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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1931)
Oer not®?'E. agi e HAVE SUCCESSFUL HUNT ON JURY DUTY DELEGATES REPORT NELSON ARRANGES Virgil Powell, Virgil Dror- H. E. McGraw and A. L. Kul GOOD CONVENTION baugh and Dr. Marvin R. Eby re ROOT CROP TOUR lander have been on jury duty in the circuit court this week in The delegates who represented | turned Saturday from near Can A root crop demonstration tour St. Helens. Vernonia at the Christian En yon City, in eastern Oregon, af- will be conducted to the John Ja deavor Wildwood Union conven-]ter spen ,lng a week there on a Mr. Kullander was assigned to cob Astor Experiment station tion at Astoria reported it to be!deer unting trip. They all re the grand ury, which completed Tuesday, October 20. The inspec its deliberations Wednesday. Mr. tion of the station will be made a great success. ’ The following _ turned with tbeir limit Virgil first large buck \ | Powell killed the «-♦ McGraw is on the petit jury, and promptly at 1 o’clock. left Vernonia Friday afternoon [about two hours after camp was has to report as each case is and returned late Sunday even The purpose of the tour is to called. Court sessions will con-1 inspect the stock of roots which ing: Rose Sitts, Verna Ray, Hel established. They report deer very plentiful tinue through next week. best varieties Commission Promises to en Charlesworth and Marian include all of the Drafting Room for En Vernonia Piles Up Huge Lindley. F. Claude Stephens re and say tt*t they saw about 175 selected from all parts of the on their t: p. turned Saturday evening. Rev. gineers Engaged in world, in order to determine Plant 273,000 for Majority for In Names Added G. W. Plumer was present and those best adapted to our condi- Theatre Building This Year gave an address Friday evening, I cumbent tions in this part of Oregon. The local Christian society Church Presents The various methods of cultiva To Donor List A drafting room for engineers 273,000 game fish, of which gave an invitation for the rally By a vote of 1283 to 770 the tion that are followed will be dis are to be engaged in the proposal to recall County Com cussed by A. E. Engbretson, 150,000 are cutthroat and 123,- to be held here November 22 Temperance Play who preliminary survey of the short The following have contribut- superintendent of the station, in-| 000 steelhead, will be planted in | and 23 and this was accepted. missioner J. N. Miller was defeat road to the coast has been rent ed Saturday. The voting was1 ed towards the Community Chest cluding fertilizing to give best' waters of Columbia county during The temperance drama, “Charg ed in the Joy theatre building, turns. and insect control. Vari- the next twelve months, accord- On Staff of College Magazine light, a total of 2053 ballots be since the publication of the list re returns, ed with Manslaughter,” was pre- according to H. N. Hackett, state ing cast in contrast with 3895 two weeks ago: ous other items in connection ing to word brought by Lester Oregon State College, Corval-1 for county commissioner in the Mrs. Greenman, Elon Malm- with growing the crops such as Sheeley and J. H. Bush, who lis—(Special.)—Dwight Strong of 1 sented before a large audience at highway engineer who was in November election last year. Mr. sten, Middleton Crawford, H. G. sowing and seeding for dairy attended the meeting of the Vernonia, a sophomore in electri-' ' . i , Christian church Sunday town Monday arranging details. j The office space formerly occu Miller’s lead was more pronounc Sandon, E. E. Yeo, M. D. Cole, cattle in combination with other state fish and game commission cal engineering at Oregon State night. The action centered around the pied by Attorney Gordon R. Watt ed, however, than in the regular J. C. Penney Co., J. E. Tapp, D. | feeds will be discussed. | in Portland Tuesday. college, has been appointed to Amy! All coun-| This county, Mr. Sheeley re- the staff of the Technical Record, trouble’into which a youth got will be used. A north and east Marshall, C. Richardson, A~y •” farmers *-------- •— it» Columbia —1 election. Vernonia Majority Pronounced Hughes, F. E. Dickson, E. B. -. J. ty v, who are interested ... in s growing . ports, ,- ---- , — has - ____ never . heretofore had engineering magazine published as a result of an automobile ac- exposure affords excellent facili Vernonia voters expressed Cline, Bruce McDonald, J. L. Tim-[root crops for dairy cows are in-'sufficient quota. According to the 1 by the student engineers. The I cident after he had been drink- ties for the work. Surveyors will be in the field _ A — this tour — and 2 — in- records J~ of ” ” the commission there magazine is# published once a I ing heavily. Just as things looked themselves in no uncertain terms mons, Bank of Vernonia, Loel;vited to attend their blackest for the boy word within a week’s time, possibly by against the recall, 241 being Roberts, Nellie Dunlap, L. Kizer,'spect the station.—Geo. A. Nel- 'were 67,178 cutthroat and 48,- • month. came that the victim, supposedly Monday, it has been unofficially 000 steelhead liberated in Col against the recall and 42 for it. Emma Weed, E. E. Garner, E. S. son, County Agent. fatally injured, would recover, stated. umbia county in the five year CHURCH PLANS FOR Fifty-seven signed the petition Thompson, Vernonia Bakery, C. and the prisoner was released. Hackett left Tuesday Mr, L. Anderson, Paul Bleile, Mrs. ¡MacMarr Merged period from October 1, 1926 to for recall. SPECIAL SERVICE ijThe bad example in drinking fur morning for Elsie and other September 30, 1931, both to- The local vote by precincts Fred Tousley, Mildred Drake, H. With Safeway Unit gether totalling less than the nished the moral for the play. down-river points in order to was as follows: 1—7 yes, 64 no; V. Holcomb, Mrs. Ollie Roberts, A special young people’s service Local people in the cast were arrangements for the complete E. H. Condit, Mary Grayless, amount for one alone for the 2—18 yes, 74 no; 3—12 yes, 38 The MacMarr store in this is to be held at the Evangelical L. Marie Kirkpatrick as clerk to the beginning of work. Culver and Company, C. C. Dus- ¡city closed Saturday night, and the coming year. no; 4—5 yes, 65 no. church Sunday evening at 7:30. ' prosecuting _______ ______ ____ attorney, Sidney Protest Wolf Crook Survey ten, D. B. Reasoner, J. C. Hen the stock remaining on hand was Proportionate to St ream* Returns by Precincts The newly organized junior choir Malm'sten “as sheriff and Robert Protest against expending state Plantings will be all ocated in I Nineteen precincts in the derson, Oregon-American Lumber transferred immediately to the will have ^charge of the singing I cline as the boy. The leading money on any northern route oth- county reported a 1 majority 1 Co., Judd Greenman, Florence Safeway store across the street. , direct proportion to the capa city and the Douglass orchestra will parts were taken by Rev. R. E. er than the Scappoose-Vernonia- Santee, Marie Kirkpatrick, Mary against the recall and 13 for it. A number of changes in person- °f tba 8breams to maintain them, play. ____ „ ______ Close of _______ Portland, p r prosecuting Hamlet has been made by the Erickson, Constance Bougher, nel The list is as follows: resulted from the merger. Mr. Mr ’ Sheele y state8 ’ Some cutthroat net LL-suueu num vnc wxi. , .... Rev G. W. Plumer, the pastor, attorneyj and Rev_ Mr. Hood I of Uptown association of Portland, Apiary—46 yes, 29 no; Bir- Armitage Drug company, Nehal-^ 'and Mrs. J. F. Rose, who had be Planted on nortb and 80uth will give an address to the young Portland( the father. of which Senator Wm. F. Wood kenfeld—11 yes, 8 no; Chapman em Market, Mrs. W. F. Brown charge of the MacMarr market, iScapoose creeks- the Clatskanie AAAnln ilvan Ainir WlfVl __ people on “Youth A Advancing with j ward is president and U. L. Up —10 yes, 15 no; Clatskanie— ing, L. H. Dewey, Miller Mer-1 ¡were transferred to the Safeway ,nver and Milton ereek- if tbere Christ.” Seats will be reserved Eastern Star Club son is secretary. The reason as- 2 precincts—111 yes, 231 no; cantile Co., P. L. Hewes, J. J. market, replacing F. E. Dickson, 118 enou*h water, besides the Ne- for the young people. signed is the traffic congestion Columbia City—22 yes, 8 no; Grady, E. H. Washburn. At Mrs. Timmon’s who was assigned to the Pay ’n that would result on the Tualatin Deer Island—30 yes, 17 no; De- Takit division of the company’s' “ *8 Poss>ble, he declares, that Thanks for Support The Nehalem Social club met highway if the proposed “Y” were lena—40 yes, 26 no; Goble—27 Shower for stores in Portland. Owen Cal-'a11 of the steelhead will be plant- I wish to take this means of ex yes, 59 no; Marshland—7 yes, Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock vert, manager of the MacMarr ed ln the Nehelem and Rock creek, pressing my thanks to the voters Wednesday afternoon at the home built. They estimated from traf of Mrs. J. L. Timmons. The af fic count that 18,000 cars a day 37 no; McNulty—19 yes, 16 no; ■grocery since the resignation of I Immediate Liberation of Columbia county for the splen- A shower was given in honor of ¡G. i Milton—25 yes, 12 no; Mist— H. Campbell two weeks ago,1 Mo»t of the trout, says Mr. • | did support given me in the re ternoon was spent sewing covers i would pass over that road into for chair cushions at the Mas . Portland if the three highways, 21 yes, 35 no; Prescott—5 yes, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Whitlock at i was transferred to Castle Rock, I Sheeley are to be liberated im- cent recall election. onic and Eastern star home. By ’ Tualatin, Wilson river and Wolf 8 no; Quincy—42 yes; -81 no; the home of Miss Phyllis Nelson Washington. Bob Henderson, I medlate1y- They are now four It is of special gratification to laws were submitted and laid I creek were combined, and an ad- Rainier, 3 precincts—104 yes, Friday. clerk m in vne the iviuviviuxr MacMarr bvuiv store, , was, cierK was inches lon«f- Ordinarily they * are line me inai that you you ueiTioiisLruwu demonstrated su so iui- for- . ditional parallel highway would 114 no; Sauvies Island—3 yes, The evening was spent in play added to the Safeway staff here. *ec* un. spring, when they grow L.ftjiy the unfairness of this re- over till the next meeting adopt- soon have to be built at a big 4 no; St. Helens, 5 precincts— ing games. A lovely luncheon was S. E Couper is manager. to six inches long, but the com- call and that the majority ion. Delicious whipped cream cake ■ expense. 122 yes, 202 no; Scappoose—17 served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ad Mr. Campbell is at present on mission is *17,000 behind in its of you thought deeply and realiz- yes, 77 no; South Scappoose— olph Nelson and daughter Phyllis. vacation in Winlock, Washington. finances this year and cannot af- ed the unseen forces behind this was served with tea and coffee To Hold Rummage Sale by Mrs. McGraw and Mrs. Tim 20 yes, 34 no; Warren—35 yes, ford the additional expense for moVement ’ Those preesnt were Mr. and mons. The next meeting will be I The Pythian Sisters will hold 17 no; Yankton—21 yes, 13 no. Mrs. Gail Whitlock, Mrs. John EARL SMITH BACK feeding. The shortage is due to j Miller, held Tuesday, November 10, in- i a rummage and cooked food sale Vernonia’s Majority Largest diminished sale of licenses partly ---------------------------- Krinick, Rowena Whitlock, Helen Earl Smith returned Friday., . , , . \ stead of Wednesday, which is Saturday in the building formerly Vernonia’s proportional vote Hieber, Florence Santee, Marie from St. Vincents hospital, where i b®cauae of lack of money and ARCHIE ADAMS RETURNS O If A because nAAAHOA W, A v» — streams — — — — — Armistice day, at the home of. occupied by the Dixie cafe, next for Mr. Miller was the largest of Kirkpatrick, Alma White, Irene he was confined with a broken i also many are Archie Adams returned Thurs door to the Brown Furniture Mrs. J. W. Brown. all the populous districts, being' Rayburn, LaVelle Gosa, Margaret down. day of last week from St. Vin leg ever since his accident July Those present were Mrs. J. W. store. better than 5 to 1 and in one; Bennett, Charlotte Hilts, Margar- 31. cents hospital, Portland, his in Brown, Mrs. W. E. Bell, Mrs. precinct slightly over 12 to 1. et Nelson, Leona New, Edwin Con- jury from a log rolling upon him His leg is still in a cast, but j GETS NEW LOCATION L. H. Dewey, Mrs. F. Hartwick, School Budget Mr. Miller’s home town, Clats-1 dit, Bevan Igou, Ray Mills and j|e not being as serious as was fear- Mrs. A. L. Kullander, Mrs. E. E. he is able to be around on I C. F. Hieber has rented the kanie, supported him nearly 41 the hostesses. Mrs. Adolph Nelson crutches” _ _ -- i/x | eu. ed. He is able to be about, but Yeo, Mrs. F. M. Ruhl, Mrs. H. E. small salesroom on Bridge street to 1, though rural territory in- and phyllis Nelson. Io Be Voted On ,lis back Pains him somewhat, McGraw. formerly occupied by Mrs. Asp- eluded in one precinct brought |-------------------------------- P.-T. A. TO MEET and it will be a while before he land’s Mazda shop, and is using down the total, fjeappoose also j Van Peebley was in town the can return to work. The Parent-Teachers associa J. E. Kerr returned Thursday ' it for display of his made-to- A special school tax election made a strong showing, nearly 5 (first of the week on a tempor- tion will meet this Friday at the from Portland. I measure samples. is to be held Saturday from 2 to MRS. SUNELL ENTERTAINS to 1. ary lay-off. Washington school. There will be 7 P- m. at the Vernonia high REBEKAH CLUB election of officers, and it is school to secure authority for urged that all interested be pres Mrs. E. Sunell entertained the exceeding the 6 per cent limita ent. tion, and to pass upon the bud- Mountain Heart Rebekah club HIGH SCHOOL GAME SAT. get, a copy of which appeared Tuesday afternoon. Those pres ent were Mrs. Henry Fogel, Mrs. Vernonia high school will play in the Eagle for the past three Marie O’Donnell, Mrs. Ora Glass- issues. its third league game Saturday The unemployment situation in talk about it some times but nev- Confidence that the Scappoose- “The Nehalem valley offers an Authority for exceeding the six ner, Mrs. Margaret Lines, Mrs. San Francisco is very acute, re-]er on the home field, where it will do anything. They cannot ev- Grace Miner, Mrs. Irene Spen Vernonia-Hamlet route will be unusually good opportunity for per cent limitation is necessary ports Miss Louise Keehn, who re-]en get a bond itsue through for clash with Scappoose. cer, Mrs. Pearl McCabe, Mrs. designated is expressed by J. E. developing and colonizing of The Scappoose team is report- because the wrong base has been Ruby Biggs, Mrs. Sarah Spencer, turned Sunday evening from a a badly needed addition to their Kerr, chairman of the road com small tracts of land and the ed to be composed almost entire- used for voting the tax in pre Mrs. Webb. Lovely refreshments five weeks visit there. Men and water system. mittee of the local chamber of Vernonia-Hamlet route would ms- ly of new material, They lost vious years. The budget, though were served by the hostess and women without work have been San Francisco water is not fit commerce. “We feel that sinoe terially assist in carrying out to Hill Military academy, Port approximately *2,000 greater than Mrs. O'Donnell. drifting into the state from all to drink, she declares, and those the Vernonia-Hamlet and Wolf this scheme. It would go through that of last year, provides for land, 14 to 13 on October 2. parts of the country, she says. who can afford to, buy spring creek roads are so nearly on a an area potentially rich in agri a considerable reduction in cur- Large numbers of them have been water sold in bottles and deliver parity from the reconnaissance cultural and stock raising possi rent expenditures, the increase sleeping on benches in the public ed to customers like milk. In the ___ „_ so _____ _ _____ report that the commission can bilities. 1 Being close to Port- ProdllCß List being necessary because $10,000 parks during the daytime while early morning the streets of cer not help but give our road th« land in an airline it should be in outstanding warrants must be it is warm and then walking the tain residential districts are full preference when the final chapter made accessible to Portland by teachers paid. The outlay for For Nehalem streets at night. of trucks carrying empty water is written,” he declared Monday adequate highway facilities. salaries is less, though this total When a San Francisco store bottles. after spending the previous week shows a slight increase because “The matter of traffic con advertised for an experienced Keeps Growing of the addition of two part time There are only a few beautiful in Portland and Salem in the in trol is another important factor. ' salesman for men’s clothing, she homes. Miss Keehn states, as terest of the project. “It not By building the Wolf creek route teachers. ' learned, it was swamped with 500 most people live in apartments. only offers the development of I traffic would be robbed from the ( Joe Miller is wearing a broad, applicants. Still mounts the list of big It is hard to get good fruit, PYTHIAN SISTERS a large new territory agricultur present Columbia river highway smile now. They won’t pick on One suggestion made by Cali- she found. Oranges and lemons him again right away. ally but also opens up and gives J and concentrated into a very, farm produce grown in the Neha- HONOR MRS. COLE fornia citizens for the relief of are very poor, as the best fruit »1 Portland access to territory that small area in entering Portland. I lem valley. The Pythian Sisters met Wed- Ellis McGraw and Jack Bush , unemployed men is to turn them! is la shipped gh- placed in J. N. Morgan has out. Vegetables, how- would not be benefitted by the I “By building the Scappoose-' a stalk of nesday evening in the I. O. O. F. got so used to turning in at the over tke United States army evel.p are plentiful and very Wolf creek route.” l Vernonia-Hamlet route there ¡the Bank of Vernonia be cared for in military camps. cbeap. Eggs and butter are The Wolf creek route goes wou|d be a saving of distance to] 'Haston Prolific corn between 13 ‘ " After the regular business golf course that they turned out "San Francisco’s better shops high, through approximately 11 miles the greatest portion of the met- land 14 feet tall, with 6 ears to i proceedings the evening was spent | of turn a week ago Thursday! and stores have the most marvel California scenery, she thinks, of virgin timber, Mr. Kerr stated, ropolitan population for the reas- | the stalk. He obtained the seed i playing cards with their bus- night, and Jack’s car had to go lous creations in the way of wo is dry, barren and uninteresting and within the next few years on j^at 49 per cent oj tbe people from Atlanta, Georgia, and grew! bands, in honor of Mrs. Cole, who to the hospital. men’s apparel,” Miss Keehn says, compared with Oregon’s green this would be all logged off. The oi Portland live north of East it on his place near the Mile was recently elected to the of-1 . .¡"but prices are very high.” At clad mountains. ifice of Most Excellent Junior of SEEN ON THE STREET bridge. building of a highway through it I Broadway, the center of popula- Grand Lodge of ____ Oregon. The | J. C. Henderson painting J>ut present the stores do not sell Mr. Morgan planted the ___ com I the _ ____ ______ ____ ___ ____ would increase the fire hazard ton being East 13th and Davis this year in May, but believes Most Excellent Chief, Mrs. Cui- the big MacMarr sign . . . Dan much and are losing money, she PIONEER TEACHER VISITS and there would be danger to the 1 streets. that better results would be ob bertson, in behalf of the Pythian I Cason sitting on the stairway believes. These better shops, she travelling from trees falling Mrs. W. E. L«e of Ontario, “Over 50 per cent of the peo across the highway after the ple of Portland would find it tained by planting in April and Sisters presented Mrs. Cole with next to Ed Holtham’s . . . Tam was told, do not keep any of their Oregon, and son visited Sunday his dad ready to wear more than 60 days. ------ . Ford trailing behind right of way had been cut through shorter in distance by seven or irrigating. Early frosts are apt a beautiful silver console set. whenever George comes to town After that it is moved into the at the V. L. Powell home. . Mrs. to prevent it from maturing, he Refreshments were served. the standing timber. Also the eight miles and more convenient ___ 1-f — —I1-- .L — — 1A AA taught aokAnl . . w L. Tf H. TV Dewey packing big ' — smaller shops — where it 1- is --1J sold. T Lee school naarlv nearly 4(1 40 years timber companies would be put for reaching the coast than would states, if planted too late, C. C. Clay is on his vacation I bundles down the street to give'quite reasonably. iago at Pittsburg. She then was brought to the Chas. Schmidlin to great expense in logging oper the Wolf creek. To reach the visitng relatives in Utah. San Francisco seems to lack in Mrs. L. Bell Gaddis. Her father, to the Community Chest . . . ation due to the highway occu Wolf creek road it would be ne Eagle office some huge apples of Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. ______ Deamer'" ‘ ................... -s. ..... ..-------- ---- . had . • k» homestead —»«.4 .. on .._____________ _ — e- r pride, ........ --- ___ . The Mr w<a Widgwr, Shorty ~ Kullander explaining how'civic — she reports. is not certain. whose variety he pying proposed railway grades cessary for this group to travel in Vernonia he got out of jury duty so soon.1 streets are dirty and littered with St. Helens mountain. of Portland were resembling a bell flower in shape and divinding operations. None through the congested business - - is I Nearly - - everybody ...... ... i papers. Th« |MBa do ,_; ( Mrs. e Thursday. Mr. Deamer, who Jack Kerr meet« The cit citizen« do not not d da- Mrs. Lee Lea was was much much surprised surprised of these objections are encount area, while by going through and appearance. One weighs one i-1 a specialist in radio servicing, is stopping him to find out what.velop any beauty spots, such as a. to see that the valley had chang- and a quarter pounds, and an ered on the Vernonia-Hamlet I considering locating here. 1 he knows. drive along the seashore. Theyjed so much. ___ _ other one pound. (Continued on Page 6) route. Survey For County Gets Miller Wins Short Cut Increase In In County Starts Soon Game Fish 1283 to 770 z¡ NUMBER 64. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1931. VOLUME IX. 1 jj a aa a a Miss Keehn Finds Acute Condition in California Jack Kerr Is Confident Road Will Be Designated Feathers . . . and .. .Talons a a k j