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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1931)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1631 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO Alfred Jensen visited friends Sunday and attended the Ore gon-Washington game. Mrs. Har in Salem Sunday. vey Defalbaugh, Mrs. Washburn’s Aunt Sally Spencer has an mother, and Mr. Defalbaugh came Easter lilly in bloom. over from Wenatchee to visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDonald them. are back for the winter. Mrs. G. W. Foust entertained W. B. Lappe was home from at her home on her birthday last Tuesday. Those present were Mrs. Longview for the weekend. L. A. Rogers, Mrs. Maggie Cam-j Mrs. John Burnside is visiting eron, Mrs. West, Mrs. Sarah relatives in Portland this week. Spencer and the hostess who' served a lovely dinner. She re A. C. Knauss and Leroy Malm ceived many nice birthday gifts. sten made a trip to Portland Saturday. KEASEY Mrs. Weston Sheeley was a- warded the quilt made by the ladies of St. Mary’s. E. S. Thompson took the high school football team to Rainier last Friday in his school bus. CATHOLIC CHURCH 'son Kenneth spent Thursday and 1 Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fowler of Laurel, Oregon. Mildred Hawkin* Mrs. Carl Fowler and son Carl, Jr. returned to Laurel Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Babcock of Port- affer Spen(jing two weeks with F. Claude Stephens, Minister land spent Tuesday and Wednes-'Mrg Blanche Millia. Bill Hill, formerly of Mist, is Have you heard the latest? day at the home of her sister,! Mr and Mra. Bud Robbina are reported to be playing football on the St. Mary’s college team The services for this coming Sun Mrs. Charlie Christensen. i spenjing a few days with Mr. day are of a valuable nature! The of California. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Fowler and and Mrs. Jay Burtraw. announcements are news of a County Commissioner J. N. Mil gripping nature and concern ev son Kenneth were the guests to( Mr. and Mrs. Bud Williams re- ler and County Roadmaster L. eryone having a part in Bible a delightful supper Wednesday turned home Wednesday after R. Chandler were in town Thurs school, Christian Endeavor or the evening, given by Mrs. Blanche spending several weeks in St. Millis. | Helena, California. day afternoon. church. Be on hand for all the Mrs. Frenchie Rachel was re-, Miss Melba Laramore spent the George W. Ford was in Verno services of the day and be a moved to the hospital Saturday, weekend with her mother, Mrs nia for a few hours Thursday. He booster! Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk visited John Laramore. stated that he would return again Bible school, 9:45 a. m.; Di- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. [ Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stevenson about Monday. vine morning worship, 10:45 a. C. R. Fowler Wednesday. land Mrs. Mary Bell made a trip m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. Grandma Rogers, Aunt Sally to St. Helens Friday night. Miss Irene Rayburn, who is m.; Evening service at 7:30, with teaching at Rainier, spent the all closing an important day in and Grandma Cameron spent the1 Ole Estes received quite a weekend visiting Miss Phyllis which you are invited to have a afternoon with Mrs. G. W. Faust painful cut on his foot while Tuesday on the occasion of her working. No stitches were requir- Nelson and Mrs. Gail Whitlock. part. birthday. ed, however. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Thompson Mrs. Bessie Norris and children EVANCELICAL CHURCH spent several days with Mr. and I spent the afternoon and evening and children and Mrs. O. D. Mrs. Art Kirk this week. McCabe went to Portland Sunday Thursday at the home of Mr/ G. W. Plumer, Pastor to visit Mrs. McCabe’s and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Curly Rose and B. B. Hawkins, The Sunday school contest be Thompson’s sister, Mrs. Baker. tween the Reds and the Blues is daughter Carolyn Ann spent Wed- j C. Bruce and Glen Hawkins rjesday at the homes of Mr. and' attended the football game at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lincoln and in full swing now. The Blues Mrs. Bud Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Rainier Saturday. family from Portland were here I were in the lead strong last Sun E. L. Lloyd. I Mildred Walters spent the even Sunday visiting at the home of day but we are looking for the Mr. and Mrs. D, R. Fowler and ¡ng at the home of Rhoda Bell W. W. Mr. Lincoln’s brother, J. C. Lin Reds to win this time. i Friday. A. c. coln. The two families went Wolff, superintendent. Mrs. ____ Jim ____ Morgan ___ „__ spent __ Satur- Knauss and Mrs. E. E. Garner young people that you have an fishing during the day. interest in them by being present.! day visiting her daughter, Mrs. are the captains. Cline. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Throop This Friday evening at 7:30 the Ben " Preaching by the pastor at 11 Mr. and Mrs. Alden Lee and and sons Via and Tommy left a. m. -Subject, “The Handwriting Junior Endeavor will have their social meeting in the social hall children also Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Tuesday morning for Dayville, on the Wall.’’ ence Fowler spent the afternoon Oregon, to visit Mr. Throop’s The junior choir practices at of the church. brother for a week or ten days. 6 p. m. Sundays. George Parker accompanied them. Both Endeavor societies meet E. A. Green and Geo. W. Ford at 6:30 p. m. Then at 7:30 p. m. the special visited in Klamath Falls Monday. While on the way there they had young people’s service, the junior lunch with Charlotte and Nor choir and Douglass orchestra pro man Green in Corvallis Sunday viding the musinc. The pastor noon and with Glen Hieber and will speak on "Youth Advancing Neil Bush in Eugene that even- with Christ.” While the 7:30 service is spe- ing. dally for young people all the Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Washburn folks who are not over 100 years went to Seattle Saturday and old are welcome. Show Riverview Sunday school will be at 2 p. Mrs. Beulah Baslington and m. The Sisters from St. Helens Mrs. Irene Spencer had lunch will come this Sunday. with Mrs. Sarah Spencer Wed CHRISTIAN CHURCH nesday. and evening with Mrs. B. B. Haw Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White of I misfortune of falling while play Riverview returned home from a ing at school and breaking his kins Sunday. Bob Welsh spent Saturday and visit in The Dalles, bringing with rght arm above the wrist. Dr. Eby set the bones. Vernon was them J. M. Murphy. Sunday at Clatskanie. Sydney Malmsten and Al Par taken in again Sunday to see if Mr. and Mrs. John Estes ani son Ole spent Sunday in Natal ker spent Tuesday in St. Helens. it was set all right. As he had Irene May has left for The waited twodays after breaking it, at the home of Mr. and Mrs the arm was more difficult to Dalles for an extended visit. Dave McMullin. A dance was given at the home set. Miss Marion McMullin is spend of Dan May Saturday night. All Lavelle Gosa spent Friday ing a day or so with her grand had a wonderful time. Goldie night in Vernonia to attend the mother, Mrs. John Estes. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe, Mr. andj May and Gladys End were hostess- shower given Mr. and Mrs. Whit lock. Mrs. Ira Mann and Aunt Sally j M. Edith Lindsley is working as a visited Camp 8 Sunday. governess in Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Throop and' Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Mendenhall sons Tommy and Vie left Tues shopped in Vernonia Friday even- day for Eastern Oregon, where I (ng. they will visit a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Evers Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Buckner, th< Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warldon and newlyweds were charivaried Sat two children, Jerry and Irvin, of were shoppers in Vernonia Tues- urday night. Banks and Mrs. Verdie Swivel day. Mrs. Clara Smyth is rapidly of Elgin, Oregon, visited at the improving from her recent ill C. O. Evers’ home Sunday. ness. Money spent here Earl Belongia made a business Mike Christiansen of Portland trip to Keasey Sunday. for printing buys is visiting at the home of his C. O. Evers made a trip to brother, Charlie Christiansen. Westport Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cless Stubbs, Mrs. W. J. Lindsley got work in Walter Echols and son and daugh ter also Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Christ Westport last week. Vernonia Lindsley, 12 year old iansen and son Harold arrived her from the south Monday to son of W. J. Lindsley, had the visit Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Christ iansen. Mrs. S. I. Stubbs, mother of <3 * Mrs. Charlie Christiansen, left for California where she will spend the winter. Mrs. Lee Vale has gone to Se- attle to visit her sister. QUALITY FOODS................ PRICED RIGHT Lee Vale has moved his furni- ture to Gales Creek, where he is Specials Saturday and Monday, Oct. 17, 19 employed. Andrew Peterson of St. Helens PALMOLIVE BEADS — SNOWDRIFT It’s purity and goodness visited at the home of Mrs. P. Best to wash n for 17-, have made it a national fa fine fabrics “ 1 4 C K. Peterson Wednesday. vorite— OQ KRAUT (2^s) 2 for 19c Mrs. Dr. Kellogg and Mrs. P. Red & White Brand — K. Peterson spent the afternoon None better, few as good. GARRY DOG FOOD with Mrs. Milo Johnson Friday. CHILI CON CARNE—(Is) Made in Oregon—A balanc ed food ......... 3 cans 25c Red & White n for 07 Brand .... & I C WESSON OIL JE- COFFEE— 1-tb Pkg. 33c Quarts ..................... TJC Red and White brand—a Realistic fine flavored coffee—you’ll FRESH MEATS like it. (Government Inspected) SSfcW LAMpÿ E Quality Work ADAMS1 RED AND WHITE STORE Permanent < PORK AND BEANS (Med) Blue & White Brand — With tomato 3 23c sauce ..... With RINGLETTE ENDS PEAS — (2s) $4 and $5 Annette BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 431 Bridge St. SPEND A 2 cani 25c Green & White Sweet Peas PINEAPPLE (2%s) Red & White Fancy Sliced — PaeDk°le.. 2f°r43c PORK CHOPS tb 20c PORK STEAK tb 18c Pork Shoulder Roast lb 15c Beef Pot Roast ...... lb 13c All Beef Steaks .... lb 20c BACON BACKS, Skinned- Half or Whole ........ lb 22c COTTAGE BUTTS tb 19c SHORTENING 3 tb 29c —WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE— FEW MANY MINUTES HERE TO DISCOVER Misses9 and Ladies Sport Coats HOURS OF EXTRA ENJOYMENT of the finest Chinchilla, Polo and Let us show you how the FULL RANGE performance of the General Electric Radio will bring you stations now beyond your reach and how this modem receiver keeps each station separate and free from over lapping. Hear the new richness in the FULL RANGE Tone and notice how nat ural and true it is. Tweed Materials RE’S a rare opportunity for you to equip your en- tire home with the world’s famous Aladdin kerosene (coal oil) Mantle Lamps at a txg saving. Bring in any old oil or gasoline lighting device of any make or condition, and you will be given the generous allowance of $1.50 to $2.00 for it, depending upon the style of Aladdin you purchase. ^■“1 In Navy, Brown, Buff, Mixed Brown and White, and Black and White col ors. Brin« in at many old lamp« at you pirate at long at you purchase an equal Dum ber of Aladdiut. The most serviceable, durable coat for warmth and style that money can buy at these new low prices of— Never before has such a broad, liberal, generous offer been made on the new Instant-Light Aladdin Kerosene (coal oil) Mantle Lamp — the most remarkable of all modem white lights. Certainly now you can well afford all the joys and comforts the Aladdin will bring to every member of your household. The Aladdin line comprises table, hanging, bracket, vase, and floor lamps in a variety of handsome and durable finishes. Come In NOW—Our Stock Is Limited Don’t wait. Com« in at oner and inspect thianew 1932 Aladdin. Sec it demonstrate«!. Remember thia offer ia limited both aa to time and quantity. Our stock will not last long under ao generous an offer. The offer positively will not be extended, ao hurry your old lamp« in while the opportunity it with you. Only fora Limited Time Qctiy^Nov 14* Ls'xNTAÌaddin œ $10.75 ™ $!2.75 » ' Will Brighten and Beautify/ Your ENTIRE HOME / SHOP SAVE HERE MONEY I I Hoffman Hdwe. Co. SEE HOFFMAN ABOUT IT—IT PAYS THE HIGHBOY THE LOWBOY An attractive cabinet in satin- finished brown walnut. Super heterodyne using 9 tubes, four of which are screen-grid. A brown walnut cabinet with satin finish; French doors—9 tube super-heterodyne with TONE CONTROL. You can buy any General Electric Radio on the Budget Payment Plan LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD RADIO OR PHONOGRAPH GENERAL ELECTRIC FULL KAN6E KACIC Oregon Gas and Electric Company Telephone 691 «22 BRIDGE STREET VERNONIA, OREGON pl