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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1931)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1931. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON for him in returning to Boston. I NELSON ADVISES the Vernonia Golf Course Sunday. to ria Sunday where he has been Vernonia, Else why was he so eager to get The special recall election was employed all summer. Geo. Jones ON SOWING OF Chas Sundland played Saturday Robert? If William was convicted VETCH AND OATS held Saturday in the old school was also down with him from night in Rainier for the dance. of what use was Robert’s testl house here, mony? The story of William’s con vlction was made out of whole Mr. and Mrs. Maynor Devine The county agent’s office re cloth. He would attend to his own ports a number of inquiries as to from Gold Beach, Oregon are affairs and do no babbling. the amount of vetch and oats to visiting the Grover Devine family These reflections of Amos Tod kill are set down in his diary with seed per acre and the time to do over on Deep Creek for the past week. the seeding, a full report of Samp’s sayings. Harold Beach is driving Wm. All men who could write had the “The best proportion to seed diary habit. Todkill was a me oats and vetch,” states Geo. A. Bridger’s truck this week up at thodical man. In the service of his Nelson, county agent, “is 60 the rock crusher. wise friend, Capt. John Smith, he Mr. and Mrs. Everett Prickett had learned many crafts. He had pounds of vetch and 40 pounds of for hospitality been above all an expert tiee- vats, to secure the best results, were Portland business visitors cllmber. He carried a pencil and If more oats is added in propor- on Thursday. fonJoods blank books wherein his maps are Two families from Hillsboro drawn in sections and notes made tion to the Vetch it will usually for service regarding them. Also some account choke the vetch out. This mistake have moved into the Geo Tay-1 of the adventures of each day are is often made. The above men. lor residence on the Burn, hav-' W.AI.U. «X St-ffvict, set down. On sundry pages, terse tioned proportions give best re ing rented the ranch. CorH.lqkt. 1»^. ly and vividly, lie lias indicated ids IRVING BACHELLER mental reactions. Before they slept sults as to the proportions of i Mrs. M. Aamodt called at the! I PORTLAND, OREGON i ,4 ¿3 oats and vetch hay that will grow John Patrick home Saturday af- They turned to witness a singu worst of It they'll gnaw the meat that night Robert asked: "What did the constable say to from this mixture. | ternoon. lar and a right perilous gsme now off .ver bones and eat It while .ve're Every facility for every going on between two fishermen. lookin' on and then boiJ ye in a you?" “About the best time to seed Mrs- L- B- Eastman was a call I®5 I “Only that he was after you. oats and vetch is during the month er at the Austin Dowling place taste of every traveller It was the game of Jim Where—a pot. They ain’t real nice folks but deadly sort of duel. The players I reckon we can dodge 'em. If we He was like a lathered horse near of October, as maximum results I Saturday ;; . new decorations, .luruay afternoon, aioeriioun. yj i? 1 the water pail. Came aboard thirs tí stood blindfolded, their wrists tied can get to the big lake we'll make new furniture, new together. Each held In his right a dugout and put for Canada and ty and the drink crossed him. The can be obtained from seeding1 Boyd Nelson and his sister1 ,1 •; ’ < » r g r _ . r I were visiting the Ivring Knowles ' hand a stocking with a round take a ship to France. I know the poor old hitchcock! He shot his at this time. lobby lounge and pine ball In the end of It. One would great chief o’ the Algonquins. His granny. Got slewed. I left him Mr. Nelson is i IF W? is nr f “Common vetch may be seeded, I family Sunday. NEW LOW RATES. i call "Jim Where?" The other name is Tessohat—a one-eyed dev asleep In the tap-room." !■ I” **** tr RW>trvd “Did lie speak of Mabel Hart in hill land, any time between working at Castle Rock, Washing answered, “Here," and dodged. il. Met him years ago at a big ..... ! ; the months of September and ton and came over to see his whereupon his adversary struck powpow. If ye don't want to gam ley?" the young man asked. RATES $Q WITH Amos divined the meaning of this March that soil conditions are boy, who is staying with his1 viciously, guessing nt the location ble with yer life, now Is the time FROM X RATH Fireproof query and answered: “ She is in of the nmn he desired to hit. They to say so. We could wait till tlds suitable for working. On moist grandmother, Mrs. Knowles. took turns In calling and striking. storm ends and take water and prison. I reckon I know now why bottom lands, however, it can be Ed. Reynolds was up from As- A noisy crowd surrounded them, with good luck get to Port Royal. ye've had a solemn look in yer eye. its members shouting words of en There's fish in the sea and meat in They'll keep her locked up till they seeded during the spring. “Hungarian vetch, however, couragement. The nlr was filled the greenwood and the sea can be get their hands on you. If you with profanity and the odor of nigh as savage as the Tarratines. have been sliakln’ her skirts, keep should be seeded only in the away, or they ’ ll hang tlie two o ’ perspiration. In a moment one of Take yer choice.” ye. They're as hard as rocks. If fall.” the players was hit and fell like Robert was not dismayed by Tod- an ox under the hammer, dragging kllJ’s description ot the perils ye have any feelln’ for the wench stay away from there. She’s safe tlie other down upon him. ahead. He had a longing for ad “Necked, by 0—d 1" was the venture and no great love of life, till they get ye. When the excite ment has blowed over we can see shout that greeted the full. which so far had been a disap how things Took. The main thing The man who had gone down lay pointment. He felt tlie lure of the now is to keep alive. There's some Mri. A. A. Dowling for a moment stunned. He had vast, green, lonely, mysterious the great men who are ag'ln’ tills been hit in the neck, which had solitudes in the west as did Amos. o' law. They'll kill it in time. ” turned black and blue and was “I have had enough of the sea," Robert did much thinking that swelling. The injured man nnd he said. “The thought of It makes Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Crowder and In the nights and days the crowd streamed out to the deck, me ill. Let us take our chances in night that followed. Every day lie tells have moved up with Mrs. Lawyer, where a fight had started. Mr. the great greenwood.” in ills diary of a sense of weariness the Crowders occupying the Samp had yielded to his specific “Boy, I like yer courage,” Amos downstairs part, while Mrs. Law gravity and sat down, lie had answered. “As tlie toad said when and the need of sleep. they went on travel yer has moved her furniture up nodded as the duel went on. Soon the harrow was goin’ over him, ing At by daylight compass. They came soon he was fast asleep. ‘We’re in an unfortunat > position.’ freshet in a valley where they stairs. Todkill said to the tapster: But I reckon we’ll get through. We to u down to ent with water to help Chas Sundland made a business “He’s got a brick in ills hat. Let must travel close. Let me be cap sat their food on Its way. The weath him sleep a while. Hi tain. Never use a weapon or er favored them, being still warm trip to Portland Manday. hard day.” Mrs. John Devine and Mrs. Ed speak loud without my orders If .ve clear. At the top of a high He hurried through the throng put a penny’s value oil yer life. and Deer were over from Clatskanie ridge Amos climbed a tree with that surrounded the fighters to the We’ll push on beyond tlie end o’ his book and pencil to get the lay starboard side nnd blew his whis this path and lie up for the night.” of the land and to look for Indian Friday afternoon. Don Hall is driving a logging tle. Illg Tom Wannerton nnd Dixie It was very dark but Amos He noted the position of truck for the Van Vleet Logging Bull were having a desuérate bat seemed to have cat’s eyes In the signs. mountains, lakes, ponds and rivers. tle with their fists. Often these en Coming down he said: "There's an Co. gagements led to knives or belaying Indian village about two miles Mrs. Geo. Taylor left Saturday pins and murder. It was Todklll’s north o’ here. We got to step for an indefinite stay in Port business to dip in with his mighty careful now and keep onr eyes arms and pour his brawn and the peeled. There are two big moun land and vicinity. oil of an ahie tongue on the trou f | HIE FORD is good-looking. It saying this, I am thinking in The Bridgers folks golfed at tain peaks, one due north and one bled waters. Tonight he liad other -• is safe. Comfortable. Speedy. a long way to west ’ ard. I reckon terms of comfort, safety, driving business. In a moment he nnd its shadow touches the big lake. health nurse, roadmaster and Reliable. Long-lived. Eco Robert Heathers were moving to pleasure, ease of control and A great fresh-water river is about ward tlie shore. Their packs were home demonstrator was adopted ton ” nomical. Everything a good car economy. My next car will also be a ready, for Amos had anticipated by the directors of the chamber should be. the sudden arrival of an officer. Ford because it will give me what I want (Continued Next Week) of commerce at a meeting Tues- Amos had his gun nnd pistol nnd There is, too, an added something at a price I can afford to pay.” a store of ammunition, a few light day afternoon. D1RECTORS FAVOR about it that brings enthusiastic com When you get behind the wheel of tools, bread, dried fish and moose It was pointed out that the 4 COUNTY OFFICES meat. Robert had only his pistol, ments from every one who has ever the Ford and drive it yourself you will salaries of these officers total sword and clothing. Under their driven a Ford ... the joy it puts in A resolution favoring retention only 60 cents of each $100 of know it is a truly remarkable car at a packs they set out on a path made by mast cutters, which led west of the county agent, county taxes paid. —St. Helens Mist. motoring. low price. You will like it when you ward in the forest a distance of “I have been a car owne r continuously first buy it. You will become more and about three miles. Soon they heard many wild cries behind them. for nearly 20 years,” writes a motorist more enthusiastic the longer you drive it. “It's them crazy devils leavin’ connected with a leading university. After thousands of miles of driving the ship and cornin’ ashore," said Amos. "They’re yellin’ and whoop “During this period I have bought you will say “it’s a great car.” Its econ in’ like the fiends In hell. If ye’ll eleven new automobiles. Eight of the omy will save you many dollars. drop down with nn> a minute we’ll make some calculations. My ol' eleven were in the middle-price field, brain Is on Its tiptoes. There's a one cost three thousand dollars, and the lot o’ drift cornin’ down from up FIFTEEN DIFFERENT BODY TYFE» last is a Ford I purchased thirteen river." “What do you mean?” Robert months ago. asked. “Woman trouble! 1 don't waste “In the light of this experience I can no breath glvln’ ye Information say in all sincerity that I have derived There’s a great touse over it an' more genuine satisfaction from the I reckon they need a neck for their Very Dark Amos noose. Don't worry. It's a little Ford than any car I ever owned. In Seemed to Have Cat’s Eyes. matter.” They sat on a bank by the path night. Robert followed close be Robert said: hind hint When they stopped "Since I went aboard that ship again Amos cut some boughs for a FORD MOTOR COM PAN Y I do not wonder at the severity of bed and they lay down, back to the law. It's a battle with Satan." back, under a blanket. “By the toe-nails o’ Pharaoh I” ‘‘We’ll pig together right here said Amos. “Ye need stout bolts till daylight,” said the pioneer. on the hellward doors or every Now Todkill was. In shrewdness, thing would break loose.” a man of a thousand. He had a It was the fashion of the time fatherly Interest In the handsome to swear by the beard of Pharaoh, boy who lay beside him—the son but Amos did not so restrict him of a gentleman with untold wealth self in his swearing. He used any in his background. In his devo feature of the ancient monarch tion there was a touch of tlie love that came to his mind and made a of the dog for his master. He did free use now and then of his in not know whether the boy had been ternal organs to express varying lying with a woman or not. If he degrees of intensity. In moments had. Amos thought none the less of excitement his head quivered of him. After all. In his view, it nervously and when he wns pleased was a trifling matter. He knew he would lift his rl;ht foot and only that, when coming to the give it a little shake. If vexed or house for instructions late in the in danger, lie squinted his left eye evening. Robert had told him that, while his right opened the wider. Delicious as their name implies, and all made in Vernonia. forthwith, he must be taken away. Amos went on. “I’d have ye Naturally he knew that some kind know there’s a hot hell in front of of deviltry was in the wind. As us, but I hanker to see it. If we to its kind Robert had said noth- Put Vernonia money to working for Vernonia. can make a map o’ tlie country be Ing. Amos would not have ven- tween here and the Lake o’ the Iro tured to ask even If he had not quois we can sell it for a cart o’ been pleased with his own lack of gold. No white man’s foot has knowledge. Samp had given him ____________ ever touched it. But I want ye to his first Inkling of the truth. Of understand, full an' proper, it’s course Samp had lied for tlie pur dangerous. There'll be times when pose of trapping Robert with the ye’ll have Death at yer arm’s end. notion that there was no danger Ye’ll have to hold him there or be’ll fly away __________ _ with — ye.” “What’s the danger?" Robert THE FEATHERHEADS An’ There You Is asked. “Tarratines! The tigers o’ the wilderness! The man that goes amongst 'em should take his shroud with him. They’re at war with the Sokokis and have crossed the river In the north. If ye have arguments with ’ein and get the AMOUS CANDLE IN THE WILDERNESS S47ale ofthefoeginninf ofo/\gw iaitJ [ otel M l iI Mist LTNOMAH "More genuine satisfaction than any car I ever owned” $430 <• $640 Oregon-American Lumber Co. Mother’s Bread Mother’s Cakes Mother’s Pastries VERNONIA BAKERY Square Deal Service Station U. S. Royal Cord Tires Shell Products Dependable Mechanics Shop Work Guaranteed