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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1931)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO r p* CAI “Love Me - Love My Bunny!” tug, his sole objective was the up building of the Industry. Results so far have been most gratifying. Both Mr. Wilcox and the trustees of the Exposition are looking for ward to this year's show with the expectation of having Poultry ac tivities of this entire Western Country centered there during Ex position week. O. M. Plummer, General Manager of Pacific International, states that in addition to the complete Poultry and Rabbit Show a fine collection of pure bred stock will be exhibit ed In each of the other divisions— Dairy and Beef Cattle, Heavy Draft Horses, Sheep, Hogs and Goats. Other features of the Exposition will Include Dairjr and Land Pro ducts Shows; Wool and Mohair Show; Industrial Exhibits; Boys and Girls’ Club Work Exhibits; Wild Life Exhibit by Oregon Fish and Game Commission; “Truth-in Meats" Exhibit; and a spectacular Horse Show offering fourteen per formances and starring high jump ing horses and comedy jumping ponies from the stables of JamcB McCleave, formerly of Victoria, B. C. and now of Stockton, California. 3100,000 is to be distributed in pre miums. All leading transportation lines are offering reduced round-trip fares to the Exposition. E. M. Bleile was in Portland to Ben George who accompanied him on the hunt. Tuesday. Frank Hankel has been em Thomas Graves made a business ployed at Westport for about trip to Portland Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Turner two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rose and visited in Portland Sunday. Mrs. B. A. Viekrey was in children Floyd, Frank and Glen da spent Sunday in Portland. Portland Tuesday on business. Judd Greenman made a busi-| I Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander ness trip to Portland Tuesday. land Mrs. Everett Prickett motor- led to Independence Friday even- H. Veal returned Sunday from . . ing to spend the weekend with Astoria where he had SPen | relatives. Mrs. Prickett stayed weeks. ' over for a week’s additional visit. Mildred Tousley has been con- The five year old son of Nels On« of the happy livestock owners among boy and girl exhibitors In fined to her home for about two Chambers cut the end of his Poultry and Pet Stock Division weeks with a cold and complies- 5>um'b off with an ax”w"hili play- of 1930 Pacific International. ti°ns- | ing at his home October 16. He A visit to Wilcox Hall (the build Art Lafoon, who injured his | ¡g getting along fine and it is foot last week while working at believed that the severed portion ing devoted exclusively to Poultry and Rabbits) during the 21st An Camp Eight, is in a Portland hos-lwin grow fast again, nual Pacific International Live- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenkins, W. stock Exposition to be held at Port Dr. Kellogg, eye specialist, will F. Hintzen, Webb Campbell, Wm. land, Oregon, October 24-31, will be at Kullander’s Jewelry store, H. Roach, Paul Kullberg, E. H. bring forcefully to mind the im the remainder of this week and I Leahy, of Portland, and H. N. portant place occupied by Poultry all of next week. (adv.) | Hack jtt of Salem were among and allied interests in the great A ten pound boy, Harold James, the week’s guests at Hotel Hy business of agriculture. When T. B. Wilcox, Jr., last year was born October 16 to Mr. and Van. Portland visitors from here on presented to the Exposition the Mrs. Chas. Schmidlin at their home on the Beaver Creek road. Wednesday of last week included splendidly equipped Poultry Build- Hotel Gordon guests have in Dr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Eby, Mr. cluded W. Ray Clark, 0. Moore, and Mrs. Waiter W. Wolff, Mrs. W. Small, S. Bishoprick, John Dave Marshall, Mrs. Charles Ri- Durham and Chas. Erickson, all chardson, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Bleile and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. from Portland. Mrs. Earl Groat returned to Green. Mrs. Katherine Jablonski, and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Soden were her home in Astoria the first of daughter Marie, visited at the EVANGELICAL CHURCH the week following several days Sunday guests here of Mr. and home of Mrs. J. B. Ohler Sat- G. W. Plumer, Pastor illness here at the home of her Mrs. N. S. Soden, The visitors, urday. The Reds were ahead last Sun who live in Scoggins valley, are mother, Mrs. H. Veal. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Malmsten not far from the site of the day in the contest on in the family entertained with a dinner and Mrs. F. Claude Stephens left large lumber mill which is being Sunday school. Be on time so you Saturday evening, Those present Tuesday for the state W. C. T. constructed, about three miles will find a seat, 9:45 a. m. were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith and U. convention at Albany. They from Gaston by Stimson Lum- 11 a. m. morning worship. The son Elmo, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. ber company of Seattle. are expee'ed back today. pastor using as his subject, “How Ohler, Mr. and Mrs. Antone Dr. Kellogg, eye specialist, will are the Mighty Fallen,” honoring Smejkal, and Joe Johnson. The F. 0. Miller of Portland was in town Tuesday night and Wednes be at Kullander’s Jewelry store the late Thomas A. Edison. evening was enjoyed playing cards day on business connected with the remainder of this week and The Junior Choir practice 6 p. and visiting. The hostess served (adv.) m. followed by both Endeavor luncheon at midnight. the Miller Mercantile company all of next week. The Home Economics club of society meetings. store, of which he is an owner. The senior Elmer Bergerson made a busin Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McDaniel, the Vernonia grange is giving a society leaders will be LeRoy ess trip to Portland Saturday.. Mrs. Rose Fletcher, and Joseph pie social Saturday evening, Oc Malmsten and Jack Marshall. Mrs Smith went with him to visit Scott spent Sunday with Mr. and tober 24, at 7:30 in the Grange The 7:30 p. m. service will be with her daughter in Portland. and Mrs. I. Morrison of Astoria hall. Not only the grangers and the annual Foreign Missionary Mr. and Mrs. Omar Sheeley and their friends but anyone who is day services. at their Seaside home. son visited with J. B. Ohler and Harold Armstrong and brother, interested is invited to be pres There will be two short addres Chas. C. Savine, P. A. Caruso ent. Ladies are requested to ses by laymen: “The Missionary family Sunday. Mrs. H. C. Ohler, Mrs. G. H. and S. R. Caruso, all of Port bring pies and men their purses. Enterprises of the Evangelical land, stopped during the past There will be a dance immediate Churches Across the Seas,” A. C. Ohler, and Mr. and Mrs. Antone Smejkal motored to Portland Sat ly following the pie social, week at Hotel Nehalem. Knauss; “The Place of Prayer in W. J. Armitage, Lloyd Baker Among those who stayed at Kingdom Enterprises,” W. W. urday to visit with George Ohler and Harry Kerns spent Tuesday Hotel McDonald this week were Wolff. The sermon theme, “Men and the N. J. Jensen family. Joe hunting in the vicinity of Sheri- H. Libby, W. C. Gauntt, Eugene; and Missions,” commemorating Johnson returned with the par dan and Willamina. Results: E. E. Umphlith, Florence; G. R. the 125th anniversary of the lay ties to visit with friends in Ver nonia and vicinity for the week, three birds, sore muscles and lots Steel, Enterprise; Claud Wright, men’s missionary movement. A large crowd enjoyed the Rex; J. E. Waterhouse, Salem; of fun. There will be special music at William Carmichael, who broke Arthur C. Bradley, Phil E. Mol- all the services. A hearty welcome dance given in the old Kist school house Saturday evening. his arm while playing football len, Beth C. Murray, J. C. Arm- to all. Mrs. Bergerson is visiting at with the high school team Satur strong, P. H. Prong, K. D. Wil- the. home of her son, Clifford day expected to be able to re liamson, S. B. Nare, C. L. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bergerson. turn to his classes by the end of son, H. E. Gleason, and C. F. F. Claude Stephens, Minister the week. Lazer, of Portland. Mrs. H. Veal was ill for sev Last services for October are Visiting at the home of Mr. Registered at Hotel Nehalem eral days this week. fully in keeping with the season. recently were Royal Putman, Ka and Mrs. O. W. Meyer last week lama; T. H. Silver, P. Ritholen, were Mrs. Meyer’s mother, Mrs. At 9:45 a. m. a rousing Bible W. Patterson, Portland; T. W. Hathaway, and sister, Mrs. Erma school with much new life mani Cowan, Westport; and Mr. and Groat and daughter Melba. They fest; at 10:45, Divine morning Realistic Mrs. Alvin Wallace, Pendleton. all took a trip to Corvallis and worship, with special music; at Cecil Burt, formerly employed then to Washington, where they 6:30 p. m., Chirstian Endeavor, Permanent by the Vernonia Bakery, is now spent Sunday with Mr. Meyer’s and at 7:30 p. m. the evening With ■O ’ hour will be largely taken up by a route salesman for a bakery in parents. It happened to be Mrs. R1NGLETTE Hillsboro. He calls at Cornelius, Meyer’s 75th birthday, and all the C. E. society. ENDS Scholls, North Plains, Orenco, the children were there for din- A baby girl arrived Monday at Helvetia and Bethany on his ner except one in Canada. $4 and $5 Mr. and Mrs. R. Cady and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cort rounds. Siedelman, who live on Pebble Miss Irene May and Gus Olson daughter, Miss Bonnie Gene Ca- well known young people of Riv dy, and Mrs. McCune of Port creek road. BEAUTY SHOPPE Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Green and erview were married the latter land were guests here Sunday at Phone 431 Bridge St. daughter Nelle spent the weekend part of last week. The couple the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. who wished to surprise their Dewey. Miss Cady remained for with friends in Washington. friends have not divulged any a week's visit. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey the previous Sun further details. Harve Froembling went hunt day were Mr. and Mrs. Dave ing for deer last week and shot Owen and children, Donald and a bear instead. It was a fair Jaquetta. Mr. Owen played his sized black bear which he used first golf on the local course at for meat. He presented the hide 1 that time. KIST Annette Our Milk with its same consistent rich qualities day in, 7* day out, proves to all our patrons that it hits the mark of perfection. Olga Holmstrom, who was on a vacation. J. E. Johnson from Portland was at Natal on business Thura- Mrs. Jake Neurer day all day. In Vernonia on business Fri Farmers in this vicinity are day were Frank Peterson and stacking up with mill feeds and Richard Peterson, Jake Neurer, grain for their dairy herds for i Bob Lindsay, Clyde Johnson, Hy this winter. The Lower Columbia Tracey and Don Pringle. Dairy association, Vernonia Trad-1 Mrs. James McCormick spent ing company and the Imperial i Friday visiting her mother, Mrs. Feed and Grain company all del W. R. Johnson, at Mist. ivered feed to farmers here. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill mot Mrs. Genevera McCormick sur-, ored to Portland last week to prised her husband with a party look after some business, given in honor of his birthday at1 Noble Dunlap is in Vernonia their home last week. When the this week doing some carpenter invited guests arrived refresh- work. ments were served. | Jake Neurer made a business Miss Marian McMullin had trip to Portland Tuesday, return charge of the telephone office at ing that night. Mist last week during the absence1 The road grader went over of the regular operator, Miss the road last week to level up the Natal gravel which was hauled recent ly- Miss Julia Banzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banzer, was taken to a Portland hospital a few days ago with a serious attack of appendicitis. Some of her family report her resting easier. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kuback and daughter Louise have return- ed to their home in St Helens after spending 10 days with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neurer. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moran and daughter visited friends down the river Sunday. Fred Oveson, bridge contrac- or, was at Natal on some busin ess Friday. Ole Estes from Riverview went to work for J. C. Moran on his farm. HXHXHXH XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH BUY YOUR HARDWARE AT THE HARDWARE STORE Are Hardware Prices Down? In keeping with the trend of times we have made every effort to buy our hardware at -best possible prices in order so that we could sell them at lowest possible prices. We have just made a check up of the 48 items in our stock which we are listing below giving former prices, prices of today and the percent in saving, to give you an idea as to the lower prices you can buy hardware at today than you could a short time ago. THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE MANY THOUSANDS WE HAVE HERE IN OUR STORE Former Today’s Percent Price Price Saving Padlock, 6 lever ....................... $ .60 Padlock, Pin Tumbler ................ 2.00 Flash Light Cells .15 Stainless Paring Knives . .35 Electric Iron Plugs .25 2-Piece Attachment Plugs .15 Gal. Good Quality House Paint 2.95 Gal. Med. Quality House Paint 2.40 1-lb. Acid Core Solder 1.00 Electric Light Sockets ........... .25 Tool Grinder, 4-inch Wheel __ 2.00 Guaranteed Double Bit Ax ....... 3.25 Long Handle No. 2 Shovel ........ 1.60 Barn Shovels ..... ........... ................ 1.00 Shot Gun Shells, 12 guage ....... 1.35 Winchester 30-30, Model 54 __ 45.00 Winchester 22 Rifle .................... 7.50 25 to 60 Watt Light Globes . .28 Cast Skillet .... .............................. 1.50 20-Gal. Galvanized Garbage Can 3.20 No. 8 All Copper Boiler ......... 4.95 45-Volt B Batteries 3.25 Hot Shot Batteries ...................... 2.50 No. 301 Radio Tubes 1.50 3-Blade Brass Lined Knives 1.50 2-Blade Pocket Knives ............ . 1.00 1.75 Lunch Kits 100-Feet Aerial W're .................. .95 Vá-lnch Galvanized Elbow ....... .14 */2-Inch Galvanized Pipe .......... .09 Mouse Traps .............. .05 Babbitt Metal .18 4- and 6-inch Screw Drivers ..... .25 50-Ft. Cotton Clothes Line ....... .35 Paint Brush, 1-inch .................... .15 Pa’nt Brush, 3-inch .................... 1.25 500-Feet R. C. House Wire .... . 4.75 Porcelain Rossettes .24 Barb Wire, Spool 2.95 99.50 Electric Wash Machine Electric Hot Point Iron .............. 6.00 Pint Thermos Bottle 1.25 Large No. 2 Lanterns 1.85 .40 6 Water Glasses 22 Shorts, Winchester ................ .25 .40 3%-in. Brass Door Butt .............. Large R.F.D. Mail Boxes 4.50 Aluminum Percolators 1.25 .25 58 1.00 50 .10 33 .25 29 .15 40 .09 40 2.25 24 1.89 22 .75 25 .18 24 1.18 39 2.50 23 1.29 30 .75 25 .95 29 32.50 28 4.95 35 .20 29 .90 37 2.00 37 3.25 34 1.75 46 1.98 21 .75 50 1.00 33 .60 40 1.28 27 .60 37 .09 43 .07 22 .021/,50 .12 33 .15 40 .25 30 .10 33 .85 32 2.89 40 .14 41 2.13 28 69.00 31 3.95 34 .95 24 1.45 21 .25 37 .20 20 .30 25 2.79 38 .85 32 $ Hardware Prices Are Down! Our Store Policy Our pasteurized and raw milk and cream TASTES better because it is always rich and pure and KEEPS better because we keep it clean and sell it in sterilized bottles. GET YOUR MILK Where it is both It is our aim to give you the best possible values for your money and you must be satisfied with your purchase. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we want you to return it and we will either replace it with other merchandise or Give You Your Money Back. GOOD and SAFE. NEHALEM VALLEY ICE & CREAMERY CO. VERNONIA Hoffman Hardware Co. See Hoffman About It, IT PAYS PHONE 471 HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZM