Phone 1261 \\\ \w v; // A i EQ? Doane Guaranteed Typewriter Service Inc. 122 Third St., Near Wash. HWi Dollar for Dollar Value Freight REBUILT TYPEWRITERS Delivered To and Called for at Your Door All Makes — All Prices We Overhaul, Clean and Rebuild all Makes. TRUCKS LEAVE VERNONIA 9 A. M. DAILY Long Distance Furniture Hauling Between Vernonia and Portland Lowest prices consistent with good work — Prompt re turn of your Machine. Portland-Vernonia Truck Line Phone AT 1*43 OFFICE PHONE 1041 W. A. Davis, Local Manager. Bankers on Advertising Bankers are hard-headed business men, basing their de ductions on proved facts, and the following published in the Am erican Bankers Magazine, is sound advice: “No business man in any town should allow a newspaper published in his town to go without his name and business being mentioned somewhere in its columns. This does not mean you should have a whole, half or even a quarter page ad in each issue of the paper, but your name and business should be men tioned, if you (io not use more than a 2-line space. A stranger picking up a newspaper should be able to tell what business is represented in a town by looking at the paper. This is the best possible town advertiser. This man who does not adver tise his business does an injustice to himself and the town. The man who insists on sharing the business that comes to town, but refuses to advertise his own is not a valuable addi tion to any town. The life of a town depends in the live, wide-awake and liberal advertising business men.”—Coolidge (Arizona) News.