Oernoiim VOLUME IX. Big Tourney VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1931. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TO HAVE CHARGE OF CHURCH SERVICE Registration For Relief Now Open Survey of Budget For High School Approved NUMBER 65. STATE TRAVELING LIBRARY TO BE HERE SIX MONTHS Road Status The Christian Endeavor society The library board at its meet- of the Christian church will have ing Monday afternoon arranged Men who wish to register for The budget for Union high to have the traveling library of entire charge of the service Sun­ school district 1, calling for an the state library here for six day evening, when they hold their part time work provided by the state this winter should do so at expenditure of $39,897.04, and month'». annual church night. permission to exceed the six per The theme of the evening will once, declares H. E. McGraw of Several new books have been cent limitation imposed by law ordered and will be available be “The Example of Christian1 the unemployment relief commit- Youth ” !tee ^or Columbia county. He ex- were approved by a vote of 34 soon. --------------- ------------- -— ¡pects registration to close Novem- to 13 Saturday afternoon. The Libby to Maintain amount to be raised by taxation, Recent additions to the period­ George W. Ford Tenders Arrangements Made to Grange Back« County Agent ; ber 1. Bona fide residents of the ical department, according to Winema Grange 652 ot Bir-Ic°unty may register with Mr. $22,414.04, is in reality less than Miss Lois Malmsten, librarian are Hold Cascade Headquarters in Resignation as kenfeld, has endorsed continuance McGraw or with the two other that which was approved in bud­ Good Housekeeping, the Literary i members of the committee, Judge get meeting last year, $27,500.00, Digest, National Geographic and of the office of county agent. Vernonia Match Here President but on account of a low base Popular Mechanics. The resolution will appear in J. H. Wellington and L. A. Aus­ tin of St. Helens. It will be the the question of exceeding the The Cascade golf tournament, full in next week’s issue. Status of the road situation policy of the committee, Judge 1 Preliminary survey of the Scap- limitation must be voted upon one of the feature tourneys of Wenington 'stated "several weete was explained at the chamber of annually. the state and probably second in commerce meeting in the Masonic ago, not to give work to those of Vernonia began Tuesday, when Voting was by ballot, Only importance to the Oregon ama­ temple Wednesday by J. E. Kerr, who come into the county fromlcrews under H’ N’ Haekett went 48 votes were cast, one being teur tournament, will be held on ! out on reconnassaince. They were chairman of the roads committee, elsewhere. defective. the Vernonia Golf course in June out in full force Wednesday, who stated that continued effort Most of the work will be on working until about 4 p. m. when The budget committee consisted of the coming year. A repre­ would be necessary in order not McGraw believes. It roads, Mr. considered In a close match, sentation of local members com­ their instruments became clouded of Judd Greenman, Judge W. A. to lose any of the ground al­ Emil Messing, C. W. Reithner, ! is the intention to take a truck Harris, Henry John, Frank Peter­ one of the best main events ev- ready gained. prising Emil Messing, Albert with rain. R. M. Aldrich, C. F. Hieber and : load of men from here to St. the lower or seen staged along son, Emil Messing and the board Childs and F. D. Macpherson at­ Headquarters Established H. E. McGraw, another member tended a meeting of the various Albert Childs were named at the Helens or Clatskanie to perform Vernonia will be the headquar­ of directors, H. M. Condit, A. R. Columbia river, Dane Brady of of the committee, commended city council meeting Monday night hand labor on the Lower Colum ­ Vernonia won by a knockout in clubs held at Yamhill Country ters of Hollis Libby, engineer in Melis and R. L. Spencer. the work of Mr. Kerr and re­ as a committee to draw up the bia highway. the fifth round over Ivan Schu- charge of the five locating crews club last Sunday. ported the outlook for designa­ budget. ley of Westport in the People ’ s An invitation had been extend­ on the Wilson river, Wolf creek tion of the road bright. It will be necessary to hold I theatre at Clatskanie Wednes­ ed to all competing clubs by Yam­ and Vernonia routes. H. N. Hack­ F. D. Macpherson, who was an election on the question of ! day night. One of the spectators ett will work out of Vernonia hill club to meet there on this one of a reconnaissance party to exceeding the six per cent limit ­ described the bout as “ all ham ­ day and after various team com­ for two months of so, when he mer and tongs from one bell to go over both the Vernonia-Ham­ petitions were over a meeting was ation, states Judge D. B. Reas- will move to Tideport and work ! oner, recorder, who was notified the other. There was no backing, let and Wolf creek routes, re­ opened to elect officers for a I this way. ported that by making use of j of this fact by the county assess ­ clinching or anything of that George W. Ford, manager of permanent organization. Ralph| 14 Men Here two passes at an elevation of A root crop field day was or, Fred Watkins. While a sub ­ kind. ” the Oregon Gas and Electric com ­ Mills of Forest Hills was elected about 1700 feet the Wolf creek held Tuesday at the John Jacob 1 A force of 14 men is now pany at Vernonia and the Wash­ stantial reduction in the budget Oral Estes of Vernonia, 135 | president, Roy Sparks of Yamhill, Astor Experiment station at As­ ' being maintained here. Since it ington Gas and Electric company pounds, fought a draw with Wash- • route was feasible from an en­ for the coming year is contem- ' secretary, with a directors com­ gineering standpoint, but from all toria, which included farmers 1 is the plan to maintain headquar- mittee to be appointed and con­ plated, an election will be necess­ from Columbia county as well as. ' ters in Vernonia irrespective of at Longview, has announced his burn of Rainier, four rounds. other angles the Vernonia-Ham­ ary because of the discovery by The next best bout on the card resignation to take effect Nov ­ sisting of one member from each that other coast counties, with a to-! the northern route finally desig­ ember 1. He leaves these pos­ was 4 rounds between Kid Nazaro let route was so far ahead as to the state tax commission club which has endorsed the Cas­ nated, several of the engineers afford no comparison. Logging Vernonia along with other cities cities tai attendance of about 90, ap- vernoma along wiin ovner 1 'u , , „„ j itions in order to become vice- of Vernonia and Ray Hudson of cade tournament in past years. in the county, has been disregard- proximately 18 being from Co->7,71'v» d.,rin